Happy New Year! Enjoy your last day of break. J


Westside High School Lesson Plan

Teacher Name: Hutchinson Unit Name and #: Unit 5: The Joy Luck


January 5-9, 2015 Course: English II Pre-AP Dates:

What are we learning?

Daily Objective: N/A

TEKS/AP/Standards: N/A

How will we learn it?

Learning Activities:

Happy New Year! Enjoy your last day of break.

How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?

Assessment Methods: N/A

Checks for Understanding: N/A

What do I need to be successful?

Materials: N/A

What do I need to before next class?

Follow Up/HW: Read ch. 1-4 by Friday

What are we learning?

Daily Objective: Students will demonstrate and then build on prior knowledge of the elements of fiction to aid in reading and analyzing a literary text.


ELA.10.1C Infer word meaning through the identification and analysis of analogies and other word relationships.

(5) Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to:

(B) analyze differences in the characters' moral dilemmas in works of fiction across different countries or cultures;

(C) evaluate the connection between forms of narration (e.g., unreliable, omniscient) and tone in works of fiction;

How will we learn it?

Learning Activities:

DO FIRST: MUGS Tuesday warm-up

Introduce ABCs of Culture project

Hand out reading guides and vocab #6 sheet

Complete Elements of Fiction pre-assessment

How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?

Assessment Methods: MUGS Tuesday, Section 1 quiz, Vocab quiz, ABCs of Culture project, Joy Luck

Club test

Checks for Understanding: MUGS warm up and elements of fiction pre-assessment gauge prior knowledge and content retention over break; asking and answering questions as needed

What do I need to be successful?

Materials: Pencil/pen, note paper, handouts, copies of The Joy Luck Club, ABCs of culture exemplar


What do I need to before next class?

Follow Up/HW: Read ch. 1-4 and finish reading guides by 1/9, complete vocab sheet and study for quiz, start ABCs of Culture project

What are we learning?

Daily Objective: Students will analyze both the historical and authorial backgrounds of a literary work and use them in making complex inferences about the novel.


ELA.10.1C Infer word meaning through the identification and analysis of analogies and other word relationships.

(5) Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to:

(A) analyze isolated scenes and their contribution to the success of the plot as a whole in a variety of works of fiction;

(B) analyze differences in the characters' moral dilemmas in works of fiction across different countries or cultures;

(C) evaluate the connection between forms of narration (e.g., unreliable, omniscient) and tone in works of fiction;

How will we learn it?

Learning Activities:

WARM UP: Historical Background Activity – the Sino-Japanese War (SAR and map activity)

Read Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue;” answer AP-style multiple choice questions and complete


Silent Reading

How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?

Assessment Methods: SARs and AP-style questions will be used to assess content knowledge; Section

1 quiz, Vocab Quiz #6, ABCs of Culture Project, Joy Luck Club unit test

Checks for Understanding: Ask and answer questions as needed, study questions, short answer responses

What do I need to be successful?

Materials: Handouts, pencil/pen, note paper, copies of The Joy Luck Club

What do I need to before next class?

Follow Up/HW: Continue reading Ch. 1-4 and answering reading guide questions (due 1/9), continue work on ABCs of Culture project, complete vocab for

What are we learning?

Daily Objective: Students will demonstrate knowledge of the elements of fiction and apply them to their analysis of The Joy Luck Club.


ELA.10.1C Infer word meaning through the identification and analysis of analogies and other word relationships.

ELA.10.13D Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling.

(5) Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to:

(B) analyze differences in the characters' moral dilemmas in works of fiction across different countries or cultures;

(C) evaluate the connection between forms of narration (e.g., unreliable, omniscient) and tone in works of fiction;

How will we learn it?

Learning Activities:

WARM UP: Revising and Editing Friday

Collect homework

Vocab Quiz

Section 1 Quiz

Pass out Vocab List #7 and Section 2 reading questions

Silent reading

How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?

Assessment Methods: Vocab Quiz, Section 1 Quiz, The Joy Luck Club unit test, ABCs of Culture Project

Checks for Understanding: Ask and answer questions as needed, study questions, quizzes

What do I need to be successful?

Materials: Handouts, pencil, scantron, copies of The Joy Luck Club

What do I need to before next class?

Follow Up/HW: Continue working on ABCs of Culture project, complete Vocab List #7, read section 2
