Public - Creighton University

D. S. Malik, John N. Mordeson, and M. K. Sen, Fundamentals of Abstract
Algebra, International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics, McGraw
Hill, 1997.
John N. Mordeson and P. S. Nair, Fuzzy Mathematics, An Introduction for
Engineers and Scientists, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing 20,
Physica-Verlag, A Springer-Verlag Company, 1998; second edition, 2001.
John N. Mordeson and D. S. Malik, Fuzzy Commutative Algebra, World
Scientific Publishing, 1998.
John N. Mordeson and P. S. Nair, Fuzzy Graphs and Fuzzy Hypergraphs,
Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing 46, Physica-Verlag, A SpringerVerlag Company, 2000.
John N. Mordeson, D. S. Malik, and S. C. Cheng, Fuzzy Mathematics in
Medicine, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing 55, Physica-Verlag
Company, 2000
D. S. Malik and John N. Mordeson, Fuzzy Discrete Structures, Studies in
Fuzziness and Soft Computing 58, Physica-Verlag Company, 2000.
J. N. Mordeson and D. S. Malik, Fuzzy Automata and Languages: Theory and
Applications, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2002
J. N. Mordeson, D. S. Malik, and N. Kuroki, Fuzzy Semigroups, Studies in
Fuzziness and Soft Computing 131,Springer-Verlag, 2003.
J. N. Mordeson, K. R. Bhutani, and A. Rosenfeld, Fuzzy Group Theory,
Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing 182, Springer-Verlag, 2005.
T. D. Clark, J. M. Larson, J. N. Mordeson, J. D. Potter, M. J. Wierman,
Applying Fuzzy Mathematics to Formal Models in Comparative Politics,
Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing 225 Springer-Verlag, 2008.
Lecture Notes
J. N. Mordeson and B. Vinograde, ``Structure of Arbitrary Purely
Inseparable Extension Fields," Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 173, 138
pages, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1970.
Yu Yandong, J. N. Mordeson, and C-S Cheng, ``Elements of L-algebra,''
Lecture Notes in Mathematics and Computer Science, Center for Research in
Fuzzy Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol. 1, 360 pages, Creighton
University, Omaha, Nebraska 68178, 1994.
J. N. Mordeson, ``L-Subspaces and L-Subfields,'' Lecture Notes in
Mathematics and Computer Science, Center for Research in Fuzzy Mathematics
and Computer Science, Vol. 2, 217 pages, Creighton University, Omaha,
Nebraska 68178, 1996.
Invited Chapters
J. K. Deveney and J. N. Mordeson, “Higher Derivation Galois Theory of
Inseparable Field Extensions,” Handbook of Algebra, Vol.1, Elsevier
Science Publishers 187 - 230, 1995.
J. N. Mordeson and P. S. Nair, ``Trees, Cycles, and Cocycles of fuzzy
graphs'', Eds., A. Kent and J. G. Williams, Encyclopedia of Computer
Science and Technology 39 Supplement 24 301 - 322, 1998.
J. N. Mordeson, “Fuzzy Mathematics,”Ed. Larry S. Davis, Foundations of
Image Understanding, Kluwer Academic Publishers 95 – 125, 2001
Invited Papers
J. N. Mordeson, Fuzzy commutative algebra and intersection equations, Inf. Sci.
128 (2000) 128 – 145
D. S. Malik and J. N. Mordeson,”Algebraic fuzzy automata theory,” Arabian J. for
Science and Engineering,”25, #2C, (2000) 23 – 52.
D. S. Malik and J. N. Mordeson, “Structure of upper and lower approximation
spaces,” In: Data Mining, Rough Sets and Granular Computing, Editors: Tsau Young
Lin. Yiyu Y. Yao and Lotfi Zadeh, Physica-Verlag, Vol. 95, 2002, 461 – 473.
J. N. Mordeson, Zadeh’s influence on mathematics, Scientia Iranica (2011)
1. D. Malik and J. Mordeson, "Fuzzy prime ideals of a ring," Fuzzy Sets and
Systems 37 (1990) 93 - 98.
2. D. Malik and J. Mordeson, "Fuzzy subfields," Fuzzy Sets and Systems 37 (1990)
383 - 388.
3. D. Malik and J. Mordeson, "Fuzzy maximal, radical, and prime ideals of a
ring," Information Sci. 53 (1991), 237 - 250.
4. D. Malik and J. Mordeson, "Fuzzy primary representations of fuzzy ideals,"
Information Sci. 55 (1991), 151 - 165.
5. D. Malik and J. Mordeson, "Fuzzy vector spaces," Information Sci. 55 (1991),
271 - 281.
6. D. Malik and J. Mordeson, ``A note on fuzzy relations and fuzzy groups,''
Information Sci. 56 (1991), 193 - 198.
7. D. Malik and J. Mordeson, ``Fuzzy relations in rings and groups,'' Fuzzy Sets
and Systems 43 (1991), 117 - 123.
8. D. Malik and J. Mordeson, ``Fuzzy subgroups of abelian groups,'' Chinese J.
Math. 19 (1991), 129 - 145.
9. D. Malik and J. Mordeson, ``A Note on Fuzzy Primary Ideals,'' J. Bangladesh
Academy of Sciences 15 (1991), 215 - 216.
10. D. Malik and J. Mordeson, ``Fuzzy direct sums of fuzzy rings,'' Fuzzy Sets
and Systems, 45 (1992) 83 - 91.
11. D. Malik and J. Mordeson, ``Extensions of fuzzy subrings and fuzzy ideals,''
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 45 (1992) 245 - 251.
12. D. Malik and J. Mordeson, ``Fuzzy homomorphisms of rings,'' Fuzzy Sets and
Systems, 46 (1992) 139 - 146.
13. D. Malik and J. Mordeson, ``Radicals of fuzzy ideals,'' Information Sci., 65
(1992) 239 - 252.
14. D. Malik, J. Mordeson, and P. Nair, ``Fuzzy generators and fuzzy direct sums
of abelian groups,'' Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 50 (1992) 193 - 199.
15. D. Malik, J. Mordeson, and P. Nair, ``Fuzzy normal subgroups in fuzzy
subgroups,'' J. Korean Math. Soc., 29 (1992) 1 - 8.
16. J. Mordeson, ``Fuzzy field extensions,'' Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 47 (1992)
253 - 264.
17. J. Mordeson, ``Fuzzy algebraic field extensions,'' Fuzzy Sets and Systems,
45 (1992) 359 - 365.
18. J. Mordeson, ``Fuzzy transcendental field extensions,'' Chinese J. Math., 20
(1992) 55 - 68.
19. J. Mordeson, ``Distinguished subfields and splitting of fuzzy subfields,''
Bulletin Calcutta Math. Soc., 84 (1992) 121 - 126.
20. J. Mordeson, ``Fuzzy subfields of finite fields,'' Fuzzy Sets and Systems,
52 (1992) 93 - 96.
21. J. Mordeson, ``Splitting of fuzzy field extensions, J. Nigerian Math. Soc.
11 (1992) 33 - 44.
22. J. Mordeson, ``Bases of fuzzy vector spaces,'' Information Sci., 67 (1993)
87 - 92.
23. J. Mordeson, ``Fuzzy algebraic varieties,'' Rocky Mountain J. Math., 23
(1993) 1361 - 1377.
24. J. Mordeson, ``Generating properties of fuzzy algebraic strucutures,'' Fuzzy
Sets and Systems 55 (1993) 107 - 120.
25. J. Mordeson, ``Fuzzy line graphs,'' Pattern Recognition Letters 14 (1993)
381 - 384.
26. J. Mordeson, ``Fuzzy coefficient fields of fuzzy subrings,'' Fuzzy Sets and
Systems 58 (1993) 227 - 237.
27. J. Mordeson, ``Fuzzy Galois theory,'' J. of Fuzzy Mathematics (1993) 659 671.
28. J. Mordeson, ``Fuzzy algebraic varieties II,'' Advances in Fuzzy Theory &
Technology, Vol. 1, 9 - 21, 1993.
29. J. Mordeson, ``Fuzzy intersection equations and C - S Peng,'' Fuzzy Sets and
Systems 60 (1993) 77 - 81.
30. E. Eslami and J. Mordeson, ``Structure of fuzzy subrings,'' Information.
Sci. 76 (1994) 57 - 65.
31. J. Mordeson, ``Bases of fuzzy algebraic structures,'' Fuzzy Sets and Systems
62 (1994) 185 - 191.
32. J. Mordeson, ``Invariants of fuzzy subgroups,'' Fuzzy Sets and Systems 63
(1994) 81 - 85.
33. J. Mordeson and C - S Peng, ``Operations on fuzzy graphs,'' Information
Sciences 79 (1994) 159 - 170.
34. D. Malik, J. Mordeson, and M. Sen, ``Fuzzy normal subgroups, solvability of
fuzzy subgroups and congruence relations, J. of Fuzzy Math. 2 (1994) 397 - 408.
35. D. Malik, J. Mordeson, and M. Sen, ``Semigroups of fuzzy finite state
machines,'' Advances in Fuzzy Theory & Technology, Vol. 2, 87 - 98, 1994.
J. Mordeson, ``Infinite fuzzy Galois theory,'' Advances in Fuzzy Theory &
Technology, Vol. 2, 99 - 109, 1994.
37. J. Mordeson,``Relative p-bases of fuzzy field extensions,'' Chinese J. Math.
22 (1994) 297 - 308.
38. D. Malik, J. Mordeson, and M. Sen, ``Submachines of fuzzy finite state
machines,'' J. Fuzzy Math. 2 (1994) 781 - 792.
39. D. Malik, J. Mordeson, and M. Sen, ``On subsystems of a fuzzy finite state
machine,'' Fuzzy Sets and Systems 68 (1994) 83 - 92.
40. C-S Cheng and J. Mordeson, ``Fuzzy linear operators and fuzzy normed linear
spaces,'' Bulletin Calcutta Math. Soc., 86 (1994) 429 - 436.
41. J. Mordeson and M. Sen, ``Basic fuzzy subgroups,'' Information Sciences 82
(1995) 167 - 179.
42. J. Mordeson, ``Fuzzy group subalgebras,'' J. of Fuzzy Math. 3 (1995) 69 81.
43. A. Jaballah and J. Mordeson, ``Minimal generating systems for fuzzy ideals,'
Soochow J. Math., 21 (1995) 183 - 192.
44. J. Mordeson, ``Fuzzy group subalgebras II,'' J. of Fuzzy Math. 3 (1995) 885
- 897.
45. D. Malik, J. Mordeson, and M. Sen, ``The Cartesian composition of fuzzy
finite state machines,'' Kybernets: The International J. of Systems and
Cybernetics, 24 (1995) 98 - 110.
46. J. Mordeson, ``Commentary: Definition of prime and primary fuzzy ideals,''
J. Fuzzy Math. 3 (1995) 345 - 349.
47. J. Mordeson and W. Newman, ``Fuzzy integral equations,'' Inform. Sci., 87
(1996) 215 - 229.
48. D. Malik and J. Mordeson, ``R-primary L-representations of L-ideals,''
Inform. Sci., 88, (1996) 227 - 246.
D. Malik, J. Mordeson, and M. Sen, ``On fuzzy regular languages,'' Inform.
Sci., 88 (1996) 263 - 273.
51. J. Mordeson and P. Nair, ``Fuzzy Mealy machines,'' Kybernetes: The
International J. of Systems and Cybernetics, 25 (1996) 18 - 33.
52. J. Mordeson and P. Nair, ``Fuzzy Mealy machines: homomorphisms, admissible
relations and minimal machines,'' International J. of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and
Knowledge-Based Systems, 4 (1996) 27 - 43.
J. Mordeson and P. Nair, ``Cycles and cocycles of fuzzy graphs,'' Inform.
Sci., 90 (1996) 39 - 49.
54. J. Mordeson and P. Nair, ``Successor and source of (fuzzy) finite state
machines and (fuzzy) directed graphs,'' Inform. Sci. 95 (1996) 113 - 124.
55. D. Malik, J. Mordeson, and M. Sen, ``Free fuzzy submonoids and fuzzy
automata'', Bulletin Calcutta Math. Society 88 (1996) 145 - 150.
56. E. Eslami and J. Mordeson, ``Completions and fuzzy power series rings,''
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 82 (1996) 97 - 102.
57. J. Mordeson, ``Fuzzy intersection equations and primary representations,''
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 83 (1996) 93 - 98.
58. N. Kuroki and J. Mordeson, ``Successor and source functions,'' J. Fuzzy
Math. 5 (1997) 173 - 182.
59. N. Kuroki and J. Mordeson, ``Structure of rough sets and rough groups,'' J.
Fuzzy Math. 5 (1997) 183 - 191.
60. D. Malik, J. Mordeson, and M. Sen, ``Products of fuzzy finite state
machines'', Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 92 (1997) 95 - 102.
61. Y. Alkhamees and J. Mordeson, ``Fuzzy localized subrings,'' Inform. Sci., 99
(1997) 183 - 193.
62. D. Malik, J. Mordeson, and M. Sen, ``Admissible partitions of fuzzy finite
state machines,'' International J. of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based
Systems, 5 (1997) 723 - 732.
63. B. Eke, K-H Lee, and J. Mordeson, ``Fuzzy derivations,'' Arab J. of Math,
Sci., 3 (1997) 1 - 19.
64. K-H Lee and J. Mordeson, ``Factorization of fuzzy ideals in Dedekind
domains'', J. Fuzzy Math., 5 (1997) 741 - 745.
65. K-H Lee and J. Mordeson, ``Fractionary fuzzy ideals and fuzzy invertible
fractionary fuzzy ideals'', J. Fuzzy Math., 5 (1997) 875 - 883.
66. K-H Lee and J. Mordeson, ``Fractionary fuzzy ideals and Dedekind domains'',
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 99 (1998) 105 - 110.
67. Y. Alkhamees and J. Mordeson, ``Fuzzy principal ideals and fuzzy simple
field extensions,'' Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 96 (1998) 247 - 253.
68. Y. Alkhamees and J. Mordeson, ``Local examination of fuzzy intersection
equations,'' Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 98 (1998) 249 - 254.
69. J. Mordeson and P. Nair, Cartesian composition of transition spaces, J.
Fuzzy Math., 6 (1998) 511 - 521.
70. D. S. Malik and J. N. Mordeson, ``Algebraic L-varieties and intersection
equations, J. Pure Math., Dept. of Math. Calcutta Univ., vol. 15 (1998) 1 - 22.
71. G. Gong, H. Stern, S - C Cheng, N. Fong, J. Mordeson, H - W Deng, M.
Johnson, R. Recker,``On the association of bone mineral density with vitamin D
receptor gene polymorphism,'' Osteoporosis International, 9 (1999) 55 - 64.
72. G. Gong, S - C Cheng, and J. N. Mordeson, ``Vitamin D receptor gene
polymorphism affects bone mineral density: An analysis by fuzzy mathematics,''
Inf. Sci., 113 (1999) 113 - 125.
73. D. S. Malik, J. N. Mordeson, and M. K. Sen, “Minimization of of fuzzy finite
automata,” Inf. Sci., 113 (1999) 323 - 330.
74. D. S. Malik and J. N. Mordeson, “On fuzzy recognizers,” Kybernetes: The
International J. of Systems and Cybernetics 28 (1999) 47 - 60.
75. D. S. Malik and J. N. Mordeson, “On minimal fuzzy recognizers,” J. Fuzzy
Math., 7(1999) 381 - 389.
76. J. N. Mordeson,”Algebraic structure of lower approximation spaces,” J. Fuzzy
Math., 7(1999) 631 - 637
77. Y. Alkhamees and J. N. Mordeson, “Reduced fields, primitive and fuzzy Galois
theory,” J. Fuzzy Math. 8 (2000) 157 - 173.
78. J. N. Mordeson, “Fuzzy commutative algebra and intersection equations,” Inf.
Sci., 128 (2000) 127 – 145.
79. D. S. Malik and J. N. Mordeson, “Algebraic fuzzy automata theory,” The
Arabian J. of Science and Engineering 25 (2000) 23 – 52.
80. S. W. Kuresh, J. N. Mordeson, and S-C Cheng, “Characterization of fuzzy
ordered filters in negatively ordered monoid,” J. Fuzzy Math. 9 (2001) 181 –
81. S. W. Kuresh, J. N. Mordeson, and S-C Cheng, “Normal fuzzy ordered filters
in negatively ordered monoid,” J. Fuzzy Math. 9 (2001) 191 – 199.
82. C. M. Helgason, D. S. Malik, S-C Cheng, T. H. Jobe, J. N. Mordeson,
“Statistical versus Fuzzy Measures of Variable Interaction in Patients with
Stroke,” Neorepidemiology 20 (2001) 77 – 84.
83. J. N. Mordeson, “Rough set theory applied to (fuzzy) ideal theory, Fuzzy
Sets and Systems 121 (2001) 315 – 324.
84. S. W. Kuresh and J. N. Mordeson, “Homomorphisms of abelian pomonoids induced
by a class of BCI-homomorphisms,” Semigroup Forum 65 (2002) 215 – 224.
85. J. N. Mordeson and Y. Y. Yao, “Fuzzy cycles and fuzzy trees,” J. Fuzzy Math.
10 (2002) 189 – 202.
86. G. Gong, G. Haynatzki, J. N. Mordeson, S-C Cheng, N. Fong, R. R. Recker,
Association between bone mineral density and candidate genes in different races
and its implications, Chinese Medical Journal, Electronic Edition, 115 (3) 116 –
121. (Vol. 115 no.1, #19).
87. G. Gong, G. Haynatzki, H-W Deng. R. R. Recker, J. N. Mordeson, C-S Cheng, N.
Fong, Fine mapping of susceptibility genes by Lewontin’s linkage disequilibrium
measure with application to Alzheimer’s disease, Chinese Medical Journal 2002,
115(8), 1233 – 1240.
88. N. Kuroki, J. N. Mordeson, and S-C Cheng, “The upper approximation with
repeect to the least group congruence on an inverse semigroup,” J. Fuzzy Math.
10 (2002) 1003 – 1010.
89. J. N. Mordeson, “Generating sets for T-fuzzy subspaces,” J. Fuzzy Math. 10
(2002) 1025 – 1038.
90. J. N. Mordeson, “Differentiation of fuzzy functions,” J. Fuzzy Math. 11
(2003) 967 – 985.
91. K. R. Bhutani, J. N. Mordeson, and A. Rosenfeld, ”On degrees of end nodes
and cut nodes in fuzzy graphs,”Iranian J. Fuzzy Systems 1 (2004) 57-64.
92. E. E. Kerre and J. N. Mordeson, “Historical overview of fuzzy mathematics,”
New Mathematics and Natural Computation 1 (2005) 1-26.
93. R. L. Crist and J. N. Mordeson, “Vague rings,” New Mathematics and Natural
Computation 1 (2005) 213-228.
94. K. R. Bhutani and J. N. Mordeson, “Vague groups and omega–vague groups,” New
Mathematics and Natural Computation 1 (2005) 229-242.
95. K. R. Bhutani, R. L. Crist, and J. N. Mordeson, “Free (s,t]-fuzzy
subgroups,” J. Fuzzy Math. (2005) 983-993.
96. K. R. Bhutani and J. N. Mordeson, Similarity Relations, vague groups and
fuzzy subgroups, New Mathematics and Natural Computation, 2 (2006)195-208.
97. J. N. Mordeson, T. D. Clark, M. J. Wierman, J. M. Larson, and A. D. Grieser,
Specifying theories in comparative politics: toward a more thoroughly deductive
approach, New Mathematics and Natural Computation 3 (2007) 165-189.
98. J. N. Mordeson, T. D. Clark, A. D. Grieser, and M. J. Wiereman, An inductive
approach to deterministic causality in comparative politics: a fuzzy set
alternative, New Mathematics and Natural Computation 3 (2007) 191-202.
99. J. N. Mordeson and K. R. Bhutani, Vague groups and vague fields, J. Fuzzy
Math. 15 (2007) 927-944.
100. B. Kokensbarger and J. N. Mordeson, Fuzzy mathematics and communication
with the hearing impaired, Critical Review, (2007) 17-18,
101. T. D. Clark, J. M. Larson, J. N. Mordeson, M. J. Wierman, Applying fuzzy
logic to comparative politics: a proposal, Critical Review (2007) 19-23.
102. J. N. Mordeson, L. E. Houtz, K. R. Rossi, J. M. Voss, and L. R. Burton,
Assessment instruments as predictors of success for children with hearing
impairment in the mainstream classroom: a fuzzy mathematics approach, New
Mathematics and Natural Computation 4 (2008) 23-39.
103. J. N. Mordeson, T. D. Clark, J. M. Larson, M. J. Wierman, Choice functions
and upper choice functions, New Mathematics and Natural Computation 4 (2008)
104. T. D. Clark, J. M. Larson, J. N. Mordeson, and M. J. Wierman, Extension
portfolio allocation model to surplus majority governments: a fuzzy approach,
Public Choice 134 (2008) 179-199.
105. T. D. Clark, J. N. Mordeson, L. Nielsen, and M. J. Wierman, Fuzzy geometry
applied to comparative politics, Critical Review, Vol. II (2008) 1-12.
106. T. D. Clark and J. N. Mordeson, Applying fuzzy mathematics to comparative
politics: What is next?, Critical Review, Vol. II (2008) 13-18.
107. J. N. Mordeson, K. R. Bhutani, and T. D. Clark, The rationality of fuzzy
choice functions, New Mathematics and Natural Computation,4 (2008) 309-327.
108. R. Crist and J. N. Mordeson, Vague vectors spaces, J. Fuzzy Math. (2009)
109. J. N. Mordeson,T. D. Clark, A. Karnik, J. Moore, and M. J. Wierman,
determining the causes of democratic consolidation: A consideration of several
fuzzy methods, New Mathematics and Natural Computation, 5 (2009) 353-369.
110. J. N. Mordeson and T. D. Clark, Fuzzy Arrow’s theorem, New Mathematics and
Natural Computation 5 (2009) 371-383.
111. J. M. Larsen, T. D. Clark, J. N. Mordeson, and M. J. Wierman, Toward
resolving the property ranking issue, Critical Review 3 (2009),1-26.
112. J. N. Mordeson, K. K. Rossi, N. Lanum, L. Olson, and H. C. Wething,Testing
instruments as predictors of success for hearing impaired children in the
mainstream classroom: A generalized Dempster-Shafer approach, Advances in Fuzzy
Sets and Systems 5 (2010) 15-28.
113. J. N. Mordeson, L. Nielsen, and T. D. Clark, Single peaked fuzzy
preferences in one-dimensional models: Does Black’s median voter theorem hold?
New Mathematics and Natural Computation 6 (2010) 1-16.
114. J. N. Mordeson and T. D. Clark, The core in fuzzy spatial models, New
Mathematics and Natural Computation 6 (2010) 17-29.
115. J. N. Mordeson, L. R. Burton, L. Olson, D. W. Mallenby, M. Kelly, B.
Walker, and M. Redmond, Closing the language gap for deaf and hard of hearing
children II, Critical Review 4 (2010) 43 – 62
116. J. N. Mordeson, H. C. Wething, and T. D. Clark, A fuzzy mathematical model
of nuclear stability, New Mathematics and Natural Computation 6 (2010) 119-140.
117. J. N. Mordeson, T. D, Clark, M. B. Gibilisco, and P. C. Casey, A
consideration of different definitions of fuzzy covering relations, New
Mathematics and Natural Computation 6 (2010) 247-359.
118. J. N. Mordeson and T. D. Clark, The existence of a majority rule maximal
set in arbitrary n-dimensional spatial models, New Mathematics and Natural
Computation 6 (2010) 261-274.
119. J. N. Mordeson, K. K. Rossi, N. Lanum. L. Olson, and H. C. Wething, Testing
instruments as predictors of success for hearing impaired children in the
mainstream classroom: A generalized Dempster-Shafer approach, Advances in Fuzzy
Sets and Systems 5 (2010) 15-28.
120. J. N. Mordeson, T. D. Clark, M. J. Wierman, and A. Pham, A fuzzy
of cooperative threat reduction, Advances in Fuzzy Sets and
Systems(2010) 153-168.
121. J. N. Mordeson, T. D. Clark, N. R. Miller, P. C. Casey, and M. B.
Gibilisco, The uncovered set and indifference in spatial models: A fuzzy set
approach, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 168 (2011) 89-11.
122. P. C. Casey, M. J. Wierman, M. b. Gibilisco, J. N. Mordeson, and T. D.
Clark, Assessing policy stability in Iraq: a fuzzy approach to modeling
preferences, Public Choice(2010) DOI 10.1007/s11127-010-9751-1.
123. J. N. Mordeson, C. Goodman, T. D. Clark, and A. Pham, A mathematical model
of smart power, Annals of Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Systems 1 (2011) 1938.
124. B. Doyle, J. N. Mordeson, and N. C. Fong, Communication capabilities of
mentally handicapped students: preliminary report, Critical Review V (2011) 3446.
125. J. N. Mordeson, N. C. Fong, M. L. Mallenby, and A. Pham,2010 quality of
life rankings: fuzzy mathematical approaches, Critical Review V (2011) 47-60.
126. J. N. Mordeson, T. D. Clark, B. Doyle, and L. Olson, Causality: A future
direction for mathematics of uncertainty, Critical Review V (2011) 61-83.