Sir Gawain and the Green Knight answer key

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (due at the end of class)
Name ____________________________________
During the reading, find examples of medieval romance in the story:
Larger than Life character: __Green Knight
Hero who faces a challenge or test: ___Sir Gawin
Supernatural or magical elements: ___Green Knight is beheaded, yet still lives
Hidden or mistaken identity: ____Green Knight is really the lord of the castle
What do you think the holly is symbolic of (line 28)? ___Peace
Why is the Green Knight green? What does the color symbolize? __Green makes him a supernatural element to the
romance. The color symbolizes are rebirth of Gawain as a knight
What is your impression of the Green Knight? He is arrogant
In lines 61-64, what is the Green Knight’s tone (attitude) as he is speaking to King Arthur and his men? He is taunting
them and challenging their honor
What is knightly characteristic is the Green Knight challenging? If they are as honorable as everyone says they are
What is the challenge that the Green Knight proposes to King Arthur and his knights? Someone takes a stroke at him
with the axe, he gets to return the stroke in one year and a day from then
Why does King Arthur accept the challenge? Because the Green Knight is challenging the integrity of the knights; he
won’t let his code of chivalry be questioned
In lines 136-139, how does Sir Gawain’s explanation of himself reflect his role as a knight? He is very humble, talking
about his heritage and how he became a knight. He is mindful of his allegiance to King Arthur
Why does Gawain wait to accept the challenge? He was sitting with Guinevere, so he may have been waiting for her
approval to move. He may have thought the challenge a joke. He may have waited to see how is king would respond.
After the Green Knight leaves, why do King Arthur and Sir Gawain laugh in line 195? Most likely at the absurdity of the
challenge. It was very hard to believe.
What does Sir Gawain’s agreement to remain silent about the gift (sash) suggest about his character? Depending upon
how you look at it, it may make him seem like he is loyal to the lady or his is disloyal to the lord. He is loyal to the lady,
because he keeps his word with her to not mention the sash. He is disloyal to the lord, because he promised the lord
that he would reveal whatever treasures he received that day.
Why does he finally accept the gift? He believes the sash will protect him in his meeting with the Green Knight
Why doesn’t he tell the King about the sash? To honor the promise he made with the lady, and possibly because he is
embarrassed that he has taken a token to help protect him
Is this honorable? All in how you look at it, similar to question above
Why does Gawain flinch at the first swing, what is his explanation? Because he is human and knows once his head rolls
off it won’t’ be put back on
Why does the Green Knight mock Sir Gawain? Because he is being cowardly, which is not a knight’s trait
Why does the Knight stop his swing the second time? Because Sir Gawain was honest about the kisses
Why does the Green Knight scold Sir Gawain? Because he is trying to pick a fight with the Green Knight, which the
knight was never trying to do with Gawain, he was merely posing a challenge
What does the Green Knight reveal about himself? He is the lord of the castle
Why is Sir Gawain upset with himself? He knows he failed as a knight by being weak and taking the sash
Why does the Green Knight forgive Sir Gawain? Because he confesses to everything at the end
Why does Sir Gawain decline the Green Knight in the end? Perhaps it is a reminder of a his failure or perhaps he wishes
to return to court and be a noble knight again
Find three examples of alliteration in the poem:
“And fired of the flint flew out from the hooves of the foal.”
“And that blinding bit bites in at the knight’s bare neck-“
“Than to nick the nape of the neck, so it split to the skin.”
Situation irony is the contrast between what is expected from what actually occurs. What is ironic about Sir Gawain
accepting the sash?
He takes the sash because he believes it will protect him in the challenge with the Green Knight, but in reality it is the
reason why the Green Knight gives him the nick.
Is honor worth dying for? Personal opinion
What ideals has Sir Gawain betrayed or has he? personal opinion
Write a paragraph that supports or does not support Sir Gawain’s actions as a knight. Did he uphold the code of
chivalry or do you feel that his actions betrayed the code?
Your paragraph should include your stance, at least two examples from the text to support your stance, and an
explanation of how those examples support your stance.
Your response may be written neatly or typed. If I can’t read your writing, then I suggest you type up your response for
full credit.