KDE Writing Program Review

Demonstrator 1. Student Access: All students have equitable access to high quality curriculum and instruction. Full implementation of a writing curriculum
encompasses reading, speaking and listening opportunities.
Needs Improvement
a) Students have access to
a) Students participate in
a) Students engage in
 Content Vocabulary Posters & Presentations: C
literacy opportunities, but
literacy learning
intentionally planned
Donaldson, J Embry, P Wallace, T Harper
connections among the
literacy learning
opportunities and help
 A Fuller: 3-2-1 (perimeter, area and book thoughts)
literacy strands (reading,
opportunities to explore
create customized plans
 A Smith-Thomas: Career research with
writing, speaking, listening
and instruction to match
ideas and design
technology/Student generated rubric/Presentation
and language use) are
their learning needs.
products across content
 B Eadens: Steps-Drilling Handy Box
 B Bivens: Personal Fitness Record, Self-Reflection and
 B Frazier collab with L Cardwell: Biomes Research,
Presentation Product (class and 2nd period), Project
Reflection and Rubric
 B Frazier: Note Cards
 C Dockery: Imagery Analysis; Multiplying Steps with
visual; Persuasive Writing
 C Dockery collab P McKinney and L Cardwell:
Onomatopoeia Comic Strips; Health Informative Essay
 C Donaldson: Class Bill of Rights, Test correction &
 C Scott: Future Goals with image
 E Clark: Vocabulary Definition Illustrator; Persuasive
Essay (Sports); On-Demand Rubric Teacher
Annotations (Bullying); Hatchet posters
 H Elmore: Narrative Writing Self and Peer Reflection
 K Doughty collab L Cardwell: Natural Disaster
 K Doughty: Opinion paper (Facebook – bullying)
 J Ausbrooks: Reflection (Sound of Music movie);
National Anthem Performance Self-Reflection
 J Embry: Test correction and reflection
 J Martin: Plate Tectonic OR and Scoring Guide; Solar
Motion and Scoring Guide
 L Crafton: Personal Health Writing Prompts
 L Graham: Zentangle Self-Reflection
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 L Winters: Book/Movie Comparison (Roll of Thunder,
Hear My Cry); Extended Metaphors
 L Wood: Chapter Reflection; Story; Comparison on two
articles; Utopia Write-up with Illustration
 M Crawford: Peer Review; Persuasive Speech and
editing sheet; Art Critique and Self Reflection (Round 1
and 2), Performance Evals
 M Taylor: Self-Reflection, 100 Days, Active Learner
 P Bucklew: Vocabulary Illustrator
 P Fazel: Science Career Journal Entries
 P McKinney: Literature Term Illustration; I Have a
Dream; Integer OR; Narrative Assessment; Persuasive
Prewriting and Paper, Self-Reflection in Math; Comic
strip (onomatopoeia); Consumerism Extended
Response; Consumerism Word Problems
 P Wallace: Provisional Geography (Economy); Test
correction & reflection
 R Harpe: Career and Teamwork
 R Johnson: Math Constructed Response, Self-reflection
in Math
 R Tyree: How do you digest food; Cell Biology OR
 S Bratcher: Career Research Project; Content Typing
Journal Entries; Health Animation; Health Comic Strip;
3 Rs Comic Strip
 S Daugherty: Falling Bridges; Self-Reflection; Creating
Word Problems; Factoring Trinomials Steps
 T Harper: Create a Page for a Book
 T Lowe: Veteran’s Day Program Performance SelfReflection; Music Performance Self-Reflection
To what extent does the school provide access for all students to participate in intentionally planned literacy learning opportunities to explore ideas and design
products across the content area?
b) Students have some access
b) Students have access and b) Students strategically
 Computer and Library Usage Calendar
to equipment and materials.
plan for and use a variety  Literacy Coaching Strategies (GRREC): C Donaldson, C
use equipment and
of equipment/
materials designed to
Scott & L Winters
technological tools and
meet their individual
 PLC Minutes
materials designed to
needs as determined by
 MAP Testing and Scores
data (e.g., formative
meet and enhance their
 A Fuller: Fair Tale Dragon PowerPoint
individual needs.
 A Smith-Thomas: Career research with
technology/Student generated rubric/Presentation;
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Reciprocal Reading and On-Demand; Flashcard App
 B Bivens: Personal Fitness Record, Self-Reflection and
 B Frazier collab with L Cardwell: Biomes Research,
Presentation Product (class and 2nd grade), Project
Reflection and Rubric
 C Dockery collab P McKinney and L Cardwell: Health
Informative Essay (technology)
 H Elmore: Reciprocal Reading of Book Review with
Chart and Model; Dictionary.com app for vocabulary;
Comparison essay Movie vs Novel exemplar work
 K Doughty collab L Cardwell: Natural Disaster
 L Cardwell: Notetaking through Destiny Book Find
 L Crafton: Read 180 program (React and Write)
 L Wood: The Giver movie trailer/booktalk; Comparing
two articles
 P McKinney: Health (tobacco) Reciprocal Reading &
Writing activity
 M Taylor: Moby Reading
 S Bratcher Career Research Project; Health Animation;
Health Comic Strip
 STLP: Projects (ePublishing, Gazette Reporter,
Storytelling, Technical Writing)
To what extent do students have access and use equipment and materials designed to meet their individual needs as determined by data (e.g., formative
c) Teachers provide some
c) Teachers instruct the
c) Students use
 School-wide: GRREC Literacy Initiative
differentiated strategies in
differentiated strategies in  A Cardwell: Graphic Organizer (KWL)
complex processes,
literacy instruction
self-directed learning
concepts and principles
 A Smith-Thomas: Reciprocal Reading and On-Demand;
according to student need.
of literacy using
Flashcard App Review
personalized learning of
differentiated strategies
 B Frazier collab with L Cardwell: Biomes Research,
complex processes,
that make instruction
Presentation Product (class and 2nd grade), Project
concepts and principles of
accessible to all
Reflection and Rubric
 B Frazier: Rock Cycle Graphic Organizer
 C Dockery: Imagery Analysis Chart; Roll of Thunder,
Hear My Cry Vocabulary Study Guide
 C Dockery collab P McKinney and L Cardwell: Health
Informative Essay (technology)
 C Donaldson: Corbin Method (On-Demand); Student
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 E Clark: Vocabulary Definitions Illustrator; Persuasive
Writing Graphic Organizer, On-Demand writing
planning organizer; Hatchet posters
 H Elmore: Reciprocal Reading of Book Review with
Chart and Model; Dictionary.com app for vocabulary;
The Climb Narrative exemplar model and graphic
organizer; The Day it Rained Cockroaches Narrative; A
Different Kind of Summer personal narrative parts;
Raven’s The Funeral of Atala
 K Doughty collab L Cardwell: Natural Disasters
 K Doughty: Narrative exemplar example; Opinion essay
Corbin method and peer-review (Facebook – bullying);
Modeling state released items; On-demand Feedback
 L Cardwell: Notetaking through Destiny Book Find
 L Crafton: Read 180
 L Graham and C Scott: Math Graphic Organizer
(Solving Word Problems)
 L Winters: Extended Metaphors; Comic Strip; I am
Poem; Roll of Thunder; Hear My Cry title meaning
 M Taylor: Vocabulary Graphic Organizer; Text Study
for Test
 P Bucklew: Science Vocabulary Illustrator
 P Fazel: Guided Reading
 P McKinney: Literature Terminology Illustrator;
Vocabulary Graphic Organizer; Comic Strip
(onomatopoeia); Health (tobacco) Reciprocal Reading &
Writing; I am Poem
 P Wallace: Guided Reading Activities; Scaffolding
Graphic Organizer – Inequalities; Annotating CUBES;
Guided Reading
 S Bratcher: 3 Rs Comic Strip
To what extent do teachers instruct the complex processes, concepts and principles of literacy using differentiated strategies that make instruction accessible to
all students?
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Demonstrator 2. Aligned and Rigorous Curriculum: An aligned and rigorous curriculum provides access to a common academic core for all students as
defined by state standards.
Needs Improvement
a) Curriculum is partially
a) Curriculum is aligned
a) Curriculum is aligned
aligned vertically and
vertically and horizontally
vertically and
 LA/Writing Curriculum Map
horizontally to the
horizontally to the
to the Kentucky Core
 Literacy and Writing Policy (SBDM)
Kentucky Core Academic
Kentucky Core
Academic Standards and
 Literacy Coaching Strategies (GRREC)
Academic Standards for
monitored to ensure
 BCMS Writing Rubric
Language Arts.
effective implementation
 J Scott: Common Core Content Activities – Develop and
with a focus on 21st
Strengthen Writing (Planning)
Century Skills taught in the
context of core subjects and
interdisciplinary themes.
To what extent does the school ensure that the language arts curriculum is aligned vertically and horizontally to the Kentucky Core Academic Standards for
Language Arts?
b) Curriculum integrates the
b) Curriculum integrates
b) Curriculum integrates the
strands of literacy (reading,
the strands of literacy
strands of literacy
 Literacy Coaching Strategies (GRREC)
writing, speaking, listening,
(reading, writing,
(reading, writing,
 BCMS Writing Rubric
and language use) to
speaking, listening, and
speaking, listening, and
 Conservation Writing Contest
instruct and develop
language use) across
language use) to apply
 A Cardwell: FOR Announcements (written and read by
communication skills.
communication skills to
content areas to
meaningful work across
explicitly instruct and
 A Smith-Thomas: Career research with
content areas.
technology/Student generated rubric/Presentation;
communication skills.
Lacrosse Reading and Writing Activity; Reciprocal
Reading and On-Demand
 B Frazier collab with L Cardwell: Biomes Research,
Presentation Product (class and 2nd grade), Project
Reflection and Rubric
 C Dockery collab P McKinney and L Cardwell: Health
Informative Essay (technology)
 C Donaldson, J Embry, P Wallace & T Harper: Content
Vocabulary Posters and Presentation
 E Clark: Hatchet posters
 H Elmore: Reciprocal Reading of Book Review with
Chart and Model, Raven’s The Funeral of Atala, On
Demand drills & steps, Career Research Dream-on
Project, Thesis & Idea Support drills
 K Doughty collab L Cardwell: Natural Disaster
 K Doughty: Opinion essay Corbin method and peerreview (Facebook – bullying); On-Demand and Feedback
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 L Graham: Zentangle Research Project, Art, Rubric and
 M Crawford: Persuasive Speech and editing sheet; Essay
(Underwater Dolphins)
 P McKinney: Consumerism Extended Response; Health
(tobacco) Reciprocal Reading & Writing; Integer OR;
Persuasive Essay with Feedback
 P Wallace: Guided Reading
 S Bratcher: Career Research Project
To what extent does the curriculum integrate the strands of literacy (reading, writing, speaking, listening and language use) across content areas to explicitly
instruct and develop communication skills?
c) Curriculum provides
c) Curriculum provides
c) Curriculum provides
opportunities for students to
opportunities for
opportunities for students to  Master Schedule
utilize technology to
students to apply
use technology as a tool to
 Computer Lab: Downstairs lab, 2 Chromebook labs,
communicate information.
access, manage, integrate
technology effectively
Netbook lab and Moby tablets
and create information.
as a tool to research,
 Students using Office 365 (Email/OneDrive/ PowerPoint
organize, evaluate and
 Remind 101: C Donaldson, M Taylor, P McKinney, R
Johnson, P Wallace, H Elmore
 A Cardwell: Class Dojo Parent Communication
 A Smith-Thomas: Career research with
technology/Student generated rubric/Presentation;
Flashcard App Review
 B Frazier collab with L Cardwell: Biomes Research,
Presentation Technology Product (class and 2nd grade),
Project Reflection and Rubric
 C Dockery collab P McKinney and L Cardwell: Health
Informative Essay (technology)
 H Elmore: dictionary.com app for vocabulary, Analysis
of “The Outsiders”, Career research with technology, and
Reader Theatres of Tell-Tale Heart to determine mood
 K Doughty collab L Cardwell: Natural Disaster
 L Cardwell: Notetaking through Destiny Book Find
 L Crafton: Read 180
 M Taylor: Moby Reading
 P McKinney: Poetry Structure PowerPoint – Technology
 S Bratcher: Edmodo; Career Research Project and
Presentation; Health Animation; Health Comic Strip
 STLP Projects
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To what extent does the school ensure opportunities for students to apply technology effectively as a tool to research, organize, evaluate and communicate
d) Communications portfolio
d) Communications
d) Communications portfolio  LA Writer’s Notebook/Binders (located in LA teacher’s
reflects student interests and
portfolio demonstrates
is used by students to
classroom): K Doughty, P McKinney, H Elmore (reading
represents the development
demonstrate novel, new
student interests and
and writing)
of writing and
and worthwhile ideas
the integration of
 6th Grade: Narrative, Informative and Argumentative
communication skills only
while elaborating and
writing and
 7th Grade: Persuasive Essay, Poems and Informational
across some content areas.
refining those ideas to
communication skills
 8th Grade: Narrative, Career Essay (editorial), “The
maximize creative efforts
across the content
Outsiders” Movie/Book comparison, Book Review (each
areas and over time.
and effectively
9 weeks)
communicate both locally
and globally.
To what extent do communication portfolios demonstrate student interests and the integration of writing and communication skills across the content areas and
over time?
e) Curriculum provides
e) Curriculum provides
e) Curriculum provides
opportunities for students to
opportunities for
opportunities for students
 Master Schedule
practice 21st century critical
students to practice 21st
to actively use knowledge  6th Grade: Narrative, Informative and Argumentative
thinking, problem solving
century critical thinking,
as it is being learned
 7th Grade: Persuasive Essay, Poems and Informational
and communication skills.
through applying the skills  A Smith-Thomas: Career research with
creativity, problemof critical thinking,
technology/Student generated rubric/Presentation
solving and
problem solving and
 B Frazier collab with L Cardwell: Biomes Research,
communication skills
creativity to content
Presentation Product (class and 2nd grade), Project
and to connect these to
knowledge and
Reflection and Rubric
real world experiences.
collaborating and
 C Dockery collab P McKinney and L Cardwell: Health
communicating locally
Informative Essay (technology)
and/or globally.
 C Donaldson, J Embry, P Wallace & T Harper: Content
Vocabulary Posters and Presentation
 E Clark: Hatchet posters
 H Elmore: Editorial model for Beech Tree News
 K Doughty collab L Cardwell: Natural Disaster
 K Doughty: Opinion essay Corbin method and peerreview (Facebook – bullying)
 L Wood: The Giver booktalk/trailer
 S Bratcher: 3 Rs Wordle; Career Research Project and
 STLP Digital Projects
To what extent does the curriculum provide opportunities for students to practice 21st century critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, problem-solving and
communication skills and to connect these to real world experiences?
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Demonstrator 3. Instructional Strategies: All teachers implement instructional strategies that provide quality experiences, variety of activities and access
for all students.
Needs Improvement
a) Teachers provide
a) Teachers, students, and
a) Teachers, students, and
 6th Grade: Narrative, Informative and Argumentative
instruction that results in
others provide instruction,  7th Grade: Persuasive Essay, Poems and Informative
others provide literacy
achieving specific literacy
models and
instructional strategies
 LA/Writing Curriculum Map
learning objectives.
and models that assist in
demonstrations that
 LA Writer’s Notebook/Binders: K Doughty, P
achieving specific
address specific literacy
McKinney, H Elmore
learning objectives.
learning objectives and
 LA/Writing Charts or Models
provide time for students
 Literacy Coaching Strategies (GRREC)
to apply this learning for
 A Cardwell: Graphic Organizer (KWL)
further inquiry, design
 A Smith-Thomas: Reciprocal Reading and On Demand
and interactive
 B Frazier collab with L Cardwell: Biomes Research,
collaborative settings.
Presentation Product (class and 2nd grade), Project
Reflection and Rubric
 C Donaldson: Students modeling
 E Clark: Persuasive Essay Editing Sheet and Graphic
 H Elmore: Reciprocal Reading of Book Review with
Chart and Model, 3 point paragraph broken down, OnDemand Graphic argumentative format, Career Essay
editorial; Editorial model for Beech Tree News; The
Climb Narrative exemplar model and graphic organizer;
The Day it Rained Cockroaches Narrative; A Different
Kind of Summer Narrative parts; Raven’s The Funeral of
 K Doughty: Models/Charts (Markings with PQP, PQP
Method and Look Fors); Narrative Exemplar Work
Student work self-reflection and rubric; Opinion essay
Corbin method and peer-review (Facebook –bullying);
Model state released items; On-Demand and Feedback
 L Cardwell: Notetaking through Destiny Book Find
 M Crawford: Persuasive speech and editing sheet
 P McKinney: I Have a Dream; Health (tobacco)
Reciprocal Reading & Writing; Integer OR; Imagery
PowerPoint – Technology Integration; Poetry Structure
PowerPoint – Technology Integration
 P Wallace: Guided Reading Activities; Scaffolding
Graphic Organizer – Inequalities; Guided Reading
To what extent do teachers, students, and others provide literacy instructional strategies and models that assist in achieving specific learning objectives?
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 A Smith-Thomas: Career research with
technology/Student generated rubric/Presentation
 B Frazier collab with L Cardwell: Biomes Research,
Presentation Product (class and 2nd grade), Project
Reflection and Rubric
 C Dockery collab P McKinney and L Cardwell: Health
Informative Essay (technology)
 C Donaldson, J Embry, P Wallace & T Harper: Content
Vocabulary Posters and Presentation
 E Clark: Hatchet posters
 K Doughty collab L Cardwell: Natural Disaster
 L Cardwell: Notetaking through Destiny Book Find
 S Bratcher: Career research project
 Gallery Walk & Jig Saws
To what extent do students research information to seek a new or deeper understanding around a topic and demonstrate new understanding through products?
b) Students research
information around a topic
of personal interest and
demonstrate understanding.
b) Students research
information to seek a
new or deeper
understanding around
a topic and
demonstrate new
understanding through
b) Students research
information to seek a new
or deeper understanding
based on inquiry around a
topic and demonstrate
new understanding
through products that may
be used by others for
further understanding of
the topic.
 Computer Labs: Downstairs lab, 2 Chromebook labs,
Netbook lab and Moby
 A Smith-Thomas: Career research with
technology/Student generated rubric/Presentation
 B Frazier collab with L Cardwell: Biomes Research,
Presentation Product (class and 2nd grade), Project
Reflection and Rubric
 C Dockery collab P McKinney and L Cardwell: Health
Informative Essay (health)
 C Donaldson: Student modeling literacy strategies
 K Doughty collab L Cardwell: Natural Disaster
 H Elmore: Raven’s The Funeral of Atala,
Dictionary.com app for vocabulary
 L Cardwell: Notetaking through Destiny Book Find
 L Wood: The Giver booktalk/trailer
 S Bratcher: Career research project; Health Animation;
Health Comic Strip
To what extent do students demonstrate media literacy through regular use of technological tools, resources and applications in reading, writing, speaking,
listening and language use to meet specific communication goals?
d) Students seldom integrate
d) Students integrate what
d) Students demonstrate
 BCMS Writing Rubric
what is learned when using
is learned when using
their media literacy by
 A Smith-Thomas: Career research with
technology with what they
technology with what
integrating what is
technology/Student generated rubric/Presentation
learn offline to develop
they learn offline to
learned when using
technology with what
c) Students access and use
technological tools,
resources and applications
in reading, writing,
speaking, listening and
language use to meet
general communication
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c) Students demonstrate
media literacy through
regular use of
technological tools,
resources and
applications in reading,
writing, speaking,
listening and language
use to meet specific
communication goals.
c) Students demonstrate
media literacy through
regular use of
technological tools,
resources and applications
in reading, writing,
speaking, listening and
language use to evaluate or
communicate using critical
thinking skills.
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 B Frazier collab with L Cardwell: Biomes Research,
Presentation Product (class and 2nd grade), Project
Reflection and Rubric
 C Dockery collab P McKinney and L Cardwell: Health
Informative Essay (technology)
 C Donaldson, J Embry, P Wallace & T Harper: Content
Vocabulary Posters and Presentation
 E Clark: Hatchet posters
 H Elmore: Dictionary.com app for vocabulary
 K Doughty collab L Cardwell: Natural Disaster
 L Cardwell: Notetaking through Destiny Book Find
 L Crafton: Read 180 (React and Write)
 M Taylor: Moby Reading
 S Bratcher: Career research project
To what extent do students integrate what is learned when using technology with what they learn offline to develop understanding and communication?
e) Students sometimes are
e) Students use varying
e) Students communicate
 Content Vocabulary Posters & Presentations: C
given opportunities to
with various audiences in
strategies and
Donaldson, J Embry, T Harper
practice communicating
different forms and for
demonstrate an
 B Frazier collab with L Cardwell: Biomes Research,
using appropriate audience,
different purposes both
understanding of
Presentation Product (class and 2nd grade), Project
form and purpose.
communicating to
locally and globally.
Reflection and Rubric
audiences in different
 E Clark: Persuasive Writing and Editing Sheet
forms and for various
 H Elmore: Editorial model for Beech Tree News
 K Doughty: Opinion essay Corbin method and peerreview (Facebook –bullying)
 M Crawford: Persuasive Speech and editing sheet
 STLP Showcases speaking – WKU and classes
To what extent do students use varying strategies and demonstrate an understanding of communicating to audiences in different forms for various purposes?
f) Students are given
f) Students engage in
f) Students take part in
 Content Vocabulary Posters & Presentations: C
opportunities to engage in
sustained engagement and
discussion with teachers
Donaldson, J Embry, P Wallace, T Harper
conversations with the
collaboration with
and peers to inform the
 A Smith-Thomas: Reciprocal Reading and On Demand
teacher during the writing
teachers, peers, and
writing process and are
 B Frazier collab with L Cardwell: Biomes Research,
outside experts to design
provided with a means
Presentation Product (class and 2nd grade), Project
to publish/share work.
literacy projects, ask
Reflection and Rubric
questions and refine
 C Donaldson: Class Bill of Rights and Student modeling
literacy products.
literacy strategies
 E Clark: Hatchet posters
 H Elmore: USA Today Dream On Career Week Bulletin
Board, Editorial model for Beech Tree News
 K Doughty: On-Demand and Feedback
understanding and
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develop understanding
and communication.
they learn offline, making
global connections,
creating and
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 P McKinney: Peer Review
 STLP Writing Projects
To what extent do students engage in discussion with teachers and peers to inform the writing process and publish/share their work?
Demonstrator 4. Student Performance: All students have access to an aligned and rigorous curriculum, where instructional strategies are of high quality
and inclusive, resulting in student performance at a consistently high level.
Needs Improvement
a) Students demonstrate an
a) Students craft
a) Students go beyond
 B Frazier collab with L Cardwell: Biomes Research,
understanding of
mastery of skills and/or
Presentation Product (class and 2nd grade), Project
communication structures
distinctive to specific
curriculum to explore and
Reflection and Rubric
for specific disciplines and
disciplines and purposes.
expand their own
 C Dockery: Persuasive Writing
learning and
 C Dockery collab P McKinney and L Cardwell: Health
opportunities to gain
Informative Essay
expertise and write as
 E Clark: Persuasive Writing (Sports)
content experts applying
 H Elmore: Narrative Writing/Research, Informative
that knowledge to the
Essay, Editorial model for Beech Tree News, Book
kinds of questions and
Reviews, Compare & Contrast Book vs Movie exemplar
problems experts in that
field tackle.
 J Ausbrooks: National Anthem Performance SelfReflection
 J Martin: Plate Tectonics OR and Rubric; Solar Motion
and Scoring Guide
 K Doughty: Journal Entry (Hatchet); Narrative
Exemplar example Student work self-reflection and
 M Crawford: Art Critique (Round 1); Persuasive Speech
and editing sheet
 R Johnson: Math Journal Entry
To what extent do students craft communications distinctive to specific disciplines and purposes?
b) Students respect cultural
b) Students respect cultural
b) Students, in both face-to A Smith-Thomas: Reciprocal Reading and On Demand
differences and attempt to
differences and work
face and virtual
 B Frazier collab with L Cardwell: Biomes Research,
build on ideas of others and
collaborations, create
effectively with people
Presentation Product (class and 2nd grade), Project
articulate their own ideas.
new ideas and increase
from a range of social
Reflection and Rubric
innovation and quality of
and cultural
 H Elmore: Reciprocal Reading of Book Review with
work by building on ideas
backgrounds (face-toChart and Model, On Demand, Coach/Player Strategy
face or virtually) to
of others and articulating
build on and articulate
their own ideas, with
their own ideas.
depth and complexity.
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To what extent do students demonstrate a respect for cultural differences and work effectively with people from a range of social and cultural backgrounds
(face-to-face or virtually) to build on and articulate their own ideas?
c) Students learn and work
together with teachers and
peers to problem-solve and
generate products.
c) Students learn and work
together with teachers,
peers and others either
face-to-face or virtually
to problem-solve and
products/outcomes tied
to curriculum and
learning goals.
c) Students learn and work
together with teachers,
peers, and others either
face-to face or through
the use of a wide variety
of online communication
tools and environments to
problem-solve and
generate products, events
or presentations with a
local and/or global
 LA Writer’s Notebook/Binders: K Doughty, P
McKinney, H Elmore
 A Smith-Thomas: Reciprocal Reading and On Demand
 B Frazier collab with L Cardwell: Biomes Research,
Presentation Product (class and 2nd grade), Project
Reflection and Rubric
 C Donaldson: Class Bill of Rights
 E Clark: On-Demand – Teacher reflection
 H Elmore: Reciprocal Reading of Book Review with
Chart and Model, On Demand Coach/Player Strategy
 P McKinney – Group Reading & Writing Activities
To what extent do students learn and work together with teachers, peers and others, either face-to-face or virtually, to problem-solve and generate
products/outcomes tied to curriculum and learning goals?
d) Students are indiscriminate
in their reference of others
work as models to inform
their work.
d) Students refer to works
of quality and substance
as models to inform
their work.
d) Students create works of
quality and substance that
are used as models to
inform others’ work.
 LA Writer’s Notebook/Binders: K Doughty, P
McKinney, H Elmore
 LA/Writing Charts or Models
 B Frazier collab with L Cardwell: Biomes Research,
Presentation Product (class and 2nd grade), Project
Reflection and Rubric
 C Donaldson: Content Vocabulary Posters and
Presentation; and Student modeling literacy strategies
 E Clark: Hatchet posters
 J Embry: Content Vocabulary Posters
 H Elmore: 3 point paragraph broken down, On-Demand
Graphic argumentative format, Editorial model for
Beech Tree News, Raven’s The Funeral of Atala, The
Climb Narrative exemplar model and graphic organizer;
Narrative (The Day it Rained Cockroaches), Back Maya
models, Create rubric from models (A Different Summer
 K Doughty: Models/Charts (Markings with PQP, PQP
Method and Look Fors) and Narrative Exemplar work;
Model state released items
 P McKinney: I Have a Dream
To what extent do students refer to works of quality and substance as models to inform their work?
Last modified: February 9, 2016
Page 12
Demonstrator 1. Assessments: Teachers use multiple formative and summative assessment processes to inform, guide, develop and revise instructional
strategies and curriculum to enhance student learning and achievement.
Needs Improvement
a) Teachers occasionally
a) Teachers engage
a) Teachers engage in a
 BCMS Literacy & Writing Policy
participate in a limited
regularly in a
systemic school-wide
 Communication from R Tuck about MAP/K-PREP
collaborative approach to
collaborative approach to
collaborative approach to
testing scores
develop or align writing and
develop and/or align
develop and/or align
 Writing Rubrics – Narrative, Persuasive, Informative,
communication assessments
writing and
writing and
across grade levels and
 Common Formative Assessment
content areas.
assessments across grade
assessments across grade
 LA PLC Meeting Minutes
levels and content areas.
levels and content areas,
 Literacy Coaching Strategies (GRREC)
and monitor the impact
 BCMS Writing Rubric
on student learning over
 B Frazier collab with L Cardwell: Biomes Research,
Presentation Product (class and 2nd grade), Project
Reflection and Rubric
To what extent do teachers engage regularly in a collaborative approach to develop and/or align writing and communication assessments across grade levels
and content areas?
b) Teachers develop a plan to
b) Teachers develop and
b) Teachers consistently
 LA PLC Meeting Minutes – Discussing writing
monitor student progress in
implement a plan to
implement a plan to
writing and communication
monitor student progress
monitor student progress
 BCMS Writing Rubric
skills consistent with gradein writing and
in writing and
 Writing Process Checklist
level writing standards and
communication skills
communication skills
 B Frazier collab with L Cardwell: Biomes Research
formative assessments.
consistent with gradeconsistent with gradeProject Rubric
level writing standards
level writing standards,
 E Clark: Persuasive Essay Editing Sheet
and formative
formative assessments,
 H Elmore: Narrative Writing Rubric
and respond to evidence
 K Doughty: Narrative Writing Rubric and Self-reflection
through revised
 P McKinney: Information Essay Rubric
*** On-demand rubric
To what extent do teachers develop and implement a plan to monitor student progress in writing and communication skills consistent with grade-level writing
standards and formative assessments?
c) Teachers provide some
c) Teachers, peers, and
c) Teachers, peers, and
 LA Writer’s Notebook/Binders: K Doughty, P
feedback on student’s
others provide regular,
others provide regular
McKinney, H Elmore
writing and communication
feedback on students’
specific feedback on
 PLC Meetings
products as part of a
writing and
student’s writing and
 C Donaldson: Feedback from Extended Response
constructive feedback
communication products
communication products
as part of a constructive
as part of a constructive
 E Clark: Persuasive Essay Editing Sheet and Essay
feedback process that is
feedback process that is
Feedback, On-Demand Rubric and Feedback
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Page 13
 H Elmore: Narrative Writing Rubric and Feedback, “The
Outsiders” comparison/contrast Rubric
 J Embry: Essay writing on each Unit Test has teacher
 K Doughty: Opinion essay Corbin method and peerreview (Facebook –bullying); Narrative writing rubric
and self-reflection
 L Graham: Extended Response using Gradual Release,
model & providing student/teacher feedback
 M Crawford: Art Critique and Self Reflection (Round 1
and 2); Performance Evals
 P McKinney: Persuasive essay & feedback
To what extent do teachers, peers and others provide regular feedback on students’ writing and communication products as part of a constructive feedback
process that is subsequently applied by students to improve their communications?
subsequently applied by
students to improve their
subsequently applied by
students to improve their
communications and
initiate student-directed
 BCMS Writing Rubric
 LA/Writing Rubrics
 LA Writer’s Notebook/Binders: K Doughty, P
McKinney, H Elmore
 C Donaldson: Test correction & reflection
 E Clark: Persuasive Essay Editing Sheet and Essay
Feedback; On-Demand Rubric & Feedback
 H Elmore: Narrative Writing Rubric and Feedback,
Revision of rough drafts writing based on peer feedback
from rubrics teacher uses to score writing
 J Embry: Test correction & reflection
 K Doughty: Effort-o-meter
 L Graham: Zentangle – student created rubric
 P McKinney: Peer Review, Self-Reflection in Math;
Information Essay Rubric; Persuasive Essay and
Feedback; Informative Essay – Student generated rubric
 P Wallace: Test correction & reflection
 R Johnson: Self-Reflection in Math
 S Bratcher: Career Research Project; Health Animation
student generated rubric and self-reflection; Health
Comic Strip student generated rubric and self-reflection
To what extent do teachers provide regular opportunities for students to revise and apply new learning before summative products are assessed?
d) Teachers provide some
opportunities for students to
revise and apply new
learning before summative
products are assessed.
Last modified: February 9, 2016
d) Teachers provide regular d) Teachers provide ongoing
opportunities for
opportunities for students
students to revise and
to reflect, revise and
apply new learning before
apply new learning
summative products are
before summative
products are assessed.
Page 14
Demonstrator 2. Expectations for Student Learning: Teachers communicate consistently high expectations and use common standards for student learning
in writing.
Needs Improvement
a) Students have some
a) Students know and
a) Students use expectations  LA Writer’s Notebook/Binders: K Doughty, P
awareness of expectations
understand expectations
for their work to guide the
McKinney, H Elmore
for their work and/or
for their work and
development of their
 C Donaldson: Student created Class Bill of Rights;
receive minimal feedback.
receive/provide feedback
personalized learning plan
Poster Criteria and Presentation Rubric
and receive/ provide
using standards specific
 E Clark: Persuasive Essay Editing Sheet, Essay
feedback using standard
Feedback, and On-Demand writing rubric and planning
specific language.
 H Elmore: Narrative Writing Rubric and Feedback, All
writing pieces Argument & comparison/contrast are
based on rubric and feedback
 K Doughty: Narrative writing rubric and self-reflection
To what extent do students know and understand expectations for their work and receive/provide feedback using standards specific language?
b) Teachers set writing and
b) Teachers and students
b) Students regularly set
 LA Writer’s Notebook/Binders: K Doughty, P
communication goals for
collaborate to set writing
standards-based writing
McKinney, H Elmore
students that are standardsand communication goals
and communication goals  On Demand Rubric
that are standards-based
that are informed by self-  A Smith-Thomas: Career research with
reflection, teacher and
and informed by
technology/Student generated rubric/Presentation
peer feedback, and
feedback and
 E Clark: Persuasive Essay Editing Sheet and Essay
assessment evidence.
 H Elmore: Narrative Writing Rubric (student-generated)
and Feedback
 K Doughty: Opinion essay Corbin method and peerreview (Facebook – bullying)
 L Graham: Zentangle – student generated rubric
 P McKinney: Informative Essay – student generated
 S Bratcher: Health Animation student generated rubric
and self-reflection; Health Comic Strip student
generated rubric and self-reflection
To what extent do teachers and students collaborate to set writing and communication goals that are standards-based and informed by feedback and
c) Teachers and students are
c) Teachers and students
c) Teachers and students
 LA Writer’s Notebook/Binders: K Doughty, P
beginning to engage in selfengage in
engage in ongoing selfMcKinney, H Elmore
assessment to monitor
self-assessment to monitor
assessment, using a
 C Donaldson: Test correction & reflections
progress toward meeting
progress toward meeting
variety of methods
 H Elmore: Reflections on how to improve narrative
designed to support
 J Embry: Test correction & reflections
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Page 15
 K Doughty: Effort-o-meter
 L Crafton: Read 180 (Respond and Write)
 L Graham: Zentangle
 P McKinney: Self-reflections in Math
 P Wallace: Test correction & reflection
 R Johnson: Self-reflections in Math
 S Bratcher: Health Comic Strips; Health Animation
To what extent do teachers and students engage in self-assessment to monitor progress toward meeting writing and communication goals?
d) Teachers and students use
d) Teachers and students
d) Students develop models  K Doughty: Exemplar Work
only external scoring
as exemplars, scoring
use models as exemplars
 On Demand Rubric
guides and rubrics to assess
guides and rubrics to
and to co-develop
 A Smith-Thomas: Career research with
writing and
scoring guides and
assess writing and
technology/Student generated rubric/Presentation
rubrics to assess writing
 H Elmore: Editorial models for Beech Tree News,
and communication.
Student generated Narrative rubric using “The Day It
Rained Cockroaches” from The Pigman
 S Bratcher: Health Comic Strip exemplar work
To what extent do teachers and students use models as exemplars and to co-develop scoring guides and rubrics to assess writing and communication?
Demonstrator 1. Opportunity: Professional learning opportunities are planned according to the Standards for Professional Learning, with teacher learning
needs in mind, and in response to data available about current teacher practice and student learning.
The language for Professional Learning in the KDE Writing Program Review rubric has been modified to reflect the most up-to-date processes for
professional growth and learning. It is not the same language as found in the program review diagnostic tools in the Adaptive System of School
Improvement Support Tools (ASSIST). Schools and districts are urged to consider the language found here when responding to the corresponding
characteristics found in ASSIST.
writing and communication
Needs Improvement
a) A professional growth plan
is developed, but it is not
individualized to writing
teacher needs.
writing and
communication goals.
different learning styles,
to monitor progress
toward meeting writing
and communication
a) Ongoing assessment of
the implementation of the  PGP (CIITS)
professional growth plan
 Literacy Coaching Strategies Schedule
(PGP) results in
necessary adjustments
that support quality
instruction in arts and
humanities. The (PGP)
links to the
Comprehensive School
Improvement Plan
To what extent does the professional development action plan link to the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) and support grade level appropriate
instruction in writing?
Last modified: February 9, 2016
a) The professional growth
plan (PGP) supports
appropriate instruction
for writing and links to
the Comprehensive
School Improvement
Plan (CSIP).
Page 16
b) Writing professional
b) A variety of writing
learning opportunities
professional learning
 BCMS PD Plan 2014-15
incorporate the Standards
 PD List
for Professional Learning,
incorporating the
 Literacy training – non-LA teachers (C Donaldson & C
standards for Professional
focus on
Learning are available
research/evidence based
 Atherton & Abel Writing Workshop (7/28/14): T Lowe,
practices and are planned
and focus on
S Daugherty
based on school and
research/evidence based
 PLC Meeting Minutes – Reading Strategies
student data and teacher
practices that support
 L Cardwell: Present Library Media PD, Southern
Professional Growth
teacher Professional
Kentucky Association of School Librarians
Plans (PGPs).
Growth Plans (PGPs)
connected to school and
student data.
To what extent are job-embedded writing professional development opportunities available to teachers to encourage continuous growth?
c) Teachers have limited
c) Job embedded writing
c) A variety of job
access to job embedded
embedded writing
focused professional
 BCMS PD Plans
professional learning
professional focused
learning opportunities
 PD Lists
opportunities in writing.
professional learning
are available to
 Literacy Coaching Strategies PD: C Donaldson, C Scott
teachers, and they are
opportunities are to
and L Winters
encouraged to engage in
teachers to promote
 Abell & Atherton
those opportunities.
continuous growth; they
 A Smith-Thomas, P Fazel & S Bratcher: Writing for
are tailored to meet the
Real Meaning (Middle School Conference Session)
individual needs of
 P Fazel: Scaffolding - Journals (Middle School
Conference Session)
 P Fazel & S Bratcher: Language Arts Strategies (Middle
School Conference Session)
 PLC Meeting Minutes – Reading Strategies
b) Teacher professional
learning opportunities are
limited and do not focus on
research/evidence based
practices that will support
teacher Professional
Growth Plans writing.
To what extent are writing professional development opportunities focused on research-based best practices and planned based on school and student data and
teacher Professional Growth Plans?
d) The school encourages
d) The school allocates time
d) The school allocates
 Master Schedule
collaboration between
time for writing teachers
for writing and academic
 PLC Meeting Schedule (Writing)
writing and academic core
to collaborate and
core teachers to
teachers but does not
collaborate and exchange
exchange ideas with
allocate time for
academic core teachers.
ideas during the school
collaboration to occur.
day, in professional
learning communities and
through professional
learning opportunities.
To what extent does the school allocate time for teachers to collaborate and exchange ideas about literacy best practices?
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Page 17
Demonstrator 2. Participation: Teachers participate in writing specific professional learning designed to meet their needs. All teachers participate in
professional development focused on 21st century skills.
The language for Professional Learning in the KDE Writing Program Review rubric has been modified to reflect the most up-to-date processes for
professional growth and learning. It is not the same language as found in the program review diagnostic tools in the Adaptive System of School
Improvement Support Tools (ASSIST). Schools and districts are urged to consider the language found here when responding to the corresponding
characteristics found in ASSIST.
Needs Improvement
a) Writing teachers
participate in content BCMS PD Plan 2014-15
specific professional
 Literacy Coaching Strategies Training (GRREC): L
learning, based on
analysis of school,
 A Smith-Thomas: Writing for Real Meaning (Middle
student and teacher data.
School Conference Session)
There is clear evidence of  H Elmore: Abell & Atherton On-Demand, Parts 1 & 2
implementation of the
On-Demand, Lesson planning integration
professional learning
resulting from these
To what extent do teachers participate in writing content-specific professional development selected based on school, student and teacher data analysis?
a) Writing teachers participate
in arts content-specific
professional learning, but
no evidence of
implementation of
professional learning.
a) Writing teachers
participate in contentspecific professional
learning opportunities
to address school needs
and based on analysis of
school and student data.
There is some evidence
of implementation of the
professional learning.
b) Writing teachers take on
a leadership role in
 A Smith-Thomas: Writing for Real Meaning (Middle
professional learning
School Conference Session)
communities to address
 H Elmore: Abell & Atherton Middle School Writing
issues related to
instructional practices,
 L Cardwell: BCEA President, BCMS SBDM Members,
data analysis, and
Southern KY Association of School Librarians President
improving student
 Literacy Coaching Strategies Training (GRREC): C
achievement and share
Donaldson, C Scott & L Winters
this information school
 PLC – Minutes (lit issues)
To what extent do writing teachers actively participate in professional learning communities to address issues related to instructional practices, data analysis
and improving student achievement?
b) Writing teachers are
members of professional
learning communities but
are minimally active
b) Writing teachers actively
participate in
professional learning
communities to address
issues related to
instructional practices,
data analysis, and
improving student
c) Writing teachers are
members of professional
c) Writing teachers are
leaders in professional
organizations and the
Last modified: February 9, 2016
c) Writing teachers are
leaders in professional
organizations, the school
and the community.
 LA PLC Meeting – Minutes
 KEA Membership
 H Elmore: Abell & Atherton Middle School Writing
 K Doughty: BCEA, NBCT
Page 18
 L Cardwell: BCEA President, BCMS SBDM Member,
Southern KY Association of School Librarians President
To what extent are teachers writing leaders and communicators in the school and professional organizations?
d) Writing teachers are
 DAR Writing Contest
provided with time in the  DARE Essays (6th grade)
school schedule, a stipend  H Elmore: Abell & Atherton Middle School Writing
and/or professional
development credit for
collaboration with
community, business, and
postsecondary partners
through advisory
committees, work
exchange programs,
and/or community
To what extent do writing teachers collaborate with community, business and postsecondary partners through advisory committees, work exchange programs
and/or community groups focusing on writing?
d) Writing teachers have
limited contact with
external partners.
e) Some teachers in the
school receive
professional learning to
enhance the integration of
writing/literacy concepts
(reading, writing,
speaking, listening and
language use).
d) Writing teachers
regularly collaborate
with community,
business, and
postsecondary partners
through advisory
committees, work
exchange programs
and/or community groups
with a focus on writing.
e) Most teachers in the
school receive and
implement professional
learning to enhance the
integration of literacy
concepts (reading, writing,
speaking, listening and
e) All teachers in the school
receive and implement
professional learning to
enhance the integration of
writing/literacy concepts
(reading, writing,
speaking, listening and
language use).
BCMS PD Plan 2014-15
Literacy Coaching Strategies PD (GRREC)
A Smith-Thomas, P Fazel & S Bratcher: Writing for Real
Meaning (Middle School Conference Session)
 C Donaldson: Student Modeling
 P Fazel: Scaffolding – Journals (Middle School
Conference Session)
 P Fazel & S Bratcher: Language Arts Strategies (Middle
School Conference Session)
 Program Review Scoring PD
To what extent do most teachers in the school receive and implement professional development related to the integration of literacy (reading, writing, speaking,
listening and language) concepts?
Demonstrator 1. Policies and Monitoring: School leadership provides adequate resources, facilities, space and instructional time to support high quality
writing instructional programs.
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Page 19
Needs Improvement
Proficient/Meets Expectations
a) School council/leadership
a) School council/leadership ensures a) School council/leadership monitors
establishes policies to
that writing concepts are taught
and evaluates the teaching of
ensure that writing concepts
throughout the school and across
writing concepts throughout the
are taught throughout the
the curriculum as established in
school and across the curriculum
school and across the
as established in policy.
Literacy & Writing Policy
BCMS Writing Rubric
Master Schedule
SBDM Minutes
Literacy Strategies (GRREC)
Data Day Agenda & PowerPoint
Lesson Plans (One Drive)
Program Review Scoring Guide
Leadership Agenda
To what extent does the school council/leadership ensure that writing concepts are taught throughout the school and across the curriculum as established in
b) School council/leadership b) School council/leadership and
b) School council/leadership and
and select teachers are
teachers participate in the
teachers across contents actively
included in the planning of
planning of the annual school
participate in the planning of the
the annual school budget
budget with clear consideration of
annual school budget to ensure
with some consideration of
allocation of resources for writing.
adequate and quality materials,
allocation of resources for
equipment, space and technology
are available to implement school
wide writing program.
 Literacy Coaching Strategies (GRREC)
and Schedule: C Donaldson, C Scott & L
 SBDM Minutes
 Abell & Atherton
 Map of BCMS
 Computer Lab Calendar
 6th Grade Team meeting notes
 C Donaldson present Corbin annotation
(Data Day)
 Purchase Orders for writing
 Read 180
To what extent does the school council/leadership and teachers participate in the planning of the annual school budget with clear consideration and allocation of
resources for writing?
c) School council/leadership
c) School council/leadership
c) The school council/leadership
allocates time and resources
allocates equitable time and
meets with teacher leaders when
to implement the writing
resources to implement the writing
planning for the allocation of time
program, but these are not
and resources to implement the
equitable to other content
writing program.
Last modified: February 9, 2016
Master Schedule
BCMS PD Plan 2014-15
SBDM Minutes
Purchase orders for writing
Page 20
 Read 180
To what extent does the school council/leadership allocate equitable time and resources to implement the writing program?
d) School councils establish
policies for the assignment
of staff.
d) Decisions related to staff
assignment are based on the
established policies that include
student literacy needs and
teacher certification.
d) Decisions related to assignment of
staff are made based on needs of
students, teacher certification and
other data (e.g., ILP) and teacher
professional development
experience (e.g., participation in
National Writing Project ).
Master Schedule
Literacy & Writing Policy
School Report Card (all teacher are Highly
To what extent are decisions related to staff assignment based on the established policies that include student literacy needs and teacher certification?
Demonstrator 2. Principal Leadership: Principals are the primary leaders of all program efforts and support teacher leadership through shared and
distributed leadership strategies and actions.
Needs Improvement
a) The principal individually
a) The principal enlists teacher
evaluates and reflects on the
leaders to collaborate, evaluate
impact of writing
and reflect on the impact of the
instructional practices on
writing instructional practices on
overall student achievement
overall student achievement in the
in the school.
a) The principal and staff
collaboratively evaluate and reflect
on the impact of the writing
instructional practices on overall
student achievement
BCMS PD Plan 2014-15
PLC Meeting Schedule
Writing Process Checklist
To what extent does the principal enlist teacher leaders to collaborate, evaluate and reflect on the impact of the writing instructional practices on overall student
achievement in the school?
b) The principal initiates
professional learning
regarding the school’s
writing program.
b) The principal initiates and
participates in professional
learning related to the school’s
writing program.
b) The principal participates in,
models and leads professional
learning regarding the school’s
Writing Program through
collaboration with staff and shared
PLC Meetings
LA Writer’s Notebook/Binders: K
Doughty, P McKinney, H Elmore
 Literacy Coaching Strategies PD
 BCMS PD plan 2014-15
 Data Day – Agenda (Corbin)
To what extent does the principal initiate and participate in professional learning related to the school’s writing program?
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Page 21
c) The principal communicates
with parents about the
writing program.
c) The principal communicates with
parents and the community
frequently about the writing
c) A variety of sources, including
technology and media resources, are
regularly used to communicate
current information about writing
programs with parents and
Literacy & Writing Policy
Data Day testing results PowerPoint
School Report Card
SBDM Minutes
Monday Messenger
To what extent does the principal communicate with parents and the community about the writing program?
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Page 22