Individualized Healthcare Plan Medical Diagnosis: Anxiety Brownsville ISD: Health Services Student Name: DOB: School Nurse: Date of IHP: NURSING DIAGNOSIS 1. Risk for low-self esteem related to: academic difficulties, poor school attendance, shame and embarrassment, fatigue and social withdrawal. STUDENT GOALS . Home Campus: PLAN OF ACTION BY WHOM/WHEN Student will increase participation in school activities. Assist student to identify his/her strengths and abilities. School Nurse, counselor - ongoing Student will maintain good school attendance pattern. Assist the student in identifying previous and current effective coping strategies. School Nurse/Counselor/Classroom teacher - as needed. The student will establish and maintain healthy peer relationships. Provide emotional support, caring, empathy, and a listening ear. School Nurse/Counselor/Classroom teacher - as needed. 1. The student will identify triggers or sources of anxiety and fear. 2. The student will experience and report fewer somatic complaints. 1. During acute anxiety or panic episode at school: Assess the level of distress. Reduce external stimulation by providing a private, quiet, safe place for the student to go, with supportive supervision. School Nurse, staff, office personnel ongoing 2. Teach the student relaxation exercises, and assist him/her to use them to reduce stress and anxiety symptoms. School Nurse/Counselor – as needed Assist student and parents/guardians to identify and utilize healthcare providers for management of the student’s anxiety disorder: evaluation, follow-up appointments, further symptom management, concerns and problems, refilling prescribed medications. Student will demonstrate active participation in school activities. The student will demonstrate a good school attendance pattern, missing less than days per year due to illness or symptoms related to anxiety. Assist the education team to alert the student of any changes to the usual school day before it happens. Examples: - I will be gone tomorrow to a meeting, so you will be having a substitute teacher. - We will be switching activities in physical education class tomorrow from volleyball to basketball. - We will have a test on Friday on Chapter 3 - Revolutionary War. Write it down in your planner. 2. Risk for Fear related to inability to predict or control symptoms, feeling of panic during anxiety episodes and feelings of distress. EXPECTED OUTCOMES Student will identify persons in his/her support system that he or she can use for assistance in dealing with anxiety symptoms. Identify symptoms of depression. Demonstrate effective management of panic or anxiety episodes. Anxiety Health Care Plan NURSING DIAGNOSIS 3. Risk for Ineffective individual coping, related to stress regarding possible school failure, developmental level/understanding, stressors that exacerbate symptoms, anxiety, possible associated depression and knowledge deficit of school resources. STUDENT GOALS PLAN OF ACTION BY WHOM/WHEN 1. Student will learn and use positive, effective coping strategies to deal with anxiety episodes. 1. Assist student to identify coping strategies he/she uses, effective and ineffective. School Nurse/Counselor - ongoing 2. Student will identify triggers or sources of anxiety and fear. 2. Assist student to learn effective coping strategies. School Nurse/Counselor – ongoing 3. Student will identify his/her support system at school, at home, and within his/her community. 3. Reinforce the use of effective coping strategies. School Nurse/Counselor/Teacher – ongoing 4. Assist student in identifying the triggers and sources of her anxiety and fear. School Nurse/Counselor/Teacher – ongoing 5. Determine students risk for depression and suicide. School Nurse/Counselor - ongoing EXPECTED OUTCOMES Student will identify 2 ways to express his/her needs. Student will identify 3 coping strategies that can be utilized when experiencing symptoms of anxiety and fear. Student will demonstrate 2 effective coping strategies that reduce his/her anxiety. Student will identify 2 family members and 2 staff members at school who can help him/her in a crisis or as a resource for assistance.