May -

Broadcast Communication Authority
Wednesday 1 May 2013 6:10 PM
Hemenway 204
1. Roll Call 6:08pm
a. Present
Student members Alicia Partridge, Chair; Ryan McKinley, Vice Chair;
Julia Dilts; Roman Kalinowski, Treasurer;
Community members: Miles Takaaze; Duane Shimogawa
KTUH GM: Jay-me Morita
UHP GM: Josh Huaracha
Interim BCA Advisor: Sandy Matsui
Supervisor for Advertising and Marketing- Board of Publications, UHP
Interim advisor: Rob Reilly
KTUH Administrative Assistant: Tanya Porter
Other Attendees: Jay Hartwell, Sarah Yap, 2 people from UHP to give
presentations on their NAB experience
2. Approval of April Minutes:
- Tabled for approval via e-mail
3. UHP Students’ NAB Conference Presentation
NAB Powerpoint Presentation: (see link of powerpoint presentation provided
by UHP)
Discussion following formal presentationSandy and Rob: Ask what the expectations are for students who travel to
conferences for their organizations. Would advisor and GM have the power to
make a student pay school back if they did not fulfill expectations/ what
would be the consequences?
Miles: feels a formal report required
Rob: clear expectation of what to do after they were awarded travel monies of
student fees
Sandy: can GM and advisor take action against a student who fell short
Alicia: would support the organizations decision and the consequences they
feel are just
Sarah: feels it may be an operational issue versus a BCA issue,
Rob: BCA allocated funds were used and 6 UHP members attended the NAB
Alicia: board will draft travel expectations (we must have one because we are
funding body) the organizations should have one drafted as well
Miles: should board get involved, or leave it to operations?
4. GM Reports
I. Past Month’s Events:
Podium Raceway- Gocarting
Art & Flea
II. Directorships (Main concern at the moment)
Directorships have been codified
Trying to fill directorships for next semester
Jayme will still be volunteer at the station and helping out after he passes
GM position on to CJ
He would like BCA’s attention if there is some sort of concern that arises
III. Purchasing
Decided to hold off from purchasing more Schwag
IV. Upcoming Events
Love Fest- in July
KTUH Alumni Night- event over summer
Overall Jay-me hopes things transition smoothly
b) UHP
(see notes on paper handout)
5. Budget Review – Roman
- send out budget
 Need a few numbers from UHP still to complete the finalized 2013-2014
 Looking at variance reports (we should have 100,000 left in the reserve
account at the end of the financial year)
Sandy: we must approve a budget to send to the vice chancellor before the
board dissipates for summer
Josh: equipment is still unknown, things will come up during the process
Rob: UHP did submit a budget today for $25,000 to estimate their needs
Rob: thinking they will need an annual equip cost to replace certain things
and stay on the front of technology
Roman: main thing keep from finishing is the UHP stipends, there was a
questions of how many months of the year they will be needed
Sarah: board needs to find a way to approve budget before commencement
Sandy: fairly uncomfortable with dipping into reserve money
Proposes a budget meeting- just to work on the budget during the week
Sarah: interesting year because of the financial infrastructure changes to
KWALI change in accounting, propose to have a working group for the
budget. Feels that budgets should be sent to Roman
6. Recap of PR Workshop – Julia
- BCA Education Committee’s PR Workshop was held April 28th, 11am-2pm in
Hemenway Hall
- This workshop focused on Public Relations Strategies in the field of broadcast
communications, and was conducted by Shere’e Young.
- Shere’e is Assistant Account Executive at Communications Pacific (Commpac), an
Emmy Award winning news producer at KITV4, during her time spent there, for
“Best Newscast in a Medium Market”, and was a UH student who majored in
broadcast journalism and minored in speech. At UH, Shere’e was also a DJ and
promotions director for KTUH and a reporter at Ka Leo.
- The workshop focused on these specific topics:
- Advertising with different media formats
- Maintaining a brand consistent image (as well as keeping it in the light)
- PR strategies coming from different angles (and their different restrictions)
Followed by lunch and open Q& A session
- Students really enjoyed it and hope for more similar workshops in the future!
7. KTUH P&P Changes – Ryan
P&P changes- move to approve
Monthly emergency test no longer needs to be done by staff, it is done
Action Item: Ryan moves to approve the Policies and Procedures committee’s
recommendation of changes to KTUH policies. Julia seconds the motion, and
board votes yes unanimously.
8. BCA Student Member Search Committee – Ryan
- Ryan and Erin will be leaving the board at the end of the semester. 2 members
needed and an alternate to fill the open spots
Of the 50 applications, we got 7 responses; of those, we picked 4 to interview. Interviews
will be held tomorrow, Thursday May 2, and the committee will then make a
recommendation on their decision
9. Underwriting Proposal – Jay-me
- List of underwriting packages
- Sandy says we will handle that at the budgeting committee
10. Advisor comments/Report
Sandy: Inquiries from an applicant for the KTUH has an issue with the decision, strictly
by ratings from the committee that was recommended to the board and then approved.
Sandy responded in terms of personnel process and wanted to make sure it was fair and
consistent. Applicant with issues was also given special accommodations for the
interview. Past experience was taken into account. Any time any person applies for any
position they would be welcome back. The committee found another applicant to be more
qualified based on the rating criteria done numerically as well as in short answer form.
Formal KTUH recommendation was not included.
Dinner- BOP function, invited BCA, black tie, award ceremony, all invited! Nice way to
close everything out, it will be held Friday: 5pm in the Camps Ballroom
11. Safe wishes and farewells.
Alicia,: Ask in the interview: will new people be avail in summer time?
Budget meeting: Tues 6pm
*Meeting adjourned: 7:38pm