Assembly Language Part 3 (arithmetic, shift)

lecture notes
set up
Integer Arithmetic and Shifting Instructions
We will discuss
 operations requiring only one operand
 operations requiring two operands
 operations requiring special operands
Overview of the Machine instruction categories
Arithmetic - 2 byte and 4 byte
addS operand1, operand2
subS operand1, operand2
imulS operand1, operand2*
idivS operand*
incS operand
decS operand
negS operand
add op1 to op2
subtract op1 from op2
multiply op2 by op1
divide by operand
increment the operand
decrement the operand
negate the operand
salS k,reg
shift arithmetic left
sarS k,reg
shift arithmetic right
shlS k,reg
shift logical left
shrS k,reg
shift logical right
Load Effective Address - load the address instead of the
value from an address
leaS source, dest
addl 4(%ebp), %edx
incw %dx
#Adds the value at the address computed
by #an offset of 4 from the value of ebp
to #the value of edx. The result is
stored #in edx.
#Increment the 2 byte value in dx
leal lresult,%edx
#Move the address of lresult to edx
sarl $3, %edx
#Arithmetic shift of the long value in
edx #3 bits to the right
Note: S is the size and must be one of
byte (1 byte)
word (2 bytes)
long (4 bytes)
quad words (8 bytes)
W for word is based on the old machines where a word was 2
Operations Requiring Only One Operand
The operand can be a register or a memory reference.
incS operand
increment the value of length S in the
Assume the following assembly language snippet:
.long 0xA
destination. This does not change CF.
decS operand
decrement the value of length S in the
destination. This does not change CF.
notS operand
do a ones' comp on the value in the
negS operand
do a two's comp on the value in the
destination. Sets CF to 1 unless the
operand's value is zero.
Operations Requiring Two Operands
These operations use the value of the second operand and
store the result in the second operand.
.long 0x40
movl iValA,%edx
incl %edx
incl iValB
mov1 $iValA,%eax
incl 4(%eax)
not1 iValB
#iValA -> edx
#edx ++
#iValB ++
#Increment the value at addr(iValA)+4
#1's comp iValB placing the result in iValB
Add and Subtract
addS operand1, operand2
subS operand1, operand2
salS k,reg
sarS k,reg
shlS k,reg
shrS k,reg
add op1 to op2. This can change
OF, ZF, and/or SF.
subtract op1 from op2. This can
change OF, ZF, and/or SF.
shift arithmetic left
shift arithmetic right
shift logical left
shift logical right
Operations Requiring Special Operands - Multiply
Some registers are implicitly used. imulS also sets OF.
For S=w (2 bytes)
 multiplicand must be %ax
 multiplier can be a reg or memory reference for a long
 product (the result) will be in %dx(high order) and
%ax (low order)
For S=l (4 bytes),
 multiplicand must be %eax
 multiplier can be a reg or memory reference for a long
 product (the result) will be in %edx(high order) and
%eax (low order)
Example M-1: 4-byte multiply 0x12345 by 0x1000
movl $0x12345, %eax
movl $0x1000, %ebx
imull %ebx
The result in %edx:%eax is 00000000 12345000 and OF=0.
Example M-2: 2-byte multiply 0x2000 by 0x0100
Assume val1 is 0x2000 and val2 is 0x0100.
movw val1, %ax
imulw val2
The result is %dx:%ax is 0020 0000 and OF=1
Example M-3: 2-byte multiply 0x40 by -100
Assume val1 is 0x40 and val2 is -100 (decimal).
movW val1, %ax
imulW val2
What is %dx:%ax?
 -100 is -(0x64) = FF9C
 0xFF9C * 0x0040 = FFFFE700 and OF=0 since the sign
Note: this course does NOT require knowing how to multiply
integer values. It does require understanding shifts, add,
and/or subtracts to handle multiplication by some constants.
Why are two registers needed for the result?
Operations Requiring Special Operands - Divide
Some registers are implicitly used. idivS also sets OF.
For S=w (2 bytes)
 dividend must be %dx (high order) and %ax (low order)
 divisor can be a reg or memory reference for a long
 quotient is in %ax and remainder is in %dx
For S=l (4 bytes),
 dividend must be %edx (high order) and %eax (low order)
 divisor can be a reg or memory reference for a long
 quotient is in %eax and remainder is in %edx
Since the dividend is two registers, we must be able to propagate the sign from eax to edx (and ax to dx):
convert word to double word propagates the sign in %ax to %dx
convert long to double long propagates he sign in %eax to %edx
Division examples
Example D-1: 2-byte divide 0x4007 by 0x100
movw $0x4007, %ax #load the low end of dividend
movw 0, %dx
#clear the high end of dividend
idivw $0x100
#divide by 0x100
Quotient (%ax) is 0x0040. Remainder (%dx) is 0x0007.
Example D-2: 2-byte divide
movw shTotalCnt, %ax
idivw shCourseCnt
shTotalCnt by shCourseCnt
#load the low end of dividend
#propagate sign to high end
#divide by shCOurseCnt
Example D-3: 4-byte divide lTotal by 0x200
movl lTotal, %eax
#load the low end of dividend
#propagate sign to high end
idivl $0x200
#divide by 0x200
Quotient will be in %eax and remainder in %edx.