Core - Learning


Core strength test

“Core stability” is defined as the ability to control the position and motion of the trunk over the pelvis to allow optimum production, transfer and control of force and motion to the terminal segment in integrated athletic activities.

 The term “motor control stability” may be an appropriate new label for low threshold stability concepts and is best defined as central nervous system modulation of efficient integration and low threshold recruitment of local and global muscle systems.

 “Core strength training” may be more appropriate for referring to high threshold or overload strength training of the global stabilizer muscle system.

 “Symmetrical strength training” may be more appropriate for referring to the more traditional high threshold or overload strength training of the global mobilizer muscle system.

Grade 0 test

Unable to maintain an isometric contraction without compensatory movement of the core (i.e.

L/S and pelvis) in a position aimed at facilitating the stabilizing role of key muscles

Performing the test:

Instruct the client to lie flat on his/her back on a firm surface. Place the blood pressure cuff under the back at the L3 vertebra and inflate it to 40 mmHg.

Perform the test by telling the client to breathe deeply in and out while maintaining pelvic stabilization. The cuff pressure may not compress or decompress more than 5 mmHg.

 The client must use abdominal breathing (breathe in ‘forcing’ abdominals out; exhale starting to contract pelvic floor and draw navel to spine) (Chek, 1998:57).

Compensatory (cheat) mechanisms:

Pushing back down into cuff

Flexion and tension of shoulders and neck

Lumbar-pelvic movement

Rating (result):

Able = Able to maintain isometric contraction without compensatory movement of the core

(pressure gauge constant or not more than 5 mmHg change with one breath).

Unable = Unable to maintain isometric contraction without compensatory movement of the core

(pressure gauge not constant or more than 5 mmHg change with one breath) (Chek, 1998:57).

Lower abdominal breathing

Grade 1 test

Able to maintain an isometric contraction for 10 seconds without compensatory movement of the core (i.e. L/S and pelvis) in a position aimed at facilitating the stabilizing role of key muscles

Performing the test:

Instruct the client to lie flat on his/her back on a firm surface. Place the blood pressure cuff under the back at the L3 vertebra and inflate it to 40 mmHg.

Perform the test by telling the client to breathe deeply in and out while maintaining pelvic stabilization. The cuff pressure may not compress or decompress more than 5 mmHg.

 The client must use abdominal breathing (breathe in ‘forcing’ abdominals out; exhale starting to contract pelvic floor and draw navel to spine).

The client must be able to hold this contraction and pressure for 10 seconds (Chek, 1998:57).

Compensatory (cheat mechanisms):

Pushing back down into cuff

Flexion and tension of shoulders and neck

Lumbar-pelvic movement (Chek, 1998:57)

Rating (result):

Able = Able to maintain isometric contraction for 10 sec. without compensatory movement of the core (pressure gauge constant or not more than 5 mmHg change in 10 seconds)

Unable = Unable to maintain isometric contraction for 10 sec. without compensatory movement of the core (pressure gauge not constant or more than 5 mmHg change in 10 seconds)

Lower abdominal breathing

Grade 2 test

Able to maintain an isometric contraction without compensatory movement of the core during superimposed slow movement of the limbs – 1 repetition per leg

Performing the test:

Instruct the client to lie flat on his/her back on a firm surface. Place the blood pressure cuff under the back at the L3 vertebra and inflate it to 40 mmHg.

Perform the test by telling the client to breathe deeply in and out while maintaining pelvic stabilization.

Now the client must perform slow leg slide movements along the floor while maintaining the pressure of the blood pressure cuff at 40 mmHg; it should neither compress nor decompress by more than 10 mmHg.

Compensatory (cheat mechanisms):

Pushing back down into cuff or hollowing of the back

Flexion and tension of shoulders and neck

Lumbar-pelvic movement with movement

Not keeping neutral spine throughout movement

Rating (result):

Able = Able to maintain an isometric contraction without compensatory movement of the core during superimposed slow movement of the limbs. One repetition for each leg, pressure gauge constant or not more than 10 mmHg change.

Unable = Unable to maintain an isometric contraction without compensatory movement of the core during superimposed slow movement of the limbs. One repetition for each leg, pressure gauge not constant or more than 10 mmHg change.

Lower abdominal leg slides

Grade 3 test

Able to maintain an isometric contraction without inappropriate movement of the core while performing slow movements of the trunk itself – 1 repetition per leg

Performing the test:

Instruct the client to lie flat on his/her back on a firm surface. Place the blood pressure cuff under the back at the L3 vertebra and inflate it to 40 mmHg.

Perform the test by telling the client to breathe deeply in and out while maintaining pelvic stabilization, lifting both legs up in the air bent 90º.

Now read the pressure gauge of the blood pressure cuff.

Place a goniometer on greater trochanter. Instruct the client to slowly lower one leg down to the floor (keeping knee bent, foot in dorsiflexion) and raise it back to the start position.

The client must be able to hold this contraction while completing one repetition with each leg, keeping the pressure constant or not changing the pressure by more than 10 mmHg

(Chek, 1998:59).

Secondly, measure a 45º angle with the goniometer while moving bent knee in the air, then read pressure gauge.

Compensatory (cheat) mechanisms

Pushing back down into cuff or hollowing of the back

Flexion and tension of shoulders and neck

Lumbar-pelvic movement with movement

Not keeping neutral spine throughout movement

Rating (result):

Able = Able to maintain an isometric contraction without inappropriate movement of the core while performing slow movements of the trunk itself. One repetition with each leg, pressure gauge constant or not more than 10 mmHg change.

Unable = Unable to maintain an isometric contraction without inappropriate movement of the core while performing slow movements of the trunk itself. One repetition with each leg, pressure gauge not constant or more than 10 mmHg change) (Chek, 1998:59).

Lower abdominals, both legs lifted, one leg lowering

Grade 4 test

Able to maintain an isometric contraction without compensation/inappropriate movement of the core while performing fast movements of both limbs – 1 repetition

Performing the test:

Instruct the client to lie flat on his/her back on a firm surface. Place the blood pressure cuff under the back at the L3 vertebra and inflate it to 40 mmHg.

Perform the test by telling the client to breathe deeply in and out while maintaining pelvic stabilization, lifting both legs up in the air bent 90º.

Now read the pressure gauge of the blood pressure cuff.

Place a goniometer on greater trochanter. Instruct the client to slowly lower both legs to the floor (keeping knees bent, feet in dorsiflexion) and raise them back up to the start position.

The client must be able to hold this contraction while completing one repetition, keeping the pressure gauge constant or not changing the pressure by more than 10 mmHg.

 Secondly, measure a 45º angle with the goniometer while moving bent knees in the air, then read the pressure gauge again (Chek, 1998:58).

Compensatory (cheat) mechanisms:

Pushing back down into cuff or hollowing of the back

Flexion and tension of shoulders and neck

Lumbar-pelvic movement with movement

Not keeping neutral spine throughout movement

Rating (result):

Able = Able to maintain an isometric contraction without compensation/inappropriate movement of the core while performing fast movements of the limbs. One repetition with both legs lowering, pressure gauge constant or not more than 10 mmHg change.

Unable = Unable to maintain an isometric contraction without compensation/inappropriate movement of the core while performing fast movements of the limbs. One repetition with both legs lowering, pressure gauge not constant or more than 10 mmHg change (Chek, 1998:58).

Lower abdominals, both legs lowering

Grade 5 test

Able to maintain an isometric contraction without compensation/inappropriate movement of the core while performing one repetition of each of the following:

 fast movements of the trunk – if appropriate to activity required, with positioning specific to joint angle and muscle function;

 fast movements of the limbs in postures specific to joint angle and muscle function (i.e. reproducing concentric/eccentric role of key stabilizers); and

 maintaining an isometric contraction against increased resistance/load in postures specific to the joint angles and positioning specific to the muscle functions that are sport-/activityspecific (Chek, 1998:60).

Performing the test:

Instruct the client to lie flat on his/her back on a firm surface. Place the blood pressure cuff under the back at the L3 vertebra and inflate it to 40 mmHg.

Perform the test by telling the client to breathe deeply in and out while maintaining pelvic stabilization, lifting both legs up in the air b ent 90º.

Now read the pressure gauge of the blood pressure cuff.

Place a goniometer on greater trochanter. Instruct the client to slowly lower both legs straight down to the floor (keeping legs straight, feet in dorsiflexion) and raise them back up to the start position.

The client must be able to hold this contraction while completing one repetition, keeping the pressure gauge constant or not changing the pressure by more than 10 mmHg.

 Secondly, measure a 45º angle with the goniometer while moving straight legs in the air, then read pressure gauge again (Chek, 1998:60).

Compensatory (cheat) mechanisms:

Pushing back down into cuff or hollowing of the back

Flexion and tension of shoulders and neck

Lumbar-pelvic movement with movement

Not keeping neutral spine throughout movement

Rating (result):

Able = Able to maintain an isometric contraction for at least 20 seconds without compensation/inappropriate movement of the core while performing fast movements of the limbs or trunk and maintaining a specific joint angle.

Unable = Unable to maintain an isometric contraction for at least 20 seconds without compensation/inappropriate movement of the core while performing fast movements of the limbs or trunk and maintaining a specific joint angle (Chek, 1998:60).

Lower abdominals, lowering both legs (straight)

For an Athlete it is important to have a high grade core, this will help in preventing injuries and optimize performance.
