Population structure in the great reed warbler at microsatellites Study species and key questions: You will explore population genetic parameters using GenAlEx. Aim: to evaluate deviations from Hardy-Weinberg, population structure and isolation-bydistance. The great reed warbler breeds in marshes in Eurasia and overwinters in Africa. Two subspecies are recognized. There are slight plumage and morphometric differences between populations and subspecies. The species colonized Sweden in the 1950s and the current population size is approximately 500 pairs. During the colonization process the Swedish population went through a (moderate) bottleneck. Figure 1. Great reed warbler, breeding range and study populations. Analyse the data in GenAlEx 1. Open GenAlEx and if Excel asks about macro, choose “Enable”. Check that the GenAlEx add-in is activated. 2. Open “Warbler Population Structure -Genalex.xlsx” through Excel (>Archive, >Open). a. Check that you have one spreadsheet with the genetic data for each population and one spreadsheet with geographical distances. b. Check that your genetic data is organised according to the example below, and that you understand how the data is organised: i. How many populations are there? _________ ii. How many loci are there? _________ iii. What is the name of the 4th locus? _________ iv. Number of samples in Hungary? _________ v. How many samples are there in total? _________ vi. Which cell contains the first allele? _________ vii. What is the geographical distance between the populations from Sweden and Kazakhstan? _________ 1 Figure 2. Example of a GenAlEx spreadsheet. 3. Visualise the allele frequencies by using >Frequency and then e.g. the options >Graph by locus and >Graph by Pop for each Locus. Browse through the output. Can you from the graphs already now get a feeling for which populations are genetically quite similar/dissimilar? _______________ 4. Evaluate the amount of genetic variation in the populations as measured by heterozygosity and number of alleles, etc. (>Frequency, Options: > >Het, Fstat & and Poly by Pop; look in HFP): Sample size Mean number of alleles (Na) Observed heterozygosity (Ho) Expected heterozygosity (He) Spain Sweden Latvia Germany Hungary Belarus Ukraine Kazakhstan Average Which populations seem to contain particular low/high amount of genetic variation? ______________________________________________________________ 5. Calculate the pairwise FST-values between populations using the AMOVA approach, and also perform a permutation test to test whether the FST -values may differ from zero (>AMOVA, Option A: >Codom-Allelic, >Analysis for Total Only, >Output As Tri Matrix, 2 Option B: >Pie Graph, >Standard Permute, >999 permutations, >Output for Total Only, >Output Pairwise Fst Matrix, >999 permutations). a. Check results for the Global calculations (Fst): What is the global FST-value in the data set? What is the P-value for the FST-value? What is the global FIS-value in the data set? What is the P-value for the FIS-value? ________ ________ ________ ________ b. Enter the pairwise FST-values and P-values between populations in the table below (FstP or perhaps FstP (2)) Spain Sweden Latvia Germany Hungary Belarus Ukraine Kazakhstan Spa * Swe Lat Ger Hun Bel Ukr Kaz * * * * * * * Note. The Fst-values with the ‘frequency option’ and the ‘AMOVA option’ may differ somewhat because they are calculated in slightly different ways. 6. Evaluate whether there is any Isolation-by-Distance in great reed warblers by correlating genetic and geographical distances and testing the significance of the relationship with a Mantel test (go to the spreadsheet called “Geographical Distance”, choose >Mantel, Options: >Tri Distance Matrix, >999 permutations, >XY Graph., >Y Matrix: FstP or FstP (2)). Check the results (MT) and make a rough plot below: Scatterplot: pairwise FST against geographical distance Is this relationship statistically significant? This exercise was put together by Bengt Hansson (March 19, 2014). 3 p= _____________