Challenging Gendered Media Mis(s)Representations of

Challenging Gendered Media Mis(s)Representations of Women Professionals & Leaders
ESRC Funded Seminar Series 2014-2017
Seminar 2
Analysing Gendered Media Misrepresentations: Multi-disciplinary Methodological Approaches
11th March 2015 Hosted by Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University.
THEME ONE 2014-15
Under the theme of Gendered Media Representations of Women at Work: Why do they matter and how do
we know and following the successful launch of the Seminar Series at Durham University Business School in
October 2014, we are delighted to announce Seminar 2 entitled Analysing Gendered Media
Misrepresentations: Multi-disciplinary Methodological Approaches to be hosted by Newcastle Business
School, Northumbria University on 11th March 2015 (9.30-4pm).
Seminar 2 aims: To discuss the ways that academics from different disciplines have interrogated gendered
media representations, their methods of enquiry and the empirical results. To discuss what impact these
methods have had to date and how to capitalise on these and future studies to inform media audiences
and challenge gendered misrepresentations.
Speakers Include:
Professor Elisabeth Kelan, Professor of Leadership at Cranfield School of Management
Dr. Rebecca Coleman, Department of Sociology, Goldsmiths University of London
Professor Liesbet van Zoonen, Dean Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities (EGS3H),
Rotterdam Professor of Popular Culture, Erasmus University, NL Professor of Media and Communication,
Loughborough University, UK
Seminar Series Overview
The media is a powerful player in the promotion or otherwise of gender equality worldwide & media
representations of women have great impact on how women are viewed & view themselves; ‘If you can’t
see it – you can’t be it’. Continued media focus on women's gender, not competence, ignores women's
achievements as leaders & professionals, misrepresenting their ability, contribution & advancement. This
innovative seminar series explores, examines & challenges how media shapes & influences the way in
which women are constructed as professionals & leaders. Unique in bringing together leading international
researchers from multiple disciplines, journalists, professional groups, lobbyists & those committed to the
progress of women professionals & leaders, this series aims to;
 develop a network to challenge the media stereotypes of women professionals & leaders
 raise awareness & understanding of gendered stereotypes of women & their effects
 challenge the gendered construction of women leaders in the media
 attack gender stereotypes: identify future research agendas for academics & practitioners in
management & business.
To book your place at the 11th March 2015 seminar at Northumbria University please contact Chloe Anson,
ESRC Seminar Series 'Challenging Gendered Media Mis(s)Representations of Women Professionals and
Leaders'. Twitter: @GenderedMedia