Dr. George John Designation: Professor of Medicine Location: Medical Intensive Care Unit& Medicine III Qualifications: Qualification FCICM FRACP MD MBBS University College of Intensive Care Medicine, Australia Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Australia University of Madras University of Madras Area of Interests: 1. Haemodynamic support Year of passing 2010 1995 1981 1976 2. 3. 4. 5. Respiratory support Organization and quality issues in ICU Ethical issues Communication Publications: JOURNALS 1. PICHAMUTHU K, JEROBIN J, NAIR A, JOHN G, KAMALESH J, THOMAS K, JOSE A, FLEMING JJ, ZACHARIAH A, DAVID SS, DANIEL D, PETER JV. Bioscavenger therapy for organophosphate poisoning - an open-labeled pilot randomized trial comparing fresh frozen plasma or albumin with saline in acute organophosphate poisoning in humans. ClinToxicol (Phila). 2010;48:813-819 2. JOHN G & RAMAKRISHNAN N. Quality Indicators for ICU: ISCCM Guidelines for ICUs in India. Outcome Parameters. Indian Journal of Critical Care Med. 2009; 13: 200 - 203 3. JOHN G & RAMAKRISHNAN N. Quality Indicators for ICU: ISCCM Guidelines for ICUs in India. Quality of Processes. Indian Journal of Critical Care Med. 2009; 13: 196 - 200 4. JOHN G, PETER JV, CHACKO B, PICHAMUTHU K, RAO, SUBBALAKSHMI AK, GEORGE KE, AGARWAL SK, ANOUNCIA SM, SUNDERRAJ E, SIROMONEY A. A computer-assisted recording, diagnosis and management of the medically ill system for use in the intensive care unit: A preliminary report. Indian Journal of Critical Care Med. 2009; 13: 136 - 142 5. JOHN G. Acid Base Balances. Crit Care Med. 2008; 36: 1392 6. KAUL S, BRAHMADATHAN KN, JAGANNATI M, SUDARSANAM TD, PICHAMUTHUK, ABRAHAM OC and JOHN G. One year trends in the gram negative bacterial antibiotic susceptibility patterns in a medical intensive care unit in South India. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology 2007; 25: 230 – 235. 7. GEORGE I A, JOHN G, JOHN P, PETER JV and CHRISTOPHER S. An evaluation of non invasive positive pressure ventilation in the management of acute respiratory failure in a developing country. Indian J Med. Sci 2007; 61: 495 - 504 8. JOHN G. Yet another steal syndrome. Critical Care and Resuscitation 2006; 8: 260 9. SUDARSANAM TD, PICHAMUTHU K, ZACHARIAH A, JOHN G. Oximes in acute organophosphate poisoning. Crit. Care Med. 2006; 34: 2265 10. SIVASANKAR S, JASPER S, SIMON S, JACOB S, JOHN G, RAJU R. Eye care in ICU. Indian J Crit Care Med. 2006; 10: 11 – 14 11. SUDARSANAM TD, JEYASEELAN L, THOMAS K and JOHN G. Predictors of mortality in mechanically ventilated patients. Postgrad Med J 2005; 81: 780 – 783 12. VARGHESE GM, JOHN G, THOMAS K, ABRAHAM OC, MATHAI D. Predictors of multi – organ dysfunction in heat stroke. Emerg. Med. J 2005; 22:185 - 187 13. CHACKO ST, JOHN G, THOMAS N, NELLICKAL AJ. Subclinical hypocortisolemia in patients with sepsis in a medical intensive care unit in India (The SHIPS Study). Indian J Crit Care Med 2004; 8: 162 - 167 14. SUBHASH HS, GEORGE B, DEVI A, JOHN G, CHANDY M, SRIVASTAVA A. Patients with hematological disorders requiring admission to medical intensive care unit: Characteristics, survival and prognostic factors. Indian J Crit Care Med 2003;7:88-93 15. SUBASH HS, JOHN G, PRABURAM PM, JACOB CK, THOMAS PP. Characteristics, survival and prognostic factors of renal transplant recipients requiring admission to Medical Intensive Care Unit. . Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine 2002; 6:96 - 102 16. SAMUEL V, JOHN G, JEYASEELAN L, SHANKAR V, THOMAS K. Choice of inotropic agent in septic shock syndrome. Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine 2002; 6: 84 - 91 17. CHERIAN R; JOHN G; MATHAI E; JEYASEELAN L; KAVITHA ML; CHERIAN AM. Risk factors of Nosocomial infections in Medical Intensive Care Unit. Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine 2001; 5:221 – 227 18. JOHN G. Caring for a patient in a vegetative state. Issues in Medical Ethics 2001; IX: 7778 19. MATHAI E., KAUFMANN ME., RICHARD VS., JOHN G., BRAHMADATHAN KN., Typing of Acinetobacterbaumanii isolated from hospital acquired respiratory infections in a tertiary care center in Southern India. Journal of Hospital Infection 2001; 47: 159 – 162 20. EAPEN C. E., THOMAS K., CHERIAN A.M., JEYASEELAN L., MATHAI D., JOHN G. Predictors of mortality in a medical intensive care unit. Natl Med J India 1997; 10: 270-272 – 269 21. NAYYAR V., ANTONISAMY B., JOHN G., Factors associated with isolation of pathogenic bacteria from sputum of patients with acute bronchospasm. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 1992; 34: 197-204 22. JOHN G., SHEBABI Y., MUDALIAR Y. Use of low molecular weight preparation of heparin - ORG 10172 (Lomoparan) in the Critically Ill. Anaesthesia & Intensive Care 1991; 19:588591. 23. JOHN G., NAIR U., MENON S., PONNAIYYAJ., JASPER P., BALASUBRAMANIAM J., JAIRAJ P., KANAGASABAPATHY A.S., JOHN L. Profile of glucose tolerance in pregnancy in Indian Women. Journal of Diabetic Association India 1990; 30:44-47. 24. RAJAMANI K., SHARMA R.N., JOHN G., RAJU J.M., GANESH A., JOHN L. Wilson’s Disease in India. Clinical and Laboratory manifestations in thirty patients. Journal of Association of Physicians of India 1987; 35:438-441. 25. SHARMA R.N., JOHN G., RAMANA R., LAKSHMINARAYANAN., HALL K.A., GANESH A., JOHN L. Computerisation of data for diabetics. Journal of Association of Physicians of India 1986; 34:274-276. 26. JOHN L., SHARMA R.N., JOHN G., GANESH A. Assessment of Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy in Type II (non insulin dependent) diabetic subjects. Journal of Association of Physicians of India 1986; 34:264-267. 27. SHARMA R., JOHN G., GANESH A., JOHN L. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria - a report of 6 cases from South India. Indian Journal of Haematology 1984; II:263-265 28. JOHN G., SUDARSANAM A., JOHN L. Essential Thrombocythema - a report of 2 cases. Indian Journal of Haematology 1984; II: 185-186. 29. JOHN G. Diabetic Coma. The Journal of the Christian Medical Association of India 1984; LXII: 359-364. 30. JOHN G, New Insulins & New Insulin Delivery Systems. The Journal of the Christian Medical Association of India 1984; LXII: 353-355.