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Ordinance no. 155/2001 approving the program management of stray dogs Chamber of Deputies
adopted this bill.
Article I. - Government Emergency Ordinance no. 155/2001 on management program approval
stray dogs, published in Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 794 of 13 December 2001
approved with amendments by Law no. 227/2002, with amended, be amended and supplemented as
1Article 1 is amended to read as follows:
"Art 1. - (1) Local councils, namely the General Council of Bucharest are required to establish, as
necessary, within 60 days from the date of entry into force of this Ordinance emergency
management specialist services for stray dogs.
(2) specialized services for the management of stray dogs established in the administrativeterritorial units will manage the data held on their level.
(3) At the level of specialized services for the management of dogs without owner is established
Register of stray dogs captured range from administrative units.
(4) National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Food, through its veterinary and Safety
Food county or municipality of Bucharest, verifies application of the provisions of this ordinance by
administrative-territorial units. "
2. After Article 1 insert a new item art. 11, as follows:
"Art 11. - Under present law, the term dog stray has the following meaning: any dog raised, housed,
held on public land in public places or in areas adjacent their outside property owner or its owner,
uncontrolled, unsupervised, free, abandoned, including those identified by microchip or other
alternative means of identification established by the National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety
Food. "
3Article 2 is amended as follows:
"Art 2. - (1) Local councils, namely the General Council of Bucharest are required to arrange and to
supplement the own funds as necessary, as provided in Annex no. 1, public shelters for stray dogs.
(2) The local councils, namely the General Council of the City Bucharest are required to fit the
specialized services management of stray dogs veterinary technician at least one registration and
(3) The local councils, namely the General Council of the City Bucharest has an obligation to
provide the specialized care veterinarian, veterinary perform actions under veterinary legislation
and the identification and registration only stray dogs free of veterinary practice organized under the
(4) specialized services for the management of stray dogs can be granted only to legal persons,
associations or foundations operating in the field of animal protection. They will contact the
veterinary services, according to legal regulations in force.
(5) The public relations work of shelters for stray dogs will be daily from Monday to Friday,
between hourly from 10.00 to 18.00. "
4. Article 3 is amended to read as follows:
"Art 3. - (1) In shelters belonging to associations and foundations for animal welfare can be
accommodated stray dogs to be subject to veterinary actions required by law and will be identified
by microchip or any other alternative means of identification, established by the National Veterinary
Services Food Safety Authority.
(2) Housing provided in par. (1) must be ensured by contract, veterinary care.
(3) type of claim forms are completed and adoption the shelters associations and foundations for
animal protection will be sent to the veterinarian of free practice organized law, contract holder of
public services, within 48 hours from the date of claim / adoption, for registration their Register of
stray dogs. "
5. Article 4 is amended to read as follows:
"Art 4. - (1) stray dogs are housed in public shelters for stray dogs, where they shared a period of 30
days, except those which are claimed. Population be regularly informed about the existence of the
visiting program of the shelter and the possibility of adoption.
(2) The minimum requirements for operation of shelters for dogs are provided in Appendix. 1.
(3) capture, transport, sheltering, feeding, deworming, vaccination, sterilization and control of dogs
in shelters are achieved by compliance and veterinary measures provided in Appendix. 2.
(4) Housing management services of stray dogs shall, notify the owner as soon as the owner was
identified, without exceeding the limit set in par. (1).
(5) The owner shall bear the cost value maintenance of the dog in the amount established by
decision of the Board local level. "
"Art 5. - (1) After examination by a veterinarian for free practice, organized under the law, stray
dogs that are sick serious, incurable, unrecoverable, aggressive dogs, as defined in art. 2. (1). b) of
the Emergency Ordinance no. 55/2002 on the rules governing ownership of dangerous or aggressive
dogs, approved with amendments by Law no. 60/2003, dangerous dogs, fighting dogs and
attack, as defined in art. 1 letter. a) and b) of the Ordinanceemergency leave in freedom, abandoned
or for which the owner can not be identified, shall be euthanassied within 3 working days
observance of veterinary legislation in force.
(2) Euthanasia is a medical act of killing quick and painless the dogs referred to in para. (1) or were
not claimed or adopted under the conditions and terms established by this law.
(3) Euthanasia is the only procedure allowed the suppression of life animals covered by this
ordinance. "
7. Article 6 is amended to read as follows:
"Art 6. - (1) dog euthanasia is performed only by a free veterinary practice, organized under the law,
according provisions contained in Annex. 3.
(2) prohibits the killing of dogs by persons other than the provided in this law or by other means
than euthanasia. "
8. Article 7 is amended to read as follows:
"Art 7. - (1) Where, after the expiration of accommodation provided in art. 4, no dogs were claimed
or adopted according to the annexes. 4 and 5, they can be stored in shelters, returned to the territory,
euthanasia or a combination thereof, as decided by local councils, namely the General Council
Bucharest, after consultation with the population of unit radius administrative-territorial.
(2) During accommodation of the dogs in shelters are resolved claim priority of their claims.
(3) Dogs unclaimed within seven days may be adopted individuals and legal entities and the centers
adoption specially designed and organized for this purpose, belonging to animal protection
organizations and foundations, with respect to Art. 8 para. (3).
(4) dogs aged up to 5 months will remain in shelters until the claim / adoption, but not later than the
age of 12 months. "
9. Article 8 is amended to read as follows:
"Art 8. - (1) dogs to claim custody, adoption and returned to the territory only after they have been
consulted by a veterinarian of free practice, organized under the law, dewormed, vaccinated against
rabies, sterilized and identified by microcipare or by other means of identification established by the
National Veterinary and Food Safety. Dogs claim, adopted or returned to territory will be sterilized,
except for dogs with special regime, as defined in the norms of application of this ordinance.
(2) Claims and dogs adoption by applicant is done on basis of a declaration of commitments,
whose model is provided in Annexes no. 4 and 5, with payment of a fee that represents medical
expenses and maintenance, the amount of which is determined by decision of the Board local, that
the General Council of Bucharest.
(3) Adoption of sheltered dogs is made with respect the following conditions:
a) presentation by the adopter to proof of that space showing adequate growth conditions and
housing of dogs;
b) presentation by the adopter to proof material resources for growth and maintenance of dogs;
c) presentation by the adopter has granted to owners or, where applicable, the neighbors, the
adoption of more than Two dogs;
d) fee referred to in para. (2);
e) recording, immediately after adoption of dogs in the Register of master record of dogs.
(4) Owners or keepers of dogs, individuals or legal persons are obliged to identify them by
microcipare or other means of identification established by the National Veterinary and Food Safety
10. Article 9 is amended to read as follows:
"Art 9. - The bodies of euthanized dogs or those collected from streets will be incinerated, in
compliance with the veterinary force, prohibiting their use for obtaining skins, fat, meat, flour
protein and other products."
11. Article 10 is amended to read as follows:
"Art 10. - Shelters from the specialized services for management of stray dogs and shelters
animal welfare associations and foundations related special registers, covered by the veterinarian of
free practice, organized under law, stating the following: data capture, date and time
accommodation in shelter, individual characteristics of the animal, the number of dogs caught,
claimed, adopted, returned and euthanized, the reason euthanasia, the substance used and the name
of the person performing euthanasia, the microchip number or alternative means identification
established by the National Veterinary Food Safety, sheet number adoption date deparazitării, date
of rabies vaccination, sterilization date, time teaching the companies will carry corpses incineration
and persons who did these maneuvers. "
12. Article 11 is amended to read as follows:
"Art 11. - (1) catch shares, housing, deworming, vaccination, sterilization, claim / adoption, return
to their territory and euthanasia is performed and compliance measures health conditions for the
protection of animals, and to them will attended by representatives of associations and foundations
to protect of animals.
(2) Representatives of associations and foundations for animals protection will participate in the
actions referred to in para. (1), both within public housing in the specialized services management
of stray dogs and in the private housing are in partnership with local councils. "
13. Article 12 is amended to read as follows:
"Art 12. - Public services for the management of stray dogs locally and shelters belonging to
organizations and foundations animal welfare are required to communicate monthly to the
veterinary and food safety authorities and to the county Bucharest, the number of dogs registered
and the number of microchip or alternative means of identification established by the National
Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Food. All data are collected nationally by National Sanitary
Veterinary and Food Safety Food. ".
14. After Article 13 Introduction 8 new articles, art. 13.1-13.8, with as follows:
"Art 13.1. - Growth and housing dogs are prohibited on public, in public or in adjacent spaces in
outside the property owner or its owner.
Art 13.2. - (1) relocation or abandonment, on public or adjacent premises, dogs claim or adopted by
natural or legal persons is prohibited.
(2) abandonment by the owner of dogs and puppies thereof is prohibited.
Art 13.3. - Legal entities public or private temporary sheltered dogs that grow or are directly
responsible, through their legal representative, the veterinary compliance in force and the provisions
of this ordinance.
13.4. - It is compulsory the sterilization of dogs with or without owner belonging to the common
race, their offspring, except the ones with special regime provided in the rules for the application of
this emergency ordinance.
13.5. - (1) owners, temporary owners of dogs, physical and legal persons of public or private public
shelters and associations and foundations to protect animals that give to claim and adoption the
dogs are required to record them in the Register of stray dogs.
(2) Medical and veterinary units recorded carrying microchip action of dogs, have an obligation to
communicate Register of stray dogs within 5 days from the date implant microchip number.
(3) microchip number is passed by the veterinarian in mandatory in the dog's health card.
(4) Register of stray dogs is managed by Veterinary College.
(5) Identification of the dogs with owner is required and supports to belong.
13.6. - Action by vaccination of stray dogs and those to be for adoption shall be made only after
their identification.
Art 13.7. - The housing management service dogs without owner, after their examination by a
veterinarian, will be specimens recovered clinically healthy, friendly, slightly ill treatable, no
differences in sex, age, class, and copies of special treatment.
Art 13.8. - The owners and dog owners are required to maintain hygiene in public spaces in
adjacent spaces in hallways and doorways of residential areas. "
15. Article 14 is amended to read as follows:
"Art 14. - (1) The following facts and sanctioned as follows:
a) failure to comply with the provisions of art. 4. (4), Art. 131, 132 and 135, with a fine from 2,000
lei from 5,000 lei;
b) breach the provisions of art. 1, 3, art. 4 para. (1) - (3), Art. 6. (1), art. 7 paragraph. (2) and (3),
Art. 8 para. (1) and (4), art. 133, 134, 136, 137 and 138, and the conditions set out in Declaration of
commitment, except for abandonment of a fine 5000 lei to 10,000 lei;
c) breach the provisions of art. 2. (1) and (2) and art. 10, with a fine from 10,000 lei to 20,000 lei;
d) prevent the participation of representatives of associations and foundations for the protection of
animals in the measures provided for in Art. 11, a fine from 10,000 lei to 20,000 lei.
(2) The offense is punishable by the following facts and as follows:
a) non-compliance with art. 6. (2) and cruelties to animals, referred to in art. 6. (2) of Law no.
205/2004 animal protection, as amended and supplemented, with imprisonment from 6 months to 3
years or a criminal fine of 1,000 lei 10,000 lei and confiscation of dogs;
b) non-compliance with art. 9, with imprisonment from one year to 3 years;
c) non-compliance with art. 13, with imprisonment for 2-5 years. "
16. Article 15 is amended to read as follows:
"Art 15. - Finding violations and sanctions are made by appropriate, authorized persons, according
to duties, within the National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Food, Ministry of Interior, and
inspectors specialized services for managing stray dogs the administrative-territorial units,
according to methodological application of this ordinance. "
17. In Annex no. 1 A, paragraph 3 is amended to read as follows:
"3. Floors must be sloped, with leakage to the outside or drains to prevent accumulation of water on
access areas. Floors must be made of materials that can be easily cleaned and disinfected. "
18. In Annex no. 1 A, Section 9 is amended to read as follows:
"9. There must be a control for heating, ventilation and humidity, to ensure comfort of animals. "
19. In Annex no. 2 A, Section 5 is amended to read as follows:
"5. Very aggressive dogs, located in inaccessible areas or suspects to be mad, be restrained by
appropriate means, with respect veterinary legislation. "
20. In Annex no. 3, paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be amended and will as follows:
"1. Dogs will be euthanized referred to in art. 5 and Art. 7 paragraph. (1) of this law.
2. Euthanasia of dogs is carried out by a veterinarian of free practice, organized under the law. "
21. Annex no. 4 is amended to read as follows:
"Annex. 4
CLAIM / adopted
LOCAL COUNCIL .....................
Management Services stray dogs
no. ....../.........
I / .............., undersigned resident / domiciled in St. ..........., ........ no. .....,
..., et. ... Flat ..., sc. ..., County / district ..........., ............, phone owner / holder / a
BI / CI series ..... no. ............., Released / issued by .......... on ........., I am committed
to claim / to adopt the dog with the identification number or microchip ...............,
number ... ... ... .., past the health card, housed Management Service dogs stray,
becoming owner / owner under the following conditions:
1. to respect the rules of care and feeding of the dog;
2. to introduce the dog to the veterinarian regularly, if an intervention it or to be
vaccinated against rabies;
3. to announce the management services of stray dogs in case of death, theft, loss or
alienation thereof, within 15 days;
4. not abandon the dog, to control, supervise it, and if you no longer want to teach
management services stray dogs;
5. to pay to the management for stray dogs the tax which means the expenses for
health maintenance and accommodation for the dog;
6. to allow representatives of management services of stray dogs to monitor the
adopted dogs;
7. the dog will be raised and housed at the following address ... .. ... ... ...., any change
of location more than 15 days will be notified by phone service where it was
Also declare that they have a number of ... ... ... dogs / not have any dog.
Date ..............
claimed/ adopter
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
Signature of
Management services
stray dogs,......................"
Article II. - Upon entry into force of this Law, any contrary provision is repealed.
Article III. - (1) Within 60 days from the date of entry into force of this law, the Government will
approve the decision, norms application of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 155/2001 on
management program of the stray dogs, approved amendments by Law no. 227/2002, as amended
further, and as amended and supplemented by this law, the proposal for the National Sanitary
Veterinary and Food Safety Authority.
(2) National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Food will issue rules on identification and
registration of dogs with owner within 45 days from the date of entry into force of this law.
Article IV. - Government Emergency Ordinance no. 155/2001 for approving of the management
program for stray dogs, published in the Official Gazette, Part I, no. 794 of 13 December 2001,
approved with amendments by Law no. 227/2002, as amended, and amended and additions to this
law, will be republished in Official Journal of Romania, Part I, the texts being renumbered.
This law project was adopted by the Chamber of Deputies in meeting of 22 November 2011, in
compliance with art. 76 para. (1) of the Romanian Constitution, republished.
President of the Chamber of Deputies
Roberta Alma Anastase