51*Have you understood all these things

We conclude our study of chapter 13 with Jesus’ question to His disciple
about their understanding; and about the reaction by the people Nazareth
to Him. We realize that even our Lord was met with hard hearts and
unwillingness by those who were closet to Him. This truth should
encourage when people can’t see our new changed life. It also reminds us
to be hopeful that people can change, with God’s help.
MATTHEW 13:51-58
51“Have you understood all these things?” Jesus asked.
“Yes,” they replied.
52He said to them, “Therefore every teacher of the law who has become a
disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings
out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.”
53When Jesus had finished these parables, he moved on from there.
54Coming to his hometown, he began teaching the people in their
synagogue, and they were amazed. “Where did this man get this wisdom
and these miraculous powers?” they asked. 55“Isn’t this the carpenter’s
son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph,
Simon and Judas? 56Aren’t all his sisters with us? Where then did this man
get all these things?” 57And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to
them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town and in his own
home.” 58And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of
 Covered a lot these past few weeks while in Chapter 13 (7 parables)
o Sower / Soils
 4 soils = Hard path / rocky / thorns / good soil
 Conditions of the heart.
 The seed – word of God
o Weeds / Wheat
A man who planted good seed
His enemy (at night) scattered bad seed
Plant grew together
at harvest they were separated
 it’s about Judgment
o Mustard Seed – that grew into a large tree (usual)
 The abundant growth of the kingdom
o Yeast – Also about the explosive growth
 Yeas = historically about sin.
o Last week (3 parables)
 Hidden Treasure
 A man found a treasure in a field
 Joyfully - Sold everything he had to buy the field
 Pearl
 A pearl merchant…found a valuable pearl
 (same) – Joyfully Sold everything…to buy the pearl
 Both - was about the unthinkable value of the kingdom
 And how being in the kingdom /fellowship with God…
… should be worth more than all we have…
 And that we should find satisfaction in Christ, above all
 Net – when pulled in, took in all kinds of fish
 Kingdom of God was over everything
 about separating the bad & good fish
 Like the weeds /wheat parable also about judgment
 Over Arching ideas about the parables
#1 All the parables were about “the kingdom of heaven”
 Most- prefaced by Jesus: “the kingdom of heaven is like…”
 If it helps– “things in the kingdom works like this…”
#2 Eternal / Infinite ideas – condensed into simple stories
 We realize – the kingdom heaven is multifaceted.
 multi-dimensional
o not shallow / simple…idea
o It’s complex
#3 Jesus said you need ears to hear – in order to understand.
 IOW – the meaning was not readily available / hidden
 Jesus used that to - Widen the gap  hostile & desiring
 Today: v.51-58
o To main ideas:
(1) Jesus asks disciples… if they understand. (v.51-52)
(2) He talks…The receptiveness of others towards him. (v.53-58)
51“Have you understood all these things?” Jesus asked.
“Yes,” they replied.
 After Jesus tells them 7 parables  he asks if they understand
o They say “yes”
 NOTE: Jesus asks – but not so he can gain knowledge or learn.
o He knows the answer
o He’s asking is for their own self reflection / benefit
o like - (Gen 3) God asked Adam and Even “where are you”
 It wasn’t because God didn’t know –for their self-reflection
o Similarly – when God “tests” us… he’s NOT evaluating
 He doesn’t need to test you
 He knew you in your mother’s womb
 The “tests” that scripture talks about…(Trials, stretching,
 is for your benefit.  so you know / learn
o The disciples answer “yes”
 They may have been lying ( ashamed… or scared of Jesus)
 If they really understood… wasn’t because they’re brilliant.
 several times… Jesus had to break it down to them.
 So, their understanding of what Jesus said…was because
of Jesus anyway.
52He said to them, “Therefore every teacher of the law (other trans:
Scribe) who has become a disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the
owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as
Notice 2 things:
#1 The Role Switch – From Teacher of the Law… to Disciple in the
kingdom Therefore every teacher of the law who has become a disciple
in the kingdom of heaven
o That seems reverse to our thinking
 We think… Disciples become teachers
 Jesus’ logic seems backwards – but it’s right
 The more you learn, the more you realize, how little
you really know…
 I just need to sit under the teaching of scripture
o Become a student again
#2 Jesus explains – their knowledge should result in something
o They said “yes”… so He explains…
 They must be owner of a house who brings out treasures of
his storeroom.
o IOW: Knowledge is not just for learning … it’s for doing.
 James: “don’t just be hearers of the word…do what it says”
 We can go a step further “Don’t just learn to learn…
…learn to do”
 BTW – that’s an evidence of spiritual growth
o We no longer just take it in…but we start doing
 When Ellias was really young – he didn’t do
anything – just ate, soiled his diaper, etc/
 As he grew up… he’s learning to do things.
o Same with is
#3 look at the phrase / end of 53…brings out of his storeroom new
treasures as well as old.”
o Lots of confusion about that
o What it’s not:
1.Old & New Testament – They didn’t have that yet
 That wasn’t a prophecy about the OT & NT
2.NOT - the “new” Gospel…and the “old” law,
 for the law is not old, nor the Gospel new;
 the Gospel is much older than the law,
o it was hidden but preplanned by God…even
before he initiate the law
o This is about what the knew – and what Jesus is now telling them
 It’s about how the new…is brining light to the old
 M. Henry - Old experiences and new observations, all
have their use. Our place is at Christ's feet, and we
must daily learn old lessons over again, and new ones
 John Gill - truths that are old in themselves, but newly
discovered to them.
 old is refreshed…by the new.
 Jesus didn’t destroy the old things…he restored/refreshed it
53When Jesus had finished these parables, he moved on from there.
 He was in Capernaum – when he did these Parables
 He left and went to his home town – (Nazareth – he was born in
Bethlehem, but he grew up in Nazareth
o 20 miles as the crow flies
o Ancient trails probably took them up to 40 miles
o 2.5 days if you are really fast.
o They probably weren’t going fast.
54Coming to his hometown, he began teaching the people in their
synagogue, and they were amazed.
 That’s Jesus’ MO – His usual work  go to synagogue…and teach
o Paul followed that model – as soon as he came into town, he
started teaching / preaching…
o Jesus did this… all the time.
 That was part of His earthly mission – preach / teach
 Remember: Mark 1:38 Jesus replied, "Let us go somewhere
else--to the nearby villages--so I can preach there also. That
is why I have come."
 Look at how the people react to His teaching: THEY WERE AMAZED!
o Back in Matt 7:28 (after the sermon on the mount)
 People were amazed.
 Matthew 7:29 because he taught as one who had authority,
and not as their teachers of the law.
o They recognize that this guy is different
o Here’s the kicker  they were amazed / they saw he’s different
 But not everyone followed
 Being amazed at Jesus is not the same as following HIM
 You can admire from a distance…it takes closeness to
have a relationship
“Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?” they
asked.55“Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and
aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? 56Aren’t all his
sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?” 57And they
took offense at him.
 Interesting – They didn’t doubt his wisdom & miracles
o Just like His enemies (who will eventually plot his murder)
o No one (not even his opponents) denied the words…& miracles
 Notice a couple of things here:
#1. Jesus had brothers and sisters… that’s not spiritual bros & sis
 Like – those who believe are my bros & sis…
 Those are Mary & Joseph’s kids
 It looks like there were busy –
 5 boys (including Jesus) –
 And sisters…at least 2 more
 At least…7 kids
 So…the belief that Mary remained a Virgin…is wrong
 Not biblical at all
 In fact the more we study the Bible, the more we can
see…Mary is not a central character at all…like some
think she is.
 She’s just a normal person
o God chose her to bring Jesus into the world
o But after that – she lived a normal / plain … life.
#2. The fact the crowd thought…HIS wisdom & miracles…unusual
– says Jesus lived a normal childhood.
 No one said “yeah that makes sense that he’s like that…I
remember when he used to make kids levitate… or you
remember the time when he had the cat walk on water…”
 Their comments – shows us … HE was a normal boy
 (that’s why this was so unusual)
 Luke 2:52 And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and
in favor with God and man.
#3. Their disbelief – was not with: Miracles & wise teaching
 They didn’t deny that.
 But they stumbled over HIS identity –
 They stumbled at…who He claimed to be –
o Son of God
o Messiah / Savior
 In reality – that’s what most people stumble on.
 Many people acknowledge that Jesus existed
 Many People believe… He was a great man / teacher
 A few even believe… he did miracles
 But the struggle / rub / difficulty is believing His identity
 Check out that phrase 57And they took offense at him.
 Offense = Greek: skän-dä-lē'-zō
A stumbling block
A cause to fall away
to be displeased, indignant
so they were like “ who does this guy think he is…
we know this dude …why does he talk like this…
…he’s no one special… whatever”
 they scoffed / ridiculed.. him
 They were offended – and they didn’t believe HIM
Look how Jesus reacts
But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own
town and in his own home.”
 Mark 6:4 Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without honor except in
his own town, among his relatives and in his own home."
o Jesus is saying: “a prophet is honored everywhere else, except
among those who are closest to him…those who know his
 They knew him
 Knew his childhood
 They couldn’t wrap their minds around what he’s
 They stumbled at his teaching
 They couldn’t’ believe it
o That’s true for us too…
 The hardest people to convince…that we’ve changed…are
those closest to us...
 Those who’s seen us grow up / make mistakes
 Those who know the old “us”
 They are the hardest to convince…of our changed life
o Let’s flip the table… and ask a question:
 Have we refused to acknowledge someone’s
changes…because we knew their past?
 Or…Have we stumbled at someone’s spiritual growth?
 Have ever secretly said
o “I know her…she’s never gonna change…”
o OR… “I knew them way back…who do they think they
are now?”
 If we have…then we are acting like those who took
offense on Jesus. (be careful)
58And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.
 In Mark’s version: (Mark 6:5) He could not do any miracles there,
except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them.
 To be clear: He didn’t do miracles – NOT because He couldn’t
o Because HE was not willing.
 Some dangerous doctrines – Jesus / even almighty God’s power,
depends on human faith…
o That God cannot work, unless you have enough faith
 I hear it all the time,
“you must have faith, or God cannot bless you…
or God will not answer your prayers if you doubt…”
 That is wrong!
 How do I know … The Bible tells me so…
 Matthew 8 Jesus rebukes disciples of their little faith…
then calms the storm
 John 5 – Jesus heals a man… paralyzed for 38 years
o man didn’t know who Jesus was
o he can’t possibly have faith on him…
 Take it a step further = Where does our faith come
from anyway?
o Answer: Hebrews 12:2 Looking on Jesus, the
author and finisher of faith,
o To say: “you must have faith…or GOD can’t
work”, limits God’s Power…and hinges it to man’s
 That’s wrong
 So for v.58… we see Jesus did not do any miracles there…
o …Not because he couldn’t
 But he consciously / purposely … withheld His blessings
 One commentator said: the issue was a moral
hindrance, not a problem with ability.
o The people in Nazareth… didn’t have an absence of belief
 They acknowledged the miracles & teachings…and yet…
…They didn’t believe
 IOW – they had enough to believe (like the Pharisees)
o But they refused to believe
o They couldn’t see passed HIS past…
 And they stumbled over it.
 It kept them from believing
o John 1:11 He came to His own, and those who were His own did
not receive Him.
1. Do something about your knowledge
 Christians cannot be people with fat heads – just learning, not doing.
o We cannot be theoretical people
o We cannot be couch potatoes sports critics
o 1 Corinthians 8:1 “…knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.”
 We are the body of Christ on earth – so let’s do things for HIS glory
2. Don’t be stumbled or offended by Jesus
 Matt11:6 Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me."
o ESV: And blessed is the one who is not offended by me.”
 REALITY: the more you study Jesus, it’s inevitable…that one day, He
will offend you
o That’s natural / unavoidable
o He will say something that will make you squirm / uncomfortable
o My advice: don’t run away / throw the towel / don’t give up…
 Because…usually…on the other side of that offense…is a
great discovery – reward of HIM.
 Do not harden your heart.
o Wrestle with God
o Study
o Don’t get offended by Him
3. Don’t be discouraged / angry…if people hold your past against you.
 They did it to Jesus – they will do it to you
 You know what God is doing in you –
o ( you don’t fully know), but you know a little
 You see things differently
 Priorities are shifting
 There’s new desires about God
o Others can’t see that – so don’t frustrated at them.
 Just keep pressing forward – let your actions show your new nature
o Philippians 3:13 “…But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind
and straining toward what is ahead ”
 The flipside – for you… don’t hold people’s past against them.
o IOW, acknowledge that people can change
o We don’t like it when other hold our past against us
 Let’s not do it to others too
 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new
creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
 There is nothing more life changing than – realizing
you are a sinner, bound for hell…but Jesus loved you
enough…to die in your place…to pay for your debt…so
you can have fellowship with God.
 That changes people
[ Lastly ]
4. Be at awe…at GOD’s WORD
 We covered some amazing stuff this past 2 months
o Don’t just let it go… in one ear…and out the other
o Let it settle deep down
 Chew on it
 Read it again
 Study it more
o Let God’s word penetrate your heart
 Let it affect you
 Let it change you