1 A Prospective Study of Hemoglobin Status, Micronutrient Serum Levels and 2 Nutrient Intake of Iranian Pregnant Women during Pregnancy and Their 3 Relation to Birth Weight of the Neonates 4 Abstract: A prospective study was conducted in Iran to investigate the hemoglobin status, 5 micronutrient serum levels and nutrient intake of Iranian pregnant women and their relation to 6 birth weight. Nutrient intake was computed based on 24 hour recall method. During the three 7 trimesters of pregnancy, blood specimens were collected from healthy pregnant women aged 16- 8 40 years. Maternal serum levels of micronutrients were determined by an inductively couple 9 plasma mass spectrometer (ICP/MS) and haemoglobin was assessed by Cyanomethemoglobin. 10 The mean age of studied pregnant women was 26 ± 5years, and the mean birth weight of 11 neonates was 3.3 ± 0.4 kg. The 11% of neonates were considered as low birth weight. The results 12 showed that majority (41%) of pregnant women were in age group 26-36 years. The mean 13 hemoglobin during the second trimester was significantly lower than the mean hemoglobin in the 14 first and the third trimesters of pregnancy. The majority of the anemic women belonged to mild 15 category during pregnancy. Regarding micronutrients, results indicate that iron levels decreased 16 significantly from first to second trimester and significantly increased in third trimester. Serum 17 zinc levels of subjects significantly decreased gradually during the first, second and third 18 trimester. Serum copper levels increased significantly with increasing the gestational period. 19 Calcium and magnesium serum levels during three trimesters were constant. Maternal 20 hemoglobin levels, calcium, iron and zinc serum levels were associated with birth weight of 21 neonates. Energy, protein, calcium, zinc and iron intakes in the third trimester were significantly 22 associated with birth weight of neonates. The findings showed that calcium, protein, iron and 1 23 energy intake of pregnant women could be considered as primary ″predictor factors″ for birth 24 weight of neonates. 25 Key Words: Hemoglobin Status, Micronutrient Serum Levels, Nutrient Intake, Pregnant 26 Women, Birth Weight of the Neonates 27 1) Introduction 28 Every year more than 20 million infants are born with low birth weight worldwide. About 3.6 29 million infants die during the neonatal period (Black, Cousens et al. 2010). Two thirds of these 30 deaths occur in southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. More than one third of child deaths are 31 thought to be attributable to maternal and child under nutrition (Black, Allen et al. 2008). 32 Deficiencies in micronutrients such as iron, calcium, zinc, copper and magnesium are highly 33 prevalent and may occur concurrently among pregnant wome(Graham, Knez et al. 2012) It is 34 estimated that 50% of pregnant women in the developing countries, 18% from the industrialized 35 countries, and up to 80% in South Asia have iron deficiency anemia (Tapiero, Gate et al. 2001). 36 Iron deficiency and consequent anemia during pregnancy could be associated with severe 37 complications like increased risks of maternal mortality and morbidity, premature delivery, and 38 low birth weight(Malee 2008). The role of calcium in intermediary metabolism and skeletal 39 development in prenatal and post natal periods has been established(Demment, Young et al. 40 2003). In humans, inadequate zinc nutrition has been associated with an increased risk of 41 pregnancy complications, including intrauterine growth retardation, prolonged labor, abnormal 42 deliveries, vaginal bleeding, and a variety of intrauterine malformations (Tamura, Goldenberg et 43 al. 2000). Copper is an essential trace element for enzyme systems and its deficiency can lead to 44 a variety of nutritional and vascular disorders (ZEYREK, SORAN et al. 2009). 2 45 Pregnancy is a critical period during which the diet of the pregnant woman reflects not only 46 on her own health, but on the health of the fetus as well. Nutritional adequacy both in quantity 47 and quality during this time is important for the physical and mental development of the infant 48 and later on, of the child(Demment, Young et al. 2003). 49 The micronutrient profile in maternal body will influence the normal growth and 50 development of the fetus in the uterus. The present descriptive study was planned with the 51 objectives of the maternal hemoglobin and levels of calcium, iron, zinc, copper, and magnesium 52 of pregnant women and assessing the association between these parameters in pregnant mothers 53 and the outcome of newborns. 54 2) Material and Methods 55 2.1) Selection of area, hospitals and subjects 56 Khoy, a city located in Iran, was selected for research work. A total of 450 healthy pregnant 57 women, aged between 16-40 years, attending in public health centers for their routine prenatal care 58 were selected as subjects of present study in different social economic status. The inclusive criteria 59 were age group (16 to 40 years) and who continuously visited for health care during the three 60 trimesters of pregnancy in selected urban health care centers. The pregnant women with diabetes 61 mellitus and cardio vascular disease (CVD), multiple pregnancies, mothers with placenta previa and 62 placenta abruptia were excluded from this study. Written consent letter from all of subjects was 63 obtained and they accepted to be the subjects to continue until the birth of the babies. The study was 64 carried out in the year 2009 to 2010. The required information about various aspects proposed to 65 study was provided by questionnaires. 66 2.2) Diet survey and Nutrient Intake: 3 67 The dietary assessment of pregnant women was done, and food intakes were obtained using 68 24-hour dietary recall method. Probing questions were used to help the subjects to remember 69 different meals and drinks consumed on previous day, using standard cups and measures. Nutrient 70 adequacy of energy, protein, calcium, iron, zinc and copper was calculated (Thimmayamma and 71 Pravathi 1996). 72 2.3) Body Measurements 73 Birth weight of newborns was taken within 24 hours after birth, using standard 74 procedure(Jelliffee 1966) A beam balance with an accuracy of 50 g was employed for weighing the 75 infants. Infants were weighed with minimum clothing while the baby was restful. 76 2.4) Biochemical Analysis 77 Venous blood specimens were collected from participating pregnant women during each of the three 78 trimesters was collected in metal free plain tubes. The serum was separated and kept in trace 79 elements-free tubes and stored at ˗40°C until analysis. Haemoglobin and other blood parameters are 80 considered as good indicators of nutritional status (Bamji, Rao et al. 1996). The selected methods for 81 haemoglobin assessment were Cyanomethemoglobin (W.H.O/ UNICEF/ 46 UNO, 1998). Inductively 82 Couple Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP/MS) (Shariati, Yamini et al. 2009) was selected for serum 83 calcium, iron, zinc, copper and magnesium analysis. 84 2.5) Processing of the Data and Statistical Analysis 85 The data collected was subjected to statistical tests utilizing the SPSS-16.0 version (SPSS, 86 Chicago, IL, USA). Suitable tests ANOVAs one way, Binary regression carried out to interpret the 87 results. 88 3) Results: 4 89 3.1) Family Background of Pregnant Women 90 The mean age of pregnant women was 26.1±5.8 years and the age range was 18-40 years. 91 Majority (41%) of pregnant women was in the age group of 26-36 years. Most of the subjects 92 (55%) had high school and diploma levels of education. Eighty-seven percent of subjects were 93 home makers (Table 1). 3.2) Hemoglobin Levels during Three Trimesters of Pregnancy: The average hemoglobin content during the three trimesters of pregnancy is presented in Table 2. 94 It is clear from Table 2 that there was significant difference in the mean hemoglobin 95 levels during the three trimesters. The mean hemoglobin during the second trimester was 96 significantly lower (p<0.05) than the mean hemoglobin in the first and the third trimesters of 97 pregnancy. As shown in Table 3, 77%, 71% and 79% of the subjects had normal hemoglobin during the three trimesters of pregnancy. The majority of the anemic women belonged to mild category 21%, 26% and 20% in the first, the second and the third trimester respectively (Table 3)(WHO/UNICEF/UNO.IDA 1998) 3.3). Profile of Serum Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Copper and Magnesium during Three Trimesters of Pregnancy: The profile of serum calcium, iron, zinc, copper and magnesium of the pregnant women during the three trimesters of pregnancy is given in Table 4. 98 99 The mean serum calcium during the first, second and third trimesters were similar and no change was observed (8.96±0.48, 8.86±0.47 and 8.91±0.42 mg/dl). 100 Our findings showed that there was a significant difference at 5% level in iron levels 101 during the three trimesters. In comparison with the values in the first trimester, serum iron 102 concentration kept decreasing in the third trimester. 5 There was significant difference at 5% level in zinc and copper but not magnesium levels during the three trimesters of pregnancy. The mean serum magnesium during the first, the second and the third trimesters was almost the same (2.10±0.21, 2.08±0.28, 2.09±0.29). 3.4) Birth Weight and Maternal Nutritional Status: Different levels of dietary intake of energy, protein, calcium, iron, zinc, copper and magnesium by pregnant women with reference to variations in birth weight of neonates showed that pregnant women (in third trimester) who consumed 60-79 % of RDA per day gave birth to neonates with LBW (2.6 kg), while the pregnant women with 80-99% of RDA gave birth to neonates with NBW (3.3kg) and with >100% RDA of energy per day gave birth to neonates with 3.6 kg. According to our results increasing of RDA has a positive association with increase birth weight. Regarding association between protein and other nutrients intake with birth weight the results are presented in the Table 5. 3.5) Birth Weight and Hemoglobin Levels: The levels of hemoglobin in the present study were categorized into different levels on the basis of WHO classification. According to the classification of the World Health Organization, pregnant women who had hemoglobin levels less than 11.0 g/dL on the first and the third trimesters were categorized as anemic women. Women with anemia during the third trimester of pregnancy and who had hemoglobin levels 910.9g/dl, 7-8.9 g/dl and <7g/dl were classified as having mild, moderate and severe anemia respectively (WHO/UNICEF/UNO.IDA 1998). As shown in the Table 5 pregnant women with hemoglobin less than 9 g/dl, and who are considered as anemic gave birth to neonates with birth weight of 2.6 kg, while pregnant women with higher hemoglobin level (>11 g/dl), who were considered as normal, gave birth to heavier and normal babies (3.5 kg). Our findings showed that as the hemoglobin level of pregnant women increased, the birth weight of the neonates also increased. (Table 6) 6 103 3.6). Birth Weight and Maternal Serum Calcium and Iron Levels: It was important to 104 analyze the results of different categories of serum calcium, iron, zinc, copper and magnesium 105 levels of pregnant women with reference to variations in birth weight of neonates. The findings 106 are presented in Table 7. It is clear from the Table that pregnant women with more than >9.1 107 µg/dl calcium and 80 µg/dl iron serum levels, gave birth to neonates with heavier birth weight of 108 3.6 and 3.7 respectively, whereas, mothers with serum levels of calcium and iron ≤8.7µg/dl and 109 <67µg/dl gave birth to babies with lighter birth weight 3.1kg and 2.9kg respectively (p<0.05). As 110 shown in the Table, the birth of neonates increased with increase of maternal serum calcium and 111 iron levels. Regarding zinc levels our findings showed that pregnant women with more than 112 70µg/dl serum levels of zinc, gave birth to neonates with heavier birth weight 3.5, whereas, 113 mothers with serum levels of zinc less than 60 µg/dl gave birth to babies with lighter birth 114 weight- 3kg (p<0.05). In the present study the association between maternal copper and 115 magnesium levels and birth weight were not significant. Table 7. 3.7) Information on Neonates 116 3.7.1) Anthropometric Measurements: Anthropometric measurements of the neonates, namely, 117 weight, height, head, chest and upper mid arm circumferences showed a mean of 3.2 kg, 49.4 118 cm, 34.7 cm, 33.1 cm and 10.8 cm respectively as shown in Table 8. The male neonates were 119 heavier, taller and their head and chest circumferences were higher than females (Table 8). 120 3.7.2) Prevalence of Low Birth Weight (<2500g) Neonates: Birth weight was classified 121 according to W.H.O classification into two categories, namely, low birth weight (< 2500g) and 122 normal birth weight (≥2500 g). Our findings were classified and are presented in Table 8. A 123 majority (89%) of neonates had normal birth weight and only 11% of them were considered as 124 low birth weight. Table 9 7 125 126 127 3.8) Prediction of Maternal Factors with Reference to Birth Weight of Neonates Binary logistic regression was carried out to find the predictor factors when all the maternal nutritional attributes are considered together with reference to birth weight (Table 10). 128 129 4) Discussion: 130 The reduction that was observed in the mean hemoglobin during the second trimester of 131 pregnancy is related to the plasma expansion. Regarding the prevalence of the anemia similar 132 results were conducted in Iran (Mirzaei, Eftekhari et al. 2010). 133 The mean serum calcium during the first, second and third trimesters were constant. 134 Similar results was reported in Argentina (Zeni, Soler et al. 2003). On the contrary the results of 135 the study in China (Liu, Yang et al. 2010) showed a decline in the maternal serum calcium in the 136 second trimester of pregnancy in comparison to the first and the third trimester. The mean serum 137 calcium level presented in the current study in all three trimesters was higher than that in a study 138 reported in China (6.8mg/dl) (Liu, Yang et al. 2010). Other studies conducted in Thailand 139 (Sukonpan and Phupong 2005) and Ethiopia (Kassu, Yabutani et al. 2008) reported that the range 140 of calcium was higher than the mean of calcium level in the current study. Optimum level and 141 any sort of changes in the level of serum calcium play a vital role in the health and wellbeing of 142 the mother as well as of the neonate. The very high circulatory concentrations of estrogen and 143 progesterone alter the concentration of many substances including calcium in the maternal blood 144 during pregnancy (Mayne 1996). Studies of calcium homeostasis responses during pregnancy 145 have shown increase in both intestinal calcium absorption and urinary calcium excretion during 146 pregnancy and increased rate of bone turnover during pregnancy(Prentice 2000). 147 In comparison with the values in the first trimester, serum iron concentration in our study 148 kept decreasing in the third trimester. This reflects the fact that the iron stores in the pregnant 8 149 body gradually fell during pregnancy. Similar variation in serum iron during pregnancy was 150 shown in South Korea (Lee, Kang et al. 2002). A comparison of the mean serum iron in the 151 current research with the findings of a study in Amman (Awadallah, Abu-Elteen et al. 2004) 152 showed that the mean serum iron was lower than the mean serum iron in the current study for all 153 trimesters. 154 The mean serum levels of zinc in a study conducted in Amman (Awadallah, Abu-Elteen 155 et al. 2004) during the first, the second and the third trimester of pregnancy were similar with the 156 result of the current study. A comparison between the mean serum zinc during the three 157 trimesters of pregnancy in the current study with a study in China (Liu, Yang et al. 2010) showed 158 that the mean serum zinc levels was higher in China than in the current findings. Similar results 159 regarding the zinc variations during the pregnancy period were shown in other studies in China 160 (Liu, Yang et al. 2010) and Turkey (Ilhan and Simsek 2002). The decline in zinc levels is 161 explained by a disproportionate increase in plasma volume, as well as the maternal–fetal transfer. 162 The other reason is a decrease in zinc binding (Tamura, Goldenberg et al. 2000), or low dietary 163 bioavailability (Tuttle 1983), or very high amounts of copper or iron in the diet that compete 164 with zinc at absorption sites (Sheldon, Aspillaga et al. 1985). 165 Our results show that copper levels rose significantly with increasing gestational periods. 166 Similar results were shown in studies in Turkey (Ilhan and Simsek 2002) and China (Liu, Yang 167 et al. 2010). The increase of copper with the progression of pregnancy is partly related to 168 synthesis of ceruloplasmin, a major copper binding protein, as a result of elevated levels of 169 maternal estrogen. Another reason is the decreased biliary copper excretion induced by hormonal 170 changes, typically during pregnancy (O’Brien, Zavaleta et al. 1999). 9 171 Regarding the mean serum magnesium during pregnancy the similar results was reported 172 in Argentina.(Zeni, Soler et al. 2003). In the study that was carried out in India (Pathak, Kapoor 173 et al. 2003) among pregnant women, the findings showed that the mean serum magnesium was 174 lower than the current findings, while the mean serum magnesium in normal pregnant women 175 that was reported in Thailand (Punthumapol and Kittichotpanich 2008) was similar to the present 176 study. As shown in our study, the blood magnesium levels slightly decreased (<0.05) in the 177 second trimester and increased in the third trimester. Generally, the hypomagnesemia is 178 associated with hemodilution, renal clearance during pregnancy, and consumption of minerals by 179 the growing fetus (Williams and Galerneau 2002). Besides, the blood magnesium levels are 180 partly dominated by estrogen (Dale and Sinpson 1992). 181 Results of the current study showed that as energy and protein intake of pregnant women 182 increased the birth weight of neonates also increased. Other groups of investigators in India 183 (Rao, Aggarwal et al. 2007) and elsewhere in Iran (Houshiar-Rad, Omidvar et al. 1998) have 184 reported comparable results with regard to protein and energy intake and birth weight. However, 185 contradicting this result, a study conducted in Oman (Bawadi H 2010) has not found a significant 186 relationship between the intake of energy and protein and the birth weight. 187 Similar results with consumption of the calcium and iron by pregnant women were 188 observed and reported in others countries, namely, Saudi Arabia (Al-Shoshan 2007); South 189 Africa (Osendarp, West et al. 2003) and Iran (Sabour, Hossein-Nezhad et al. 2006). 190 191 Similar results was shown in the USA (Neggers, Goldenberg et al. 1997) which indicated that higher consumption of zinc resulted in heavier neonates. 192 Results from other studies which have been conducted in other countries, namely, the 193 Saudi Arbia (Al-Shoshan 2007) and South Africa (Osendarp, West et al. 2003) noted that, in 10 194 agreement with the present study there is no significant relationship between copper and 195 magnesium intake and birth weight of neonates. 196 Our findings showed that as the hemoglobin level of pregnant women increased, the birth 197 weight of the neonates also increased. Other study in India (Malhotra, Sharma et al. 2002) and 198 Iran (Yazdani, Tadbiri et al. 2004) are in agreement with the current study which indicated the 199 importance of normal hemoglobin level ( Hb>11g/dl) on pregnancy outcome. 200 Regarding the association between birth weight and maternal serum calcium and iron levels, our 201 finding are in agreement with the studies in Iran (Hadipour, Norimah et al. 2010) and Korea(Lee, 202 Kim et al. 2006), which reported that there was significant association between birth weight of 203 neonates and maternal calcium and iron levels. Zinc is an important nutrient during pregnancy 204 and plays a critical role in normal growth and development, cellular integrity and several 205 biochemical functions. If a pregnant woman has zinc deficiency, the fetus will suffer from zinc 206 deficiency during fetal development. Therefore, an impairment in these processes can retard fetal 207 growth and result in LBW of the infant (King 2000). 208 In agreement with the results of other studies in Turkey (Ozdemir, Gulturk et al. 2007); 209 and Kuwait (Al-Saleh, Nandakumaran et al. 2004) our results showed no significant differences 210 between copper and magnesium levels during pregnancy and birth weight of the neonates. 211 Eleven percent of neonates were considered as low birth weight. Similar results were reported in 212 Iran (Veghari 2009)(11.1%). The prevalence of low birth weight in India (Rao, Kumar Aggarwal 213 et al. 2007), (24.3%) was higher and in Japan(Takimoto, Yokoyama et al. 2005), (8.3%) was 214 lower than that in the present study. 215 5) Conclusion and Suggestion: 216 217 It may be concluded that maternal nutrient intake, hemoglobin levels and serum calcium, iron and zinc influenced birth weight of the neonates. 11 218 The findings of the Binary logistic regression test showed that hemoglobin levels, 219 calcium intake, protein intake, iron intake and energy intake of women could be considered as 220 ″prediction factors″ for birth weight of neonates. These studies would be enable the appropriate 221 intervention strategies to be developed, implemented, and evaluated. Such efforts will require the 222 collaboration and commitment of government agencies, health care providers, nutritionists, 223 research institutions, and the community. 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