Eco-ED Module Title_________A Green Future______________ Module Leader(s): (name) Short Description: (Include brochure information on pages following this chart.) EcoEd Concept(s): (list) EcoEd Literacy Goal(s): (list) Intended Grade(s): (circle) Module Objectives: (list) Dan Fancher Students will design their own green city based on an extensive list of renewable energy technologies in the future after learning about fossil fuel history, renewable energies, and green cities. The primary goal is to give children a chance to design their own world that is no longer dependent on fossil fuels. -Green cities -Renewable energies -Green living -imagining positive change for the -Fossil fuel dependence environment and humans People understanding their own health and wellbeing as shaped by an array of both proximate and far-off causes. Diet and cigarette smoke need to be considered, for example, as well as the health effects of transboundary air pollution and climate change. People understanding that their own actions have an array of proximate and far off effects. In choosing when and what to drive, one has an affect on air quality for example. People understanding (though familiarity with historical and cross-cultural examples, for instance) potential for change, and alterative ways of doing things and organizing society. 1-3 4-5 6-8 At the end of this students will be able to: List possible renewable energies and how they can be used to remove fossil fuel dependency. Understand how cities can be made in ways that protect the environment and humans. Materials needed: (list) Timeline: Activity Description: (Provide enough detail so that someone else could run the workshop. Include worksheets on Be creative about how the future could be. -Paper - computer - colored pencils or crayons - projector ex: Question and answer period about 0-5 minutes prior knowledge 5-30 minutes Videos 30-40 minutes Define concepts, green transportation, and green energy. Discuss. 40-120 minutes Drawings and essay ex: Part 1 – Open the class by asking what students know about energy problems, renewable energy, and green technology. Part 2 – Videos 1 pages following this chart.) Parent/Guardian Follow Up: (Can be an email or take home sheet. If it is an email include text here. If it is a take home sheet include on pages following this chart.) Part 3 – Students will design their own future green city based on an extensive list of renewable energy technologies. This project will be represented by hand drawn pictures accompanied by a short essay to describe how their world of the future is better than the current one through the use of more environmentally safe technologies. The only requirement is that students wean the world off fossil fuels and imagine some utopian green future in which future generations are better off. ex: Dear Parent/ Guardian, Your student recently participated in an environmental education program about future green cities and renewable technologies. Your student designed and narrated a world in which the world is weaned off the use of fossil fuels in a positive way as to provide for their own personal dream cities and lifestyles of the future. Your child should be able to list possible renewable energies, a short history of fossil fuels, and describe aspects that green community life and culture. Here are the films that helped lead to your child’s green future design: Thanks you for your participation, RPI EcoEd **Attachments: TOC of attachments, brochure, worksheets, readings, other course material, take home materials 2 Using the concepts below and your own persona ideas, design a green city or world of the future in which fossil fuels no longer provide the energy that fuels everything. This new city should take into account the health of the environment and human impacts on it. Draw a picture of some part of your green city and write an essay that includes the concepts below. The essay should be at least 500 words. Concepts: decentralization, redundant systems, local economies, green roofs, vertical farms Green transportation: trains, subways, bikes, electric vehicles, walking Green energy: solar panels, vertical and horizontal wind turbines, hydrogen fuel cells, biomass, biofuels, water turbines, hydropower, 3