TOK Essay When should we trust our senses to give us the truth? Introduction Senses are important sources enabling us to know and be aware of different areas of knowledge about the world. In fact we perceive the outer world through our five senses –sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Furthermore, our five senses are connected to the mind in a direct way causing the body to respond to the message which the mind interprets. That means if we used one of our senses, a nerve is responsible to deliver a code to be analyzed in the brain , and give the organ a sign to react in a short time, for example “ if you touch a hot object”. Actually, three concepts and theories were introduced to look at the relationship between the perception and reality. Firstly, common-sense realism or direct realism which suggests that what we perceive from the world has to be taken at face value. That means if we were to see the sky in the morning, the sky apparently looks blue, although the sky could be sometimes orange as we perceive it. In fact the sky is colorless, that indicates that sometimes, we have got to be fooled by our senses. This theory is a simple method which lacks certainty and accuracy in giving us an ultimate truth. The second theory is called representative realism which suggests that the world is very different from the way we perceive it, because we don’t perceive the world directly. When you burn sodium with oxygen, a yellow color in evolved and that because of the electron energy level since electrons drooped from higher energy level to a lower energy level and consequently the matter emits yellow light. In fact as electrons keep drooping, we will have plenty of colors emission which some of them are invisible, e.g. “hydrogen spectrum”. That clarifies that the world is an independent reality. Lastly, the last theory is called phenomenalism which claims facts about the matters depend on a subjective experience. That means that we can know about the world of physical object through our sensory experience and it is wrong to think that these matters are independent of our experience. If you were to see a red apple on a table, the color you perceive it is red. Whereas, if you left the apple, you are going to experience a new color beneath it, and that because, we have a permanent possibility of sensation. In my point of view this theory is limited, because we aren’t certain about the reality and our reality is based upon our experience of object. I am going to examine how senses play a key role in selective areas of knowledge which are science, history and religion. Moreover, senses have their limitation, therefore are they worthy trust and if so when? As a common sense, human beings are fallible and that is true to some extent. Therefore it is very difficult to define the truth in a way since there is no certain knowledge that we don’t have doubt about. In fact, we tend to look for interpretation for the truth in different area but we have never reached an ultimate truth. Perception plays a vital role in which helps humans to develop science in many areas e.g. (physics, chemistry…). Moreover, Perception was the initial step in which science started to wide up. In fact, Newton makes his first rule on gravity, because he was observing an apple once it fell down on the ground in which he uses one of his senses –sight-. However, senses still have its limitations which sometimes lead us to unjustified reality. We still wonder if science really helps us to know the reality of the world or it is just the way we perceive things. Yet, in chemistry, we still use senses to help us to discovering more about matter like touch, smell and sound. Let’s take an example and see how accurate our senses could be in giving us the truth. Matter if we were to define it is something that occupies a space in the vacuum around us. That is obvious since we can see it and touch it. Let’s take a simple example in which we use our senses to experience it. If we looked at a metallic plate exposed to a light, if we get close to it we can say that it has grey colors, whereas we went a bit further we are going to experience another color which could be a bright one, and if we look at it from different angle we are to see different colors each time. In addition, if we were to touch it, we are going to feel a hard flat object, but it depends on how much force you apply on the plate and therefore you will get different level of hardness. Moreover, if we hit the plate many times with different forces applied, we are going to get different sounds. In fact, these are some basic descriptions that we all agree that could happen. Now, when we use the microscopic technology to look how the plate looks like, we are going to get a completely different desorption. In fact, if we looked by microscope, we see a complex shape which contradict the fact that it is flat. So which descriptions are we supposed to trust? Actually, physics is facts that are build on models in which we are not even sure about. As long as these models correspond to make coherent facts, then they are counted to be true. However, that doesn’t mean that we are sure about the accuracy of these models. We use senses quite a lot to help us to understand physics for example, measuring. Let’s take an example about the state of matter, if we have a piece of ice on a fire to change its state to liquid. Actually, if we touch the water, we are either going to feel that it is cold or hot. However, have we asked ourselves how we could define coldness and hotness? Technically speaking, our touch sense is not capable to give us an accurate measure of the water in terms of hotness and coldness unless we used a thermometer. That indicates that the language itself failed to come up with a certain description in order to be precise bout the state of matter. History is basically a memorized actions happened in the past have been seen and recorded, then told all over the years. However, we are still faced by the question what make us sure that what happened in the past were true. Actually, we have to remember that human beings are fallible and that is a fact. A simple case study is the history of religion or religion itself since it is recorded events passed all over the centuries. What is more, religion is a big influential power on human thinking, For example, Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Moreover, People in the past were limited in their languages to express what they want to tell. Further more if history was told to people latterly, then we are not sure if that the information we received is complete actions. What makes us sure that 5.2 to 5.8 million Jews have been killed in the Holocaust in Europe? In fact, if you look it up you are going to find different records and number. Which record should we believe? In fact the best way to solve this problem is to ensure that the sources that you get your records from are trustable. That means that the best source to be trusted is the one which have many testimonies in different places. To sum up with this essay, it is not easy to answer such a question. In my point of view, what our senses tend to give us most of time not the truth, however it gives us the truth about certain sense-data which depends on the way we perceive the world. I have taken examples from some areas of knowledge and I concluded that our sense are limited to give us the ultimate truth and it can be wrong most of the time.