CSAC General Council Minutes September 11, 2014 Meeting began at 1:00pm with a tour of the Native American Cultural Center (NACC) Deaver, Alyssa Lauer, Susan Members Present: Derryberry, Vickie Ortega, Bobbi Beckworth, Mary Gallegos, Mark Paddock, Charlotte Carr, Michael Goodfellow, Jessie Shepard, Debbie Chief-Yazzie, Sharon Harrison, Felicia Theiss, Dee Dee Cook, Kinsey Jones, Tammy Carlson, Kelli Members Absent: Guests: DelVecchio, Teresa Campbell, Vickie Frank, Kathleen Joeke, Akaylah Rice, Shannan Talakte, Catherine Parks, Jessica Watson Daniella Austin, Gary Przydzial, Mike Bohland, Laura Strauss, Carly Bowen, Shawna Jenny Strickland I. I. Guest speakers – Kathleen Frank of NACC and Catherine Talakte of Native American Student Services a. Building opened three years ago to all students b. NACC partnerships across campus are given precedence for the meeting rooms, but if available, are open to both on and off campus c. Native American Student Services i. Been here over 30 years ii. Services are available to Nat. Am. Students as well as any other students iii. One-stop resource center philosophy; makes navigating the university more convenient for students iv. Provide one-on-one support to students to address their individual needs v. Host an annual Fall Stew Fest open to the entire campus vi. Put on many celebrations for Native American Heritage Month vii. Coordinate the Nat. Am. Convocation viii. Invite high schools to come see NAU ix. Over 1800 Nat. Am., Native Alaskan, and Native Hawaiian students at NAU; 109 different tribal nations or tribes x. NAU is known nationally for its enrollment of Nat. Am. students and their graduation rates 1. Hope for NAU to become leading institution in this realm xi. Helped create a First Year Seminar course with a native American focus – idea is to be proactive and help ease the transition from high school to university to keep students from dropping out their first year 1. Can cover liberal arts requirements xii. Work with prospective students, undergraduates and graduate students xiii. Also offer a peer mentoring program CSAC Business a. Dee Dee will coordinate a phone conference in a couple of weeks to discuss the mixer II. III. b. Committee Reports i. Felicia –CSW—AWHE Conference June 11, 12, $120, great networking experience, keynote = President Cheng; looking for third co-chair for next year ii. Kinsey - Strategic Planning & Budget: Leadership Day Retreat: VPs presented top priorities; discussed budget cuts—Ducey to cut $13.1M to NAU; projected that budget issues will span two fiscal years; may have to increase tuition, a nationwide dilemma; ABOR coming to NAU in March; IT goals: hiring qualified staff to do more with less, make wifi 1G/sec in each building; no more new phone lines being brought into buildings; campus preparing to switch over to the computer-based Lync phone system; Extended Campuses—most affordable degree program in AZ, home to NAU TV iii. Vickie C/Sharon – Emp. Dev. Day committee: scheduled for May 20, 2015; are seeking volunteers to work the event; Passport to Excellence: Develop U; held at Franke College of Business c. Mixer i. Flyers passed out for people to hang up in their buildings ii. 50/50 raffle tickets given out; members asked to sell at least 18 tickets each iii. Members strongly encouraged to continue to solicit donations; it’s very important to the staff that attend the mixer iv. Also spread the word and/or nominate people for the peer recognition awards— winners will get their picture taken with the president! Guest Speaker - Green NAU Energy Initiative – Alex Gaynor a. Presented items to show what is recyclable vs. what is not recyclable Recyclable NOT Recyclable Plastic bottles –keep lids on if made of Glass is not recyclable; but at home same materials you can order a roll-off for $3.50/mo (see City of Flagstaff website) in order to recycle glass Milk cartons Wax lined items (e.g. coffee cups) Paper and cardboard if not wet => do Plastic utensils, they are too small not put liquids in the recycling!! Aluminum foil Paper towels, napkins, and toilet paper Paper shredding if in a clear plastic bag Soft plastics (plastic bags, candy wrappers, etc.) i. Any coffee shop on campus will give you a $.50 discount on coffee if you bring your own mug and ask for the discount ii. Make sure items put in the recycling are empty (do not need to be washed or spotless) iii. Office of Sustainability has free reusable bags b. Working on getting supply of clear bags for each department in which recycling should be placed c. Recycling pilot program going on in four buildings and will not be spread campus wide until there is sufficient funding; while successful, the program is very expensive d. Large bins for the pilot programs are $1500 per pair (pair = recycling and trash) e. If department is looking to buy new bins, they are encouraged to buy bins like those used in the pilot program (contact nau.edu/recycling) or at least match in color (brown for trash and blue for recycling) Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid Guest Speaker – Jeff Tellin, Financial Aid Advisor, 3-8670; jeff.tellin@nau.edu a. IV. Smartphone budgeting apps: i. MINT ii. BillGuard iii. You Need a Budget iv. CreditKarma –best for understanding your credit and how to build it b. Credit Score i. Payment History 35% ii. Amount Owed 30% (how much of your credit line are you using) 1. Ideally should only use up to 25% of each line of credit otherwise it starts looking like you’re relying on credit iii. History of Credit 15% 1. Responsible credit over a long period of time; don’t close those oldest accounts iv. Inquiries 10% 1. Each time you apply for credit, it does affect your score but not greatly and is realtively temporary v. Account Diversity 10% 1. Installment loans (e.g. home mortgages), revolving debt (line of credit), open accounts (utilities, cell phones— young people should consider paying for own phone bills) vi. Free credit checks 1. Freecreditreport.com - not actually free 2. Annualcreditreport.com – actually free 3. CreditKarma.com – free apps for Android and iPhone vii. 18% of all consumers have a score at or better than 800 because they: 1. Maintain zero balances 2. Have credit diversity 3. Exhibit discernment 4. Practice isolationism/stinginess – don’t cosign for anyone 5. Are frugal—live beneath their means c. Student Loan Repayment i. If want to learn more, Jeff offers a class that anyone can take d. Public service loan forgiveness i. Eligible borrowers can cancel the remaining balance of their Direct Loans after serving full-time at a public service organization for at least 10 years while making 120 qualifying monthly payments after October 1, 2007 Guest Speakers – Christy Farley, VP of Governmental Affairs & Diane Verkest, Director of Human Resources a. Health Insurance Benefits i. University might have to offer benefits under a different system than the current one; universities have requested independent authorization to decide on systems b. Retirement – State to do away with ASRS for universities i. No specific plan, no immediate changes to be made, and no effect on existing employees; but if legislation is passed to give universities more flexibility, the university will seriously consider allowing people to switch from ASRS to 401A ii. NAU has focused on choice: employees already in ASRS would be able to switch from state retirement plan to 401A type system; currently classified staff are automatically enrolled in ASRS while faculty and service professionals have a choice; all new employees would be put on a different system as the universities move away from ASRS iii. NAU will continue to match 401K contribution iv. Employee costs are going up for ASRS (already at 12%) c. What will happen to employees that will be depending on ASRS in the near future as they retire? i. There is a board that manages the ASRS that use actuaries to determine what needs to come in to manage the current retirees being supported ii. Goal is not to harm those currently in the ASRS d. Cost of pension type programs not sustainable in the long haul e. If there are questions, feel free to email Christy.Farley@nau.edu or she would be willing to come back at another date and discuss the changes Meeting adjourned at 3:05pm