ADD - ids-research

“The Potential of Crushed Crab Shells as a pH Buffer”
Background of the Study
Through the years, garbage has influenced people’s lives. They have affected
our world in a small way, yet brought significant outcomes. Indeed they have become a
huge part of our everyday lives. As time passes by, the problem brought by this rubbish
becomes worse.
Recycling (process in which wastes are reused) is the solution for this problem.
This process reclaims the original material and uses it in new products. There are so
many things that can be recycled-either biodegradable or not. One of these materials is
one of the people’s common excess or trash: crab shells. Aside from its use in the
kitchen these crabs have far more use than people have imagined.
Crabs comprise about 4,500 species of Arthropods in the order Decapoda, class
crustacean. Most crabs feed on small fishes or worms or else scavenge along the shore
or sea bottom. They help in cleaning our bodies of water. Here in the Philippines, crabs
are often used mostly in cooking.
Like almost all varieties of shells, crab shells are composed of almost 95% Calcium
Carbonate. A main component of seashells, shells of snails, oyster shells, crab shells
and etc., is a chemical compound which is calcium carbonate, which is believed to be a
potential pH buffer.
Buffer solutions contain a weak acid and a conjugate base, or a weak base and a
conjugate acid. It has a remarkable property of maintaining an almost constant pH even
thought a strong acid or base is added.
Statement of the Problem
Crushed crab shells as a potential ph buffer.
1. What is the characteristic of the different experimental buffer of crushed crab
shells in terms of:
a. Buffer pH; and
b. Buffer capacity?
2. Is there a significant difference in the characteristic of the different experimental
buffer of crushed crab shells in terms of:
a. Buffer pH; and
b. Buffer capacity?
3. What would be the effectiveness as a buffer of the different experimental buffer of
crushed crab shells on the following type of substances:
a. Strong acid
b. Weak acid
c. Strong base
d. Weak base?
4. At what type of substance (strong acid, weak acid, strong base or weak base) will
the experimental buffer be most effective?
5. Would the age of the crab affect the effect of the strong acid or base on the pH
buffer solution?
Note: Bullets must be of the same font type & size with the text.
Hypotheses (please modify base on the changes above)
1. The crushed crab shells are potential pH buffer.
2. The varying amounts will affect the pH level of the pH buffer solution
Objectives of the Study
Our study generally aims to produce a pH buffer from crushed crab shells.
It also aims to:
1. Find out if crushed crab shells can be used as a buffer.
2. Know the pH reading of each solution of crushed crab shells.
3. Determine the effects of varying amounts of crushed crab shells on the pH
value of solutions which are tested.
Significance of the Study
Crab shells are one of the many household garbage if not disposed properly will
threaten the ecology. Crab shells have a lot of calcium carbonate in it. Which have
many uses in the environment, and one of it is being a pH buffer.
If a buffer is present in a substance, it maintains the substance’s pH level.
Nowadays buffers are slowly known because the rapid change in our environments
nature, for example, acid rain.
Acid rain comes from the accumulation of acids and toxics which also is made by
human activities such as burning of fossil-fuels. Precipitation that has a pH value of less
than 5.6 is considered to be abnormally acidic. The pH of soil is critical to the health of
vegetation and soil microorganisms. The pH of soil determines the availability of
nutrients to plants. When acid rain infiltrates the soil, important nutrients are leached
away from the soil through runoff, into the bodies of water or other aquatic habitats.
PH plays an important role in our body. The pH of human blood is about 7.35. If
by reason of illness the pH of the blood falls below 7 or rises above 7.8, the hemoglobin
of the red blood cells loses its ability to transport oxygen to the tissues, death usually
With these “wastes” so abundant we can manage to create improvised buffers.
This is just a first step in saving mother earth which everybody needs to more often,
recycling should not be just done often but it should be made a habit so that everybody
can help saving our slowly changing planet.
ADD: specific group of people who can benefit from the result of your study &
how they will benefit
Scope and Limitations
This study focuses on determining the potential of crushed crab shells as pH
buffer to acid and basic solutions both strong and weak. We will focus only on crab
shells and not on other potential components. We will include the condition of some
solutions (before and after the addition of pH buffer). We will not include tests on
elements, compounds, and living organisms.
Definition of Terms
Calcium Carbonate
it is a component of animal shells and is believed to
be a potential pH buffer. For this study, source is from
crab shells
is the measure of acidity or basicity, with lower
numbers indicate it is more acidic and higher numbers
indicate it is more basic.
Operationally define the following! (follow the format above)
Buffer pH
Buffer capacity
Experimental buffer