RISK ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Group Name: Applies (Y/N) Date: Activity Working in bushland Hazard Description Injury due to lack of Bushcare Group Leader Site Supervision Inherent Risk C/L 3B R 16 Hazard Reduction Measures Bushcare Group Leaders are to ensure bushcare volunteers are aware of hazards at bushcare site. Bushcare Group leaders are to ensure hazard reduction measures are implemented at bushcare site. Group Leader must ensure volunteers are aware of the hazards Group leader must ensure that new and existing volunteers are informed about hazards and safety measures. Residual Risk C/L 3C R 8 RISK ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Applies (Y/N) Activity Working in bushland Hazard Description Snakes, spider, bees, ticks, wasps, hairy caterpillars and other insect bites or stings. Nesting birds that can be aggressive e.g. Plovers, Magpies, etc. Poisonous, spikey, shrubby or irritating plants e.g. plants with milky sap, spines, sharp edges, hairs or pungent smells Inherent Risk C/L 3B R 16 Hazard Reduction Measures Site inspection prior to starting work to check for hazards e.g. plants, insects and animals. If a hazard is found bushcare group leader to decide whether hazard can be safely removed or to avoid area, Use safety equipment e.g. gloves, long shirt, long pants, closed in footwear and protective eyewear. First Aid kit on site. First Aid trained volunteers are identified. All volunteers must understand the emergency plan for your site. People with known allergies to ensure the group leader is aware and to carry appropriate medications e.g. EpiPen for anaphylactic reaction, inhaler if asthmatic, etc. Volunteers must not put hands into hollow logs or thick grass. When stepping over logs carefully inspect logs on the other side. Do not rely on visual identification of a snake as being nonvenomous as appearances may vary between species. Ticks must only be removed using tweezers and by pulling straight out. Volunteers must conduct a fully body check for bites and allergies after working bee. Don’t be in a hurry, work slowly and safely and wear protective eyewear, especially when working in thick, spikey or shrubby vegetation. Residual Risk C/L 3C R 8 RISK ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Appli es (Y/N) Activity Working in bushland Hazard Description Trips, slips and falls Inherent Risk C/L 2B R 8 Working in bushland Working on slopes and next to water 2B 8 Working in bushland 4C 16 Working in bushland Exposure to Asbestos cement debris or other illegally dumped material found in park Cuts from buried glass and rubbish 2B 8 Hazard Reduction Measures Site inspection prior to starting work to check for hazards e.g. logs, stumps, slopes, holes, wet areas, etc. Don’t be in a hurry, walk slowly and safely. Wear non-slip footwear. Appropriate non slip footwear must be worn. Installation of safety barrier if applicable. If slope too steep, no work to take place. Site inspection prior to starting work to check for asbestos. If asbestos cement debris identified do not work in that area and report to the CCO as soon as possible. Site inspection prior to starting work to check for hazards e.g. glass, foreign objects, buried rubbish, etc First aid kit on site. First aid trained volunteers identified. Wear safety equipment e.g. thick gloves, long, pants, long sleeved shirt, closed in shoes. If buried rubbish found do not work in that area and report to CCO as soon as possible. Residual Risk C/L 2C R 4 2C 4 4E 2 2C 4 RISK ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Appli es (Y/N) Activity Working in bushland Hazard Description Exposure or handling of Sharps (needles) Inherent Risk C/L 3D R 4 Hazard Reduction Measures Working in bushland Injury from falling trees and branches 3D 4 Working in bushland Heat stress 2B 8 Working in bushland Exposure to UV radiation 2B 8 Site inspection prior to starting work to check for Sharps. First aid kit on site. First aid trained volunteers identified. Disposal equipment provided including Sharps container and appropriate safe handling tool. If group does not wish to handle, report to the BCC Call Centre immediately on 3403 8888 and do not work in that area. If sharps are found report to the CCO as soon as possible. Site inspection prior to starting work to check for dead trees and branches. If hazardous tree identified do not work within dropzone and Report to CCO as soon as possible. Volunteers must not handle, remove or poison trees or weeds larger than 100mm DBH (diameter at breast height). Contact your CCO for advice on how to manage vegetation above this size. Group leaders are to provide members with cool drinking water. Supply water bottles to volunteers If very hot, limit exposure to conditions e.g. work in shade or postpone working bee. Volunteers to take regular breaks and re-hydrate frequently. All volunteers are advised to wear a hat, long sleeved shirt and long pants. All groups are issued with sunscreen which volunteers must re-apply regularly. Residual Risk C/L 3E R 1 3E 1 2C 4 2C 4 RISK ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Appli es (Y/N) Activity Working in bushland Weed Control Hazard Description Injury caused by out of date First Aid kit supplies and unmaintained tools and safety equipment stocks Manual handling of tools and equipment with risk to bystanders Inherent Risk C/L 2D R 2 Hazard Reduction Measures 3B 16 Weed Control Injury caused by Lifting heavy objects 3B 16 Volunteers to ensure tools are maintained (e.g. is it sharp, lubricated, clean or damaged?). If not, report to Group Leader. Bushcare Group Leaders are to inspect First Aid Kits annually for expired supplies & replace where necessary. Bushcare Group Leaders are to inspect safety equipment and tool condition at each working bee ensure replacement stocks and maintenance requirements are followed up. Group Leaders are to ensure that no volunteers use expired First Aid Kit supplies or unmaintained tools or safety equipment. Bushcare Group Leader must advise all volunteers how to use tools and equipment prior to use. Report damaged tools or maintenance requirements Wear safety equipment e.g. thick gloves, eye protection, dust mask (if using mulch fork), non slip footwear, and long sleeved shirt and pants. Ensure safe work practices when using tools e.g. prevent tripping over tools, keep sharp points down, place mattocks and mallets with heavy end down. When using shovels, mattocks or other swinging hand tools, ensure volunteers check that there is no person or object within striking distance. Assess the path of travel and load prior to lifting to ascertain weight. If the load is too heavy – get help! Use correct lifting techniques e.g. bend from knees and hold load close to body. Mechanical aids provided by for loads too heavy for volunteers. Residual Risk C/L 2E R 0.5 3C 8 3C 8 RISK ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Appli es (Y/N) Activity Weed Control Weed Control Hazard Description Injury caused whilst handling mulch e.g. inhaling mulch dust Manual handling injury (e.g. sprains and strains) Inherent Risk C/L 2C R 8 Hazard Reduction Measures 3B 16 Weed Control Injury from Climbing trees/ladders 3C 8 Weed Control Weed Control Vegetation removed causing tripping or injury 2B Vegetation removed causing a fire hazard 2B 8 8 If dusty, dusk mask and safety glasses / goggles must be worn. Leather gloves must be worn. Ensure safe work practices when using mulch fork e.g. hazard reduction measures outlined in manual handling of tools and equipment and lifting heavy objects. Assess required technique e.g. use core strength, firm footing and seek assistance if needed. Volunteers to take regular breaks and stretch and rehydrate frequently. If unsure about the safe technique for activity ask your Bushcare Group Leader If muscle is starting to ache change activity that targets different muscles or if pain persists stop activity immediately. Volunteers must not climb any structure or ladder to carry out bushcare activities e.g. weed removal or pruning activities. These activities reserved for contractors or pre-arranged with Council staff. Do not place removed vegetation near walkways or access areas Stumps of removed trees to be cut off as close to ground level as possible. Do not leave removed vegetation and leave in piles greater than 2m3. Residual Risk C/L 2D R 2 3C 8 3E 1 2C 4 2C 4 RISK ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Appli es (Y/N) Activity Weed Control Hazard Description Herbicide used or stored incorrectly with risk of exposure to people Inherent Risk C/L 2B R 8 Hazard Reduction Measures Weed Control Herbicide used or stored incorrectly with risk of exposure to environment 3B 16 All volunteers using the herbicide ‘Weedmaster Duo’ must complete ‘Basic Herbicide Training’ and for those using Starane Advanced or Brush-Off, volunteers must complete the ‘Advanced Herbicide Training’ – including how to interpret MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet), understanding herbicide application and use of safety equipment. Latest MSDS for all products must be available where chemicals are stored. The MSDS, product label, Off-label permit and Attachment 1 of the Herbicide Training Manual must be kept on-site at working bees for reference. Only herbicides listed in the Herbicide Training Manual including Weedmaster Duo, Starane Advanced and BrushOff can be used by HB volunteers. All volunteers using the herbicide ‘Weedmaster Duo’ must complete ‘Basic Herbicide Training’ and for those using Starane Advanced or Brush-Off, volunteers must complete the ‘Advanced Herbicide Training’ – including how to interpret MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet), understanding herbicide application and use of safety equipment. Latest MSDS for all products must be available where chemicals are stored. The MSDS, product label, Off-label permit and Attachment 1 of the Herbicide Training Manual must be kept on-site at working bees for reference. Only herbicides listed in the Herbicide Training Manual including Weedmaster Duo, Starane Advanced and BrushOff can be used by HB volunteers. Residual Risk C/L 2C R 4 3C 8 RISK ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Appli es (Y/N) Activity Weed Control Hazard Description Injury caused by not using safety equipment Inherent Risk C/L 3B R 16 Hazard Reduction Measures Operating Motorised Equipment Operating Motorised Equipment Operating Motorised Equipment Motorised auger used with risk to user and bystanders Brushcutter used with risk to user and bystanders Water Pump used with risk to user and bystanders 3B 16 3B 16 2D 2 All volunteers must wear appropriate safety equipment at all times for activity being carried out (refer to Risk Assessment Worksheet for activity) including at minimum closed in footwear, gloves, hat and preferably long-sleeved shirt and pants. Specific safety equipment covered in training for safe use of herbicide, brushcutter, auger, water pump and collection of sharps. All volunteers using auger must receive Hand Auger Training and follow safe work procedures outlined in manual. Safety equipment must be worn (including steel capped boots, gloves, visor, safety vest and no loose clothing). All volunteers using Brushcutters must receive Brushcutter Training and follow safe work procedures outlined in the Manual and in the Safety Alerts (found in brushcutter kit). safety equipment must be used including ear and eye protection, gloves, shin pad protectors (chaps), steel capped boots, hard hat, long sleeved short and pants and safety vest. If necessary, signage needs to be erected near work area. If possible, arrange professional contractor. All volunteers must be trained in the use of water pumps before operating one. Residual Risk C/L 3C R 8 3C 8 3C 8 2E 0.5 RISK ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Appli es (Y/N) Activity Hazard Description Equipment Storage and House Keeping (i.e. keeping site tidy) Storage and transport of equipment in vehicles and trailers Storage and transport of equipment in vehicles and trailers Native Vegetation being damaged or removed Handtools stored with risk to bystanders and user Inherent Risk C/L 2A Objects fall from vehicles whilst driving Unrestrained loads in cabin or on tray become dislodged whilst braking 2C Driving vehicle in work areas 2B Contravention of Legislation R 16 Hazard Reduction Measures 4 8 4B 32 Safe work practices for each tool e.g. prevent tripping over tools, keep sharp points down, place mattocks and mallets with heavy end down, hang tools up if the appropriate fittings are installed for storage. Avoid storing tools above shoulder height. The tools need to be easily accessible so they won’t cause a strain when taking them down. Suitably restrain all equipment being transported in tray and trailer Do not transport equipment in cabin of vehicle. Pressurised container or substances e.g. fuel, herbicide, etc are not to be stored and transported in cabin of vehicle. Keep clear of all public use facilities including play equipment and picnic areas. Use hazard lights. Drive at a max of 10 km/hour. If crossing a bikeway, check for pedestrians and cyclists. Inspect path of vehicle or use spotter when reversing vehicle. No Vehicles in parks after or during wet weather Contact your CCO for further advice & direction. Residual Risk C/L 2B R 8 2D 2 2C 4 4E 2 RISK ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Appli es (Y/N) Activity Hazard Description Inherent Risk C/L (including marine vegetation) Work that will result in damage to a breeding or roosting site Hazard Reduction Measures R Residual Risk C/L R Contravention of Legislation 3C 8 Contact your CCO for further advice / direction. 2D 2 Will work occur within a riparian zone? Bank erosion Poor water quality Contravention of Legislation 4B 32 Consult with your CCO re: appropriate guidelines and 3D limitations. 4 Extraction of water from creek or other water body Contravention of Legislation 3B 16 Group Leader to notify CCO if group plans to extract water 3E for working bees throughout the year. CCO to ensure site is listed on the notification to DERM to extract water. Group Leader to record water extraction on new working bee record form. For extractions outside of working bees, Group Leader to notify CCO 2 weeks in advance of event. Speak with CCO to determine if site is within the Fire Ant 4D Restricted Area & suitable course of action. If site is within a Restricted Area, speak to the CCO regarding training for volunteers. Group Leader to follow CCO direction e.g. keep information brochure onsite, keep volunteers informed and inspect mulch before use. 1 Soil, mulch or other ‘waste’ material be removed from site Potential to translocate fireants Contravention of Legislation 4B 32 8 RISK ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Appli es (Y/N) Activity Class 1 weed or an unidentified plant sighted Disturbing Soil Other Other Hazard Description Potential to translocate weed. Potential to miss management opportunity Contravention of Legislation Allowing sediment to leave site Destabilising soils surface leading to erosion Contravention of legislation Inherent Risk C/L 4C R 16 Hazard Reduction Measures 3A 32 Group Leader to report presence to CCO as soon as possible. CCO to report Class 1 weeds to Senior Program Officer Habitat Restoration from BCC’s Invasive Species & Native Animal Management Branch. Where significant earthworks are to take place, CCO to conduct a PEAT assessment. If soil disturbance is limited to digging holes for plants, the layer for contaminated land in Gecko should be consulted before work commenced. Ask CCO to do this. Residual Risk C/L 3C R 8 2C 4 RISK ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET FIRST AID: Report all injuries or incidents to the Event Manager/Project Manager. Trained volunteers in group: Name: __________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________________________________________________ Location of first aid kit at working bees: _________________________________________ First Aid kit stock to be replaced (check expiry dates) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EMERGENCY PLAN: Nearest phone:_____________________________________________________________ Nearest medical centre open on day or working bee (address/phone no.) _______________________________________________________________ RISK ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET ACTIONS FOR Project Manager 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Name: _________________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________________ TIME FRAME COMPLETED