SHORELINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NUMBER SEVEN COLLEGE COUNCIL JULY 19, 2011 SUMMARY Present: Kim Cambern, Paul Fernandez, Jim Hills, Mariko Kakiuchi, Barbara Kristek, Gary Parks, Stephen Smith, Kangpong Thaweeksuk, Holly Woodmansee Not in Attendance: Lee Lambert, Tasleem Qaasim, Kevin Severud, Terry Taylor, Adam Witt Co-Chairs: Kevin Severud and Stephen Smith (July 19, 2011 Meeting: Chaired by Stephen Smith.) Recorder: Lori Yonemitsu STANDING ITEMS 1. REVIEW MEETING SUMMARY – JUNE 21, 2011 By a thumbs-up consensus, the Council approved the June 21, 2011 Meeting Summary as written. 2. CHANGES TO THE JULY 19, 2011 COUNCIL AGENDA Barb inquired about the “Merging the Enrollment Management Committee & the Strategic Planning/Budget Committee” item listed as a Future Agenda Item on the June 21, 2011 meeting summary. She wondered whether to add the item to the Council’s July 19, 2011 agenda for discussion. (Note: The recommendation to merge the Enrollment Management Committee with the Strategic Planning/Budget Committee is contained in the Enrollment Management Committee’s End-Of-Year Report.) By a thumbs-up consensus, the Council approved the July 19, 2011 Meeting Agenda as written. 3. OPEN COMMENT PERIOD Jim shared that the responsibility for Opening Week will be transitioning to John Backes’ area—Academic and Student Affairs. He added that the Public Information Office would continue to work with John’s Office on Opening Week. Jim informed the Council that the College purchased web software (which will provide much more functionality) and that the Web Workgroup expects that it will take a month to transition to the new software. A new look for the College’s website is taking place and Jim noted that there would be opportunities for feedback from the campus community related to the site. Kanpong Thaweesuk introduced himself. Kanpong is the 2011 – 2012 SBA (Student Body Association) President and shared that future College Council Meetings are going to be attended by SBA Prime Minister Luke Tchao and Minister of Communications Chau Ngo. SHORELINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NUMBER SEVEN COLLEGE COUNCIL JULY 19, 2011 Page 2 of 3 Paul introduced Kim Cambern, the Classified Staff constituency’s newest member to the College Council. Stephen conveyed that the members of the Operations Committee (Administrative/Exempt personnel) would be participating in an Ethics Training on July 25, 2011. Classified Staff and Faculty interested in attending the training should contact Stephen. NEW BUSINESS 4. END-OF-YEAR COMMITTEE REPORTS (2010-2011) Campus Diversity Action Committee (CDAC) Report did not contain membership information. Gary offered to connect with Davis Oldham to inquire about the Committee’s membership and membership needs. Curriculum Committee Report reviewed. There were no questions or discussion related to the Report. Enrollment Management Committee Report reviewed. There were no questions or discussion related to the Report. Safety Committee Kim mentioned the possibility of using the Safety Committee’s Report as an example of what the College Council is looking for in Year-End Reports. Jim called attention to the Committee’s response to #6 – Agendas and meeting summaries not posted to the College Committees, Councils and Task Forces page on the intranet. This led to a discussion about using “wikis” instead of the current format (posting of agendas, summaries, etc.) as it exists on the College Committees, Councils and Task Forces intranet. Mariko wondered if the work of the Safety Committee could intersect with the work of the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT). Stephen spoke about the “essence” of the BIT and noted that the Team works with issues “as they arise in the student population” as well as confidentiality concerns related to the BIT’s work. Jim added, “The Safety Committee focuses on infrastructure. The BIT is an active response. In the creation of an emergency plan, the BIT may need to be included.” Mariko spoke about concerns raised by students and staff surrounding national examples of situations such as what happened at Virginia Tech several years ago. Discussion ensued regarding the College’s plans and preparation for such emergencies and spoke about wanting to learn more about the existing linkages between the Safety Committee and the BIT. SHORELINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NUMBER SEVEN COLLEGE COUNCIL JULY 19, 2011 Page 3 of 3 TO DO: Stephen will convey to the Safety Committee that the College Council would like to learn more about the active coordination and communication between the Safety Committee and the BIT in order to ensure safety issues that impact the campus. Sustainability Committee Report reviewed. There were no questions or discussion related to the Report. The Sustainability Committee’s Year-End Report prompted a discussion about the “5 from each constituency” membership model employed by many of the committees. With reductions to the College’s employee ranks, the Council discussed whether it would make sense to reduce the number of members from each constituency for some committees. This led to conversation about the possibility of conducting a survey with the committees regarding the number of members a committee would need to in order to operate. Suggested language for such a survey: The Council requests your response as to whether your committee can operate with a reduced membership. If so, what is the minimum number of members per constituency that you would recommend? Kanpong spoke of the challenge in finding students to serve on committees. He asked, “Are there incentives that the College can provide to encourage student participation on committees?” He mentioned individualized letters of reference denoting a student’s participation on a committee as an example. While supporting the idea of a letter of reference as an incentive, Gary spoke about the time commitment for Faculty and Staff in writing the letters and suggested that the SBA instead issue a Certificate of Appreciation to students serving on committees. Wellness Committee Stephen stated how pleased he was to see that the committee has restarted. Council members noted that the Committee’s membership was not denoted on the Report and that the Report’s responses only related to item #1 (Goals and activities for the current academic year). TO DO: Stephen will request that the Wellness Committee reformat its Year-End Report to include the addressing of items 2-7. NEXT MEETING Tuesday, August 9, 2011; 2:00 – 4:30 PM; Board Room – Meeting Cancelled FUTURE AGENDA ITEM(S): Funding of Classes and Enrollment Growth (Added: 06/21/11 Meeting) Merging the Enrollment Management Committee & the Strategic Planning/Budget Committee (Added: 06/21/11 Meeting) Information on the BIT (Behavior Intervention Team) (Added: 07/19/11 Meeting)