NCSU Early Childhood Programs YEAR 1 2012-13 Implement the IGDI (early literacy) and the BASC screener (social emotional) Continue to build repertoire of optional screeners to be used as needed Early vtMTSS Three-Year Trajectory (Revised 9/14/12) INSTRUCTION FAMILIES DATA REPORTING Begin development Develop protocol Work with of Tier 3 for family elementary intervention involvement schools to strategies and define a analyze current continuum of practices data that supports student transitions to K Determine Provide roll-out Plan data extended supports and system for meetings. How that follow Tier 2 in ongoing family often and what ECP classrooms, involvement does it look Tier 1 in Focus on like? participating district securing parent Analysis of tier classrooms and the representation 1, tier 2, and role of tier 3 data paraprofessionals Continue implementation of Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations of Early Learning (CSEFEL) model– TPOT, teaching Research implementation of a math strand for Year 2 Research continuum of instruction for tier II for year 2 ASSESSMENTS Choose Tier I selfassessment for literacy (ELLCO) Implement CSEFEL self assessment for social/emotional Problem Solve for obstacles for parents: Money Childcare Possible Collab. w PCC Identify and/or develop data collection and reporting tools program-wide, classroombased, student specific PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Revisit Tier 1 professional development needs and identify needed resources through lens of fidelity of implementation in Tier I (universal) Identify professional development needs of paraprofessionals to support fidelity of tier 1 implementation Professional Development for Families Include CSEFEL & literacy for families SUSTAINABILITY Share information and open trainings to district preschools and invite their participation to support their implementation of Early vtMTSS Planning for economic sustainability. Identify internal supports and collaborate with state for external supports Recognition of successes of the program. Determine status of implementation of RTI in SU schools (Jean) Work with elementary schools to define a continuum of pyramid, observation tool for preschool classrooms -Building Blocks Tier I Additional literacy strands Progress Monitoring and Comprehension Checks. * connect with parent committee Progress monitoring tools Determination grid Teacher data grid data that supports transitions Brainstorm studying /tracking long term? Implement instructional blocks that include longer intervention periods and progress monitoring Get regular input from the ECP Parents’ Committee Plan for reporting out to Department of Education on all Tiers Site visits for our Pre-K teachers to visit both existing Pre-K and K RTI sites Cross walk screening tools and benchmark assessments Explore and define the role of paraprofessionals for direct instruction in each tier Offer professional development for families Report Tier 1 data for collaborative sites Create Professional Development opportunities for creating curriculum districtwide Use designated data days to use teams to analyze data and plan next steps Include input of SLP and Early Literacy Coach in early literacy Tier two intervention strategies Refine definition of coaching roles in social emotional and literacy Report Tier I data for collaborative sites Determine the roles of SU support personnel (Psych, Behavior Specialist, Literacy and Math Coaches) Create protocol for continued Professional Development for new staff and revisit with existing staff Design system to recognize staff for implementation of positive behavior supports and early literacy practices YEAR 2 2013-14 ASSESMENTS INSTRUCTION FAMILIES DATA REPORTING Analyze data from assessment tools and begin to plan average yearly benchmarks PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Continue professional development based on data from research, program-wide selfassessment and reflection from Year 1 (Tiers 1 & 2) Continue to refine systems for data reporting in all teams Align Tier 1 & 2 activities with universal curriculum, including progression to Tier 2 Identify possible Math screening tool for tier 1 & tier 2 Use year 1 data to inform Tier 1 to identify trends and inform instruction Invite parents to participate in RTI activities Annual review of efficacy in tier 1 universal practices Identify coach for mathematics to address fidelity in implementation of research based curriculum Develop and pilot a family review of the program, including the Tier 2 and 3 Develop assessment calendar to integrate screening tools, benchmark assessments and other instruments Create goal and activity bank for Tier 2 intervention activities for social/emotional & literacy domains (moved from year 3) Create data system for math strand Include professional development in math to address fidelity at Tier 1 to research based curriculum Continue development of Tier 3 system of individualized support Report out on family review Continue professional development for families Training in Tier 3 for all staff Revisit current practices and adjust as needed SUSTAINABILITY Invite Head Start partners to collaborative trainings related to the implementation of Pre-K RTI model for tier 1. Share resources as feasible within the scope of SU program. Identify supports and sources of funding to sustain Early vtMTSS programming including program, district, state and private resources Continue collaboration with local SU Pre-K sites Focus on Tier 2 implementation and professional development YEAR 3 2014-15 ASSESMENTS INSTRUCTION FAMILIES Annual review of efficacy in Tier 1 & 2 universal practices Continue to add to and refine goal and activity bank for Tier 2 intervention activities Review Consider assessment implementation of calendar for math strand on alignment, pilot year basis effectiveness and for the six initial efficiency ECP sites. DATA REPORTING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Identify professional development needs in response to data from Tier 1 SUSTAINABILITY Self assess RTI programming for effectiveness, fidelity to program components, and sustainability Access data from district preschools to identify essential components for implementation Refine progress monitoring as needed Design a system for local, state-wide and other dissemination of information Updated 9/14/12 For information contact: Pam Kennedy, Early Childhood Programs North Country Supervisory Union 338 Highland Ave, Suite 1 Newport, VT 05855 802-334-5704