Saddleback College Associated Student Government September 19, 2013 SSC 211 C Budget Agenda or Minutes I. II. Call to Order 4:05pm Role Call Present Absent Jonathan Stephens Pooya Ghassemian Kaywan Balbas Dylan Brooks Sheena Joveini Dakota Branson Katrina Shonafelt Daniel Brooks III. Approval of the Minutes Sheena moved it, Dylan seconded it. IV. Public Comments Shivani- budget for simplicity is wrong. V. Officer Reports Dylan- couple templates he made for note taking so that everyone in their own respective committee can have it for themselves. Not official yet, but if we have ideas, then we can come forth and bring it up. When he did attend Board of Directors meeting, their officer reports are very organized and well done. If we have time, we should go to theirs (Fridays at 10:00am) and get a better understanding of what is going on and get a better feel for doing a better job. Sheena- Peer mentored ship program, work with international students. They are having a bowling night. They are having a international education week. Its going to be 4 days long and how they are trying to plan and get funding for it. Kat- planning a conference in November, Honors is planning it. Once she has more information, she will tell us asap. Kaywan- In events committee, they came up with two movies for movie night for October 30th. They also talked about homecoming and try to figure out ways of selling gaucho stamps at the Homecoming. Daniel- Got voted in as officer of finance. Brainstorming on events and what events clubs can come up with. Dakota- Not much update, posted up all blood drive posters up around the school. Pooya- none VI. Advisor Reports Audra- it’s great that a lot of people are attending more meetings that they have too. Budget committee is the one of the most important committees and how we are all engaged in our work. VII. Unfinished Business Scholarships- formulating $4,500 and allocate the rest of $5,500. Ideas for scholarships? Sheena- LRC tutors$4,500 to them. Outstanding volunteer scholarship. GPA : 3.2 - Signed by professor: total hours volunteered - This is a student who is helping another student excel academically (including fine arts) Freshman Scholarship: - Minimum high school GPA 3.7 a. Outstanding written statement b. Financial need ASG outstanding club involvement scholarship: (2x250) = 500 Re-entry student scholarship - Re-entered with in the past year (fall ’13) - Took 9 min units. 2 x 250 = 500 - 5 years min re-entry Veteran student scholarship - 2x250= 500 - GPA: 3.0 Honors student scholarship - on the transfer track -> certificate -> honors - 2 x 250-=500 Overcoming adversity scholarship - Outstanding/academic achievement personal statement VIII. New Business IX. Adjournment 5:22pm