

Primary Sources

"Asch Building Fire Helps To Better Laws." New York Tribune. 25 March 1912: n pag. Chronicling America. Library of Congress. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.

<> This article discussed the impact of the Triangle Factory Fire and the direct legislation that resulted as an effect of it. I used this article on my 'Impact' page of my website.

"Awful Sights Cause Suicide." The Day Book [Chicago] 12 Oct. 1914: n. pag. Chronicling

America. Library of Congress. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.



This article explained the further impact of the Triangle Fire - a witness committing suicide - and how several witnesses and family members coped with the deaths. I used this on my 'Grievance' page of my web site rather than the 'Impact' page because I felt it was more appropriate to address how people dealt with the tragedy.

"Commemoration." Remembering The 1911 Triangle Factory Fire. Cornell University, n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014.


d=2>.The images contained in this album touched my heart and it is obvious that the city of New York was in much grief after the fire. The album included pictures of gravestones, rallies done by those looking for justice, and other symbolic and meaningful commemorations. I used these photos under the 'Grievance and

Remembrance' page of my website.

"Harris and Blanck Acquitted By Jury." New York Tribune. 28 Dec. 1914: n. pag. Chronicling America. Library of Congress. Web 25 Feb. 2014.

<>. This newspaper article reported on the acquitting of Max Blanck and Isaac Harris. It discussed the trial and listed the jury members who voted to acquit the men.

"Jury Indicts Two For Factory Fire." The Washington Herald 12 Apr. 1911: n. pag.

Chronicling America. Library of Congress. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.

<>.This article on The Washington Herald reported on the in diction of Max Blanck and Isaac

Harris and the charges against them for manslaughter of the young women who died in the fire. Families of the victims wanted justice for their loved ones.

"LOT 10855." Library of Congress. Library of Congress, n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2014.

< a=exact&co!=coll&sg=true&st=gallery>.These photographs were excellent when I was researching information for my 'Strikes Against Sweatshops' page. I used many of these photos on that page and am humbled at how much effort the strikers put in to receiving their rights.

"Mourning & Protest, Victims & Survivors." Remembering The 1911 Triangle Factory

Fire. Cornell University, n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2014.


d=6>.The photos contained in this album helped me understand just how many people were affected by the Triangle Factory fire. The album featured mourning families, ghastly corpses, and photos of those who died - these sad photos also allowed me to realize the personal impact of the fire. I used these photos primarily under the

'Grievance' page of my site.

"Reporting, Investigation & Trial." Remembering The 1911 Triangle Factory Fire.

Cornell University, n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014.


d=4>.Many of the images in this album were editorial cartoons, meant to instill grief and rage (though not concurrently) in the American people. Some of the cartoons in this album pondered on what individual was responsible for the fire, while others stressed the fact that if the Asch Building had not been approved by New York, the disaster never would have happened. I used these pictures under my 'Responsibilities' category of my website.

"Shirtwaist Strike & Other Strikes." Remembering The 1911 Triangle Factory Fire.

Cornell University, n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2014.


d=12>.The photos in this album proved invaluable when I was searching for pictures of shirtwaist strikes and other strikes. It is clear that the women and men were determined to earn their rights and forge a better future for their children. I was surprised that, despite the many strikes, it took quite a long time for the concerns to be addressed. I used these photos throughout my website, but primarily on my 'Strikes Against

Sweatshops' page.

"SURVIVOR INTERVIEWS." Remembering The 1911 Triangle Factory Fire. Cornell

University, n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014.


e 19 interviews, done by Leon Stein, allowed me to acquire a personal outlook on the fire. Each of the personalities presented in these interviews were unique, yet all of them shared a similar story. I used multiple quotes from these interviews throughout my website which allowed my readers to gain a more accurate perspective of what the survivors experienced. This is a primary source because it contains interviews with people who witnessed or experienced the fire.

"Topics in Chronicling America - Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire." Newspaper &

Current Periodical Reading Room. Library of Congress, n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2014.

<>.I used the articles listed on this page to enhance my website with primary sources. By using the PRNT SCRN key, I was able to paste the webpage into Paint, where I proceeded to cut it and highlight a paragraph or two to use in my website. The newspapers proved great reading and helped me understand what the general population thought of the fire. I used the newspaper articles throughout my website, but primarily on my 'Grievance' page and under the

'Responsibility' category.

"Transcripts of Criminal Trial Against Triangle Owners." Cornell University ILR School.

Cornell University, 1 Nov. 1911. Web. 23 Feb. 2014.

<>.The complete transcript of the criminal trial of Blanck and Harris was an excellent resource when I was researching information for my 'Investigation and Trial' and 'Verdict' pages. I was surprised to find that some workers recalled the door being open while others testified that the door was locked.

"Triangle Fire." Remembering The 1911 Triangle Factory Fire. Cornell University, n.d.

Web. 20 Feb. 2014.


d=3>.These images showcase the damage of the Triangle Factory fire, and emphasize just how devastating the fire was. Some photos include firefighters struggling to extinguish the fire, dead bodies from those that jumped, and the physical damage that the fire did to the Asch Building. I used some of these photos under my 'Fire' website category.

"Triangle Waist Co. Owners Acquitted." The Sun [Chicago] 28 Dec. 1911: n. pag.

Chronicling America. Library of Congress. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.

<>.This article on The Sun reported that the Max Blanck and Isaac Harris, the owners of the

Triangle Shirtwaist Company, being acquitted of all charges in the trial. I used a picture of this article on my 'Verdict' page.

"Workers & Working Conditions." Remembering The 1911 Triangle Factory Fire.

Cornell University, n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014.


d=8>.The pictures in this album were used throughout my website, specifically in the pages under the 'Rights' category. In these photos I was able to see the faces of those who worked in sweatshops and sympathized with them for the hardships that they faced in their life. These photos also revealed the small garment scraps and clutter that would eventually serve as the perfect tinder for a fire trap.

Secondary Sources

Auch, Mary Jane. Ashes of Roses. New York: H. Holt, 2002. Print. After reading this book I was better able to understand the workers' perspective of the fire and found myself truly feeling the devastation that this fire caused. I did not use any facts or information from this book, but I did take advantage of the lovely writing and vivid descriptions, which allowed me to forge a foundation for my project by putting me in the shoes of a sixteen year old worker at the time.

Drehle, David Von. "The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire: A Lasting Legacy, 100 Years

Later." Time. Time Inc., 26 Mar. 2011. Web. 23 Feb. 2014.


>. This article discusses the historical context of the fire and what other events were going on at that time. It explained what happened when the fire started and how many people died in the fire, either by jumping or burning. I used the information from this article throughout my website.

Dreier, Peter, and Donald Cohen. "The Fire Last Time." New Republic. New Republic, 12

Mar. 2011. Web. 21 Feb. 2014.

<,0>.This article went into detail about the sweatshops and strikes leading up to the Triangle Factory Fire, and explained how these events continued on after the fire. It also discussed each aspect of the fire - of these include the trial and the attempt to put out the fire.

Haddix, Margaret Peterson. Uprising. New York: Simon & Schuster for Young Readers,

2007. Print. This book really helped me see the situation from many different perspectives. Whereas other books focused mainly on that of the workers' feelings,

Uprising switched to other perspectives, including that of a daughter of a wealthy businessman. I was able to draw from these perspectives to form my website.

Marrin, Albert. Flesh and Blood So Cheap: The Triangle Fire and Its Legacy. New York:

Alfred A. Knopf, 2011. Print. This book was great at capturing the facts and telling the story of the fire. This was told from an outside perspective, but the author managed to create such a gripping account of the events that I was reminded to make a "Grievance" page just to honor those who died and to emphasize the sadness and grief that was experienced as a result of the fire.

New York Up-Close: Immigration and the Industrial Revolution Discovery

Education, 2006 . Full Video.Discovery Education. Web. 9 February

2014. <>. I used snippets from this video to enhance my website and allow readers to experience the fire when it happened. The

fear, panic, and mania were all central parts of why the fire was so disastrous - if the owners had done practice fire drills, perhaps there would have been more survivors. I used parts of this video on my 'The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory' and 'Fire!' pages.

"Remembering The 1911 Triangle Factory Fire." Remembering The 1911 Triangle

Factory Fire. Cornell University, n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2014.

<>.This website housed dozens of pictures, information, survivor interviews, and original text documents about the Triangle

Shirtwaist Factory Fire. I used this website frequently during my research, as it proved a great resource. I am classifying this website as a secondary source because the articles and composed text on the website are not primary. I have classified the photos/illustrations, interviews, and other sources on the website as primary sources, above.

Rosa, Paul. "The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire." History Library., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2014.

<>.This article described the chaos that went on during the fire, including the transportation to hospitals and workers' fight to get out of the building. It also described the body removal procedures and eventually touched on the aftermath of the fire. I used this information throughout my website.

Rosenberg, Jennifer. "Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire." 20th Century History., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2014.

<>.This article on discussed the details of the fire, including the struggle to put out the fire and what may have caused the fire. It also provided information on how the workers escaped the fire. I used this information under my 'Fire!' page of my website.

"Social Changes: The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of 1911." Social Changes of the

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, n.d. Web. 23

Feb. 2014. <>.This PDF provided lots of information for my topic. It described what happened when the fire was started, the death toll, and the trial that followed. It went into detail about what happened after Blanck and Harris were acquitted, as well. I used the information from this PDF throughout my website.

"The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Trial." The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Trial. University of

Missouri-Kansas City, n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014.

<>.This website provided solid information about the trial of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory

Fire. It was a great resource when I was working on my 'Trial and Investigation' and

'Verdict' pages. It also provided images of the trial, fire, and distress, which I used throughout my site.

"The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Trial of 1911: A Chronology." Famous Trials: The Triangle

Shirtwaist Fire Trial. University of Missouri-Kansas City, n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.I used the information on this website to develop my "Timeline" page. Because words on a timeline that are only collected from one source do not count as word count, I found that using this source was a great way to add more words to my site without being penalized.

"This Week in History - Triangle Waist Factory Fire." This Week in History - Triangle

Waist Factory Fire | Jewish Women's Archive. Jewish Women's Archive, n.d. Web. 23

Feb. 2014. <>.This article touched on the strikes for fair working conditions. It also described what political activists did after the fire and what impact the fire had on regulations. I used this information on the

'Impact' page of my website.

"Triangle Factory Fire 2-2 (New York: A Documentary Film, Ep4)." YouTube. YouTube,

25 Feb. 2011. Web. 23 Feb. 2014.

<>.I used snippets from this video in my website. The video included excellent information, including quotes and interviews with experts about the fire. I used the information from the video in the later pages of my website and it proved useful.

"Triangle Shirtwaist Fire." AFL-CIO. America's Unions, n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2014.


Shirtwaist-Fire>.This article went into detail on the striking of the garment workers, including key information on the Uprising of the 20,000 and leader Clara Lemlich. It also discussed the impact of the fire and what Clara Lemlich went on to do after the great strike was settled. I used information from this article on my 'Strikes Against

Sweatshops' page.

"Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire: A Century Later –" Triangle Shirtwaist

Factory Fire: A Century Later – The Jewish Daily Forward, n.d. Web. 21

Feb. 2014. <>.This website featured some great articles and allowed me to gain a perspective of what scholars thought of the fire. It included quotes, pictures, and other primary sources, as well. My favorite part of this website was that it housed a timeline of events.

Weber, Katharine. Triangle. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006. Print. This book was excellent when I was looking for the perspective of a survivor who was aged and experienced. Weber used many different sources to piece her story together - and although the story was not told from the direct perspective of a survivor, and instead one of historical fiction, it still was very helpful when I was developing my own opinion of the fire.
