3rd Grade iPad Image App Catalog Fall 2013 Reading Learning A-Z Literacy Literacy iBooks Learning Ally Literacy support Increase fluency and comprehension. Listen, read silently, answer comprehension questions on leveled books set by teacher. Use as a reader for PDF’s, send Pages documents to bookshelf, download free novels to make use of dictionary, highlighter and notes tools. This service allows access to audio versions of novels and text books for students with reading challenges such as dyslexia. Log in access is required so contact your TOSA if you need a student account. Writing LIteracy Dictation Literacy Toontastic Projects/ Productivity Pearltrees Inspiration Projects/ Productivity Projects/ Productivity Penultimate Pages iTalk Projects/ Productivity Projects/ Productivity Speech to text voice recognition tool for think aloud writing strategies and as an accommodation for keyboarding/fine motor skills. Also useful to teach editing skills. An excellent tool to review story structure and development including mood for scenes. Another good mind mapping tool, simpler than Inspiration good for quick brainstorms around characters, setting, main idea/detail. Excellent mind mapping tool. Useful for organizing writing as well as building conceptual understanding in content areas. This writing tool has the look and feel of a notebook. Handwrite with the stylus, draw or add images to gather ideas around a topic. Limitation is no typing feature. The go-to word processing and publishing tool. Pages allows full formatting and images, even media. Syncs with Dropbox easily. Record poems, fluency passages, narratives and more with this very simple straightforward audio recording tool. Language Literacy Dictionary WordWeb WordPopsFree Literacy Literacy Like a real dictionary. Use for vocabulary expansion, spelling, revising for more powerful works, parts of speech. Useful as a thesaurus and for word work. An engaging word play game that encourages students to think about spelling patterns as they build words from letter dice. (Tip: Use this app to talk about pop up ads) 3rd Grade iPad Image App Catalog Fall 2013 Math See FAQ for log in to this subscription tool to identify and fill gaps in math concepts. Best practice is 6 gold coin lessons per week. See FAQ for your school code DreamBox Math Math Math Bingo Math ArithmeTick Math My Math App Math Math Drills Lite MathSnacksHD Math An engaging math fact fluency game. BE sure to set expectations about the reward part “bingo bug” games available. Math fact fluency challenge where students race against a clock to get top scores Straightforward math flashcards to master those multiplication & division facts without much distraction. A great app for early acquisition of math facts. Settings let students focus in on target times tables. Visual prompts on screen assist students in building the concept if needed Another way to engage student in fluency practice Science & Social Studies Content Science Science360 Tides:USA Free BrainPOP Notability U.S. Geo iFlag C. Google Earth Puzzle Lite A collection of interesting and visually powerful science videos on a wide variety of topics. Science A digital version of tide tables. Look at local patterns (diurnal) or compare tides in different regions as part of the Puget Sound unit. Science/Social Animated videos and activities great as a starting point to Studies build conceptual understanding (log in for full access) Project/ This publishing tool has the enhanced features of drawing, Productivity highlighting, image, and recording tools all in one package. Limited formatting though. Use it to publish or to view and mark over PDFs (post to your website) . Great in content areas too! Great for science notebooks or research. Social Studies An outstanding app for US geography with videos, quizzes and activities to get familiar with each region. Social Studies A fun game to identify national flags - use as an extension to culture unit. Social Studies Use this interactive globe to build map skills and to enrich the culture unit. Zoom in on country’s topography with the satellite view, get a feeling for the nation with the pictures feature. Social Studies Like stack the state, but with countries. Build a global sense of geography with this game. 3rd Grade iPad Image App Catalog Fall 2013 Productivity and Misc. Projects/ Productivity Labelbox Pic Collage Projects/ Productivity Projects/ Productivity VoiceThread Keynote iMovie kokuban Timer+ Projects/ Productivity Projects/ Productivity Project/ Productivity Projects/ Productivity Arts/ Productivity Doodle Buddy Projects/ Productivity PlainText Student Socrative Projects/ Productivity Project/ Productivity ActivEngage2 A simple tool to take pictures and label them. Use for student pictures on authors’ wall, for labeling rocks brought in from home, for identifying cultural artifacts for the fair and more. Create posters and collages in any subject or as a get to know you activity. Online tool to upload files (images, documents, presentations, narrate and annotate them and receive comments back. (3 simultaneous log in access points on a single log in) Subscription needed see your TOSA if you’d like an account. (Used in Culture Fair) Much like PowerPoint, make multimedia presentations or mini books in any content area This app makes student made movies as a culminating project for any content area a snap. Use this as you might an old fashioned slate or math board. Students write and hold up answers. A good way to manage rotation though shared devices: have students set this timer then engage in task. A simple drawing tool. Useful for creation of student art rather than reliance on internet images. Use for visualization. Import images and label for diagrams. If you have a student that is distracted by the formatting and image tools in other publishing apps, try having them complete the typing here, then copy/past it to Pages. Use this with a teacher version to create class voting activities. (PILOT COMING THIS WINTER) This advanced voting system allows you to use Inspire software on your computer to create live votes as well as self paced interactive activities and quizzes. Arts, Music & Choice SoundSlateLT Soundrop Beatwave MadPad Music Music Music Music