UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS HOSPITAL Clinical Division España, Manila Department of Neurology & Psychiatry Admission # Hospital # Room/bed No.: Patient’s name: Age/Status/Sex: Birthday: Address: 10F00414 06-79-04 202-F BERNAS, Roselyn Roy 29/M/F 01/14/1981 Brgy. Inerangan, Alaminos, Pangasinan Filipino R. Catholic 06/18/2010 Dr. Conde Dr. Lim/Sunga Nationality: Religion: Date of admission: Consultant: RIC: Informant: Mother & Sister Reliability: Good Chief Complaint: Dizziness History of Present Illness On the first week of May, patient started to experience loss of appetite. Her diet consisted mostly of coffee and bread. There were no episodes of headache, vomiting and loss of consciousness. On the following week, patient started to experience epigastric pain followed by episodes of vomiting of previously ingested food. She then started to have generalized body weakness. On the third week of May, patient consulted at a local hospital due to persistence of symptoms where her condition was managed medically as ulcer. However, the patient also started to experience lightheadedness, hiccups and one incident of syncope. On May 12, 2010, persistence of symptoms now accompanied with dizziness prompted consult at a local hospital in Alaminos. She was then managed medically because she was also hypokalemic. Patient had another episode of syncope. On May 13, 2010, patient transferred to another hospital (Villaflor Hospital) in Dagupan where her condition was managed medically as Acute Gastritis/GERD. Ancillary procedures (Chest Xray, Abdominal UTZ and EGD) were requested and medications (clarithromycin, Pariet and spironolactone (Aldactone) were given to address the present condition. Patient was discharged after five days but still slightly symptomatic. On May 18, 2010, patient had dizziness with accompanying blurring of vision but no consult was done. On June 10, 2010, patient had 3 episodes of vomiting after the patient shifted to a full diet. Patient was then compliant with her medications. However, there was progression of body weakness and now could only walk with assistance. Patient went to a herbolario and was given an herbal medication in place of the prescribed medicines. However, there was persistence of dizziness noted upon standing and moving. On June 15, 2010, dizziness is now accompanied with dysphagia, excessive oral secretions and slurring of speech. She then again consulted at Villaflor hospital and was managed medically. However, patient developed febrile episodes and persistence of symptoms thus, she was referred to our institution hence subsequent admission. Review of Systems: (+) weight loss, (+) weakness No rashes, no jaundice No cough, colds, nasoaural discharge No dyspnea, no orthopnea, No chest pain, palpitations (+) dysphagia, (+) abdominal pain No hematuria, no frequency No heat or cold intolerance, no polyuria, no polydipsia, no polyphagia No joint pains, no swelling (+) slurring of speech (+) dizziness, but no loss of consciousness, seizure, tinnitus, diplopia Personal and social history Mixed diet but prefers sour foods Non-smoker, occasional beverage drinker Housewife Past Medical History (+) PUD Not known hypertensive nor diabetic Family History: (+) DM – father (+) HPN- mother (+) Stroke - father Physical Examination on Admission: Conscious, coherent, non-ambulatory, not in cardiorespiratory distress VS: BP: 120/80 PR: 96 bpm, regular RR: 16 cpm, regular T: 36.80C Wt: 50 Ht: 158 BMI: 20 Warm, moist skin, (-) active dermatoses, (-) jaundice Pink palpebral conjunctivae, anicteric sclera (+) difficulty in phonation and articulation Supple neck, no palpable cervical lymphadenopathy, thyroid not enlarged Symmetrical chest expansion, (-) retractions, clear and equal breath sounds Adynamic precordium, AB at 5th LICS AAL, S1>S2 apex, S2>S1 base, (-) murmurs Flabby abdomen, NABS, soft, no palpable mass, no tenderness on palpation Pulses full and equal, no cyanosis, no edema Neurologic Examination Awake, prefers to keep both eyes closed, dysarthic, dysphonic, can follow commands, GCS15 (E4V5M6) Olfactory nerve intact, pupils 2-3mm isocoric & ERTL, EOMs intact, (-) papilledema,(+) nystagmus (bilateral), no facial asymmetry, V1-V3 intact, intact gross hearing, (-) gag reflex, can shrug both shoulders, difficulty in tongue protrusion (+) dysmetria, dysdiadochokinesia MMT: 4-5/5 on all extremities Reflexes: ++ on all extremities No abnormal reflexes No sensory deficit No nuchal rigidity Assessment Brainstem lesion probably: demyelinating disease Plans: Cranial MRI with contrast CBC with PC Serum Na, K, BUN, Crea, Mg Prepared by: Harry M. Gabuat infarct, glioma,