Graduation Checklist

Almost to the finish line….
☐ File Advancement to Candidacy at least one semester before graduating semester
Fall Graduation: July 15
☐ Apply for graduation
Fall Graduation: October 15
Spring Graduation: October 15
Spring Graduation: February 15
Summer Graduation: February 15
Summer Graduation: June 15
☐ Schedule Defense (contact Christina, Mercedes or Gabrielle to reserve room/equipment)
☐ Ph.D. request outside examiner (contact Christina, Mercedes or Gabrielle to request)
☐ Check format of signature pages with Graduate School
Use templates available:
☐ Print signature pages
☐ Defend your thesis Date: ____________ Time: _______ Location: ____________
☐ Make the needed faculty corrections on thesis and get original signatures on signature pages
☐ Turn in thesis/dissertation to program head
Fall: November 5
Spring: March 3
☐ GPMSL must submit Research Competence form
Summer: June 27
☐ Make needed corrections
☐ Turn in thesis/dissertation to dean via Mercedes / Christina / Gabrielle
Fall: November 19
Spring: March 17
☐ Make needed corrections
☐ Fill out thesis submittal form/pay fees at Business office
☐ Turn the following to the Graduate School:
Fall Graduation: December 3
Spring Graduation: April 7
Summer: July 11
Summer Graduation: August 1
Digital copy of your thesis (submitted to ProQuest as a searchable PDF).
All additional materials (as Supplemental Files).
A copy of the confirmation page of the Graduate School’s online exit survey
 A signed paper copy of the UAF Publishing Agreement (printed from the ETD website).
Additional Requirements for PhD Candidates:
 A 50-word version of your abstract (for the commencement program). Email is preferred.
o Email your abstract to and include the following information: Your name,
degree and program (i.e. Jane Doe, Ph.D. Marine Biology), advisor’s full name, and your thesis
 Survey of Earned Doctorates Form (SED) (link on the Graduate School website).
 A high-resolution photo of yourself submitted for promotional use
☐ Make needed corrections
☐ Final digital copy
☐ GRADUATION (now you are at the finish line)!