
Format and Cooperating Teacher Feedback Form
Content Area:
February 2012
Grade Level:
CCSS LA 8.1 Demonstrate the command of the conventions of Standard
English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
CCSS LA 8.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard
English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing
Students have been working on their group grammar packets. Based on
MAPS scores, students need reinforcement on plural and possessive
nouns. Students in 3rd hour have Co-teacher to assist during the lesson for
students who need additional help. During this hour the students will be
reviewing singular and plural possessive nouns. The review will be done
in the beginning of class while the students are playing Plural and
Possessive Bingo game. After the Bingo game students will be formally
assessed on their knowledge of singular and plural possessive nouns.
(After my lesson the students will be finishing their grammar packets
given to them by my CT.)
Students will be able to identify singular or plural and possessive nouns.
Students will be able to complete individual assessment demonstrating
their understanding of singular/plural possessive nouns.
Students will be able to create a sentence with a singular possessive noun.
Informal: Students will be informally assessed on their performance and
answers to questions during group activity time.
I will be taking anecdotal notes on the groups and individuals during
group work time.
Formal: Students will be formally assessed after the group activity.
Students will be given a short written assessment on plural and singular
possessive noun after group review.
Materials Needed:
Bingo game cards and markers, PowerPoint sentence list for promethean board, Go Cards as
rewards, dry erase markers and boards for group work
Total time needed:
Total time needed:
9:20-9:50 3rd Hour
(Include time allotments)
• Introduction: Review of Plural and Possessive nouns on the promethean board (5
• Steps for instruction
Engagement- Today we are going to play Bingo! Every group is going to get a Bingo card with
plural and possessive nouns and your group can win GO Cards for winning the Bingo game. I
will first give your group a chance to come up with the correct answer on your dry erase boards.
I will call groups up to correctly write in the correct answer on the promethean board and then
you can mark the correct word on your bingo card. Let’s do one together. (5 minutes)
Demonstration: The baby rattle fell on the floor. Correct answer- The baby’s rattle fell on the
floor. Find the word baby’s on your bingo card and put a chip/marker on the word baby’s.
Participation/Practice: We will go through the entire list of Bingo Possessive Noun list.
Students will be participating in the group to find the correct answer. The teacher will also be
calling individual groups up to the board to write in the correct plural or possessive noun.(20
minutes) If Bingo is called early we can have the groups try to get Bingo more than one way on
their card.
The students will also be given a formal assessment on plural/singular nouns after the review
game is finished. This will allow the teacher to assess who is having difficulty completing the
word individually.
Questioning :
Explain the difference between a singular and possessive noun.
Create your own sentence using a singular possessive noun.
Discuss what problems you have when distinguishing a plural or singular noun.
Strategies for students requiring additional assistance: Strategies for helping students
who need additional assistance include- working in groups for the review. Co-Teacher is
available during this hour to help students that need additional assistance. I will be sure to
check in with students that need additional work during group work time.
• Closure: Students will be formally assessed on their knowledge of plural and
possessive nouns after the review. (5-7 minutes)
After my review lesson and formal assessment students are required to finish their grammar
packets required by my CT.
Lesson Self- Assessment for ED 315
Name: Tina Josephson
Lesson topic: Bingo-Plural and Possessive Nouns
Date: March 2, 2012
School/grade level/ number of students: 25
Name of Cooperating Teacher: Geyso
Planning and preparation: Describe how your plan provided opportunities for active
engagement. How did you provide for the needs of diverse learners? Did you adjust
your plan in any way? Describe how and why if you did.
The students did a review of plural and singular possessive nouns by playing Bingo
using the Promethean board and Bingo cards. Students were given a sentence and had
to correctly make the noun possessive. The students were given a chance to figure it
out themselves on a wipe board and then I picked a group to correctly write it on the
Promethean board.
This lesson kept the students actively engaged by first trying to figure the answer out
by themselves first, and then checking their answers when we came together as a
group. The students had to pay attention to the correct answers so they could
correctly mark their Bingo Boards.
Classroom environment: Evaluate the ways in which your encouraged student
participation. How did you elicit student responses? How did you engage them in
responding to you and each other? Evaluate your plan for individual, small group
and/or whole class work. How effective were these different organizational
techniques for keeping students involved in your lesson?
Students were encouraged to participate because the lesson was fun and engaging.
Students wanted to come up and write on the Promethean board and the winner of
Bingo won a prize for their whole group.
I was able to evaluate individuals by checking their answers on the wipe boards. I was
able to quickly assess what students did not understand how to make the nouns
possessive. I was able to help students immediately. If the student still was having
difficulty with finding the correct answer we had students write the correct answer
on the board. Students were actively engaged and did not want to stop the lesson
even after Bingo was called!
Instruction: Evaluate your choices of instructional strategies. Did they have the effect
you intended? Were the needs of all learners met? What changes would you make if
you repeated this lesson?
I felt this was one of my best lessons. The students were engaged and really worked
hard individually and in large group. This class has students with learning disabilities
and ELL students and it met the needs of all the learners in the classroom. If I
repeated this lesson I would have made it longer and played Bingo twice.
Assessment: What assessment processes did you plan and how did they work? What
did you learn from listening to student responses, examining their work or listening to
their interactions? How well did your assessment procedures inform you about student
attainment of your lesson’s objectives?
After this lesson I was able to formally assess the students with a small written
assignment which allowed me to see that a few students still need additional help.
The Bingo lesson was a way for me to informally assess the students when they wrote
on the wipe boards. Both were very effective forms of assessment.
Professional responsibilities: What did you learn from your cooperating teacher’s
feedback on this lesson? How will you apply it to future lessons?
My CT was proud of this lesson and loved the student’s participation and engagement
in the lesson. She also indicated she liked the positive reinforcement I gave the
Reflection: What did you learn about student learning and assessing from this lesson?
How will it affect your planning for future teaching?
I was able to assess the students individually both informally and formally in one
lesson. Planning lessons that allow you to assess your students in both formally and
informally allows the teacher to see how well the students understand the material
and gives the teacher a chance to plan accordingly for the next lesson.