Study of Helium Migration in Nuclear Materials at Jannus-Saclay P. Trocellier1*, S. Miro1, Y. Serruys1, S. Vaubaillon1,2, S. Pellegrino1,2, S. Agarwal1, S. Moll3and L. Beck1 1. CEA, DEN, Service de Recherches de Métallurgie Physique, Laboratoire JANNUS 2. CEA, INSTN, UEPTN, Laboratoire JANNUS 3. CEA, DEN, Service de Recherches de Métallurgie Physique F-91191 Gif sur Yvette, France * Author to whom correspondence should be sent ( Abstract The Jannus multi-ion beam facility at Saclay allows performing as well single, dual or triple beam irradiation, ion implantation and ion beam analysis. This versatility is due on one hand to the large range of ion beams available from the three coupled accelerators and on the other hand to the possibility to use several dedicated or multi-purpose vacuum chambers. It is thus possible to investigate the radiation tolerance of inorganic or organic materials and the specific effect of an atomic species of nuclear interest like hydrogen, helium, fission or transmutation products under thermal treatment or ion irradiation. This paper discusses the capabilities offered by the Jannus facility to study helium mobility in advanced nuclear materials. Key words: diffusion, helium implantation, iron, irradiation, nuclear reaction analysis, silicon carbide 1 1. Introduction Whatever its origin, the consequences of the presence of helium in advanced nuclear materials such as pure metals, alloys, refractory ceramics, composites or waste forms can be observed at a macroscopic level as for example surface blistering, swelling, embrittlement and fracture [1, 2]. The progress in our knowledge on helium behaviour in this type of materials depends on the possibility to access experimental facilities able to undertake helium implantation and analysis. For this purpose, high enrgy ion implantation is preferred in order to prevent any perturbating surface effects on the migration mechanisms of helium. MeV accelerated ion beams are known for a long time to offer a wide range of implantation and analysis capabilities for light element investigations [3, 4]. Considering the specific question of helium behaviour, the multi-irradiation facility Jannus, located at Saclay, constitutes a unique experimental tool by coupling three accelerators with different ion nature and energy range. Helium isotopes are easily analyzable using ion beam techniques as clearly demonstrated in several pioneering works [5, 6, 7]. Non Rutherford proton backscattering spectrometry (NBS or PES) was applied for depth profile determination to both isotopes for example in pyrolitic graphite [8] or in silica [9]. Medium or heavy ion elastic recoil detection analysis (MI- or HIERDA) were used to study helium diffusion in fluorapatite [10] or spinel [11]. Nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) was extensively applied to measure both diffusion coefficient and thermal activation energy of helium in several inorganic media [12, 13]. After a brief description of the Jannus facility, we present what we consider to be an ideal experimental approach to study the behaviour of helium in advanced nuclear materials submitted to different solicitations like thermal annealing and/or irradiation. 2 2. Description of the Jannus-Saclay facility and implantation capabilities 2.1 Jannus-Saclay general layout Figures 1a and 1b display the complete layout of the multi-irradiation facility at Jannus Saclay [14]. Three accelerators are coupled: a 3 MV Pelletron™ named Épiméthée, a 2 MV Pelletron™ tandem named Japet and a 2.5 MV single ended Van de Graaff named Yvette. Épiméthée is equipped with an electron cyclotron resonance ion source able to produce multicharged ions. Japet is equipped with a charge exchange ion source operating with Cs vapour able to produce initially single charged negative ions that are then converted into positive ions by a stripping process through a very low pressure argon leak. Yvette includes at its terminal a conventional radiofrequency ion source used to produce protons, deuterons, helium-3 and helium-4 ions. A triple beam chamber receives one beam line coming from each of the accelerators, allowing single, dual or triple beam irradiation. This chamber is implemented with a movable array of Faraday mini-cups allowing a periodic control of the ion flux in each beam. The sample holder operates from liquid nitrogen temperature to 850°C. Three energy degraders constituted by rotating wheels mounted with suitable thin metallic layers give the possibility to broaden the damage profile accumulated into the sample under investigation. Each of the beam line converging towards the triple beam chamber is equipped with a raster scanner unit able to move the beam inside a 2 x 2 cm2 area onto the sample surface. A second vacuum chamber is linked to Épiméthée. It can be used for single beam irradiation or ion beam analysis. A Faraday mini-cups device and a heating/cooling stage sample holder are also available in this chamber. A third vacuum chamber has been implemented on Yvette. It is a multipurpose ion beam analysis chamber equipped with two X-ray detectors, a high purity germanium detector for gamma-ray detection and two surface barrier detectors (100 and 1500 3 µm) usable for Rutherford backscattering, elastic recoil detection and nuclear reaction analysis measurements. 2.2 Implantation capabilities To obtain quantitative data on helium mobility in different types of inorganic materials, it is of primary importance to own a reliable standard to evaluate the uncertainty as well on helium ion implanted dose as on helium depth profiling. For this purpose, we have implanted a thin tungsten foil (50 µm) with 1.5 MeV 3He+ at room temperature to a dose about 1 x 1017 ions/cm2 with an average dose rate around 1 x 1013 ions/cm2/s using the 3 MV Pelletron Épiméthée. The value of the projected range extracted from SRIM calculations is (2.00 ± 0.25) µm [15]. After implantation, the 3He content was determined in the multipurpose IBA chamber implemented 3 on the 2.5 MV Van de Graaff Yvette by using the He(d, p0)4He nuclear reaction [160] characterized by a wide resonance centered on Ed = 450 keV (Figure 2). The deuteron energy was fixed at 0.9 MeV in order to reach 0.45 MeV around 2 µm in depth. The surface barrier detector used was located at an angle of 150° and covered for this experiment with a 23 µm thin mylar (C10H8O4) foil. Helium-3 analysis was performed at nine different points on the surface of the 3He implanted tungsten foil. Figure 3 gives the 3He content derived from these measurements using the reconstitution code SIMNRA [17]. It is clear that the obtained data are in very close agreement with the expected dose of 1 x 1017 3He/cm2: average content = 1.02 x 1017/cm2, standard deviation = 0.05 x 1017/cm2. 4 3. Study of helium mobility in advanced nuclear materials 3.1 General considerations As we mentioned in section 1, both helium isotopes can be analyzed using either deuteron induced NRA for 3He or HI-ERDA for 4He. Depending of the emitted particle detected, 3 He(d, p0)4He NRA allows probing the first micrometer below the sample surface (detection of the 4He particle) or a very large depth in the range 5 to 10 µm, due the high energy of the emitted proton ( 13 MeV) [12, 18 - 21]. The analyzed depth using MI- and HI-ERDA is limited to the first micrometer below the surface due to the grazing angle geometry, the maximum energy reachable with medium mass or heavy ion, typically around 27 MeV for Ar on Épiméthée, and also the type of detection device used, i.e. surface barrier detector with a thin filter foil, E-E telescope or time of flight (TOF) spectrometer [22 - 24]. Thus, by changing the nature of the helium isotope implanted in the analyzed materials, different mechanisms able to drive the helium mobility can be investigated including surface effects. We have performed two series of implantation/annealing experiments devoted to study the thermally activated mobility of helium in different model nuclear materials: pure -Fe (99,95 %), polycrystalline 3C-SiC and 4H- or 6H-SiC single crystals. Fully controlled annealing tests under vacuum or inert gas partial pressure were conducted after helium implantation. Table 1 summarizes the different implantation configurations and the different annealing conditions that have been selected. For all the investigated materials, the applied NRA configuration corresponds to: i) deuteron energy range from 900 keV to 1.8 MeV; ii) detection angle 150°; iii) 1500 µm thick surface barrier detector; iv) solid angle sustended by the detector 2.44 msr; v) thickness of the mylar foil in front of the detector 29 µm to be sure to stop backscattered deuterons having an initial kinetic energy of 1.8 MeV. Figure 4 displays the flow chart of the scientific approach we have developed for helium mobility study at JANNUS Saclay. It includes two complementary options. The first one is 5 based on single deuteron energy analysis of the emitted proton spectrum from the nuclear reaction 3He(d, p0)4He. The deuteron energy is chosen to induce the nuclear reaction with its maximum cross section near the range of the implanted 3He atoms. The recorded energy spectrum is then iteratively reconstructed starting from an initial Gaussian helium profile using the SIMNRA code [17]. The second option is based on the determination of the excitation curve, i.e. the measurement of the proton yield as a function of the kinetic energy of the incident deuteron beam. This multi-energy analysis is both justified by the width of the resonance shown in Figure 2 and by the low energy loss of the high energy emitted proton that makes difficult the exact depth location of helium. Then, the excitation curve can be interpreted in terms of helium depth profile using a pure analytical procedure based on polynomial fitting [18]. More recently, a dedicated simulation code “AGEING” has been developed. It combines a least square minimization algorithm and a user defined mathematical description of the migration model [19, 25, 26, 27]. In order to keep things more clear, we have chosen to first describe the basic principles of the different available options in the following sub-sections. Application examples and discussion of the obtained results will be presented in section 4. The main advantage offered by the analytical method based on the 3He(d, p0)4He nuclear reaction coupled with the detection of the high energy proton lies in its sensitivity around 10 15 3 He/cm2 in standard geometrical conditions. The main drawback of this approach lies in its poor depth resolution that is controlled by: 1) the low energy loss undergone by the high energy emitted proton through the sample, 2) the energy straggling undergone by the incident deuteron before its interaction with 3He nucleus, and 3) the presence of the 29 µm mylar foil in front of the detector which induces an additional energy straggling for the detected protons. Each contribution can be separately calculated and then combined to evaluate the final energy 6 dispersion synonymous of helium depth location dispersion. This particular point is discussed more in details in subsection 4.6. 3.2 Single deuteron energy analysis In this case, NRA measurement is carried out at only one deuteron energy. This energy value is calculated with SRIM code [15], in order to match with the depth corresponding to the maximum of the helium distribution that means at an energy as close as possible to the resonance of the 3He(d, p0)4He reaction located at 440 keV. The SIMNRA simulation code is then used to reproduce the experimental spectrum starting from an initial depth profile obeying a pure Gaussian shape. This data processing approach first gives the helium distribution histogram composed by a series of layers of different widths assumed to be homogeneous in composition and finally a smoothed concentration depth profile which is generally far from the initial Gaussian hypothesis. It must be noticed that the ultimate sublayer width cannot be less than the depth resolution calculated using the RESOLNRA routine implemented in SIMNRA code [28] (see subsection 4.1 for a precise determination of the depth resolution). By applying exactly the same reconstitution method for the energy spectra recorded for as implanted and annealed samples. Considering a Gaussian behaviour for the core part of the depth profile centered near the end of range, it is possible to evaluate the broadening of the full half width maximum of the Gaussian peak (FWHM) with temperature. Taking into account the relationship between the FWHM and the standard deviation () of the distribution (FWHM = 2.355 ) and using the following classical formalism already applied on a wide range of materials [18 – 20]: D = (T2 – 02)/(2 t) (1) with D the apparent diffusion coefficient, T and 0 the standard deviations corresponding to the samples annealed at temperature T or as implanted and t the annealing time. The evolution 7 of the apparent diffusion coefficient with T can be further interpreted in the frame of the classical Arrhenius assumption to derive an average activation energy value (Ea) according to: D = D0 exp (- Ea /kB T) (2) with D0 a pre-exponential factor and kB the Boltzmann constant. This approach was used to study helium migration in various oxides considered as potential transmutation targets or waste matrices [12, 18 – 20]. Due to the width of the nuclear resonance 3He(d, p0)4He, the assumption of a Gaussian behavior for the core part of the helium depth profile tends to neglect the presence of eventual tails located towards the surface and even towards depth. The data processing of the histogram distribution extracted from SIMNRA energy spectrum reconstitution can be deeply pursued using the fitting code FITYK specifically dedicated to the decomposition of analytical binary spectra into its different components selected from a library of mathematical functions and coupled with a least square calculation procedure based on a Levenberg– Marquardt algorithm [29]. 3.3 Excitation curve analysis 3.3.1) General considerations The excitation curve method has been described elsewhere [25 - 27, 30]. It consists in varying progressively the incident deuteron energy and simultaneously detecting the corresponding emitted proton spectrum. The direct comparison of the total area under the excitation curve obtained for the as implanted and the annealed samples allows us to evaluate the helium loss fraction and to describe its evolution with temperature. More precisely, considering that helium release obeys to a 1st order kinetics [19, 26], one can fit the decrease of the helium content in the distribution by the following equation: dC(He)/dt = - C(He) 0 exp(- H / kB . T) (3) 8 with 0 a classical frequency factor and H the activation enthalpy for helium release. For a given annealing time ta at a temperature T, the integration gives f = C0(He) – CT(He) = 1 – exp[- . exp(-H / kB . T)] (4) with a pre-exponential factor = 0 . ta. As the detected proton yield I0 (E0) at a given incident deuteron energy E0 is the convolution of the 3He depth profile (x) with the cross section (E(x)) of the nuclear reaction 3 He(d, p0)4He, it is theoretically possible to extract the depth profile distribution. Nevertheless, this approach requires to have a good knowledge of the stopping power of the incident deuterons in the material and of the (d, p) reaction cross-section. These key parameters need to be expressed as polynomial fitting curves and then combined as demonstrated by Gosset et al. [18] in zirconia and britholite. The comparison between this purely analytical data treatment of the excitation curve and the single deuteron energy approach leads to a rather good convergence when the depth profiles exhibit Gaussian-like shapes [12, 18]. 3.3.2) Capabilities offered by the AGEING code An alternative to the purely analytical data processing method described above consists in reconstructing the excitation curves using the AGEING code dedicated to both depth profile extraction and migration parameters determination [19, 25 - 27]. Data treatment starts from the same theoretical basis. The initial depth profile is assumed to be Gaussian, and is characterized by three parameters; the amplitude A, the centroid position x c and the standard deviation s. The first step of the analysis consists in fitting the three parameters (A, x c and s) defining the Gaussian profile (x) by using in the first modulus of AGEING computer code, a modified Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm called NLINLSQ which minimizes an error function between the experimental and the calculated curves. The second modulus of the 9 AGEING code called PDE_MOL permits to define a mathematical model of helium migration. A series of differential equations can be written to describe the different physical mechanisms involved as for example pure diffusion, atomic transport and exchange coupled with boundary conditions. Among the latter, we assume that the depth distribution must have a zero value at x = 0, because helium cannot accumulate at the surface. However, no additional assumption is taken on the diffusion profiles: only the Gaussian assumption on the implantation profile was kept. The iterative reconstruction of the depth distribution in the frame of the selected migration model finally allows us to extract the relevant migration parameters such as apparent diffusion coefficient, transport rate, exchange factor, loss fraction, etc. This approach was both applied on pure polycrystalline -Fe samples and 4Hand 6H-SiC single crystals as implanted and post annealed. 4. Results and discussion 4.1 SIMNRA depth profiling Figure 5a shows the result of the iterative reconstitution of the proton spectrum obtained for the pure -Fe sample implanted by 3 MeV 3He ions at room temperature with a fluence of about 2.5 x 1016/cm2. The deuteron integrated charge is 20 µC. The corresponding 3He concentration histogram is displayed on Figure 5b together with the histogram derived from the analysis of the sample annealed for 1 hour at 1250°C. It is important to keep in mind that at this temperature, the crystalline structure of iron has changed from -Fe (ferritic) to -Fe (austenitic). After annealing, the intensity of the helium depth profile is decreased by a factor about 5 and its width increased by a factor of 1.4. This evolution versus T puts clearly in evidence the thermal activation of the 3He migration process. As we mentioned in subsection 3.1, several factors are responsible of the poor depth resolution of 3He NRA profiling for a high implantation depth, 6 to 8 µm in our case. The 10 energy straggling undergone by the incident deuterons within the target to reach the 3He Rp region has been evaluated at about 50 keV and the subsequent proton energy dispersion may reach 75 keV. The maximum values of the proton energy dispersion during its outward path and its path through the absorber foil were respectively estimated to 12 and 13 keV using the classical Bohr’s formalism. Then, the final energy dispersion is about 77 keV. Consequently, we can assumed that the depth resolution is entirely controlled by the proton energy dispersion induced by the deuteron straggling during its inward path. Using the RESOLNRA routine [28], we found a depth resolution in the 250 – 300 nm depending on thetarget medium considered. 4.2 FITYK decomposition It is possible to improve the relevance of the classical data processing discussed above for pure -Fe by taking into account the whole depth profile extracted from SIMNRA [17]. The method is based on the decomposition of the experimental depth profile in several components by using the FITYK software [29]. We have successively applied this procedure to helium depth profiles determined in pure Fe (99.5 %) and 3C-SiC. Figure 6 illustrates this approach in the case of pure Fe (99.95 %) after implantation or annealing at 1070°C for 1 hour. Two Gaussian helium populations are necessary to reproduce the helium profiles extracted from SIMNRA reconstitution. The first Gaussian curve is centered on the depth corresponding to the helium range. It corresponds to the helium atom associated with the high density of defects induced by helium implantation in the end of range region. The second Gaussian curve is shifted toward iron surface, it corresponds to the helium atoms trapped in single vacancies or small vacancy clusters present along the ion path. The mobility of these helium atoms is probably very high of the order of 10 -16 - 10-15 m2/s. Considering only the characteristic parameters of the central contribution, we were able to derive the respective apparent diffusion coefficient (Dapp) and transport velocity of helium (v): 11 i) D1app = 3.8 x 10-18 m2 s-1 at 1070°C; ii) D1app = 7.3 x 10-17 m2 s-1 at 1250°C; iii) 0.10 < v1 < 0.25 µm/h. The second example of “Gaussian decomposition” performed with FITYK concerns as implanted and 1100°C annealed 3C-SiC samples. As in the case of pure iron, this decomposition leads us to discriminate two helium populations (see Figure 7). Their characteristic parameters are summarized in Table 2. For the as implanted sample, the population represented by the widest Gaussian (Gaussian 1) is also identified as the helium atoms associated to point defects and/or small vacancy clusters, able to migrate through the grain boundaries while the narrowest Gaussian (Gaussian 2) is associated with the helium atoms incorporated near the ion end of range probably as bigger helium-vacancy clusters and bubbles. In the case of the 1100°C post-annealed sample a certain amount of helium atoms located near the ion range (Gaussian 1) moves from the central part of the profile towards the surface and joins the second population (Gaussian 2). This motion is probably driven by detrapping mechanisms from helium-vacancy clusters and bubbles activated by thermal annealing. 4.3 Determination of migration parameters using the AGEING code In the case of pure Fe (99.95 %) implanted by 3 MeV 3He ions at room temperature with 2.5 x 1016 ions/cm2, the experimental excitation curves and the corresponding AGEING depth profiles are displayed in Figures 8a and 8b. We have here assumed that the He migration model obeys to the following equation derived from second Fick’s law and including transport and release processes: C(x)/dt = D 2C(x)/x2 – v C(x)/x – FC(x) (5) with C(x) the helium concentration at depth x, D the apparent diffusion coefficient, v the transport velocity and F the release factor. Table 3 summarizes the main migration data derived from this reconstitution. 12 Concerning SiC single crystals, the main experimental data have been recently detailed [26]. Here, the assumptions were a little bit different from those admitted for -Fe because two distinct populations have been discriminated. Population 1 corresponds to the He fraction trapped near the Rp region and population 2 to helium atoms associated with point defects and/or small vacancy clusters located close to the surface. Di and vi respectively denotes the apparent diffusion coefficient and transport velocity of population i. An exchange coefficient g12 was thus introduced in the migration model: C1(x)/dt = D1 2C1(x)/x2 – v1 C1(x)/x – g12C1(x) (6) C2(x)/dt = D2 2C2(x)/x2 – v2 C2(x)/x + g12C1(x) – F2C2(x) (7) This model thus consists in fitting seven free parameters: D1, v1, g12, D2, v2, F2 and TP1(the trapping fraction of He population 1) by using a trial-and-error method, based on the minimization of an error function between the experimental and calculated curves by the dedicated routine NLINlSQ: Err = (1N(I0exp(n) – I0sim(n))/MAX (I0exp) * N (8) where N is the number of measurements, I0exp the experimental and I0sim the simulated data points [25]. The quality of the fitted parameters is always estimated by the error term (Err). The main results of this study are presented in Table 4 [26]. These data clearly show a discrepancy about two or three orders of magnitude between the mobility of the helium issued from the two populations that have been discriminated. 4.4 Helium release versus T As detailed in section 3.3.1., the comparison of the total area under the excitation curve obtained for the as implanted and the annealed samples allows us to evaluate the helium loss fraction and to describe its evolution with temperature. The helium release in pure -iron can be correctly fitted by = 253.78 and H = (0.78 0.08) eV. In the case of 3C-SiC we 13 obtained the following adjustment: = 61.65 and H = (0.63 0.07) eV. Figure 9 shows the evolution of helium release versus T for the two investigated materials. In pure iron (99.95 %), helium mobility starts only at a temperature higher than 837°C. The helium release reaches 40 % at 1000°C and tends to 70 % at 1250°C (Figure 9a). This strong temperature effect is probably enhanced by the – transition (bcc to fcc) occurring around 910°C [31, 32]. In 3C-SiC polycrystals, helium migration seems to start just below 1000°C (Figure 9b). Helium release reaches nearly 40 % after annealing at 1200°C for 2 hours. 4.5 Arrhenius behavior From the apparent diffusion coefficient values determined using the AGEING code for pure Fe (99.95 %) and assuming an Arrhenius behaviour, the derived activation energy is about (1.13 ± 0.12) eV [33] (Figure 10b) . In their review paper Lewis and Farrell reported activation energy values in the range 0.6 – 4 eV for -Fe for annealing temperature less than 898 K [34]. Morishita reported values in the range 1.6 – 3.78 eV for -Fe annealed at temperature less than 1250 K, depending of the nature of the trapping site [35]. Peterson gave a range value 2.49 – 2.95 eV for ferritic and austenitic structure respectively [36]. Lefaix and co-workers published activation energy values between 1.82 to 3.91 eV derived from TDS measurements on pure iron (99.95 %) [37]. Concerning silicon carbide single crystals, values contained in Table 4 clearly show a small shift of Gaussian 1 towards the sample surface associated with an increase of its FWHM. From these data, it is possible to derive an apparent diffusion coefficient at 1100°C equal to 9.7 x 10-19 m2 s-1. Then, assuming an Arrhenius behaviour an average activation energy of (1.06 0.11) eV was determined. This result is in rather good agreement with the result extracted from SIMNRA processing (1.28 eV). Our data are also in good agreement with data available in the literature, i.e. in the range 0.46 – 4.10 eV, depending on the silicon carbide 14 polytype, the chemical composition of impurities and the nature of the trapping sites generally identified through thermodesorption spectrometry measurements [38 – 42]. Figure 10 illustrates the “Arrhenius behaviour” processing of the diffusion data available for pure -Fe and 3C-SiC. 4.6 Comparison of the different approaches As mentioned in section 3.2, the single deuteron energy method may present some limitations if the investigated depth profile exhibits some tails towards the surface or towards greater depth. In order to control the relevance of the depth profile extracted from the SIMNRA fitting procedure, the single energy measurement can be repeated for two others deuteron energy values located on each side of the helium peak near the half-width of the helium distribution. In addition, it is also possible to theoretically reconstruct the excitation curve from the histogram extracted through the single deuteron energy method. For this purpose, we need to assume that the former depth distribution corresponds to the true helium profile as it is shown Figure 11 for 3C-SiC as implanted. The agreement between the two curves is rather good. It must be noticed that the calculated curve is slightly above the experimental one in the low deuteron energy range and slightly below in the high deuteron energy range. This effect probably results from the variation of the uncertainty affected to the proton peak area counting rate versus energy. To summarize, the single deuteron energy method allows the characterization of the core part of the helium depth profile located near the ion end of range in the frame of the Gaussian approximation. The evaluation of the increase of the profile width versus T permits to extract apparent diffusion coefficient and transport velocity values. The description of the helium depth profile may be strongly improved by using the decomposition code FITYK associated with SIMNRA energy spectrum reconstitution. The existence of several helium populations is thus possible together with the determination of both their characteristic parameters (center, 15 area, FWHM) and the correlated migration data (apparent diffusion coefficient, transport velocity) versus T. The excitation curve method coupled with AGEING simulations constitutes the most powerful approach. As the helium depth profile can be completely covered by varying the deuteron energy, the choice of both the initial depth profile and the set of differential equations describing the migration model is much more flexible. Another advantage of the AGEING code lies in the possibility to use a trial-and-error method, based on the minimization of an error function between the experimental and calculated curves. All the results discussed in the present work are summarized in table 5 in order to compare the different data processing methods: “SIMNRA + Gaussian approximation, SIMNRA + FITYK and AGEING. Concerning pure Fe (99.95 %), only one helium population has been identified by the different data processing methods. Activation energy, apparent diffusion coefficient and transport velocity values are in quite good agreement. Helium lost fractions are also in good agreement. Contrary to -Fe, two distinct helium populations have been identified for polycrystalline 3C-SiC and 4H-/6H-Sic single crystals. This type of discrimination was reported for the first time by Gosset in his study concerning helium diffusion in britholite [30]. Considering the actual progress of our study on helium migration in silicon carbide, it is difficult to conclude about a different behaviour between single crystals and polycrystals. In terms of apparent diffusion coefficient, it seems that 3He migration is slightly more pronounced in SiC polycrystals than in single crystals (table 5). Nevertheless, the activation values derived from NRA analysis vary in a large range so that they do not allow us to discriminate the helium behaviour in both media and to show a clear evidence for the eventual role played by grain boundaries. 16 5. Further analytical developments 5.1 High-energy heavy ion induced elastic recoil detection analysis Deuteron induced NRA allows the profiling of 3He through very large depth up to 10 µm. If the implantation range decreases to about 1 µm, the same nuclear reaction can be used but in this case one prefers detecting the recoil nuclei 4He rather than the emitted protons. As demonstrated elsewhere [43], the depth resolution is better due to the larger energy loss of the particle to emerge from the target. When the implantation depth reaches less than a few tenths of micrometers, elastic recoil processes can be usefully investigated. Thus, we have tested the analytical capabilities of high-energy heavy ion induced elastic recoil analysis to determine the depth profile of 4He after ion implantation in the very near surface region of pure -Fe. 4He implantation conditions are summarized in Table 6. The experimental configuration adopted for high energy HI-ERDA is schematically described in Figure 12. As mentioned in Table 6, and according to the paper from Markina [22], several types of incident ions have been tested: 12 MeV 12C4+, 15 MeV 16O5+ and 27 MeV 40Ar9+. The filter placed in front of the surface barrier detector was 12 µm mylar or 10 µm Al. The characterization of a pure -Fe sample as implanted at 60 keV with 1.0 x 1016 4He/cm2 is illustrated in Figure 12 by comparing the two energy spectra recorded. The agreement between the two measurements appears to be excellent. Processing of this type of data using the SIMNRA code is in progress. The implementation of the single beam irradiation/IBA ion beam chamber connected to the accelerator ÉPIMÉTHÉE with a fully remote controlled four stages micrometric sample holder coupled with two surface barrier detectors for simultaneous IBA measurements is nearly achieved. This technical improvement will allow us to determine on line the depth 17 profile of the atomic species immediately after their implantation or after post-irradiation treatment. 5.2 Nuclear microprobe investigations Moreover, it would be also possible to carry on complementary investigations through nuclear microprobe measurements of the 3He volumic distribution in order to discriminate the influence of the sample microstructure and the possible role played by grain boundaries on the mobility of helium in polycrystalline materials as it has been already demonstrated by Miro in apatite [44], Trocellier et al. in various ceramics [12] and Martin et al in uranium dioxide [45]. In order to complete these investigations, helium can be implanted at a lower energy so that the depth distribution would be located within the first micrometer beneath the sample surface. In this case, it would be possible to detect the heavy recoil nucleus 4He from the 3 He(d, p0)4He nuclear reaction and to obtain a better depth resolution for the profile as it is done in CEMHTI Orléans on uranium dioxide [46]. Moreover, implanting helium closer to the surface, the preparation of TEM thin foils becomes easier and complementary transmission microscopy observations could be coupled to NRA measurements as in the work by Lefaix-Jeuland and co-workers [47]. 6. Conclusion and perspectives The multi-irradiation platform JANNUS proves to be a very efficient experimental tool to investigate the mobility of helium in nuclear materials activated either by thermal treatment or under irradiation conditions. In the case of 3He, NRA measurements performed either by the “single deuteron energy” or the “excitation curve” methods are very relevant to determine depth profile and migration parameters. A significant difference was found in the thermal behaviour of helium in Fe compared to SiC. In iron, only one helium atom population has been identified centred at the implanted ion range. Its mobility is characterized by transport 18 and diffusion. For SiC, two populations have been distinguished, one centred at Rp associated to vacancy-He clusters and bubbles and the second located near the surface and associated to point defects and small vacancy-helium clusters. This type of study, based on ion beam analysis can be first easily extended to other substrates. In the frame of a PhD thesis, work is now in progress at JANNUS Saclay laboratory in order to study the effects of thermal annealing and ion irradiation on the mobility of 3He in highly refractory ceramics such as SiC, ZrC, TiC and TiN [48]. It can be also extended to other atomic species as hydrogen, deuterium and further to fission products as I, Xe, or Cs. Some studies have been already carried out on Cs behaviour in yttria-stabilized zirconia [49]. Further instrumental development based on the use of 2 or 3 particles detectors or segmented detectors would strongly improve the sensitivity of the NRA method. Moreover, the coupling of a multi-detection device with data processing using DataFurnace code [50] would be more performant in terms of helium localization and migration. Further analytical developments will be focused on the use of heavy ion-induced elastic recoil detection analysis (HI-ERDA) to determine the depth profile of 4He after implantation and subsequent thermal annealing. Another interesting topic to be explored would be the study of helium migration assisted by irradiation defects by combining the possibility offered by the different accelerators of the JANNUS Saclay platform (see figure 1). The possibility to perform simultaneous ion implantation and irradiation also allows us to study the combined effects able to occur under radiative environment. For example, it includes the cross-effects between nuclear and electronic energy losses, the interactions between defects and implanted gas atoms and the possible competition between different light or heavy implanted chemical species. 19 Acknowledgements Special thanks are due to the whole JANNUS team and particularly to É. Bordas, H. Martin and F. Leprêtre for their constant support before, during and after irradiation and ion beam analysis experiments. We are particularly indebted to Gihan Velisa for his investment in the presentation of the figures and to Jacques Haussy for his patient support during AGEING training. Part of this work has been performed in the frame of two internships by J. Runtz on leave from Polytech Clermont-Ferrand and by A. Laurence on leave from ENSCBP Bordeaux to whom the authors want to express their sincere thanks. Helium implantations and ion beam analyses have been performed in the frame of the EMIR network program. Special thanks are due to E. Jouanny from École des Mines Gardanne for a patient reading of the last version of this manuscript. Last but not least, stimulating comments from the reviewer have been greatly appreciated. References [1] S. Nogami, A. Hasegawa, T. Tanno, K. Imazaki,K. Abe, J Nucl. Sci. Technol. 48 (2011) 130-134. [2] S. Leclerc, A. Declémy, M.-F. Beaufort, C. Tromas, J.-F. 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Table 5: Comparison of helium migration data obtained in pure Fe (99.95 %), 3C-SiC polycrystals and 4H- or 6H-SiC single crystals by the different data processing approaches: a) apparent diffusion coefficient and transport velocity; b) helium release fraction and activation energy. Table 6: Experimental implantation and analysis configurations adopted to test the high energy HI-ERDA method. 24 Figure captions Figure 1: General layout of the Jannus-Saclay multi-ion irradiation facility. Figure 2 : Total cross section for the 3He(d, p0)4He nuclear reaction after Bosch & Hale [16]. Figure 3: 3He content extracted from the nine different analysis spots performed on the implanted tungsten foil by using SIMNRA. Figure 4: Scientific approach developed for 3He mobility studies at JANNUS Saclay. Figure 5: SIMNRA iterative reconstitution of the proton spectrum obtained for the as implanted -Fe sample measured by NRA: a) comparison between experimental and simulated spectra, b) comparison between 3He depth profiles of Fe as implanted and Fe annealed for 2 hours at 1250°C. Figure 6: Gaussian decomposition (G1, G2 and Sum = G1 + G2) of the 3He concentration depth profiles deduced through SIMNRA fitting for as implanted and 1070°C annealed pure Fe (99.95 %) sample (As impl Exp and 1070 Exp) obtained by using the code FITYK [29]. Figure 7: Gaussian decomposition (G1, G2 and Sum = G1 + G2) of the 3He concentration depth profiles deduced through SIMNRA fitting for as implanted and 1100°C annealed 3C-SiC samples (As impl Exp and 1100 Exp) obtained by using the code FITYK [29]. Figure 8: a) Experimental excitation curve obtained for -Fe sample implanted by 3 MeV 3He at room temperature to 2.5 x 1016 ions/cm2 and annealed at 1013 or 1120°C; b) 3He depth profile extracted for pure Fe (99.95 %) sample implanted by 3 MeV 3He at room temperature to 2.5 x 1016 ions/cm2 and annealed at 1013, 1070 or 1120°C by using the reconstitution code AGEING after [33]. Figure 9: Annealing temperature effect on the release of 3He in pure Fe (a) and polycrystalline 3C-SiC (b). Figure 10: Comparison of the Arrhenius interpretation of 3He release in pure Fe and polycrystalline 3C-SiC. Figure 11: Comparison of experimental (Exp.) and calculated (Calc.) excitation curve for polycrystalline 3C-SiC as implanted by 3 MeV 3He ions at room temperature to a fluence of 1.0 x 1016 3He/cm2 through a single energy measurement at 1300 keV. Figure 12: HIERDA experimental configuration to determine 4He depth profile in pure iron implanted at 60 keV and comparison of the 4He depth profiles obtained with 15 MeV 16O5+ or 27 MeV 40Ar9+ induced HIERDA on as implanted pure iron. 25 Table 1: Helium implantation configurations in -Fe, polycrystalline 3C-SiC and 4H- or 6H-SiC single crystals. -Fe Isotope Energy Dose (ions/cm2) Rp Rp dpa He content (at. %) Implantation T Annealing temperature (°C) Annealing time (h) 3C-SiC polycrystals He 3 MeV 2.5 x 1016 5.3 µm 174 nm 0.65 0.88 He 3 MeV 1.0 x 1016 8.7 µm 211 nm 0.25 0.37 4H-/6H-SiC single crystals 3 He 3 MeV 1.0 x 1016 8.7 µm 211 nm 0.25 0.37 Room T 837, 1013 1070, 1120, 1150 1 2 (for T 1070°C) Room T 1000, 1100, 1200 Room T 1100, 1150 3 3 1 to 4 Table 2: Parameters of the best Gaussian decomposition obtained with the FITYK code for as implanted and 1100°C post-annealed polycrystalline 3C-SiC samples. Gaussian 1 Gaussian 2 Centre 15 (10 at./cm2) Width 15 (10 at./cm2) Centre 15 (10 at./cm2) Width 15 (10 at./cm2) As implanted 77719 Post-annealed 1100°C 77670 7672 8123 74746 72456 29166 23383 Table 3: Summary of the data obtained in pure iron (99.95 %) by the excitation curve method using the simulation code AGEING (after [33]). Owing to the temperature range explored, these migration parameters are characteristic of the phase. Annealing T (°C) Annealing time (h) Helium loss (%) 1013 1070 1120 2 1 1 35.7 43.5 43.7 Average apparent diffusion coefficient (m2/s) 1.58 x 10-19 2.84 x 10-19 3.40 x 10-19 Average transport velocity (µm/h) 0.055 0.021 0.017 26 Table 4: 3He diffusion parameters in 4H- and 6H-SiC single crystals obtained by the excitation curve method using the AGEING code [26]. D1 (10-19 m2/s) 1100 t (h) 1 TP1 (%) 0.67 g12 (h-1) 9.0 D2 (10-16 m2/s) 3.0 v1 (µm/h) 0.17 6H 1100 2 3.1 0.07 0.55 6H 1100 3 3.2 0.07 6H 1100 4 2.9 6H 1150 1 6H 1150 6H Sample T(°C) 2.3 v2 (µm/h) 1.3 F2 (%) 8.9 Error (%) 1.15 6H 9.1 6.8 0.4 14.0 1.49 0.50 9.1 2.4 0.1 15.9 2.39 0.07 0.36 9.1 7.8 0.1 26.8 3.28 2.9 0.18 0.48 9.0 7.6 0.9 17.8 1.73 2 2.8 0.15 0.38 9.0 2.3 0.4 29.9 1.96 1150 3 2.4 0.14 0.30 9.1 18.0 0.2 37.2 2.57 4H 1150 1 2.7 0.12 0.48 9.0 8.2 0.6 16.2 0.82 4H 1150 2 3.1 0.05 0.40 9.0 20.0 0.4 22.0 1.97 27 Table 5: Comparison of helium migration data obtained in pure Fe (99.95 %), 3C-SiC polycrystals and 4H- or 6H-SiC single crystals by the different data processing approaches: a) apparent diffusion coefficient and transport velocity; b) helium release fraction and activation energy. a Fe* 3C-SiC 6H-SiC Method Data processing Apparent diffusion coefficient (m2 s-1) Transport velocity (µm h-1) Single energy SIMNRA + Gaussian approximation 0.24 – 0.38 Single energy SIMNRA + FITYK Excitation curve AGEING 3.0 10-18 (1070°C) 2.90 10-17 (1250°C) 3.84 10-18 (1070°C) 7.20 10-18 (1120°C) 4.43 10-17 (1250°C) 2.01 10-19 (1013°C) 1.87 10-18 (1070°C) 4.28 10-18 (1120°C) Single energy SIMNRA + Gaussian approximation 0.035 (1200°C) Single energy SIMNRA + FITYK Excitation curve AGEING 9.53 10-19 (1000°C) 1.45 10-18 (1100°C) 4.7 10-18 (1200°C) 9.72 10-19 (1000°C) 1.79 10-18 (1100°C) 8.61 10-18 (1200°C) Single energy Single energy Excitation curve SIMNRA + Gaussian approximation SIMNRA + FITYK AGEING 1.2 – 4.3 10-18 D2 = 9.04 10-17 (1150°C) D1 = 3.0 10-19 to 1.5 10-18(1100°C) D2 = 2.3 to 3.0 10-16 (1100°C) 0.5 (1100°C) 0.15 (v1) (1100°C) 0.1–0.2 (v1) 0.5 (v2) 0.11 – 0.24 0.02 – 0.06 0.03 - 0.12 b Fe* 3C-SiC 6H-SiC * Owing Method Data processing Helium release (%) Single energy SIMNRA + Gaussian approximation 36.4 (1013°C) 42 (1120°C) Single energy Excitation curve SIMNRA + FITYK AGEING Single energy SIMNRA + Gaussian approximation Single energy SIMNRA + FITYK Excitation curve Single energy Single energy Excitation curve to the Activation energy (eV) Helium release Core diffusion 1.10 to 1.76 0.78 0.08 35.7 (1013°C) 43.7 (1120°C) 0.58 0.06 0.44 0.04 AGEING 10 (1000°C) 39.5 (1100°C) 5.5 (1000°C) 38.3 (1100°C) 29% (1200°C) SIMNRA + Gaussian approximation SIMNRA + FITYK AGEING 31.5 (1100°C-1h) 39 (1100°C-1h) 33 (1100°C-1h) temperature range explored, 1.98 to 3.67 1.13 0.12 0.50 ± 0.05 these migration parameters 0.95 0.10 2.33 0.23 1.52 0.15 1.06 0.11 0.63 ± 0.06 0.75 0.08 4.3 0.40 1.0 0.01 (Ea1) 3.3 to 4.1 (Ea2) are characteristic of the phase. Table 6: Experimental implantation and analysis configurations adopted to test the high energy HI-ERDA method. Ion Energy Temperature Dose Rp Rp Implantation 4 He 60 keV RT 1.0 x 1016/cm2 1840 nm 58 nm 12 4+ C 12 MeV 4.73 µm 226 nm HI-ERDA analysis 16 5+ O 15 MeV RT 100 µC 4.32 µm 223 nm 40 Ar9+ 27 MeV 4.01 µm 248 nm 30 33 Figure 4 35 36 37 Figure 9a 0,6 Fe He lost fraction (a. u.) 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Temperature (K) 38 Figure 9b He lost fraction (a.u.) 0,5 3C-SiC 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Temperature (K) 39 40 41