NACLIM Deliverable D22.8 Deliverable title Report on the technical characteristic of the observing systems operated in NACLIM south of the sills WP No. WP2.2 WP title Transports in the Subpolar Gyre Work duration1) 18 X Lead beneficiary: GEOMAR, Johannes Karstensen Due delivery deadline: 30 April 2014 Actual delivery date: 30 April 2014 R= report P= prototype Nature of the deliverable D= demonstrator O= Other X PU = public PP= restricted to other programme participants, including the Commission services Dissemination level RE= restricted to a group specified by the consortium, including the Commission services CO= confidential, only for members of the consortium, including the Commission services 1) Work duration = project month Lead beneficiary: GEOMAR Other contributing partners: MRI NIOZ SAMS Jürgen Fischer, Johannes Karstensen, Taavi Liblik, Martin Visbeck Hedinn Valdimarsson, Steingrimur Jonsson Laura de Steur Clare Johnson, Stuart Cunningham NACLIM project is financed by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research Theme 6 Environment Grant Agreement 308299 Page 1 Index 1. Executive summary ....................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Project objectives .......................................................................................................................................... 4 3. Detailed report on the deliverable .................................................................................................................. 4 1 The ocean observing system ..................................................................................................................... 4 2 Description of observing system components exploited within NACLIM ..................................................... 6 3 The NACLIM observing system.................................................................................................................. 8 4 Links to other international programmes .................................................................................................. 28 4. References .................................................................................................................................................. 30 5. Dissemination and uptake ........................................................................................................................... 30 6. The delivery is delayed: Yes No ....................................................................................................... 31 7. Changes made and difficulties encountered, if any ...................................................................................... 31 8. Efforts for this deliverable ............................................................................................................................ 31 9. Sustainability ............................................................................................................................................... 31 10. Dissemination activities ............................................................................................................................. 33 Appendix A. Contact details for components of the observing system operated by, or exploited by, NACLIM . 34 Appendix B. Websites of programmes linked to NACLIM ................................................................................ 37 Page 2 1. Executive summary The climate prediction systems analysed within NACLIM have essentially two expectations on observational data: (1) Providing data for the initialization of the predictions systems and (2) providing data and data products for the validation of the prediction systems. The initialization makes use of a variety of data obtained by satellite remote sensing as well as by in-situ platforms. Sea-surface temperature is to be seen as one critical component in the initialization (see also Core theme 3) and the international “Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature” (GHRSST is providing critical expertise here. Interior ocean initialization is based on heterogeneous in-situ data that is made publicly available, as such the data streams from the observations to the model initialization is a major issue in NACLIM and beyond NACLIM. The validation of the climate prediction systems is based on highly sophisticated arrays of in-situ observations, designed to observe components of the ocean circulation that are potentially susceptible to the oceanic response on climate change. These systems combine a suite of different instrumentation. The key areas for operating these systems for the benefit of the NACLIM scientific objective are the: Overflow regions within the Greenland-Scotland Ridge system (Denmark Strait and Faroe Shetland Channel), the Deep Western Boundary Current, where the lower branch of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is seen as a confined flow, and finally basin wide observations at specific latitudes where all compartments (upper and lower) of the flow are monitored in a continuous way (RAPID array, OSNAP array). Data collection is performed from a variety of observational platforms (ships, robotics) which all have different capabilities and limitations associated to them. Here we present the status of the in-situ observing platforms that are key contributions to the NACLIM climate prediction system – for initialization as well as its validation. A brief general overview of the key observational network and the organizational structure of the observations via the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) is presented and followed by the detailed description of observations explored within NACLIM. Originally this deliverable was supposed to deal with the observing systems operated in NACLIM and located south of the sill. During its preparation, we have decided to broaden the scope of this deliverable and to include the observing system operated and exploited by NACLIM located above and south of the sill. Page 3 2. Project objectives With this deliverable, the project has contributed to the achievement of the following objectives (see DOW Section B.1.1): No. Objective Yes Assessing the predictability and quantifying the uncertainty in forecasts of the North X Atlantic/Arctic Ocean surface state 2. Assessing the atmospheric predictability related to the North Atlantic/Arctic Ocean surface state 3. Monitoring of volume, heat and fresh water transports across key sections in the North Atlantic 4. Quantifying the benefit of the different ocean observing system components for the initialization of decadal climate predictions 5. Establishing the impact of an Arctic initialization on the forecast skill in the North Atlantic/European sector 6. Quantifying the impact of predicted North Atlantic upper ocean state changes on the oceanic ecosystem 7. Quantifying the impact of predicted North Atlantic upper ocean state changes on socioeconomic systems in European urban societies 8. Providing recommendations for observational and prediction systems x 9. Providing recommendations for predictions of the oceanic ecosystem 10. Disseminating the key results to the climate service community and relevant endusers/stakeholders 11. Constructing a dataset for sea surface and sea ice surface temperatures in the Arctic No 1. 3. Detailed report on the deliverable 1 The ocean observing system Ocean processes operate indistinct on multiple time and space scales (Fig. 1). In contrast, ocean observing systems (e.g. moorings, surface drifter, Argo floats) have limited sampling behaviour and provide only data in certain time and space scales. In order to ensure comprehensive -that is four dimensions and multiple disciplines- ocean observations a combination of multiple observing platforms is required. However, most observational efforts are designed around specific scientific problems. An experimental setup was carefully selected which is optimized to survey the space and time scales associated with a certain problem. Page 4 It is obvious that coordinating the side-by-side, but independently operating, observational efforts to create a consolidated observing system, has the potential to generate added value and to save resources and costs. The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) is an attempt to internationally coordinate the many observatory efforts that are undertaken through national and international initiatives. GOOS is sponsored by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and is a contributing element to the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the IOC, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Council for Science (ICSU). GCOS also include terrestrial, atmospheric, and space borne observations (e.g. satellites). GCOS is supported by and supports the international scientific community. Figure 1: Time and space scales of ocean processes (after Ruhl et al. 2011). The most relevant segment for NACLIM is indicated by the grey square. The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) co-sponsors the expert panels set up by GCOS for the atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial domains. The composite observing system designated as GCOS serves as the climate-observation component of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). Page 5 The NACLIM observing system is designed towards an optimal sampling of processes that are dedicative for interannual to decadal variabilityand as such is a contribution to GCOS. The observing systems that are supported by NACLIM collect data to estimate the transport and properties of the Overflow waters and data on the water mass transformation and overturning in the convection centres in the Labrador Sea and the Irminger Sea. Moreover, observational efforts that are maintained by other projects or programs are explored within NACLIM. This group includes hydrography and circulation pathways derived from Argo drifter data as well as all kind of remotely sensed properties (e.g. sea surface temperature, sea level anomaly). Other projects that are a significant contribution to NACLIM are the RAPID-MOCHA array, providing an estimate of the overturning circulation at 26°N, and the RACE project Regional Atlantic Circulation and Global Change, that supports the surveys of the Deep Western Boundary Current at the southern exit of the Labrador Sea (53°N array). Lastly, an emerging effort that will profit as well as contribute to the NACLIM observing efforts is the “Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program” (OSNAP). 2 Description of observing system components exploited within NACLIM Before we provide a detailed description of the observing systems operated under NACLIM some general information about the systems and their operation as part of the international GOOS are provided. This observatory overview includes Argo floats, surface drifter, observations of ships of opportunity (SOP), the GOSHIP hydrography, and moorings organized trough the OceanSITES network. 2.1 Argo ( The global array of temperature and salinity profiling floats (Argo) has grown to be a major component of GOOS. Argo has been originally designed to estimate the ocean heat content in the upper 2000m and between 60°N and 60°S. White (1994) determined that a global array of platforms that measure the temperature in the upper 2000m meters with a horizontal resolution of 3° x 3° would be required to resolve the seasonal evolution of the upper layer heat content. This sampling is realized with an array of about 3000 floats evenly distributed over the global ocean. To ensure sustainability, and considering the nominal lifetime of 3.8 years per float, every year about 800 new floats need to be deployed globally. Floats typically drift in 1000m depth and profile every 10 days from 2000m depths to the surface. The core program includes temperature and salinity, as well as the 10 days average current at the parking depth. The vertical resolution of the profile varies between 5m (close to the surface) and 50m. The floats cannot be navigated and rely on ocean currents. Oceanic convergence/divergence regions can be identified and may result in regional over/under sampling. The Argo Information Centre (AIC), which is part of the JCOMMOPS, provides the international coordination of the project. The European Argo community is coordinated under the Euro-Argo ESFRI program. Data flow The data is transmitted in near-real time via satellite communication (e.g. ARGOS, Iridium) and linked to dedicated Argo data assembly centers (Argo DACs – USA, Canada, Japan, Europe). Real-time and delayed Page 6 mode data quality control is performed at the DACs following standardized protocols. The data is provided for free via the internet and in a standardized netCDF based format. 2.2 Glider ( Glider are flexible, autonomous systems which are particularly useful to connect the large scale Argo drifter surveys of the open ocean with coastal observing needs. The gliders typically survey the upper 1000m over a period of several months recoding hydrographic but also ecosystem relevant data. European glider activities are currently coordinated in the GROOM project, as well as, for coastal applications in the JERICO project. A COST Action (EGO, Nr. ES0940) finances in addition networking aspects, including some international collaboration. These projects have generated a rather well organized network and a number of concepts for the data harmonization, best practises, interoperability, data flow, as well as data exchange and harmonization of observing infrastructure are part of the activities. Data flow Concepts and applications exist that ensure that the real-time glider data is feed into the global DAC (such as CORIOLIS, NODC), and is made accessible via the Global Telecommunication System. 2.3 GO-SHIP & Hydrographic surveys Full depth and multi-parameter sampling from dedicated research vessels provide important multidisciplinary data. The data coverage below 2000m that is not surveyed with most other systems is of enormous value for long term deep water studies, initializing of models or large scale ventilation issues (incl. uptake of anthropogenic carbon). Moreover, the data is considered as ground-truth data and of use for intercalibrations with autonomously operating systems. Coordination is done in part via the Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program (GO-SHIP) either as a full cruise or following the GO-SHIP best practises. Data flow There is no automatized data flow from research vessels but many vessels are equipped and advised to provide collected data in near real time (e.g. see data transmission to the CORIOLIS data centre). The GOSHIP panel for instance recommends the following data-release guidelines: preliminary dataset released within 6 weeks (e.g. all data measured on the ship), 6 months for final physical data and 1 year for final data of all other variables. Data from research ships has traditionally been collected to national oceanographic data centers (NODCs), regional centres, like ICES and PICES and to global data centers. On European level the systems for making data available has been developed within SeaDataNet. The SeaDataNet infrastructure is the basis for European Commissions EMODnets. Page 7 2.4 OceanSITES Moorings ( Moored observatories are coordinated in subgroups of the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP), which is part of JCOMMOPS Moored systems acquire observations at fixed locations in variable vertical resolution. Moorings can deliver temporally high-resolution data and the variety of parameters can be quite large: temperature, salinity, currents, but also optical sensors, nutrient analysers etc. are being used. Equipped with surface buoys, the moorings can carry sensors to measure atmospheric data and may provide important reference data for the global meteorological observing network from remote locations (e.g. NACLIM moorings in convection centres, Tropical Atmosphere Ocean project such as TAO, RAMA, or PIRATA. Transport-measuring moored arrays comprise a group of moorings that is maintained through NACLIM at a number of locations in the overflow regions. Other array are solely exploited under NACLIM (e.g. 53°N array, RAPID-MOCHA 26°N array) and financed through other means. Data flow Moorings with a surface buoy are often equipped with a satellite transmitter for near real-time access of the data (NACLIM convection centre moorings). The real-time data is feed into the global DAC such as CORIOLIS or NODC and is accessible via the Global Telecommunication System (GTS). Transport-measuring moored array data is mostly delayed mode data, retrieved after the mooring recovery. Within NACLIM autonomous data recovery options are in part developed that may give access to the data on irregular basis but without the need to recover the moorings. 2.5 Satellite data Different satellite products are directly or indirectly exploited within NACLIM. Sea level anomaly (SLA) data is provided via AVISO but also different seas surface temperature products are exploited. Data access is provided via highly sophisticated services (not further discussed here). In the framework of the international “Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature” (GHRSST) the optimal exploitation of satellite and insitu observations for the best estimate of SST is coordinated. 3 The NACLIM observing system The NACLIM contribution to the observing system above and south of the Greenland-Scotland Ridge consists of three components: moored instrument arrays standard hydrographic sections and glider activities. NACLIM either fully or partly funds 11 moored arrays in this area. In addition to these, NACLIM exploits data from a further four arrays which are funded by various other national and international programmes and projects. These moored arrays are described in sections 3.1-3.6. Page 8 NACLIM also partially funds four hydrographic sections, and exploits data from a further three funded by other projects (sections 3.7-3.9). Finally, NACLIM will start exploiting data from two glider deployments planned for the summer of 2014 (section 3.10). 3.1 Atlantic water moored arrays NACLIM operates or exploits a large number of moored arrays within the North Atlantic Fig. 2 and Table 1). These arrays have therefore been split into six groups: those measuring the upper Atlantic Waters (red, Fig. 2); those monitoring the overflows over the Greenland-Scotland Ridge (blue, Fig. 2); those which monitor the cool and fresh East Greenland Current (turquoise, Fig. 2); those which measure conditions in the deep convection areas in the Subpolar Gyre (purple, Fig. 2); those which monitor the Deep Western Boundary Current (green, Fig. 2); and those at 26.5 °N in the Atlantic (orange, Fig. 2). This section discusses the moored arrays that sample Atlantic waters (red, Fig. 2) which enter the subpolar North Atlantic via the North Atlantic Current, an extension of the northward flowing Gulf Stream. These warm and saline waters are found in the upper 600-800 m of the water column and either recirculate around the Subpolar Gyre or flow northwards over the Greenland-Scotland Ridge into the Nordic Seas and Arctic. Page 9 7 5 6 1 NS 8 2 IrB 11 12 LS 4 13 9 10 3 IB 10 RT 14 15 Figure 2. Position of mooring arrays either funded by (circles) or exploited by (squares) NACLIM. See Table 1 for details. Red: arrays monitoring the upper warm and saline Atlantic Water; turquoise: arrays measuring the cold fresh East Greenland Current; blue: arrays monitoring the cold dense overflow waters; purple: arrays measuring the deep water formation areas in the Subpolar North Atlantic; green: arrays measuring the Deep Western Boundary Current; and orange: arrays measuring the entire water column. Also shown are schematic pathways of: upper currents (red and turquoise), deep overflow waters (blue) and the Deep Western Boundary Current (green); as well as the main bathymetric features: IB: Iceland Basin; IrB: Irminger Basin; LS: Labrador Sea; NS: Nordic Seas; RT: Rockall Trough. Array 10 was situated at the Wyville Thomson Ridge (white circle) until August 2013. From July 2014, however, it will be re-deployed in the western Rockall Trough (blue circle). Page 10 Table 1. Summary of all mooring arrays funded by, or exploited by NACLIM. For array numbers see Fig. 2. ACMs: Acoustic Current Meters; ADCPs: Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers; BPR: Bottom Pressure Recorders; CM: Current Meters; RCMs: Rotor Current Meters Array No. Location of mooring array Description of array outputs Data period No. moorings in array Instruments on array 1 N. Icelandic Shelf Volume and heat fluxes associated with North Icelandic Irminger Current 1994 present four ADCPs, microcats 2 N. Faroese Shelf Volume fluxes associated with the Faroese Current Jun. 1997 present three ADCPs, RCM, microcats 3 Faroe Shetland Channel Oct. 1994 present (1) eight ADCPs, microcats, 4 W. flank Reykjanes Ridge Volume, heat and salt fluxes associated with flow between Scotland and Faroe Islands Volume, heat and salt fluxes associated with the Irminger Current 1st deployment Jul. 2014 (2) four ADCPs, microcats, CMs 5 E. Greenland Shelf Volume and freshwater flux associated with East Greenland Current Aug. 2012 – present (3) four ADCPs, microcats 6 N. of the Denmark Strait (4) Volume flux and properties of North Icelandic Jet Aug. 2012 present one ADCP, microcats 7 Denmark Strait Volume transport associated with Denmark Strait Overflow Water Sep. 1996 present two ADCP, microcats 8 W. boundary of Irminger Sea (5) Volume, heat and salt fluxes of Denmark Strait Overflow Water 1995 – present two microcats, RCMs 9 Faroe Bank Channel Volume flux associated with Faroe Bank Channel Overflow Water Nov 1995 present two ADCP, microcats 10 Wyville Thomson Ridge (6) Volume flux associated with Wyville Thomson Ridge Overflow Water Sep. 2003 – present (7) one ADCP 11 Central Irminger Sea Aug. 2002 – present one 12 Central Irminger Sea (LOCO) Temperature, salinity, currents and chemical parameters in deep convection area Temperature, salinity and currents in deep convection area Jul. 2003 present one ADCPs, microcat, CM, chemical sensors ADCPs, microcat, profilers 13 Central Labrador Sea Temperature, salinity and currents in deep convection area Aug. 1996 present one Page 11 microcats, RCMs, minilogs (8) 14 15 53°N array W. boundary Labrador Sea (9) 26.5 °N array (10) Volume transport of various water masses (along-shore) Jul. 1997 present six ADCPs, RCMs, ACMs Volume, heat and salt fluxes Apr. 2004 present 26 ADCPs, CMs, microcats, BPRs (1) Oct 1994 to May 2013 on S-line (~ 60.5 °N). May 2011 to present (no data May 2012 and May 2013) on Zline (~ 60.0 °N). Both lines perpendicularly across Faroe Shetland Channel. (2) Deployment delayed from 2013 due to lack of ship time. (3) Data collection at site due to end in Jul. 2014. (4) Array funded by the Iceland Centre for Research. (5) Array currently part funded by UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. (6) In 2014 mooring will be re-deployed to measure the Wyville Thomson Ridge Overflow Water flux further downstream in the Rockall Trough. (7) No data between June 2009 and May 2011 (due to instrument loss) and May 2013 and summer 2014. (8) From 2014 onwards will also host sensors from Canadian VITALS project. (9) Array funded by the Regional Atlantic Circulation and Global Change (RACE) project awarded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF). (10) Array funded by UK National Environment Research Council, US National Science Foundation and US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration under RAPID. 3.1.1 Greenland-Iceland Inflow (North Icelandic Irminger Current) The flow of Atlantic Water between Greenland and Iceland occurs via a branch of the Irminger Current known as the North Icelandic Irminger Current (no. 1, Fig. 2). This has been monitored since 1996 by four moorings north of Iceland along the Hornbanki section (Table 1). The positions of each of these moorings, along with the instrumentation are shown in Table 2. The moorings are maintained by the Marine Research Institute (MRI), Iceland, and funded by NACLIM. Table 2. Mooring positions and instruments within the Hornbanki Array north of Iceland monitoring the North Icelandic Irminger Current (no. 1, Fig. 2). ADCP: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. Mooring i.d. HB 1 Latitude (°N) 66.90 Longitude Instruments and deployment depth (m) (°W) 24.41 300 kHz ADCP (80 m) HB 2 67.00 21.54 150 kHz ADCP (195 m), microcat (85 m) HB 3 67.15 21.30 150 kHz ADCP (225 m), microcat (90 m) HB 4 67.28 21.30 150 kHz ADCP (189 m), microcat, thermometer. Page 12 3.1.2 Iceland-Faroes Inflow (Faroes Current) The inflow of Atlantic Water into the Nordic Seas between Iceland and the Faroes is monitored by a mooring array located to the north of the Faroe Islands in the Faroese Current (no. 2, Fig. 2). This array consists of three moorings which have been used to determine the volume fluxes associated with this particular current since 1997 (Table 1). The moorings consist of Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) and microcats which measure temperature, conductivity and pressure (Table 3). The array is maintained by the Faroe Marine Research Institute (HAV), and funded by NACLIM. Table 3. Mooring positions and instruments within the Faroese Current Array north of the Faroe Islands (no. 2, Fig. 2). ADCP: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler; RCM: Rotor Current Meters Mooring i.d. NWNA Latitude (°N) 62.70 Longitude Instruments and deployment depth (m) (°W) 6.08 ADCP (300 m), microcat (300 m) NWNB 62.91 6.08 ADCP (700 m) NWNG 63.10 6.10 ADCP (650 m), RCM (700 m) 3.1.3 Faroes-Scotland Inflow (Faroe Shetland Channel) The inflow passing into the Nordic Seas between the Faroe Islands and Scotland is captured by an array of eight moorings located in the Faroe Shetland Channel (no. 3, Fig. 2). Although the position of these moorings has changed slightly with time, the flow has been consistently monitored since 1994 in a joint programme between Marine Scotland-Science (MSS) and HAV (Faroe Islands). Between 1994 and 2013 moorings were deployed along the S-line which lies perpendicularly across the channel at around 60.5 °N. However, between 2011 and present (excluding 2012 – 2013) the moorings were deployed along the Z-line, which again lies across the channel, although slightly further south at around 60.0 °N. It is worth noting that measurements were made at both lines between May 2011 and May 2012. The moorings within the array contain ADCPs and microcats at various depths (Table 4), and are partially funded by NACLIM. 3.1.4 Recirculating Atlantic Water (Irminger Current) Around 50 % of the Atlantic Water that enters the Subpolar North Atlantic re-circulates around the gyre rather than passing over the Greenland-Scotland Ridge. This re-circulating water, carried in the Irminger Current, will be monitored by four moorings forming an array on the western flank of the Reykjanes Ridge in the Iceland Basin (no. 4, Fig. 2). These moorings were due to be deployed in 2013, but because of problems with shiptime they will instead be deployed in July 2014. The planned positions and instrument depths are shown in Table 5. These moorings will be maintained by the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) and are funded by NACLIM. Page 13 Table 4. Mooring positions and instruments on the Z-line Array across the Faroe Shetland Channel (no. 3, Fig. 2). ADCP: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. Mooring i.d. NWZA Latitude (°N) 60.39 Longitude Instruments and deployment depth (m) (°W) 6.16 75 kHz ADCP (seabed), microcat (seabed) NWZB 60.23 6.17 75 kHz ADCP (seabed) NWZC 60.07 6.17 75 kHz ADCP (200 m above seabed) NWZI 59.99 6.17 75 kHz ADCP (250 m above seabed) NWZE 59.91 6.17 NWZG 59.78 6.17 75 kHz ADCP (5 m above seabed), microcat (5 m above seabed) 150 kHz ADCP (seabed) NWZF 59.71 6.17 300 kHz ADCP (seabed) NWZH 59.62 6.17 300 KHz ADCP (seabed) Table 5. Proposed mooring positions and instruments for the Irminger Current Array on the western flank of the Reykjanes Ridge (no. 4, Fig. 2). ADCP: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler; CM: Current Meter. Mooring i.d. IC1 Latitude (°N) 59.06 Longitude Instruments and deployment depth (m) (°W) 33.79 microcat (100 m), microcat (500 m), 75 kHz ADCP (500 m), microcat (1000 m), CM (1000 m), microcat (1500 m), CM (1500 m), microcat (seabed), CM (seabed) IC2 58.96 32.76 microcat (100 m), microcat (500 m), 75 kHz ADCP (500 m), microcat (1000 m), CM (1000 m), microcat (1500 m), CM (1500 m), microcat (seabed), CM (seabed) IC3 58.88 31.99 microcat (100 m), microcat (500 m), 75 kHz ADCP (500 m), microcat (1000 m), CM (1000 m), microcat (seabed), CM (seabed) IC4 58.81 31.30 microcat (100 m), microcat (500 m), 75 kHz ADCP (500 m), microcat (1000 m), CM (1000 m), microcat (seabed), CM (seabed) 3.2 East Greenland Current moored array This section (3.2) details the moored array within the East Greenland Current (turquoise, Fig. 2) which is a cool fresh current on the shelf to the east of Greenland. This flow contributes both to the dense Denmark Strait Overflow Water, as well as to a shallower flow which continues down the east Greenlandic Shelf. The flow within the East Greenland Current has been measured since August 2012 by the three moorings in the Kögur Page 14 Mooring Array (no. 5, Fig. 2). These moorings contain ADCPs and microcats (Table 6) and have been maintained by NIOZ (Netherlands). The array is funded by NACLIM. Table 6. Mooring positions and instruments for the Kogör Array in the East Greenland Current (no. 5, Fig. 2). ADCP: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler; RCM: Rotor Current Meters Mooring i.d. KGA12 Latitude (°N) 68.32 Longitude Instruments and deployment depth (m) (°W) 25.49 75 KHz ADCP (300 m), microcat (300 m) KGA13 68.32 25.49 microcat (82 m) KGA14 68.47 25.82 600 kHz ADCP (80 m), microcat (82 m), RCM (200 m), 1200 kHz ADCP (300 m), microcat (300 m) 3.3 Overflow moored arrays The warm and salty Atlantic Waters that enter the Nordic Seas are cooled and mixed by winter storms forming a number of cold dense water masses. These dense waters move southwards overflowing the GreenlandScotland Ridge at a number of locations (blue, Fig. 2). The moored arrays that capture these overflows are discussed within section 3.3. 3.3.1 Denmark Strait Overflow An important feeder component to the overflow through the Denmark Strait is the relatively newly discovered North Icelandic Jet. This narrow current which runs along the north-western Icelandic Slope is monitored by a single mooring array (no. 6, Fig. 2). The mooring, which contains an ADCP and microcats (Table 7), has been operating since 2012 and is maintained by the Marine Research Institute (MRI) and the US Woods Hole Institute. Funding for the mooring is provided by the Iceland Research Centre, with NACLIM utilising the data generated. Table 7. Mooring positions and instruments for the North Icelandic Jet Array to the northeast of the Denmark Strait (no. 6, Fig. 2). This mooring is funded by the Icelandic Research Centre with NACLIM exploiting the data generated. ADCP: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. Mooring i.d. KG4 Latitude (°N) 67.42 Longitude Instruments and deployment depth (m) (°W) 23.69 75 kHz ADCP (605 m), microcats (603 m, 435 m, 285 m, 83 m) The overflow through the Denmark Strait itself is monitored by an array consisting of two moorings (no. 7, Fig. 2). The moorings, which are used to calculate the volume flux associated with Denmark Strait Overflow Water, consist of ADCPs and microcats (Table 8). This array has been maintained since 1996 by Universities of Kiel and Hamburg (Germany, DS2) and the Marine Research Institute (Iceland, DS1). The moorings are funded by NACLIM. Page 15 Table 8. Mooring positions and instruments within the Denmark Strait Array (no. 7, Fig. 2). ADCP: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. Mooring i.d. DS1 Latitude (°N) 66.08 Longitude Instruments and deployment depth (m) (°W) 27.08 microcat (4 m from seabed), ADCP (5 m from bottom) DS2 66.12 27.27 microcat (4 m from seabed), ADCP (5 m from bottom) Downstream of the Denmark Strait in the western Irminger Sea, the volume, heat and salt fluxes associated with Denmark Strait Overflow Water are monitored in the Angmagssalik Array (no. 8, Fig. 2). Although some measurements were made in the late 1980s, consistent monitoring has occurred since 1995. The array currently consists of two moorings and is maintained by the UK Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS). The array run out of funding and will stop in 2014 with a fully recovery attempt. Table 9. Mooring positions and instruments within the Angmagssalik Array in the Denmark Strait overflow plume in the Irminger Basin (no. 8, Fig. 2). CM: Current Meter. This mooring array is maintained by the UK Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, but funding is no longer available and the time series will stop. Mooring i.d. UK1 Latitude (°N) 63.48 UK2 63.28 Longitude Instruments and deployment depth (m) (°W) 36.30 CM (15 m, 200 m, 350 m above seabed), microcat (20 m above seabed) 35.86 CM (15 m, 200 m, 350 m above seabed), microcat (20 m above seabed) 3.3.2 Faroe Bank Channel Overflow The dense outflow through the Faroe Bank Channel (no. 9, Fig. 2) is monitored by a two mooring array within the channel, although in the past between one and three moorings have been deployed in the area. The array has been present since 1995 and is maintained by HAV and funded by NACLIM. Instruments include ADCPs and a microcat (Table 10). Table 10. Mooring positions and instruments within the Faroe Bank Channel Array (no. 9, Fig. 2). ADCP: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. Mooring i.d. NWFB Latitude (°N) 61.42 Longitude Instruments and deployment depth (m) (°W) 8.28 ADCP (800 m), microcat (800 m) NWFC 61.39 8.32 ADCP (836 m) Page 16 3.3.3 Wyville Thomson Ridge Overflow The relatively small overflow over the Wyville Thomson Ridge has been monitored by a single mooring located immediately downstream of the sill (no. 10, white circle, Fig. 2) between 2003 and 2013. The mooring, consisting of an ADCP and microcat (Table 11), was maintained by the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) and enabled an estimate of the volume transport of the overflow to be calculated. Table 11. Mooring position and instruments on the Wyville Thomson Ridge Array (no. 10, white circle, Fig. 2). Monitoring at this site ended in August 2013. ADCP: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. Mooring i.d. WTB2 Latitude (°N) 60.25 Longitude Instruments and deployment depth (m) (°W) 8.92 75 kHz ADCP (20 m above seabed), microcat (12 m above seabed) In July 2014 the mooring will be re-deployed to the western Rockall Trough to capture the overflow plume as it passes through this basin (no. 10, blue circle, Fig. 2). The mooring will consist of three current meters (Table 12) and will benefit from a nearby OSNAP mooring consisting not only of current meters but also microcats (see section 4.1). This current meter mooring will be funded by NACLIM. Table 12. Proposed mooring position and instruments on the re-deployed Wyville Thomson Ridge Array in the western Rockall Trough (no. 10, blue circle, Fig. 2). This mooring will be part of the larger OSNAP array and will be deployed in July 2014. Depths are approximate. CM: Current Meter. Mooring i.d. RTWB2 Latitude (°N) 57.20 Longitude Instruments and deployment depth (m) (°W) 12.77 CM (near seabed, 1400 m, 1200 m, 1000 m) 3.4 Convection centre moored arrays As well as monitoring the dense overflows over the Greenland-Scotland Ridge, NACLIM also has moorings in the two areas of the subpolar North Atlantic known to produce deep water masses by winter convection: the Irminger and Labrador Seas (IrS and LS, Fig. 2). These are discussed in section 3.4. 3.4.1 Central Irminger Sea The central Irminger Sea hosts two moorings: the Central Irminger Sea mooring (no. 11, Fig. 2) and the Longterm Ocean Climate Observations (LOCO) Irminger Sea mooring (no. 12, Fig. 2). The Central Irminger Sea mooring has been in place since 2002 and is composed of both physical and chemical sensors (Table 13). The mooring is maintained by the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research and is funded by NACLIM. Page 17 Table 13. Mooring position and instruments on the Central Irminger Sea mooring (no. 11, Fig. 2) which monitors deep convection within the Irminger Sea. ADCP: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler; RCM: RotorCurrent Meter. Mooring i.d. CIS Latitude (°N) 59.67 Longitude Instruments and deployment depth (m) (°W) 39.67 Microcat (10 m, 30 m, 45 m, 115m, 160 m, 200 m, 375 m, 550 m, 750 m, 1000 m, 1250 m, 1500 m), 300 kHz ADCP (40-150 m), RCM (1000 m, 2000 m), fluorometer (45 m), dissolved CO2 sensor (45 m), dissolved oxygen optode (45 m), nitrate sensor (45 m) The nearby LOCO Irminger Sea mooring is maintained by NIOZ. The mooring is designed to measure physical parameters associated with a deep convection area including temperature and salinity profiles between 155 and 2435 m (Table 14). The mooring has been operating since 2003 and is funded by NACLIM. Table 14. Mooring position and instruments on the LOCO Irminger Sea mooring (no. 12, Fig. 2) which monitors deep convection within the Irminger Sea. ADCP: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. Mooring i.d. LOCO2 Latitude (°N) 59.20 Longitude Instruments and deployment depth (m) (°W) 39.50 Microcat (3000 m), 75 kHz upward-looking ADCP (2450 m), Profiler (155 m – 2535 m), microcat (155 m), 75 kHz downward-looking ADCP (125 m) 3.4.2 Central Labrador Sea Convection within the Labrador Sea is monitored with a single mooring in the central basin (no. 13, Fig. 2). This mooring, first deployed in 1996, is maintained by GEOMAR and consists of microcats, minilogs and rotating current meters (Table 15). From 2014 the mooring will also host sensors from the Canadian VITALS project (Ventilation, Interactions and Transports Across the Labrador Sea, PI Paul Meyes, University of Alberta). This mooring is funded by NACLIM. Table 15. Mooring position and instruments on the Central Labrador Sea mooring (no. 13, Fig. 2) that monitors the deep convection within the basin. Mooring i.d. K1 Latitude (°N) 56.63 Longitude Instruments and deployment depth (m) (°W) 52.61 minilog (79 m, 90 m, 396 m, 737 m, 1246 m), RCM (88 m, 737 m, 1493 m), microcat (89 m, 244 m, 542 m, 1044 m, 1494 m, 1861 m) 3.5 Boundary current moored array Dense waters, predominantly those overflowing the Greenland-Scotland Ridge but also the denser components of those formed by deep convection within the Subpolar Gyre, exit the NACLIM study area via a Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC). This is monitored via a six mooring array in the south-western Page 18 Labrador Sea (no. 14, Fig. 2) and is discussed within this section. These moorings are part funded by the Regional Atlantic Circulation and Global Change Project (RACE) financed by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF). The array was first deployed in July 1997 and is maintained by GEOMAR. The moorings contain current meters of various designs, minilogs and microcats (Table 16) enabling alongshore volume transports to be calculated for various density classes. NACLIM will utilise the data generated. Table 16. Mooring position and instruments on the Labrador Sea Western Boundary Current array at 53 °N at the south-western exit of the basin (no. 14, Fig. 2). This mooring is funded by the RACE project from the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF). The data will be used by NACLIM. ADCP: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler; CM: Current Meter; RCM: Rotor Current Meter. Mooring i.d. K10 Latitude (°N) 53.38 Longitude Instruments and deployment depth (m) (°W) 50.26 RCM (259 m), minilog (259 m), microcat (260 m, 562 m), RCM (656 m), microcat (658 m), RCM (1054 m), microcat (1560 m), Argonaut CM (1561 m), RCM (2058 m), Argonaut CM (2555 m), RCM (3052 m), microcat (3053 m), RCM (3309 m), microcat (3311 m) 50.55 RCM (2851 m), minilog (2851 m), Aquadopp CM (3005 m), microcat (3007 m), RCM (3111 m) 50.88 minilog, RCM (222 m), microcat (223 m, 425 m, 620 m), RCM (621 m, 1027 m), microcat (1525 m), Argonaut CM (1526 m, 2022 m), RCM (2567 m, 2721 m), microcat (2723 m), RCM (2828 m) DSOW2 53.26 K9 53.14 DSOW1 53.05 51.08 K8 52.95 51.31 K7 52.87 51.49 RCM (2462 m), microcat (2463 m, 2549 m), RCM (2550 m) minilog (176 m), RCM (203 m), microcat (204m, 396 m), RCM (601 m), microcat (602 m), RCM (1008 m), microcat (1506 m), Argonaut CM (1507 m), RCM (1903 m), microcat (1904 m), RCM (2160 m) microcat (38 m), ADCP (190 m), microcat (195 m, 396 m, 594 m), RCM (595 m), microcat (1003 m), RCM (1004 m), microcat (1473 m), RCM (1474 m), RCM (1474 m) 3.6 Moored array at 26.5 °N The NACLIM programme also uses data from a large array of 26 moorings stretching across the North Atlantic at 26.5 °N (no. 15, Fig. 2). These moorings are maintained by the RAPID programme funded by the UK National Environment Research Council (NERC), the US National Science Foundation (NSF), and US National Ocean and Atmosphere Administration (NOAA). Data collection began in 2004 and involves various UK and US Institutions. The moorings contain microcats, various types of current meters, and bottom pressure recorders (Fig. 3). This array is used to calculate the volume transport associated with different components of the Meridional Overturning Circulation as well as total transport, and heat and freshwater fluxes. Data will be exploited by NACLIM. Page 19 Figure 3. Schematic of mooring positions and instruments on the 26.5 °N RAPID array in the North Atlantic (no. 15, Fig. 2). This array is funded by the UK National Environment Research Council, the US National Science Foundation, and US National Ocean and Atmosphere Administration. The data will be used within NACLIM. ADCP: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler; BPR: Bottom Pressure Recorder; CTD: Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (microcat). Figure courtesy of RAPID. Page 20 3.7 Standard hydrographic sections in the vicinity of NACLIM moorings NACLIM partially funds three hydrographic sections in the subpolar North Atlantic (circles, Fig. 4). Additionally, the NACLIM programme utilises data from a further five sections funded by other sources (squares, Fig. 4). All hydrographic lines are detailed within sections 3.7-3.9 and summarised in Table 17. This section (3.7) details the hydrographic lines in the vicinity of NACLIM moorings. There are five hydrographic sections in this category (no. 1-5, Fig. 4), each are occupied multiple times a year. NS 2 1 3 IrB LS 5 4 IB 6 6 7 RT Figure 4. Position of hydrographic sections either partially funded by (circles), or exploited by (squares) NACLIM. See Table 17 for details. Also shown are schematic pathways of: upper currents (red and turquoise) and pathways of deep overflow waters (blue); as well as the main bathymetric features: IB: Iceland Basin; IrB: Irminger Basin; LS: Labrador Sea; NS: Nordic Seas and RT: Rockall Trough. Page 21 Table 17. Summary of all standard hydrographic sections partially funded by, or exploited by NACLIM. See Figure 4 for section numbers. Section No. Location of section 1 Denmark Strait (1) 2 North Icelandic Shelf North of Faroe Islands (2) Faroe Shetland Channel (two lines) (3) Faroe Bank Channel (4) Canada to Greenland to Scotland (5) Scotland to Iceland 3 4 5 6 7 Data period No. occupations per year 1997 - present five No. of stations 1994 - present three eight 1987- present 17 three five 1903 - present six 16 / 14 1988 - present three 20 Jul.-Aug. 2014 NA planned ~ 120 1996 - present one 46 (6) (1) This section is partly funded by the German BMBF under the RACE project, with NACLIM exploiting the data. (2) This section is partly funded by NACLIM and partly by the Faroese Government. (3) Two standard lines in Faroe Shetland Channel occupied by Marine Scotland – Science three times a year. Sampling regularly began in 1903. Additionally, two near identical lines are occupied a further three times a year by the Faroese Marine Institute (since 1988). This section is partly funded by NACLIM, but also Marine Scotland and the Faroese Government. (4) Funding for this section is jointly from NACLIM and the Faroese Government. (5) Line is a one off occupation in 2014, funded by the UK NERC RAGNARoCC programme. NACLIM will utilise the data. The hydrographic section lies close to AR7W and on AR7E. These lines have been regularly occupied since at least 1990. (6) The Extended Ellett Line is funded by UK NERC under National Capability. NACLIM will exploit the data. The section through the Rockall Trough has been occupied since 1975, but was only extended to include the Rockall-Hatton Plateau and Iceland Basin in 1996. 3.7.1 Denmark Strait A section consisting of five hydrographic stations across the Denmark Strait (no. 1, Fig. 4; Table 18) has been operating since 1995. This line is currently sampled once a year by the University of Hamburg, and three times a year by MRI. The German occupation is funded by the BMBF under the RACE project, with NACLIM exploiting the data. The Icelandic occupation is funded by MRI. This section is designed to measure the dense overflow through the Denmark Strait. Page 22 Table 18. Position of stations in the Denmark Strait hydrographic section (no. 1, Fig. 4). This section is partly funded by the German BMBF under the RACE project. NACLIM utilises the data. Station Latitude Longitude Station Latitude Longitude id (°N) (°W) id (°N) (°W) DS1 66.12 27.27 DS4 66.24 27.80 DS2 66.08 27.08 DS5 66.05 26.94 DS3 66.17 27.48 3.7.2 North Icelandic Shelf The hydrographic section on the North Icelandic Shelf, the Hornbanki Line, consists of five stations and has been occupied four times a year since 1994 (no. 2, Fig. 4; Table 19). The section is designed to monitor the warm and saline North Icelandic Irminger Current which flows eastwards on the North Icelandic Shelf. The section is maintained by MRI. Table 19. Position of stations in the Hornbanki hydrographic section sampling the North Icelandic Irminger Current on the North Faroese Shelf (no. 2, Fig. 4). Station id Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) Station id Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) HB1 66.67 21.58 HB4 67.17 21.58 HB2 66.83 21.58 HB5 67.33 21.58 HB3 67.00 21.58 HB6 67.50 21.58 3.7.3 North Faroese Shelf The section on the North Faroese Shelf monitors the Faroese Current, a warm and saline current that is the conduit for Atlantic Waters to enter the Nordic Seas between Iceland and the Faroe Islands (no. 3, Fig. 4). This section, which consists of 17 stations (Table 20), has been occupied since 1987. The stations are currently sampled three times a year by HAV with funding jointly from both NACLIM and the Faroese Government. Table 20. Position of standard stations in the hydrographic section crossing the Faroese Current on the North Faroese Shelf (no. 3, Fig. 4). This section is jointly funded by NACLIM and the Faroese Government. Station id Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) Station id Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) N01 62.33 6.08 N06 (1) 63.17 6.08 N1A 62.42 6.08 N07 (1) 63.33 6.08 N02 62.50 6.08 N08 (1) 63.50 6.08 Page 23 (1) (2) N2A 62.58 6.08 N09 (1) 63.67 6.08 N03 62.67 6.08 N10 (1) 63.83 6.08 N3A 62.75 6.08 N11 (1) 64.00 6.08 N04 62.83 6.08 N12 (1) 64.17 6.08 N05 (1) 63.00 6.08 N13 (1) 64.33 6.08 N06 (1) 63.17 6.08 N14 (2) 64.50 6.00 N07 (1) 63.33 6.08 Not full depth stations (surface to 1300 m only) Not full depth station (surface to 2000 m only) 3.7.4 Faroe Shetland Channel The Faroe Shetland Channel (no. 4, Fig. 4) plays host to two hydrographic sections: the Nolso-Flugga Line at around 61.5 °N (Table 21) and the Fair Isle – Munken Line at around 60.5 °N (Table 22). These lines, of 16 and 14 stations respectively, are occupied by Scottish MSS three times a year. Regular occupation of the lines began in 1903. Funding for these transects is via Marine Scotland. Since 1988 the Faroese HAVSTOVAN (HAV) has also been occupying two very similar lines three times a year. Funding for these occupations is by both NACLIM and the Faroese Government. These sections sample not only the northward flowing Atlantic Waters, but also the deep return flow. Table 21. Position of standard stations in the Nolso-Flugga Section crossing the Faroe Shetland Channel (no. 4, Fig. 4). Funding is via Marine Scotland, NACLIM and the Faroese Government. Station id Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) Station id Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) NOL01 60.93 1.00 NOL04 61.23 2.67 SEFOS 60.98 1.30 NOL05 61.35 3.17 SEFOS 61.02 1.59 NOL06 61.47 3.70 NOL02 61.07 1.88 NOL07 61.58 4.25 SEFOS 61.10 2.03 NOL08 61.70 4.85 NOL03 61.13 2.17 NOL09 61.82 5.35 SEFOS 61.16 2.29 NOL10 61.90 5.75 NOL3a 61.18 2.42 NOL11 62.00 6.20 Table 22. Position of standard stations in the Fair Isle – Munken Line crossing the Faroe Shetland Channel (no. 4, Fig. 4). Funding is via Marine Scotland, NACLIM and the Faroese Government. Station id Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) Page 24 Station id Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) FIM01 60.17 3.73 FIM06 60.58 4.75 SEFOS 60.22 3.86 FIM6a 60.63 4.90 FIM02 60.27 3.98 FIM7 60.72 5.10 SEFOS 60.30 4.08 FIM8 60.78 5.27 FIM03 60.33 4.17 FIM9 60.85 5.48 FIM04 60.42 4.32 FIM10 61.03 5.95 FIM05 60.48 4.43 FIM11 61.20 6.37 3.7.5 Faroe Bank Channel The standard hydrographic section at the exit of the Faroe Bank Channel (no. 5, Fig. 4) consists of 20 stations (Table 23). This section, which has been sampled regularly since 1988, is occupied three times a year by the Faroese HAV. This activity is funded by both NACLIM and the Faroese Government. The line is designed to measure the cold dense water out-flowing the channel. Table 23. Position of standard stations along the hydrographic line across the exit of the Faroe Bank Channel (no. 5, Fig. 4). This section is funded by NACLIM and the Faroese Government. Station id Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) Station id Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) V01 61.83 7.00 V2D 61.56 7.49 V1A 61.80 7.04 V2E 61.53 7.53 V1B 61.78 7.09 V03 61.50 7.58 V1C 61.75 7.14 V04 61.42 7.73 V1D 61.72 7.19 V05 61.33 7.88 V1E 61.69 7.24 V06 61.27 8.00 V02 61.67 7.30 V07 61.22 8.10 V2A 61.64 7.34 V08 61.17 8.18 V2B 61.61 7.39 V09 61.08 8.33 V2C 61.58 7.44 V10 60.98 8.47 3.8 Hydrographic section between Canada to Scotland This section (3.8) details a hydrographic section stretching from Canada to Scotland via Greenland (no. 6, Fig. 4). The line will be occupied during a research cruise in July-August 2014, funded by the UK NERC RAGNARoCC programme (Radiatively Active Gases from the North Atlantic Region and Climate Change). NACLIM will utilise the data from this cruise which aims to occupy around 120 stations in total. The Page 25 hydrographic section runs along a line proposed by OSNAP (Observing Subpolar North Atlantic Programme), a newly funded international programme (for more detail on OSNAP see section 4.1). However, the section lies close to the AR7W line, and partially along the AR7E line (Fig. 5). These two lines have been occupied multiple times since at least 1990. It is hoped that the Irminger Sea portion of the line (C and D, Fig. 5) will be resampled in 2015 whilst the NACLIM and OSNAP moorings undergo maintenance. Figure 5. The OSNAP line comprising of: (A) German 53 °N western boundary array and Canadian shelfbreak array; (B) US West Greenland boundary array; (C) US/UK East Greenland boundary array; (D) Netherlands western Mid-Atlantic Ridge array; (E) US eastern Mid-Atlantic Ridge array; (F) UK glider survey (yellow) over the Rockall-Hatton Plateau and Rockall Trough; (G) UK Rockall Trough and Scottish Slope Current array. Red dots: US float launch sites; blue star: US OOI Irminger Sea global node; black concentric circles: US sound sources. One mooring in the western Rockall Trough is funded by NACLIM (section 3.3.3). Figure courtesy of OSNAP. 3.9 Standard hydrographic section between Iceland and Scotland NACLIM exploits data from a hydrographic line between Iceland and Scotland (no. 7, Fig. 4); this is detailed within this section (3.9). The line, which is known as the Extended Ellett Line, is maintained jointly by SAMS and the National Oceanography Centre – Southampton (NERC/NOC). Funding comes from UK NERC National Capability programme. The section consists of 46 stations (Table 24) and has been occupied once each year since 1996. However, the Rockall Trough portion of the section has been sampled at least annually since 1975. Table 24. Position of standard stations along the Extended Ellett Line between Iceland and Scotland (no. 7, Fig. 4). This section is funded by the UK NERC National Capability programme. NACLIM will utilise the data. Station Latitude id (°N) Longitude (°W) Station id Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) IB23S -20.22 IB4A 58.67 -16.50 63.32 Page 26 IB22S 63.22 -20.07 IB4 58.50 -16.00 IB21S 63.13 -19.92 IB3 58.25 -15.33 IB20S 62.92 -19.55 IB2 57.95 -14.58 IB19S 62.67 -19.67 IB1 57.67 -13.90 IB18S 62.33 -19.83 A 57.58 -13.63 IB17 62.00 -20.00 B 57.57 -13.33 IB16A 61.75 -20.00 C 57.55 -13.00 IB16 61.50 -20.00 D 57.54 -12.87 IB15 61.25 -20.00 E 57.53 -12.63 IB14 61.00 -20.00 F 57.50 -12.25 IB13A 60.75 -20.00 G 57.49 -11.85 IB13 60.50 -20.00 H 57.48 -11.53 IB12A 60.25 -20.00 I 57.47 -11.32 IB12 60.00 -20.00 J 57.45 -11.08 IB11A 59.83 -19.50 K 57.40 -10.87 IB11 59.67 -19.00 L 57.37 -10.67 IB10 59.41 -18.43 M 57.30 -10.38 IB9 59.33 -18.23 N 57.23 -10.05 IB8 59.20 -17.88 O 57.15 -9.70 IB7 59.12 -17.67 P 57.10 -9.42 IB6 58.95 -17.18 Q 57.05 -9.22 IB5 58.88 -17.00 R 57.00 -9.00 3.10 Glider activities Data from two glider missions funded by other projects will be exploited within NACLIM. These are detailed within section 3.10. The first sample area is in the Faroe Shetland Channel (no. 1, Fig. 6), and the second stretches from Scotland to Iceland (no. 2, Fig. 6). The gliders will measure the upper 1000 m of the water column and therefore capture the main pathways of the warm and saline water that enters the Nordic Seas and Arctic (red arrows, Fig. 6). Page 27 1 2 Figure 6. Glider activities linked to NACLIM within the Faroe Shetland Channel (1) and from Scotland to Iceland (2). Work in the Faroe Shetland Channel is funded by UK NERC through the FASTNEt project; whilst the work along the Extended Ellett Line from Scotland to Iceland is funded by UK NERC under National Capability funding. NACLIM will exploit the data. Also shown (red) are a schematic of the upper water pathways. The Faroe Shetland Channel deployment is planned between May and September 2014 with the mission track approximately along the Fair Isle – Munken (S line) standard hydrographic section (no. 1, Fig. 6). This mission will be funded by UK NERC under the FASTNEt project (Fluxes Across Sloping Topography of the North East Atlantic), with the data exploited by NACLIM. The mission will be run by two Scottish institutes: SAMS and MSS. The mission between Scotland and Iceland (no. 2, Fig. 6) is planned to approximately follow the Extended Ellett Line standard hydrographic section (section 3.9). Deployment is anticipated for March/April 2014 with recovery in July 2014. The work is funded under National Capability by UK NERC and will be overseen by SAMS. 4 Links to other international programmes As mentioned in earlier sections, as well as funding some moorings and hydrographic sections, NACLIM also exploits data from other programmes. These include, but are not limited to, the: (1) German BMBF funded RACE project (section 3.5 and 3.7.1) (2) UK (NERC) and US (NSF and NOAA) funded RAPID 26.5 °N programme (section 3.6) Page 28 (3) UK NERC funded RAGNARoCC programme (section 3.8) (4) UK NERC National Capability funded Extended Ellett Line (sections 3.9 and 3.10) (5) UK NERC funded FASTNEt programme (section 3.10) Additionally, NACLIM exploits data from hydrographic sections partly funded by Marine Scotland (section 3.74) and the Faroese Government (sections 3.7.3, 3.74, 3.75), and a mooring funded by the Iceland Research Centre (section 3.3.1). NACLIM also has links to other international programmes. These are discussed briefly below. 4.1 OSNAP The Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Programme (OSNAP) runs from 2014 to 2018 and consists of a number of moorings across the subpolar North Atlantic (Fig. 5). Hence it is similar to the large-scale RAPID array at 26.5 °N (section 3.6). The programme is funded by the UK NERC, US NSF and US NOAA and involves institutions in seven countries both within Europe and North America. The aim of OSNAP is to generate new knowledge of the North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre and its wider impacts on climate. 4.2 OOI The Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) is a science driven network of sensor systems designed to measure physical, chemical, biological and geological variables in the ocean and seafloor. The programme is funded by the US NSF. Within the subpolar North Atlantic an observatory within the Irminger Basin (blue star, Fig. 5) is due to start data collection in late 2014. This observatory, which consists of three moorings and glider sections in the upper water column, is situated within the same area as the two NACLIM moorings within the Irminger Sea (section 3.4.1). 4.3 FixO3 The Fixed-point Open Ocean Observations (FixO3) is a European FP7 funded project with 29 partners in 12 countries. It aims to integrate European open-ocean fixed point observations and improve access to these installations for the broader community. The programme is linked to Eurosites, a FP7 funded project that ran between 2008 and 2011. 4.4 EMSO The European Multi-Disciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory programme (EMSO) is a large scale European Research Infrastructure of seafloor observatories in European waters. This programme is linked to FixO3 and its predecessor Eurosites. 4.5 GOOS The Global Observing System (GOOS) is a permanent global system for observations, modelling and analysis of marine and ocean variables. This programme, which has been operating since 1990, is funded by the International Oceanographic Commission (IOC), International Council for Science (ICSU), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO). Data are available from the associated Global Observing System Information Centre (GOSIC). Page 29 4.6 GROOM The Gliders for Research, Ocean Observations and Management programme (GROOM) is a European FP7 funded project involving 19 partners in nine different countries. The programme is a European Research Infrastructure that uses gliders to collect in-situ data. 4. References See appendix B. Ruhl H., L. Beranzoli, N. Cagatay, A. Colaço, M. Cannat, J.J. Danobeitia, P. Favali, L. Géli, M. Gilloly, J. Greinert, P. Hall, R. Huber, J. Karstensen, R. Lampitt, K. Larkin, V. Lykousis, J. Mienert, J.M. Miranda, R. Person, I.G. Priede, I. Puillat, L. Thomsen, C. Waldmann, (2011) Societal need for improved understanding of climate change, anthropogenic impacts, and geohazrd warning drive development of ocean observatories in European Seas, Progress in Oceanography, Vol 91, Issue 1, p.1-33 5. Dissemination and uptake 5.1 Dissemination Peer reviewed articles: Title Main author All authors Title of the periodic al or the series Number, date or frequency Publi sher Intra-seasonal variability of the DWBC in the western subpolar North Atlantic; Fischer, J., et al. Progres s in Oceano graphy’ accepted Elsev ier 2014 Convective mixing in the central Irminger Sea: 2002–2010 De Jong, F., et al DeepSea Res. Vol. 63 Elsev ier 2012 Observed decline of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Smeed, D.A.; McCarthy, et al. Ocean Science Discussi ons 10 Cope rnicu s Gese llsch aft 2013 yes Global Oceans: Meridional overturning circulation and heat transport observations in the Atlantic Ocean Baringer, M.O.; Johns, W.E.; McCarthy, G.; et al. Bulletin of the America n Meteoro logical Society, 94 (State of the Climate in 2012) 2013 yes Plan for future publication: Page 30 Place of publica tion Year of publication Perma nent identifi ers[1] DOI Is/Will open access[2] provided to this publicatio n? yes doi:10 .1016/ j.dsr.2 012.0 1.003 NA In preparation OR submitted? Title Main All authors author Title of periodical the series the or Is/Will open access[2] provided to this publication? In preparation The DWBC and its transports at the exit of the Labrador Sea: The 53°N Array 1997 to 2012 Zantopp, Fischer, Karstensen, Visbeck, Kopte Not defined yet yes In preparation Freshwater flux in the East Greenland Current north of Denmark Strait - results from the Kögur array 2011-2012. De Steur, L., Våge, K., Østerhus, S., et al JGR - Oceans yes 5.2 Uptake by the targeted audience X The general public (PU) The project partners, including the Commission services (PP) A group specified by the consortium, including the Commission services (RE) This reports is confidential, only for members of the consortium, including the Commission services (CO) Dissemination of deliverable via the project website. 6. The delivery is delayed: Yes No 7. Changes made and difficulties encountered, if any None. 8. Efforts for this deliverable Partner Person-months Period covered 10 GEOMAR November 2012-April 2014 MRI 0,25 November 2012-April 2014 NIOZ 0,50 November 2012-April 2014 SAMS 10,25 November 2012-April 2014 Total 21 November 2012-April 2014 Total estimated effort for this deliverable (DOW) was 21 person-months. 9. Sustainability The observational requirements for the climate forecasting systems explored in NACLIM (e.g. CMIP5 models) require essentially two different types of observations – data to initialize the forecast model, in order to provide the best estimate of the ocean state, and data to derive indices that can be utilized to validate the forecast products. The observational data for initialization is obtained from a variety of in-situ observing systems (e.g. Argo floats, surface drifter, XBT, VOS, moorings, research and voluntary observing ships) as well as data derived from satellite remote sensing. Some of the observing systems are designed for long term global monitoring, for example the Argo array is designed to sample the upper ocean heat content on seasonal time scales for the Page 31 global ocean. Other components are feed into the data pool on an opportunistic basis e.g. data that has been collected in the context of a certain process study can also be of use when deriving high quality global scale data products (e.g. a temperature may for the 4000m depth horizon). The consolidation of the data, in particular beyond the individual observing networks, is currently not addressed in a coordinated way. Nevertheless, some global and very general coordination is taken place as part of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS). The impact of this data on NACLIM model products is explored in CT3. The observational data as well as derived data products (e.g. transport time series) that are used for the validation of the climate models investigated within NACLIM are obtained from a set of highly specialized moored observing arrays. These arrays have been erected in key locations and have been operated since many years or even decades. However, no secured funding beyond a typical project life-time of more than 3 to 4 years is in most case allocated to the arrays. This is in conflict with the fact that the great value of such time series is also in having long, continuous records available. A risk for discontinuity exists, as for example has been recently seen for one of the longest records, the Angmagssalik Array downstream of the Denmark Strait in the western Irminger Sea. For this location pilot arrays go back to the late 1980s while consistent monitoring began in 1995. However, the funding stopped in 2012 and the final recovery of the array will take place in summer 2014. Not only the costs of ocean observing but for rational and logistic reasons, a coordination of activities is mandatory for the long term observing arrays. Some logistics take place as part of the monitoring cruise that may in part be associated with other ecosystem and fishery monitoring as initiated by ICES or NAFOS. The international coordination of the NACLIM CT2 observing systems has also been intensified. Recently launched international programs such as the Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program (OSNAP) or the erection of one of the four global nodes of the U.S. Ocean Observing Initiative (OOI) extended the logistical coordination to both side of the Atlantic. This coordination activities in part benefit from international agreements such as the “The Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation1”, May 2013. Besides the uncertainty in the funding situation of the ocean climate reference stations the potential to explore non-physical processes at the observing arrays is so far completely absent. Given that the moored infrastructure exists, the extension towards an array that observes deep water property transport (e.g. carbon, oxygen, nutrients), local ecosystem or passive acoustics time series is rather straight forward and the future design of the arrays (along with appropriate calls for proposals) should make use of the opportunities that exists here. About the cooperation between OSNAP and NACLIM, we would like to mention that NACLIM PIs took part in the OSNAP PI meeting held at the Ocean Sites Meeting in Honolulu on Sunday 23 February 2014 =17:00:00 for the coordination of joint logistics (cruises, instrumentation) and discussion on best sampling issues. 1 Page 32 10. Dissemination activities The complete list of dissemination activitites is available on the NACLIM website and on the ECAS portal, section “List of Dissemination Activities”. Page 33 Appendix A. Contact details for components of the observing system operated by, or exploited by, NACLIM Table A.1. Contact details for moorings operated by, or exploited by, NACLIM. For array numbers see Fig. 2. Funding abbreviations: BMBF: German Federal Ministry for Education and Research; DEFRA: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (UK); ICR: Icelandic Centre for Research; NERC: National Environment Research Council (UK); NOAA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (USA); NSF: National Science Foundation (USA); RACE: Regional Atlantic Circulation and Global Change project; RAPID: Monitoring the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation programme. Array No. Location of mooring array N. Icelandic Shelf Funder Contact Institute NACLIM Marine Research Institute, Iceland 2 N. Faroese Shelf NACLIM 3 Faroe Shetland Channel NACLIM W. flank Reykjanes Ridge E. Greenland Shelf N. of the Denmark Strait NACLIM Hedinn Valdimarsson Steingrímur Jónsson Bogi Hansen Karin Larsen Barbara Berx Karin M. Larsen Laura de Steur NACLIM Laura de Steur Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research ICR 7 Denmark Strait NACLIM 8 W. boundary of Irminger Sea Faroe Bank Channel DEFRA Hedinn Valdimarrson Bob Pickart Detlef Quadfasel Hedinn Valdimarsson, Stephen Dye Marine Research Institute, Iceland Woods Hole Oceanography Institute University of Hamburg, Germany Marine Research Institute, Iceland Centre for Env., Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, UK Faroe Marine Institute 1 4 5 6 9 NACLIM Bogi Hansen Karin M. Larsen Page 34 Faroe Marine Institute Marine Scotland Science Faroe Marine Institute Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research 10 Wyville Thomson Ridge NACLIM 11 Central Irminger Sea (CIS) Central Irminger Sea (LOCO) NACLIM 13 Central Labrador Sea NACLIM 14 53°N array W. boundary Labrador Sea RAPID-26.5 °N RACE (BMBF) 12 15 NACLIM RAPID (NERC, NSF, NOAA) Clare Johnson Toby Sherwin Johannes Karstensen Laura de Steur Hendrik van Aken Jürgen Fischer Johannes Karstensen Jürgen Fischer Rainer Zantopp Gerard McCarthy gerard.mccarthy@noc.soton.a David Smeed Scottish Association for Marine Science Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany National Oceanography Centre – Southampton, UK Table A.2. Contact details for standard hydrographic sections either partly funded by, or exploited by, NACLIM. For section numbers see Fig. 4. Funding abbreviations: BMBF: German Federal Ministry for Education and Research; FG: Faroese Government; MS: Marine Scotland; NERC: National Environment Research Council (UK); RACE: Regional Atlantic Circulation and Global Change project; RAGNARoCC: Radiatively Active Gases from the North Atlantic Region and Climate Change programme. Section No. Location of section Funder Contact Institution 1 Denmark Strait RACE (BMBF) Detlef Quadfasel Kerstin Jochumsen Hedinn Valdimarsson Hedinn Valdimarsson Steingrímur Jónsson University of Hamburg, Germany Karin M. Larsen Faroe Marine Institute 2 North Icelandic Shelf unknown 3 North of Faroe Islands NACLIM, FG Page 35 Marine Research Institute, Iceland Marine Research Institute, Iceland 4 Faroe Shetland Channel (two lines) NACLIM, FG, MS Barbara Berx Karin Larsen Marine Scotland Science 5 Faroe Bank Channel NACLIM, FG Karin M. Larsen Faroe Marine Institute 6 Canada to Greenland to Scotland RAGNARoCC (NERC) Stefan Gary Stuart Cunningham Scottish Association for Marine Science 7 Scotland to Iceland NC (NERC) Stefan Gary Stuart Cunningham Scottish Association for Marine Science Faroe Marine Institute Table A.3. Contact details for planned glider sections exploited by NACLIM. For section numbers see Fig. 6. Funding abbreviations: FASTNEt: Fluxes Across Sloping Topography North East ATlantic programme; NC: National Capability; NERC: National Environment Research Council (UK); Section No. Location of section Funder Contact Institution 1 Faroe Shetland Channel FASTNEt (NERC) Barbara Berx Mark Inall Marine Scotland Science Scotland to Iceland NC (NERC) Stefan Gary Stuart Cunningham Scottish Association for Marine Science 2 Page 36 Scottish Association for Marine Science Appendix B. Websites of programmes linked to NACLIM Table B.1. List of programmes linked to NACLIM, their funders and web addresses. Funding abbreviations: BMBF: German Federal Ministry for Education and Research; EC: European Commission FP7 Program; ICSU: International Council for Science; IOC: Intergovernmental Oceanographical Commission; NC: National Capability; NERC: National Environment Research Council (UK); NSF: National Science Foundation (USA); National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (USA); RAGNARoCC: Radiatively Active Gases from the North Atlantic Region and Climate Change programme; UNEP: United Nations Environment Programme; WMO: World Meteorological Organisation. Programme Funder Website RACE BMBF RAPID NERC, NSF, NOAA RAGNARoCC NERC EEL NC - NERC FASTNEt NERC OSNAP NERC, NSF, NOAA OOI NSF FixO3 EC EMSO EC GROOM EC Page 37