Supplementary Material On the droplet velocity and electrode lifetime of digital microfluidics: voltage actuation techniques and comparison Cheng Dong, a† Tianlan Chen, a† Jie Gao, a Yanwei Jia, a Pui-In Mak, a* Mang-I Vai, a and Rui P. Martins a,b a State-Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI and FST-ECE, University of Macau, Avenida Padre Tomás Pereira, Taipa, Macao, China. b on leave from Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal † Equal Contribution E-mail: Video Data Processing Video files captured by a high-speed digital camera record the droplet movements across two electrodes. Thus, a 3-sec length video (at 1200 f/s or 400 f/s) is enough to record the whole droplet dynamics. Resolution of the video is 72.77 pixels per millimeter. Processing of these videos follows the following steps: Step 1: Each frame of the videos separate into individual image files. Since videos are recorded under a sample rate of 1200 frames/sec, more than 3000 images can be obtained from one video file. Step 2: An image processing software Image J is used to analysis all pictures. First of all, color pictures are transformed to 8-bit grayscale images. Then pixels with gray level between 48 and 76 are extracted to enhance the droplet and suppress the background noise. The size of droplet in the images is ~8570 pixels under our experiments settings, graphs with a size between 1000 and 10,000 pixels and circularity between 0.5 and 1.0 is abstracted. The so obtained shape is considered to be the droplet. Center of mass of this droplet is calculated automatically by Image J and recorded for the following processes. A graphical illustration of above procedures is shown in Fig. S1. Step 3: For one video, over 3000 center of mass of droplet is obtained and put into Matlab for calculation of the following parameters: 1. Displacement: Since in our experiment droplet is moved horizontally, the x-axis position of the center of mass of droplet is defined as displacement. 2. Velocity: Velocity is first differential of displacement. 3. Start and End Points: Since the displacement curve is in the shape of flat, raising and flat again. We take 50 points from the flat region and calculate their mean value and standard deviation. The start point of movement is defined as the point and its consecutive 10 points exceeds a threshold, which equals the sum of mean value and 5 times standard deviation. The definition of end point of movement is all the same as start point except finding it from the end of the displacement curve. 4. Average velocity: it equals the displacement difference between the start and end points divided the time between these two points. 5. Lowest velocity: The local minimum on the velocity curve around the middle of the start and end points should be the point that the droplet move across the gap between two electrodes. The lowest velocity is defined as the median value of the velocity of 20 points nearby this local minimum. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 11 12 (a) (b) Area: 8579 Centroid: (61,60) 1 2 1 3 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 (c) 4 Area: 8560 Centroid: (133,60) Area: 8544 Centroid: (206,60) 7 10 3 Area: 8540 Centroid: (132,60) Area: 8547 Centroid: (122,60) Area: 8567 Centroid: (105,60) 4 Area: 8576 Centroid: (84,60) Area: 8579 Centroid: (66,60) 5 Area: 8549 Centroid: (163,60) Area: 8575 Centroid: (210,60) 8 11 6 Area: 8569 Centroid: (186,59) Area: 8589 Centroid: (210,60) 9 12 (d) Fig. S1 Illustration of off-line image processing. (a) Each frame of the videos is separated into individual image files. (b) Color pictures are transformed to 8-bit grayscale images. (c) Pixels with gray level between 48 and 76 (marked in red) are extracted, in order that the shape of the droplet can be enhanced and background noise can be suppressed. (d) Graphs with a size between 1000 and 10,000 pixels and circularity between 0.5 and 1.0 are abstracted as droplet. Area and center of mass of this droplet is calculated.