Spring 2015 GTA and GRA
employed 0.50 FTE (50%)
The following terms and conditions apply to tuition benefits. Please read these carefully and put your initials in the square brackets
[ ] at the end of each paragraph, include your signature at the bottom of the page, and return to the Graduate College, 202 Whitehurst,
before the start of the semester, which begins January 12, 2015. Forms received after the first day of the semester jeopardize tuition
benefits. Tuition waivers will begin disbursing to eligible students’ Bursar Accounts overnight on January 9, 2015, provided this
Contract and the Payroll Employment Action Form were received on time and have been processed and appropriate course enrollment
has been verified.
___GTA: What are your teaching responsibilities (course, etc.) ________________________________________________________
___GRA: What are your research responsibilities (faculty, project, lab, etc.) ______________________________________________
GRADUATE TEACHING ASSISTANT OR ASSOCIATE (GTA): A Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) must be admitted to, enrolled, and
meet the requirements of the Graduate College, be fully admitted to a graduate program, and be under the supervision of an
appropriate graduate faculty member. In consultation with the supervisor, the GTA works to gain instructional skills and an increased
understanding of the discipline. The GTA is provided a stipend and their primary responsibilities are to support the University’s
instructional mission. Services provided by a GTA may include: classroom or laboratory teaching; advising and mentoring of
students; proctoring examinations; grading papers, homework, and/or projects; accompanying/ coaching musical or vocal
performances, providing artistic instruction or assisting with preparation and management of materials and programs that are utilized
in imparting knowledge or in the instructional process; or providing other general assistance in the instruction process. A GTA may
be assigned primary responsibilities in an extension, outreach, or service role for which those responsibilities support the instructional
mission of the University. GTAs may not be given duties to support faculty research or those primarily clerical in nature.
GRADUATE RESEARCH ASSISTANT OR ASSOCIATE (GRA): A Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) must be admitted to, enrolled, and
meet the requirements of the Graduate College, be fully admitted to a graduate degree program, and be under the supervision of an
appropriate graduate faculty member. A GRA is provided a stipend and their primary responsibilities are to provide general support to
the University’s research mission. These responsibilities may or may not relate directly to the student’s thesis or dissertation. Duties
of the GRA primarily involve applying and mastering research concepts, practices, or methods of scholarship. Services provided by a
GRA may include: assisting faculty members in a research or creative activity; perform degree-related professional or administrative
services that supports research, instruction, professional development, or outreach missions of the University; developing and
evaluating instructional materials or curricula; or assuming responsibility for designated scholarly endeavors.
You are required to be enrolled in at least six (6) credit hours through the entire semester (enrollment exception of TWO (2) hours
minimum for Graduate College approved, official, doctoral candidates). The nonresident increment (if applicable) of tuition for all
qualifying courses* taken will be waived. In addition, the resident tuition charges for six (6) hours of qualifying courses will be paid
on your behalf (pre-admission, leveling courses, audit, correspondence or “600” section of outreach courses are not eligible
courses). Courses must be appropriate to your intended graduate degree Plan of Study. You are responsible for any remaining
resident tuition in excess of six hours and for all fees..……………………………………………………………….……………..[
Withdrawal from any course or courses that results in a course load below 6 credit hours will result in you reimbursing the University
for the entire amount of the tuition waiver received. Courses, in particular research courses (5000 or 6000), cannot be added to
compensate for courses dropped after the end of a semester’s open enrollment period. Separation of employment status from the
GTA/GRA position prior to the end of the semester will require you to reimburse the University for the total resident tuition amount
covered for this term………………………………………………………………………….………………………………..….…[
I certify that I am either a GTA or a GRA (as defined above) and employed at least 50% (0.50 FTE) for the entire semester. I
agree to the terms and conditions above. I am not covered by a military or other tuition waiver. I understand that failure to
comply with the employment and/or enrollment conditions of this agreement may cause my waiver to be rescinded.
Student’s Name: _________________________________
Employing department: ____________________________
Student’s Signature: ________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________
Student’s CWID: (8 digits)
*A qualifying course is a graduate course taken for credit and listed on the graduate degree Plan of Study. Audit, preadmission, leveling courses, correspondence or outreach (600 sections) courses are not “qualifying courses.”