Algorithms - Life Learning Cloud

Essential Opportunities Computing
What is Computational Thinking? Computational thinking (CT) involves a set of problem-solving skills and techniques that software engineers
use to write programs that underlie the computer applications you use such as search, email, and maps. Here are specific techniques.
Decomposition (DE) : When we taste an unfamiliar dish and identify several ingredients based on the flavour, we are decomposing that
dish into its individual
Pattern Recognition: People look for patterns in stock prices to decide when to buy and sell.
Pattern Generalization (GE) and Abstraction (AB): A daily planner uses abstraction to represent a week in terms of days and hours,
helping us to organize our time.
Algorithm Design/Thinking (AL): When a chef writes a recipe for a dish, she is creating an algorithm that others can follow to replicate the
Evaluation (EV)
Milestone 1
• Understand what algorithms are, how they are implemented as programs on digital devices, and that programs execute by
following a sequence of instructions.
• Write and test simple programs.
• Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs.
• Organise, store, manipulate and retrieve data in a range of digital formats.
• Communicate safely and respectfully online, keeping personal information private and recognise common uses of
information technology beyond school.
Understands what an algorithm is and
is able to express simple linear (nonbranching) algorithms symbolically.
Understands that computers need
precise instructions. (AL)
Demonstrates care and precision to
avoid errors. (AL)
Programming & Development
Year 1
 Physically follow and give each other
instructions to move around
 Explore outcomes when buttons are
pressed in sequences on a robot
 Begin to identify an algorithm to achieve
a specific purpose
 Physically follow and give each other
forward, backward and turn (rightangle) instructions
 Articulate an algorithm to achieve a
 Plan and enter a sequence of
instructions to achieve an algorithm,
with a robot specifying distance and turn
and drawing a trail
 Predict what will happen and test
 Explore outcomes when giving
instructions in a simple Logo program
and debug any problems
 Talk about similarities and differences
between floor robots and logo on screen
(eg beebots and beebot App)
 Develop simple programs in Scratch
 Use Software to control a model eg lego
 Execute a program on a floor robot to
achieve an algorithm
 Begin to predict what will happen for a
short sequence of instructions in a
 Begin to use software to create
movement and patterns on a screen
 Use the word debug to correct any
mistakes when programming a floor
 Know that users can develop their own
programs, and can demonstrate this by
creating a simple program in an
environment that does not rely on text
e.g. programmable robots etc. (AL)
 Executes, checks and changes
programs. (AL)
 Understands that programs execute by
following precise instructions. (AL)
 Discuss the different ways we use
Data and Data representation
technology to collect information,
 Recognises that digital content can be
including a camera, microscope or sound
represented in many forms. (AB) (GE)
 Distinguishes between some of these
 Use technology to collect information,
forms and can explain the different
including photos, video and sound.
ways that they communicate
 Make and save a chart or graph using
the data collected
 Talk about the data that is shown in a
chart or graph.
 Start to understand a branching
information. (AB)
 Organise, store, manipulate and
retrieve data in a range of digital
formats and know some ways in which
information is represented digitally.
Hardware & Processing
 Understands that computers have no
intelligence and that computers can do
nothing unless a program is executed.
 Recognises that all software executed
on digital devices is programmed. (AL)
(AB) (GE)
Communication & Networks
 Obtains content from the world wide
web using a web browser. (AL)
 Understands the importance of
communicating safely and respectfully
online, and the need for keeping
personal information private. (EV)
 Knows what to do when concerned
about content or being contacted. (AL)
 I can sort different kinds of information
and present it to others.
 I can add information to a pictograph and
talk about what I have found out.
Begin to understand the need to keep
passwords and personal information
Understand what personal information is.
Understand when to tell an adult when
something unexpected or worrying is seen
Understand why it’s important to be kind
and polite.
Recognise an age appropriate website.
Use age appropriate websites and apps
Agree to and follow sensible e-Safety
 Discuss what kind of information could
be used to help investigate a question
 Understand the need to keep passwords
 Describe the things that happen online
that an adult must be informed about.
 Discuss why it’s important to be kind and
polite online and in real life.
 Discuss what an age appropriate website
 Use age appropriate websites and apps
 Agree to and follow sensible e-Safety
 Understand that not everyone is who
they say they are on the Internet.
Information Technology
 Uses software under the control of the
teacher to create, store and edit digital
content using appropriate file and
folder names. (AB) (GE) (DE)
 Understands that people interact with
 Shares their use of technology in
 Knows common uses of information
technology beyond the classroom. (GE)
 Talks about their work and makes
changes to improve it.(EV)
Recognise the ways we use technology in
our classroom.
Recognise ways that technology is used
in homes and in the community.
Begin to identify some of the benefits of
using technology and start to make
choices about their use of software
Begin to login on the computer, save files
and retrieve them for editing
Begin using a mouse and keyboard to
create and modify documents on screen
eg: 'My name is....', create pictures and
edit images
 Understand why we use technology in
the classroom.
 Discuss the use of technology at home
and in the community.
 Start to understand that other people
have created the information we use.
 Identify benefits of using technology
including finding information, creating
and communicating.
 Discuss the differences between the
Internet and things in the physical world.
 Begin to login on the computer, save files
and retrieve them for editing
 Begin using a mouse and keyboard to
create and modify documents on screen
eg text and images. Use the arrow keys
as well as the mouse to move around the
document, in order to correct mistakes
and/or add information.
 allow the addition of images from
repositories such as Clipart or those
saved on the user area/accessible
network area
Useful ref