Psychology of Orientation and Decision PROF. DIEGO BOERCHI; PROF. ILARIA CASTELLI MODULE I: Psychology of Orientation (Prof. Diego Boerchi) COURSE AIMS The aim of the course is to provide an in-depth study of the key concepts of the theory and practice of orientation in the current social context. Special attention will be paid to planning and implementing educational orientation interventions targeted at different user categories (students, young people at first entry to work, adults, etc.) and to the use of the principal working tools (the interview, work groups, creative techniques). COURSE CONTENTS The aim of the course will be to examine the following subjects from an operational and a theoretical point of view: – Differentiation of users’ needs. – Orientation models and theories. – Orientation actions. – Orientation tools. READING LIST M.R. MANCINELLI, Dieci domande sull’orientamento, EDUCatt, Milan, 2013. R. GALLO-D. BOERCHI, Bilancio di competenze e assessment centre. Nuovi sviluppi: il Development Centre e il Bilancio di Competenze in Azienda, F. Angeli, Milan, 2011. One book to be chosen from among the following: M.R. MANCINELLI, Le tecniche immaginative per l’orientamento e la formazione, 2009. M.R. MANCINELLI, Il colloquio come strumento d’orientamento, Franco Angeli, Milan, 2007. TEACHING METHOD Theory lectures and both individual and group practical activities that will provide examples and give understanding of the principal methods and tools used in professionalscholastic orientation. ASSESSMENT METHOD An oral exam to be sat on the following: Contents (knowledge of the subjects studied in the texts); Connections (ability to link subjects at times found in different texts); Case analysis; (ability to apply in practice the subjects learned in the hypothetical case studies). NOTES Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice board. MODULE II, Psychology of Decisions (Prof. Ilaria Castelli) COURSE AIMS The aim of the course is to examine the psychological dynamics involved in making a decision at the different stages of the life cycle, with special attention paid to the links between the behavioural and neuropsychological aspects. COURSE CONTENTS Making a decision constitutes a subject for complex and interdisciplinary study, for that reason the subject will be evaluated facing scientific theories such as the Expected Utility Theory in the financial field and Prospect Theory in the area of psychology. The course will then examine the various typologies of psychological dynamics involved in making a decision, distinguishing between those of the deliberative-logical type and the emotional-affective and moral-regulatory ones. Special attention will be paid to a life-span type perspective, aware of the importance of understanding the developmental changes of decision-making processes throughout the various stages of the life cycle (childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age). Finally, attention will be paid to the contribution of a recent discipline, Neuroeconomics, targeted at identifying the neural bases underlying the psychological processes used in decision making, talking about potential and criticalities of brain imaging methods adopted for analysing human psychological processes. READING LIST G. BELLELLI-R. DI SCHIENA (edited by), Decisioni ed emozioni. Come la psicologia spiega il conflitto tra ragione e sentimento, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2012. A. MARCHETTI-I. CASTELLI, Come decidono i bambini. Psicoeconomia evolutiva, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 2012. A choice of one of the following: L. FERRARI-S. RANDISI, Psicologia fiscale. Illusioni e decisioni dei contribuenti, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 2011. G. GIGERENZER, Decisioni intuitive. Quando si sceglie senza pensarci troppo, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 2009. Course slide (available on Lecturer’s web page). TEACHING METHOD Lectures and practical/working exercises in a small group on applied material introduced by the lecturer. ASSESSMENT METHOD Oral exam. NOTES Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice board.