CLIENT APPLICATION *Answering as many questions as possible will help us to better meet your needs and provide continuity of care in a safe environment* PROTECTED AND CONFIDENTIAL WHEN COMPLETED: Thank you for completing this form. The Chatham-Kent Community Health Centres’ staff operates as a team to provide the best possible service for our clients. You may deal with more than one staff member which means that staff may need to share personal information to help you. All information is kept confidential. Some of the information that you will provide in the Client Intake Form is required by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. This information will enable us and our funders to determine plans for and deliver programs specific to the need of the Community Health Centres’ clients. With your consent, we release this information; however, no names or personal identifiers will be used. I have read and/or understand the above information and give consent to the items herein: Signature Date PART 1: GENERAL IDENTIFYING INFORMATION Last Name: __________________________________________ First Name: __________________________________________________ Gender: Female Male Intersex Trans – Female to Male Other (please specify):___________________________________ Trans – Male to Female Do not know Two-Spirit Prefer not to answer O t (Apt. #) (No. and Street) (City, Postal Code) h No Fixed Shelter (please specify): _________________________________ e Address: r #: ____________________________ Cell #: __________________________ Work #: ________________________________ Home Phone Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: M______________/D_______/Y__________________ Age: _____ ____ Health Card #: __________________________ Version Code: _____Expiry Date: __________ OR Interim Federal Funding #:___________ No Insurance Other form of Health Coverage (please specify): ___________________________________________ Emergency Contact Name: _______________________________________________ Phone #: ________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________Relationship to you: ________________________________ Current Health Care Status: Do you currently have a family physician / nurse practitioner: No Yes If yes, current doctor’s/nurse practitioner’s name & Phone #: _____________________________ If yes, reason for leaving current practice: _____________________________________________ If no, where do you currently receive your health care? __________________________________ If no, name of previous family physician/nurse practitioner: ______________________________ All children under the age of 16, living at your address, who will be attending the Chatham-Kent Community Health Centres (please fill out a separate form for each family member over the age of 16): Name Health Card Number Expiry Sex DOB (M/D/Y) Relationship Date PART 2: SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Languages: Spoken in the Home: ____________________________________ Written Language(s): _______________________________ Official:____________________________________ Do you have communication problems that make accessing health services difficult? Yes Translator required? Yes No No Racial or Ethnic Group: Asian – East Asian – South Black – North American First Nations Latin American Metis White – North American Do not know Mixed heritage (please specify): ___________________ Asian – South East Black – African Black – Caribbean Indian – Caribbean Inuit Indigenous/Aboriginal Middle Eastern White-European Prefer not to answer Other(s) (please specify): _______________________ Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Two-Spirit Gay Do not know Country of Birth: Canada Other (please specify): _______________________ Canadian Citizen: Yes No Heterosexual (straight) Prefer not to answer Are you a temporarily in the community as seasonal worker? Marital Status: Single Divorced Number of Children: _________ Place of Residence: Married Common-Law Lesbian Queer Other (please specify): ___________________________ Yes No Separated Widowed Are you or is there a chance that you could be pregnant? Private Home Parent Home Apartment Child Home Yes Shelter Homeless Other: __________________ Current Household Composition: Sole Member Couple Single Parent Family (Mother) Single Parent Family (Father) Siblings Unrelated Housemate Other ____________________________ Couple with Children Parent living with Adult Child Grandparents with Grandchildren Number of people living in household that bring in an income: ___________ Number of people living in household supported by this income: _________ Does 2/3 of your income go towards housing and food? Yes No Please List All Medications Name of Medication Dosage Instructions Name of Pharmacy: ___________________________________ Have you had a hospital stay within the last three months? Yes No Are you or have you seen a therapist/counselor? Yes No Do you currently or have you in the past seen a psychiatrist? Yes No If Yes, please list name and year last seen: ____________________________________________ No Do you have any of the following (please check all that apply to you)? Chronic illness (ex. diabetes, COPD, CHF) Developmental disability (ex. ADHD, autism) Addictions (ex. drug or alcohol) Learning disability (ex. dyslexia) Mental disorder (ex. bipolar disorder, schizophrenia) Physical disability (ex. arthritis, cerebral palsy) Sensory disability (ex. vision impairment, hearing impairment) Other (please specify): _______________________________ None Do not know Prefer not to answer Do you receive care from: Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Assertive Community Team (ACT TEAM) How did you hear about us: Health Care Connect Newspaper Yes Yes Radio Word of mouth No No Emergency Room CKCIS Other_______________________ CKCHC Staff Use Only Reviewed & Approved by: ______________________________________ Name Date Reviewed & Approved by: ______________________________________ Name Date Target Populations Met: Economically disadvantaged Youth (13-21) Communication Barriers Emotional or Mental Health First Nations Family Member Addictions Seasonal Worker Pregnant Declined: _________________________________________________ Reason: _________________________________________________ PART 3: CONSENT TO OBTAIN PERSONAL INFORMATION To provide the best possible service for our clients it is most helpful to have your past medical records from your previous doctor or nurse practitioner and/or specialist you have or currently see. With your consent, we will contact those previous providers to send us your records to have on file and assistant in your future health care at the Chatham Kent Community Health Centres. NAME: _________________________ DOB (M/D/Y): __________________________ HC#: ___________________________ I hearby authorize the following office or person(s) to release the following personal information about me: 1. Designated Office/Person(s): _________________________________________________________ Information to be released: __________________________________________________________ 2. Designated Office/Person(s): __________________________________________________________ Information to be released: __________________________________________________________ 3. Designated Office/Person(s): __________________________________________________________ Information to be released: ___________________________________________________________ This information may be release to the following individual: ______________________________________ Signature: ______________________________ Date: ______________________________ Witness: _______________________________ Date: ______________________________