NAPRANUM ABORIGINAL SHIRE COUNCIL Smoking, Drug & Alcohol Policy Smoking Policy Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council (NASC) has a non-smoking policy. However, those who wish to smoke may do so in their designated breaks as outlined below. Smoking is not permitted in NASC offices at any time. Smoking is not permitted whilst in uniform in any other area, particularly within the public arena. Alcohol & Drugs Policy Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council (NASC) is concerned by factors affecting an employee's ability to safely and effectively do their work to a satisfactory standard. The council recognises alcohol or other drug abuse can impair short-term or long-term work performance. NASC seeks to establish and maintain a work environment that is free from the effects of alcohol and illegal drugs (non-prescription, marijuana, cocaine, etc) or drugs taken for non-medical purposes. We aim to ensure that health and safety standards are not compromised by abuse of alcohol or other drugs. It is a requirement of NASC that employees report for work in a condition suitable to ensure satisfactory performance of their duties. NASC recognises that for an employee on the job or off the job any involvement with alcohol or drugs can have an impact on the work environment. Any employee on the job, who is found to be involved in the distribution, possession or use of controlled substances or is under the influence thereof, will be suspended from work immediately pending further investigations. Also any employee on the job who is involved in the unauthorised possession or use of alcohol, or is under the influence thereof, will be subject to investigation. In either case, should the initial finding be substantiated, disciplinary action up to and including termination will be imposed. Employees who are undergoing prescribed medical treatment with a drug or controlled substance which may alter their physical or mental ability are required to advise management, where practicable prior to the commencement of such treatment. This will enable management to determine, based on the employee’s medical advice, the employees capacity to perform the inherent requirements of his/her position whilst undergoing treatment. We recognise that alcohol or other drugs may cause problems for many members of the community, with the potential for serious consequences to health, families work and social life. Such problems can often be resolved through the provision of professional and confidential counselling and appropriate treatment or rehabilitation. NASC will provide an Employee Assistance Program to employees who have problems associated with the use of alcohol or other drugs which may affect their work performance and the health and safety of employees at work. Smoking Smokers who need to take cigarette breaks should do so in their designated breaks (no more than 2 per day in addition to their lunch break for a full time staff member). These breaks must be limited to 10 minutes from leaving the workplace to recommencing work. These breaks must not be taken at the entrance to NASC offices. Smoking is permitted within the confines of the rear of the staff car park, out of site of public view, and in the staff member's designated break time. Excessive smoking breaks will be regarded as absenteeism and performance management action may be taken. Used cigarette butts must be disposed of in the specific smokers bin. Alcohol & Drugs NASC will do its utmost to create and maintain a safe, healthy and productive workplace for all employees. NASC has a zero tolerance policy in regards to the use of illicit drugs on their premises or the attending of other business related premises (e.g. clients) while under the influence of illicit drugs. Contravening either of these points may lead to instant dismissal. NASC does not tolerate attending work under the influence of alcohol. This will result in performance improvement action or dismissal. NASC, at times, makes alcohol available to staff over the age of 18. Limiting the consumption of any alcohol made available is the responsibility of the employee. Driving over the legal limit or under the influence of illicit drugs is illegal. Alcohol and Drug Testing and Disciplinary Process NASC will carry out random screening for alcohol and drugs. Testing may also be carried out on reasonable suspicion or following an accident or incident. Staff will receive a first and final warning and be suspended from work immediately and until they return negative results without pay for each of the following scenarios: (1) Tests positive for illegal drugs (Urine test), (2) Is found to have a blood alcohol level of 0.05 or more, or the equivalent in urine or breath samples.(3) Refuses to undertake a screening test for alcohol or drugs, or (4) Is found supplying illegal drugs in Napranum. Before a staff member can return to work they will be required to undergo a test at their own costs and return negative results and submit a copy of the results to the council. After they return to work the staff will be subject to inclusion in all random tests over the next 12 months. If an employee returns positive results for the second random test or refuse to undergo the second or subsequent random tests will receive a summary dismissal. Adopted By Council Resolution in 2012 (Revised in August 2013) Issued by: Amos Njaramba (Chief Executive Officer) - 22/8/2013 I __________________________________ understand this policy and agree to comply with all the requirements and fully understand and agree to the consequences of non-compliance. Signature: _________________________________________............./……...2013