Welcome to the first edition of the Quality Teaching Newsletter at BHHS for 2012. Each fortnight a newsletter will be published and emailed to your NSW DEC account. Each newsletter there will be a new focus and throughout the year it will cover the three dimensions and all the elements of the Quality Teaching Model. The newsletters will include a wide variety of materials including: Information about the specific dimension and element within the newsletter Coding lessons and assessments on the element Materials to implement in lesson plans and programs that is intended to improve and increase the awareness of the particular element I have created a wikispace (website). The website address is https://qualityteachingbhhs.wikispaces.com/. The wiki includes Quality Teaching documents, tools, KLA specific material and the newsletter. This resource will be constantly updated with new, up to date information. If you would like anything added for the benefit of the faculty or staff, please let me know. If you would like to see anything else in the newsletters please let me know. Also, if you would like more assistance with quality teaching, ICT, numeracy and literacy please see your HT or myself. Thanks, Leanne Intellectual quality refers to the pedagogy focused on producing deep understanding of important, substantive concepts, skills and ideas, Such pedagogy treats knowledge as something that requires active construction and requires students to engage in high-order thinking and to communication substantively about what they are learning. Higher Order Thinking (HOT) requires student to manipulate information and ideas in ways that transform their meaning and implications. This transformation occurs when student combine facts and ideas in order to synthesise, generalise, explain, hypothesise or arrive at some conclusion or interpretation. Manipulating information and ideas through these processes allows students to solve problems and create new meanings and understandings. What do your lessons look like? 1 – Lower Order Thinking 2 3 4 Students demonstrate only lowerorder thinking. They either receive or recite pre- specified knowledge or participate in routine practice, and in no activities during the lesson do students go beyond simple reproduction of knowledge Students primarily demonstrate lowerorder thinking, but at some point, at least some students perform higher- order thinking as a minor diversion within the lesson. Students primarily demonstrate routine lowerorder thinking a good share of the lesson. There is at least one significant question or activity in which most students perform some higher-order thinking Most students demonstrate higherorder thinking in at least one major activity that occupies a substantial portion of the lesson. 5 – Higher Order Thinking All students, almost all of the time, demonstrate higherorder thinking. Students are regularly engaged in thinking that requires them to organise, reorganise, apply, analyse, synthesise and evaluate knowledge and information Tasks require students to organise, reorganise, apply, analyse, synthesise and evaluate knowledge and information. Click on web links to open tools/strategies. Attachments on the email will be for the ‘see attachments’ tools/strategies. If you would like any assistance with using these tools and strategies in the classroom, please let me know and I’m more then happy to come and assist. Also, if you would like any more information, please ask. Thinking tool Description Glossary of terms An A-Z of thinking tools and strategies and models for learning. Describes: What it is – Why is it used – How it is used – Samples. Includes downloads A tool for categorising questions and activities according to six levels of thinking: remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating and creating A graphic organiser that " that begins with a central idea and proceeds to show related ideas as branches off of the center" (Lazear, 2003) A tool to look at possible solutions to a problem and the probable flow-on consequences of each solution. Used to assist in making a final decision. Thinking tool to encourage lateral thinking Bloom's taxonomy Concept map Consequences chart De Bono's Six Thinking Hats Graphing Diamond ranking Fishbone diagram A tool to communicate information visually A tool to order items according to priority levels A tool to identify cause and effect. A useful essay planning tool Web links Tools and strategies Bloom's digital taxonomy See attachment Concept map template Bubbl.us concept map creator Consequence chart template Consequence wheel example Summary of the Six Thinking Hats Six Thinking Hats links Create a graph tool Diamond ranking template Fishbone diagram template Flow chart Graphic organisers A sequential list of events that have happened, or might happen A tool that organises information in a visual form K-W-L Lotus diagram What I Know - What I Want to know - What I have Learned A tool to manage and categorise large amounts of information on topic Flow chart template Graphic organiser grid Graphic organiser examples Graphic organisers for writing activities K-W-L template Lotus diagram example and template Multiple Intelligences Note Taking Howard Gardner's theory identifies 8 different inelligences Test your multiple intelligence online A tool to organise notes under headings PMI T Chart Plus - Minus - Interesting chart Used to evaluate an issue Rank ideas in order of importance Strengths - Weaknesses - Opportunities - Threats Used to analyse nd justify A tool to list ideas or issues supporting or refuting an argument Note Taking template – see attachment PMI chart template Thinking maps Venn diagram A tool to assist with decision making A tool for finding similarities and differences Y chart Used to brainstorm ideas based on what you see, feel and see Helps to clarify concepts and ideas Ranking Ladder SWOT Ranking ladder template SWOT analysis example & template Create T Chart template T Chart template Facts chart Venn diagram template (2 circles) Venn diagram template (3 circles) Y chart template