Agenda Item No. 5BP (13/27) BOARD REPORT ___________________________________________________________________ DATE OF BOARD MEETING: 29 April 2013 TITLE OF REPORT: Chief Executive’s Business Report PURPOSE OF REPORT: To provide a résumé of key issues of Trust business and items that impact on the Trust and its services. KEY POINTS/TEAM BRIEF: ACCOUNTABLE DIRECTOR: Simon Barber Chief Executive RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD: The Board is asked to note the contents of this report. 13/27 Chief Executive’s Business Report HPMA Excellence in HRM Awards 2013 Staff Recognition Awards National Patient Safety Awards Consultant Recruitment Page 1 of 6 Agenda Item No. 5BP (13/27) IMPLICATIONS AND LINKS FOR TRUST GOVERNANCE Corporate Objectives (√ the objective(s) the report supports, or to which it is linked) Service Quality & Patient Experience: During 2013/14 we will be able 1. to demonstrate that we have improved the effectiveness, experience, quality and safety of our services. 2. Effective & Efficient Organisation: During 2013/14 we will work to ensure services are provided in the most economic, efficient, effective and equitable manner. 3. Clinical Leadership & Service Improvement: During 2013/14 we will support our clinical leaders to deliver service improvement across the organisation ensuring we deliver high quality services. 4. Engagement & Partnership Working: During 2013/14 we will become better at working in partnerships. We will explore opportunities for partnering in order to develop innovative solutions for improving health outcomes for the people we serve. 5. Well Governed: During 2013/14 we will maintain sound governance arrangements that will ensure we continue to hold our CQC registration status and FT authorisation. 6. Financial Viability: During 2013/14 we will meet our statutory financial duties and maintain a robust five year financial plan. 7. Organisational Development: During 2013/14 we will deliver organisational improvement through our key themes of:- Employee and Organisational Health & Wellbeing, Employee Engagement and our Values and Organisational Culture. 8. Workforce Management & Experience: During 2013/14 we will continue to plan for, attract and develop our people so that they are able to deliver a high quality, safe service. √ NHS Regulatory Framework (√ the standard domain(s) the report supports, or to which it is linked. Add text as required) Essential Standards of Quality and Safety 1. Involvement and information √ 2. Personalised care, treatment and support 3. Safeguarding and safety 4. Suitability of staffing 5. Quality and management 6. Suitability of Management Other 7. Quality of financial management 8. National priorities and existing commitments 13/27 Chief Executive’s Business Report Page 2 of 6 Agenda Item No. 5BP (13/27) IMPACT ASSESSMENT Patient and Public Involvement N/A Equality, Diversity and Human Rights N/A Communications N/A Risk Assessment N/A No in Risk Register Legal Implications N/A 13/27 Chief Executive’s Business Report Page 3 of 6 Agenda Item No. 5BP (13/27) Report to Trust Board 29 April 2013 Chief Executive’s Business Report 1. HEALTHCARE PEOPLE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION EXCELLENCE IN HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AWARDS 2013 I'm delighted to confirm that our Coaching Culture Programme, led by Tracy Hill, Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development with sponsorship from myself, is one of three entrants to have achieved finalist status in the Healthcare People Management Association (HMPA) Excellence in Human Resources Management (HRM) Awards 2013. The Healthcare Performance Award recognises the best coaching and personal development strategy, and will be presented to the winner at a celebration dinner on 27 June to be held at in London. Our entry outlined the programme's business need; project design; underpinning evidence base; management process and evaluation. Among the programme's achievement, we were able to evidence that: 100 per cent of participants either agreed or strongly agreed that they felt knowledgeable about having a coaching conversation having completed the programme, compared with 53 per cent beforehand. 96 per cent of participants either agreed or strongly agreed that they felt confident in having a coaching conversation having completed the programme, compared with 44 per cent beforehand. 96 per cent of participants either agreed or strongly agreed that they felt skilled in having a coaching conversation having completed the programme, compared with 26 per cent beforehand. I'd also like to acknowledge the contribution of Roger Williams of New Focus Consulting who has supported Tracy with the design and delivery of the programme. I am sure you will join me in wishing them well for their presentation to the judges' panel, and the ceremony itself. 13/27 Chief Executive’s Business Report Page 4 of 6 Agenda Item No. 5BP (13/27) 2. STAFF RECOGNITION AWARDS 2013 The deadline for this year’s Staff Recognition Awards has now passed and I am pleased to announce that we have had a total of 102 nominations which are set out below: Innovation Inter-agency Partnership Working Excellence in Service Delivery Patient User and Carer Involvement Promoting Positive Attitudes Proud to Publish Team of the Year The Tony Conroy Unsung Hero of the Year 13 11 18 10 3 5 20 22 Nominations will be returned by the Judging panel by 26 April 2013, following which, the runners up and winners will be invited to an awards ceremony which this year will take place at the DW Stadium in Wigan on Thursday 20 June 2013. The event will be run on very similar lines to previous year’s recognition events and I would encourage the Trust Board members to reserve this important date in their diaries to celebrate the fantastic work of our people. 3. NATIONAL PATIENT SAFETY AWARDS I am also delighted to announce that the Trust has been short-listed in the 'Changing Culture' category for this year's Patient Safety Awards. The nomination was submitted on behalf of Advanced Practitioner, Kate Dutton, and relates to the work within LLAMS around supporting people with mental ill-health in care homes. The Awards ceremony will be held at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London on 9 July. 4. CONSULTANT RECRUITMENT POST : CONSULTANT PSYCHIATRIST – LATER LIFE AND MEMORY SERVICES The Trust Board is asked to note that under its delegated authority, an Advisory Appointments Committee held on 22 April, agreed unanimously to appoint Dr James Coutinho. Membership of the Committee met the Statutory NHS (Appointment of Consultants) Regulations as follows: 13/27 Chief Executive’s Business Report Page 5 of 6 Agenda Item No. 5BP (13/27) APPOINTMENT PANEL Ms Therese Patten Dr Louise Sell Mr. Julian Eyre Dr A Blakey Dr J Mathew Ms Eileen MacDonald 5. Chief Operating Officer Medical Director & RCP Representative Assistant Director Consultant Psychiatrist Consultant Psychiatrist Involvement Scheme Worker RECOMMENDATION That the Board notes the contents of this report. Simon Barber Chief Executive 13/27 Chief Executive’s Business Report Page 6 of 6