O Laboratório Associado para a Química Verde: Tecnologias e Processos Limpos (http://www.requimte.pt) pretende atribuir bolsas de Pós-Doutoramento, para desenvolver tarefas de investigação no Centro de Química da Universidade do Porto, nas seguintes áreas: Ciência do Alimento Quelantes para novas estratégias em terapêutica Nanoquímica O presente anúncio visa exclusivamente preparar um eventual convite a formular aos potenciais interessados nos termos do artigo 14º do Decreto-Lei nº 125/99, de 20-04, solução condicionada à pertinência dos curricula e à oportunidade e necessidades discricionariamente apreciadas por esta instituição. O perfil académico - profissional do interessado será ponderado caso a caso atenta a sua adequação às exigências da posição mantendo esta Instituição a liberdade de contratar, reservando-se o direito de não o fazer independentemente dos resultados que em consequência daquela ponderação se possam alcançar. A presente publicitação não consubstancia, por isso, a abertura de um qualquer concurso, inexistindo em decorrência um qualquer direito à contratação resultante da comparação relativa dos curricula apresentados. De acordo com o exarado na Constituição, declara-se que esta entidade empregadora, promove activamente uma política de igualdade de oportunidades entre homens e mulheres no acesso ao emprego e na progressão profissional, providenciando escrupulosamente no sentido de evitar toda e qualquer forma de discriminação”. Os interessados deverão remeter as candidaturas de 07 a 21 de Fevereiro de 2013, acompanhadas de três exemplares do curriculum vitae detalhado, datado e assinado, fotocópia do certificado de habilitações e fotocópia do Bilhete de Identidade. O perfil requerido por cada candidato deverá ser consultado na página do REQUIMTE ou na página de oferta de emprego da FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (www.eracareers.pt). As respectivas candidaturas deverão conter obrigatoriamente a referência a que concorrem, sendo que a não observação deste requisito constituirá motivo de exclusão da candidatura. Durante o processo de avaliação das candidaturas os júris constituídos poderão solicitar elementos adicionais. Todos os elementos devem ser enviados ao REQUIMTE- Apartado 55141, EC Galiza, 4050-994 Porto. 1 Fellowship Reference: NanoChem_PD1 Main research field: Chemistry Sub-research field: Nanotechnology Job summary: REQUIMTE offers Post-Doc fellowships to undertake research, which will be focused on the synthesis and assessment of the toxicological and biodistribution properties of nanoparticles, and on the study of the interaction of nanoparticles with proteins. The main objective is to study the impact of shape, size, material and surface chemistry of nanoparticles in the toxicological effects of nanoparticles. Applicants should hold a PhD degree in the area of expertise and a good publication record. Job description: The work to be developed is the synthesis of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles with controlled size/shape/and surface chemistry, characterization of the nanoparticles, study of the interaction of nanoparticles with serum proteins or other proteins and enzymes. We are seeking highly motivated individuals with proven experience (at a PhD level) in any of these areas and that can contribute to enhance and complement our research interests. The candidate must have experience as researcher in nanoparticle synthesis and surface modification, as well as characterization techniques for nanoparticles (specially TEM, SEM, AFM, DLS, fluorescence and UV/vis spectroscopy). 2 Fellowship Reference: NanoChem_PD2_1 Main research field: Chemistry Sub-research field: Nanochemistry and Nanotechnology Job summary: REQUIMTE offers Post-Doc fellowships to undertake research which will be focused on the preparation, functionalization and characterisation of carbon (nano)materials for (photo)catalytic applications. These materials comprise hybrid nanocatalysts prepared by immobilization of homogeneous catalysts such as metallocomplexes into carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, carbon nanofibers and graphene. Applicants should hold a PhD degree in the area of expertise and a good publication record. Job description: The main focus will be the design of eco-friendly hybrid nanocatalysts for liquid-phase oxidation and reduction using green oxidants (under visible light when possible) and reductants and featuring high activity, selectivity and recyclability. We are seeking for highly motivated individuals with proven experience in any of these areas and that can contribute to enhance and complement our research interests.The candidate must have a PhD in Chemistry, Material Chemistry or Chemical Engineering and preference will be given to candidates that have experience in metallocomplexes and material synthesis, catalysis and characterization by spectroscopic techniques, XPS, electron microscopy, powder XRD, thermal methods. A significant background and experience is expected and will be evaluated according to publications in international refereed scientific journals. 3 Fellowship Reference: NanoChem_PD2_2 Main research field: Chemistry Sub-research field: Nanochemistry and Nanotechnology Job summary: REQUIMTE offers Post-Doc fellowships to undertake research which will be focused on the fabrication of high-tech smart textiles for protection and decoration purposes and the fabrication of rigid and flexible electrochromic devices (ECDs) with high performance in terms of stability/durability, contrast ratio and response time. Applicants should hold a PhD degree in the area of expertise and a good publication record. Job description: The work to be developed is focus on the fabrication of high-tech smart textiles with superhydro/oleophobicity, fire retardancy, thermal insulation, photochromic and/or thermochromic properties through their multifunctionalization with nanomaterials and the preparation of novel electrochromic rigid and flexible devices. We are seeking highly motivated individuals with proven experience (at a PhD level) in any of these areas and that can contribute to enhance and complement our research interests. The candidate must have experience as researcher in material synthesis and characterization by spectroscopic techniques, electron microscopy, surface techniques, powder XRD, thermal methods. 4 Fellowship Reference: NanoChem_PD3 Main research field: Chemistry Sub research field: Nanochemistry Job summary: REQUIMTE offers a Post-Doc fellowship in the area of Nanochemistry, theme Computer Modelling of Heterogeneous Catalysis. Applicants should hold a PhD degree in the areas of Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, and Chemical Engineering, as well as a good publication record. Job description: The main goal will be the rational design of smart catalytic materials, using advanced computational modelling tools. This will involve developing an advanced multi-scale modelling approach starting from electronic structure calculations proceeding via force-field approaches towards larger systems and longer simulations where the important details are included indirectly, essentially for tackling the watergas-shift reaction and attempt to propose efficient metal nanoparticles/nanostructured metal oxide catalysts, as well as for understanding the interplay between structure, electronics, and dynamics taking place at the transition metal complexes grafted onto nanoporous supports in catalytic applications. The successful candidate will be integrated in a multidisciplinary research group actively involved in the design of (1) nanocatalysts for the water-gas-shift reaction and of (2) anchored transition metal complexes with improved enantioselective catalytic activity. Work will be conducted in an excellent environment with state-of-the-art facilities. We are seeking highly motivated individuals with proven experience (at a PhD level) in any of these areas and that can contribute to enhance and complement our research interests. The candidate must have experience as researcher in electronic structure calculations (e.g.: DFT) or/and Molecular Dynamics simulations. 5 Fellowship Reference: NanoChem_PD4_1 Main research field: Chemistry Sub research field: Nanochemistry and Nanotechnology Job summary: REQUIMTE offers Post-Doc fellowships to undertake research in the area of Nanochemistry and Nanotechnology, aiming the preparation and functionalization of multipurpose nanostructures applied to the exploitation of new analytical strategies. Job description: The multi-disciplinary nature of this work includes different scientific areas namely Physical Chemistry, Physics, Biophysics and Analytical chemistry. We are seeking highly motivated individuals with proven experience in any of these areas that can contribute to enhance and complement our research interests in the area of Nanochemistry and Nanostructured Materials. The main focus will be in the synthesis and characterization of distinct nanostructures (liposomes, quantum dots, biosilica nanoparticles) with diverse techniques (TEM, SEM, AFM, SAXS, WAXS, GIXD, DSC, DLS, ELS, IRRAS) that will be used for appropriate tailoring of the developed nanostructures. Candidates should have research experience equivalent to a PhD in Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Physics and Biophysics. Applicants with documented expertise in the above cited areas will have priority. 6 Fellowship Reference: NanoChem_PD4_2 Main research field: Chemistry Sub research field: Nanochemistry and Nanotechnology Job summary: REQUIMTE offers Post-Doc fellowships to undertake research in the area of Nanochemistry and Nanotechnology, aiming the preparation and functionalization of multipurpose nanostructures to improve performance of analytical methodologies. It may also involve working with flow techniques and flow extraction with analytical purposes. Job description: The multi-disciplinary nature of this work includes different scientific areas namely Physical Chemistry, Physics, Biophysics and Analytical chemistry. We are seeking highly motivated individuals with proven experience in any of these areas that can contribute to enhance and complement our research interests in the area of Nanochemistry and Nanostructured Materials. The main focus will be in the development of immobilized catalytic or biocatalytic units based on nanosized materials namely biosilica and quantum dots. Candidates should have research experience equivalent to a PhD in Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Physics and Biophysics. Applicants with documented expertise in the above cited areas will have priority. 7 Fellowship Reference: NanoChem_PD_CeNTI Main research field: Chemistry Sub-research field: Nanotechnology Job summary: REQUIMTE offers Post-Doc fellowships to undertake research at CeNTI – Centre for Nanotechnology and Smart Materials which will be focused on the development of smart textiles and organic electronic devices. Applicants should hold a PhD degree in the area of expertise and a good publication record. Job description: The work to be developed is the functionalization of textile materials through the incorporation of different nanomaterials into textile substrates and design and fabrication of novel rigid and flexible electrochromic devices. The development of electrochromic devices include the optimisation of formulations and the study of deposition processes with different coating techniques available at CeNTI facilities namely printing techniques (ink-jet and screen), knife coating, slot-die, dipping, engraved roller, between other. We are seeking highly motivated individuals with proven experience (at a PhD level) in any of these areas and that can contribute to enhance and complement our research interests. The candidate must have experience as researcher in materials chemistry and in techniques for the characterization of developed materials (contact angle measurements, UV-Vis and luminescence spectroscopy, electrochemical techniques, X-ray diffraction, SEM, AFM, and other appropriate). 8