SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Scenario Name Tylenol Overdose Resident Nurse Goal: Medication Overdose Tylenol Measurable Objectives (minimum 2, maximum 10) 1. Identify signs and symptoms of a Tylenol overdose. 2. Demonstrate proper use of SBAR to report Tylenol Overdose to Physician. 3. Recognize medication allergy and ask for alternate medication. Authors: Peter Ford Bates Technical College Carly Williams Northwest Hospital & Medical Center Date Submitted Spring 2013 Expected Scenario Time: 15 min Expected Debrief Time: 30 min Target Audience: RN/Less than one year practice Report and Information Provided To Participants Prior To Simulation Jerry Williams is an aeronautical engineer transferred from Seattle to Chicago one year ago when his company relocated. Flies home monthly to see family. Recent history of increased alcohol consumption, 3-5 beers a night. Weight gain due to poor diet and not exercising. History of hypertension. Controlled with Lisinopril. In the Emergency Department with complaints of flu like symptoms for 4 days. Change of shift report Temp 102F, severe nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, increased complaints of abdominal pain, x-ray normal awaiting cat scan. Patient Information Patient Name: Age: Jerry Williams Gender: Male 49 Birth date:, June 17, 1964 Weight: 210 Height: 70 IN ID band MR #00001234 Acct. # 1198765432 Hx. Present Illness: Coronary Artery Disease HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 1 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Social History: Recently relocated for work, living apart from family. Recent history of alcohol and smoking abuse since relocation. Recent weight gain due to poor diet. Religion: Agnostic Support System: Family lives out of state. Allergies: Morphine Attending Physician: Sylvia Oberholtzer Past medical history: Hypertension. Physical description of how you want the manikin to present at start of scenario? Moulage: sweating, holding stomach Assignment Of Roles (Please indicate below roles to be assigned): Primary Nurse Family Member #1 Secondary Nurse Observer(s) Important Information Related To Roles: Family Member - overly protect and worried for patient's illness Fidelity (choose all that apply to this simulation) Setting/Environment ED Props: Equipment attached to manikin: Primary IV Fluid running at 125 LR ml/hr O2 Nasal Cannula Monitor attached/ Type ID band Equipment available in room: Crash cart c airway devices and emergency meds IV start kit IV tubing Other Props: Empty bottle of Tylenol and Alka Seltzer Medications and Fluids: Oral Meds/ Home Meds: - Tylenol - Lisinopril Documentation Forms: Admit Orders Physician Orders MAR Recommended Mode for Simulation Manual/Programmed Hybrid Manikin to be used SimMan3G or Standardized patient. Physician Orders IV LR, Morphine Sulfate, 1mg SubQ every 4 hours for pain. Zofran, 8mg IV push PRN nausea. NPO HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 2 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Scenario Progression Outline Stage 1 Initial Amount Time in Initial Stage- 5 mins Baseline Vital Signs T PR 101-90-22 BP 150/92 SPO2 - 92 Cardiac Rhythm Sinus Breath Sounds Crackles Heart Sounds Normal Abdominal Sounds Hyperactive Other Symptoms: Eyes open Verbalization (Pt/Manikin Cues) Dont feel well - severe stomache -I’ve been vomiting for a few days. -Can you give me something for the pain. -Tylenol helps. Expected Interventions -Assess abdomen. -Take vital signs -Inform patient NPO no Tylenol should be taken. -RN will provide pain med. Alternate or Incorrect Treatment Choice That Will Affect Outcome -Pain will continue and diarrhea. Correct Treatment Choice: Stage 2 Timing Sequence 15 Minutes Later Baseline Vital Signs T 99 P 84 R 22 BP 134/82 SPO295 Cardiac Rhythm Sinus Breath Sounds Crackles Heart Sounds Normal Abdominal Sounds Active Other Symptoms: Verbalization Can you please give me some of those Alka Seltzer Plus meds? That helps with my heartburn and burping. I take a couple pills every morning to ease my headache. Confederate Actions/Additional Role Player Cues -I just gave him a couple of Tylenol. I didn't know he couldn't have them. -Well it’s good anyway. The bottle is empty. Expected Interventions Monitor patient and identify stabilization of vital signs and level of pain. -RN should assess amount of medication taken at home. -Family member says we tried giving him the Alka Seltzer and the Tylenol but it wasn’t enough to make him feel better. If RN doesn’t respond Family member can say: -Family member saysHe took a bottle of Tylenol over 3 days and most of the Alka Seltzer Plus. Do you think that little shot is going to make him feel better than all of those pills? RN should explore home medications HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 3 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE taken with Pharmacist/ Charge RN. SBAR report to the ARNP or MD with a concern of Acetaminophen overdose. MD will order lab work. Chem screen, CBC, PTT, PT, Liver function tests. Acetaminophen level. RN should review orders with Charge RN. Complete orders stat. Monitor vital signs I&O Assess for signs of Liver Failure. HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 4 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Instructor Check List (return to CHESC assistant at the end of class) Pre-Scenario Check List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Equipment is staged as requested. The learner has been oriented to the simulator. The learner understands the guidelines/expectations for the scenario. Participants understand their assigned roles. The time frame Expectations for simulation met: Yes No. The time frame Expectations for debrief met: Yes No. Audio/Visual Consent signed and turned into CHESC sheet. Attendance sheet completed and given to CHESC staff. Post Scenario If you could change anything next time, what would it be? Comments: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ CHESC Assistant Name: Did the person provide excellent support for the scenario? Yes No Comment Instructor signature ________________________________ Date ________________________ HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 5 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Participant Check List (return to Instructor at the end of class) Pre-Scenario Check List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I have been oriented to the simulator. I understand the guidelines/expectations for the scenario. I understand the assigned role. My questions about the simulation have been answered. I have all necessary equipment for the simulation. Post Scenario If you could change anything next time, what would it be? Comments: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Participant Signature ____________________________________ Date ________________________ HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 6 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Simulation Post-Assessment Methods Checklist Tests Evaluations Turning Point Jeopardy Other Optional Literature References Debriefing Guidelines (Remember to identify important concepts or curricular threads that are specific to your program) In debrief talk about labs, allergies, and Tylenol overdose. Acetylcysteine 150 mg/kg in 200mL D5W IV over 60 minutes decrease to 50 mg/kg in 500 mL’s over 4 hours. 1. Leave the simulation room and go to a conference room, if possible. It allows for deescalation of emotions. 2. Solicit and validate emotions briefly. Validate simisms (the simulation isn’t 100% accurate due to different equipment, personnel etc) 3. What went WELL in this simulation? 4. What DID NOT go well in this simulation? 5. If you could do it again, what would you do differently? 6. Summarize: “What I hear you saying is . . .” HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 7 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Resources: HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 8 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Medication Administration Record As Needed Medications Diagnosis Room/Bed# Drug, Dose, Route, Frequency 2400-0659 0700-1459 1500-2359 Printed name Initials Printed Name Initials Printed Name Initials Printed Name Initials Printed Name Initials Printed Name Initials HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 9 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Medication Administration Record Scheduled Medications Diagnosis Room/Bed# Drug, Dose, Route, Frequency 2400-0659 0700-1459 1500-2359 Printed name Initials Printed Name Initials Printed Name Initials Printed Name Initials Printed Name Initials Printed Name Initials HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 10 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 11