professional position description

Position Title: Senior Policy Associate: Disability and Aging
Muskie School of Public Service
Department: Cutler Institute for Health and Social Policy
Full-time, Flexible
Reports to: Program Director, Disability and Aging
STATEMENT OF THE JOB: The grant-funded Senior Policy Associate is responsible for
developing and leading major project work in the Disability and Aging program area. The Senior
Policy Associate has significant project management and quality assurance responsibilities and
serves as the principal contact with other investigators, federal, state and local policymakers,
and funding agencies and organizations. S/he also participates in state and national associations
and conferences and is responsible for publishing and otherwise broadly disseminating the
results of the Institute’s research.
The Senior Policy Associate is responsible for developing and managing a significant body of
information and skills related to emergent policy issues related to aging, disability, Medicaid,
long term care policy, quality management systems and cross systems profiles.
The Senior Policy Associate designs and develops large and complex research, program
evaluation, technical assistance, and demonstration projects in a recognized area of expertise.
The Senior Policy Associate seeks funding for Institute initiatives, acts as the principal
investigator/project director of these projects, and assures the quality and integrity of work
conducted by project staff and subcontractors. The Senior Policy Associate prepares project
reports, and disseminates project findings via presentations and published articles. The Senior
Policy Associate participates in Disability and Aging strategic planning and organizational
development activities, initiates strategic alliances and collaborative research projects with
other researchers and collaborators, and provides expert research and policy consultation. The
Senior Policy Associate may teach in the Muskie School or in other USM academic departments.
 Proposal/Project Development: The Senior Policy Associate identifies and
conceptualizes project topics and opportunities that advance the Institute’s program
and policy agenda; directs proposal development process for complex proposals;
identifies and seeks funding sources for projects; writes proposals; and negotiates with
funders and collaborators on required revisions to proposals.
 Project Design: Develops research and policy questions, timelines and work plans,
analytic/evaluation approach for complex projects, and allocation of resources; designs
and develops policy analysis, technical assistance, demonstration, and evaluation for
large projects.
Project Management: Acts as project director on large and complex projects: supervises
and coordinates day-to-day project activity, hires, directs, and evaluates staff, and
manages budget; assures that project deliverables are completed on time; maintains
project data, assures and monitors the integrity of qualitative and quantitative
interpretation of information; determines scope of client need for technical assistance
for complex projects.
Data Collection and Analysis: Designs, oversees, and/or coordinates data collection and
analysis strategies for complex research and policy analysis projects; conducts sensitive
and complex key informant interviews; assures integrity of analysis of interview and
focus group data; analyzes and evaluates policy implications from findings; writes
relevant findings.
Product Development: Prepares and submits project interim and final reports; writes
policy briefs, working papers, study findings, and other documents related to project
activity. Develops and implements dissemination strategies for project products.
Cultivates external relationships and markets publications to internal/external
audiences. Develops and presents professional papers.
Provides mentoring assistance to other Disability and Aging staff and associates as
needed in regard to funding opportunities, project work tasks, and other related
technical needs.
Provides technical assistance and consultation to community agencies upon request.
Additional duties as reasonably assigned.
 Authority to commit financial resources of $25,000 or more as provided in the campus
Signature Authority matrix and/or MaineStreet Marketplace.
 Ability to provide own transportation (fully-insured vehicle), provide proof of a valid
driver’s license, and compliance with Maine law regarding vehicle insurance.
 Work on federally funded projects.
SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBILITIES: Primary supervisory responsibilities for two staff, but possibly
up to 6 professional or hourly employees. This includes but is not limited to providing
orientation and support, conducting performance evaluations, approving annual leave, and
authority to discipline and assign work, and supporting professional development.
BUDGET RESPONSIBILITIES: Manages large project budgets with periodic review by the
Contracts and Grants Coordinator. Plans new budgets.
service responsibilities associated with various projects by disseminating news and project
results by making presentations at state and national conferences and in other forums; through
association newsletters, and in professional and journals and other publications. Responsible
for establishing and maintaining relations with local, state, and national researchers,
policymakers, and consume
Internal: As one of the Institute's senior researchers, the Senior Policy Associate
maintains contact with other USM colleagues and Muskie School Faculty, as needed;
and staffs special committees for the Cutler Institute, as assigned. This may include
preparing materials for consideration by the IMT, interfacing with other parts of the
School and University and conducting educational programs for staff.
External: Responsible for developing and handling external, national contacts with
other investigators and funding agencies, particularly in a way that extends both the
work and the reputation of the Institute. Establishes and maintains on-going
relationships with local, state, and national researchers, policymakers, consumers, other
research institutes and policy/technical assistance consortia.
 Demonstrated experience in developing and conducting policy and research proposals;
and widely disseminating results. This includes securing funding from state and national
funding sources; completion of research and program development project, and
successful report writing and publication.
 Demonstrated understanding of national and state level systems, policy areas and
trends, and financing.
 Strong policy analytic skills, including conducting literature reviews, review of relevant
laws and regulations; and reviews of policies and practices in other states.
 Strong qualitative research skills, including research study design, human subjects rules
and procedures, program evaluation, and survey design.
 Demonstrated ability to work with diverse groups participating in policy and research,
including national, state, and local government officials;
 Demonstrated ability to work with other staff members and associates to analyze
funding opportunities, to promote Institute work and reputation, and to otherwise
apply the skills and capacity of Disability and Aging and Institute staff and projects to
current policy and program needs.
 Knowledge and experience with the design, implementation, evaluation and assessment
of health, aging, and disability policy particularly related to Medicaid and Medicare
policy; knowledge of Medicaid payment, quality and access policies with an emphasis on
aging and disability policies.
 Doctorate and 3 years of social science, policy studies experience, or Master’s or other
advanced degree and 8 years of relevant experience in the health and human services
field including project management, in academic, non-profit or government settings.
 Ability to provide own transportation (fully-insured vehicle), provide proof of a valid
driver’s license, and compliance with Maine law regarding vehicle insurance.
 Demonstrated experience in developing and conducting policy and research projects
including securing funding from state and national funding sources, completion of
research and program development projects, successful report writing and publication.
 Strong policy analytic skills, including conducting literature reviews, review of relevant
laws and regulations, and reviews of policies and practices in other states.
 Knowledge and experience with the design, implementation, evaluation and assessment
of health, aging, and disability policy particularly related to Medicaid and Medicare
*NOTE: All individuals who are recommended to fill and subsequently offered a position with special essential responsibilities
as checked above, or other licensure or certification, shall have the following additional applicable background screening
completed (in addition to regular and standard background screening) based on the responsibilities of the position: Credit
history screening, and/or Sex offender registry screening, and/or Federal criminal history screening and/or License/certification
Date Approved:
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