The Promise or Problem of Private Prisons

Soc 366 – Punishment and Society
Fall, 2011
Essay One
The Promise or Problem of Private Prisons?
Starting with the convict leasing system in the south, there has been a steady, if inconsistent
relationship between private enterprise and the correctional system. As you are learning, in
today’s times we’re seeing an increase in the use of private companies in prisons—either
providing services to the prison, such as medical services, or actually owning and operating the
prisons themselves.
In this essay, you have three choices:
1) You may write an argument for the use and existence of private prisons.
2) You may write an argument against the use and existence of private prisons
3) A critique on the current state of private prisons with an argument on how to fix them.
A good argument will try to convince/persuade the reader (that’s me) who knows nothing about
this issue:
a) Why this is an important topic
b) What are the important general issues that need to be taken into account to make sense of
privatization, and private prisons
c) What the strengths of your position are
d) What the drawbacks to your position are (yes, a good argument will recognize and
account for the weaknesses), and
e) A conclusion, making the case one last time for your point of view.
See the handout “How to write a good argument,” which can be found on the course blog. The
best-written arguments will have each element of a good argument and show a consideration of
the information in this handout. Additionally, I should be able to “easily” pick out these parts.
For example, it should be clear what your main points are, and what the reasons are you use to
back up those assertions. The evidence you provide should support the reason stated, and not
some other reason or conclusion.
Your main sources are the articles by Caplan, Starr, Bailey, the Carceral book, and our class
discussions. However, an “A” or “B” level paper will show the integration of other outside
sources, and your “A” papers may even cite an academic journal article or two.
Book(s) and your journal articles must be properly cited, both in the text and in your reference
list to appear on a separate sheet at the end of your essay. You will find a style guide for the
American Sociological Association posted at “Assignment Central” on the class website.
over, please 
No Title Page! Please put a creative title for your essay (not just Soc 366 Essay One) and your
name, centered on the page, at the top of the first page. Your name should not appear anywhere
else. Pages should also be numbered.
“C” level assignments will be no shorter than 4½ double-spaced pages. All assignments will be
no longer than 6 double-spaced pages. Use Times New Roman, 12 point font. 1-inch margins on
all sides (yes, I measure to make sure you’ve followed directions). Please also use double-sided
printing. If you are worried that you can’t write this much, try and get a draft done early, and
then make an appointment with me.
Essays will be graded based on the criteria specified in the grading rubric, which you were
provided with at the back of your syllabus. You will find a copy of the grading rubric posted at
“Assignment Central” on the class website. A word of caution – if you fail to follow or ignore
any/all of the provided directions, you may fail the assignment.