APPENDIX A: ‘PERSONAL TUTORING ENHANCEMENT PROJECT’ ACTION PLAN - FINAL REPORT Not completed 1 2 3 4 Partially completed Completed Aim Action Lead Notes/progress Ensure staff resourcing and CPD for PT Enhancement Project 1. 1 Secure additional staff development support for enhancement of personal tutoring in Schools. Sue Burkill Secondment made (Chris Longman, 0.3FTE) – Sept09-July 10 1. 2 Allocate resource for associated CPD updating. Sue Burkill, Jane Rowe Conferences/seminars attended on HEAR, PDP and Personal Tutoring Research (SEDA) 2. 1 Establish Personal Tutoring Steering Group and Terms of Reference. Sue Burkill, Jane Rowe QSG decision made to make PTing standing agenda item, so no need for Steering Group). 2. 2 Arrange inclusion of questions specifically relating to PTing for forthcoming academic year in University surveys, where appropriate. Jane Rowe Questions now included in UG Survey. Responses available for 2009 onwards 2. 3 Include references to personal tutoring and plans for enhancement in next iteration of School Plans. All Education Advisers Identify key contacts for Personal Tutoring in Schools and organise forum 3. 1 Secure confirmation of named key contact for PTing in each School (Senior Tutor, Student Support Officer?). Jane Rowe Now listed on EE’s Senior Tutor Forum webpages – due for update Sept/Oct. 3. 2 Establish meeting schedule and coordinate/facilitate meetings for key contacts, agreeing terms of reference, frequency/format of meetings, representation on Personal Tutoring Steering Group. Jane Rowe Senior Tutors and other key contacts for personal tutoring now meet 2/3 times per year. Terms of reference agreed. Next meeting: Sept/Oct 2011. Revise Code of Practice: Personal Tutor System 4. 1 Amend TQA Code of Practice, to take into account recommendations of the Business Process Review and Evaluation of Pilot Projects, 2009-09. Jane Rowe, Neil Abel, Suzanne Byrch Approved by TFB (Feb 2010), effective October 2010. S up institutional reporting and monitoring mechanisms for enhancement of Personal Tutoring 5 6 Initiate a range of School-based and central Personal Tutoring-related projects for 2009-10, with support from EE Extend roll-out of Personal Tutor Training 4.2 Paper and amended CoP to Taught Faculty Board for approval – for implementation by 2010-11 Jane Rowe, Neil Abel, Suzanne Byrch As above 5.1 Coordinate scoping of targetted PTing enhancement projects through School contacts, with SSLC input. Chris Longman, Jane Rowe, 5.2 Monitor School projects, with report and recommendations to Quality Strategy Group, Autumn 2010 Chris Longman, Jane Rowe Report produced for QSG October 2010 5.3 Create series of case studies, based on School projects, to be disseminated through Directors of Education and Education Enhancement Academic Practice webpages Chris Longman, Jane Rowe Project case studies shared and details hosted on EE AP webpages 6.1 Secure agreement for, and branding of, a centrally available Learning and Teaching ‘Extra’ series of workshops, aimed at new and early career staff, with clear indication of those especially relevant to personal tutors Dilly Fung ‘You Teach’ series of workshops now includes sessions on ‘The Role of the Personal Tutor’ and others relevant to academic and PS staff in student support roles. 6.2 Include staff development session on Exeter Award and related employability initiatives Jane Rowe, Dawn Lees Update given at Feb 2011 Senior Tutor Forum. In addition EGD have put more resource into paper and web-based materials for PTs, again disseminated at ST Forum meeting, Projects completed Learning & Development 6.3 Develop and deliver a generic ‘Learning and Teaching Extra’ session on ‘The Role of the Personal Tutor’, based on student expectations, role description, useful resources for PTs and signposting to other useful training sessions Jane Rowe 6.4 Convene meetings of all providers of staff development/ training opportunities for personal tutors, brokering contact between Schools and support services. Jane Rowe Session available centrally and through Colleges Learning & Development These have taken place but there is a need to review this at the Student Experience CAT in Sept 2011 7 8 9 Develop further information systems to support personal tutors and the developmental aspects of their role Continuous development and updating of personal tutor resources, within constraints of Personal Tutoring budget Contingency and sustainability 7.1 Design specification for system to enable linking of electronic feedback sheets to personal tutors, with possible link to students’ ePDPs. Sue Milward Funding transferred.System in development, though no link currently between current specification for OCM and ePDP 7.2 Develop, test and pilot new system* Sue Milward As above 7.3 Roll-out new system to School Managers, Administrators and academic staff across all Schools Sue Milward As above 8.1 Establish series of case studies on different School practices/policies/ support for personal tutoring Chris Longman, Roos Zandstra Secondment no longer in place. Drafting is complete and they will go on the EE academic practice pages shortly. 8.2 Coordinate updates to Personal Tutor Manual, Helping Distressed Students guide, Cultural Inclusivity booklet and other personal tutoring-related resources, ensuring continued availability as online resources through the Personal Tutoring (Academic Practice) pages (EE) Jane Rowe All publications recently updated and available for coming year. Disseminate at next ST Forum meeting (Sept/Oct 2011) 8.3 Arrange printing of limited copies of Personal Tutor Manual, Helping Distressed Students, Cultural Inclusivity booklet and other personal tutoring-related resources for dissemination in Schools via key contacts. JR/CL Paper based version of PTM put on hold. All other pubs now available on paper. 8.4 Coordinate annual updates to student resources on personal development related themes, including ePDP website, monitoring uptake of ePDP, responding to staff/student queries about ePDP, requests for talks to students and further development requests Jane Rowe, Kate Tyler All materials updated and available on EE webpages. Requests for face-to-face student skills sessions about PDP have declined. Where they do arise they are picked up either by the Student Skills Team in EE or EGD. Organise Personal Tutoring ‘Sharing Practice’ event Chris Longman, Event held: June 2010. Attendance: 45. Excellent feedback. Jane Rowe