H - Stop on the hindquarters. I - Back up. JKL or JLK. 90 degree turn on the hindquarters to the left or right. JKL or JLK. 90 degree turn on the hindquarters in opposite direction to that taken above. Approach judge for inspection and dismissal. The working cow horse classes are ridden according to the following patterns: JUNIOR AND NOVICE CLASSES: PATTERN 3 D E L A B X H J I K G F C A - Begin work to the right, at a lope. B & C -Make a figure eight changing leads at “B” (all lead changes as set down in point 8.13 for junior’s and novice horses), after final lead change (before point marked “X”), proceed to “C” at walk or jog. C - Begin run. D - Stop on hindquarters. E - Turn away from the rail on the hindquarters and begin second run. F - Stop on the hindquarters. G - Turn away from the rail on the hindquarters and begin third run. 1