ROOM RENTAL POLICY District #1 Charge $100 for 4 hours ($25 after) for community group gym, commons. Charge $125 for 4 hours for resident for-revenue gyms commons. Charge $150 for 4 hours for non-resident group’s gyms commons. There is no auditorium. There is requirement for a custodian, but if a group is known to be messy then one is supplied. Also, if one is requested then one is supplied. Their HACCP plan requires a Food Service person on duty if kitchens are used. District #2 Pool is 78-80 degrees during varsity swim, 80-82 degrees other times. Air is 1-3 degrees warmer. Custodial fees are mandated on Saturday and Sunday, minimum charge 3 hours. Custodial staff charges $30/hour regular time, $40/hour overtime. Payment must be made up front. Classrooms are $25/hour, three-hour minimum on weekends. Staff development rooms (larger than classrooms) are $40/hour. Elementary gyms are $25/hour, 3-hour minimum on weekends. High School gyms are $80/hour. Middle school gyms are $30/hour. Pools are $100/hour. Cafeteria is $75/hour. Kitchen use is $30/hour, plus staff. Auditorium is $475/hour, 3-hour minimum 3 hours on Saturday. $25/hour for PA and lights, $25/hour for technician Baseball fields are $40/session, not to exceed 2 hours Artificial turf fields are $125/hour. District #3 Classrooms are $20/hour. Gyms are $50/hour (elementary), $60/hour (middle school) and, $75/hour (high school). Cafeteria at high school is $75/hour. Band and choir rooms are $50/hour Kitchen is $60/hour at high school plus personnel fees. Auditorium is $200/hour. Pool is $150/hour. District #4 Each school does their own. Some don’t charge. HOURLY RENTAL RATE FOR (SCHOOL DISTRICT #4) Custodians - $17.56 Kitchen - $14.63 Kitchen Supervisor - $18.26 Secretaries $15.88 (These rates include benefits) Summary of Utility Costs in Common (School District #4) Locations Commons Media Center Auditorium Typical Classroom Gym Kitchen Parking Lot/Exterior Computer lab Educational Corridors Total wattage drawn 138,542 77,582 121,847 8,837 173,571 116,549 25,950 42,479 Utility Cost Per Hour $9.70 $5.43 $8.53 $0.62 $12.15 $8.16 $1.82 $2.97 With 20% Margin of Error Added $11.64 $6.52 $10.24 $0.74 $14.58 $9.79 $2.18 $3.57 106,575 $7.46 $8.95 Utility costs are based on running all available lighting, having the heating/cooling systems running constantly, and using the commonly used devices. (Example: Running the sound system in the auditorium) District #5 Auditorium is $400/profit, $225/non-profit, a night. 4 hours for a tech person, lighting, dressing room. Includes custodian services. Classroom is $27.69/hour, includes custodian. No pool. Gym is $27.69/hour. District #6 Student groups get the building free and clear. Group 2 users are not for profit groups. Group 3 are for profit groups and groups that are out of district. Add custodial time at $26.50 to $35.70/hour. Classrooms are $2/hour and $10/day Group 2; $4/hour. and $20/day Group 3 Kitchens: $15 per day plus kitchen staff Group 2; and $30 per day plus kitchen staff Group 3 (Add kitchen staff at $22to $30/hour) Gyms are $10/hour and $50/day Group 2; and $20/hour and $100/day Group 3 High School gym is $20/hour and $100/day Group 2; and $40/hour and $200/day Group 3 High School Auditorium is $20/hour and $100/dayday Group 2; and $40/hour and $200/day Group 3 District #7 Class 2 is non-profit groups, child centered groups, philanthropic groups. Class 3 is for-profit groups, and individuals using the premises for reunions and other personal uses. Multi-purpose rooms at the elementary are $25/use for Class 2 and $50/use for Class 3. Kitchen at the elementary is $15/use for Class 2 and $25/use for Class 3. Middle School Gym is $10/hour for Class 2 and $20/hour for Class 3. Auditorium is $30/hour for Class 2 and $50/hour for Class 3. Auditorium with lighting is $40/hour for Class 2 and $70/hour for Class 3. Cafeteria is $25/use for Class 2 and $50/use for Class 3. High School Gym is $10/hour for Class 2 and $20/hour for Class 3. 2 Cafeteria/library is $25/use for Class 2 and $50/useuse for Class 3. Technician fee (hourly) for auditorium; kitchen aide rates for kitchens; and custodial rates as well. District #8 HS gym In-District is $30 to $75/hour for Profit and charging admission. Out-of-District is $75 to $125/hour for profit charging admission. Elementary Gym, and Elementary/Middle School cafetoriums (gyms, cafeterias or mixed) are $15/hour for In-District nonprofit and $60/hour for profit charging admission. Out-of-District is $60/hour for nonprofit to $125/hour for profit charging admission. Auditorium In-District for nonprofit is $75/hour and for profit charging admission $150/hour. Out-ofDistrict nonprofit is $150/hour and for profit charging admission $200/hour. Dressing rooms In-District range from $15/hour for nonprofit to $60/hour for profit charging admission. Classrooms for In-District nonprofit are $15/hour and for profit charging admission is $60/hour. Out-ofDistrict nonprofit is $60/hour to $100/hourhour for profit charging admission. Playgrounds/Athletics fields for In-District non profit is $20/hour for Elementary playgrounds/athletics fields, and $50/hour for Soccer fields. High School Stadium is also rented at a rate of $60/hour In-District non profit and $100/hour for in house charging admission. Custodial fees apply. District #9 Classrooms are $20/day. Gyms at elementary buildings are free and gyms at High School complex are $50 to $100. Auditorium is $200/night and includes 3 free practice sessions for outside groups. Local civic groups are charged $100/night when charging admission, and are otherwise not charged. Auditorium technician fee applies, and custodial charges apply when a custodian is not normally on duty. $100 to use of the cafeteria and kitchen at the High School and kitchen staff must be present if food is prepared. 3