Phantom: Assessment of Options Dentin Material Option 1 Notes / Comments Brick Ceramic material, generally used in masonry Description of Option Option Evaluation Criteria Alignment with Desired Business Objectives Technical Fit to Target Enterprise Architecture Costs Cost Benefit Impact Rationale for Rejection or for Recommending further Analysis Overall Viability Use of a non-biological material with properties similar to those of dentin Fulfills all minimal needs Difficult to manipulate Cheap, readily available High The brick could be too difficult to manipulate into the shape necessary for the design. The team agreed that similarity to human mandibular bone is not necessary, rather a material that simply will not allow ultrasound to propagate through it is required. NOT VIABLE Option 2 Notes / Comments Cement Description of Option Solid mixture made from broken stone or gravel, generally used in construction Option Evaluation Criteria Alignment with Desired Business Objectives Technical Fit to Target Enterprise Architecture Costs Cost Benefit Impact Rationale for Rejection or for Recommending further Analysis Overall Viability Use of a non-biological material with properties similar to those of dentin Fulfills all minimal needs Cheap, readily available, easily manipulated High VIABLE Mandibular Bone Material Option 1 Brick Description of Option Notes / Comments Ceramic material, generally used in masonry Option Evaluation Criteria Alignment with Desired Business Objectives Technical Fit to Target Enterprise Architecture Costs Cost Benefit Impact Use of a non-biological material with properties similar to those of mandibular bone Fulfills all minimal needs Difficult to manipulate Cheap, readily available High Rationale for Rejection or for Recommending further Analysis Overall Viability The brick could be too difficult to manipulate into the shape necessary for the design. The team agreed that similarity to human mandibular bone is not necessary, rather a material that simply will not allow ultrasound to propagate through it is required. NOT VIABLE Option 2 Notes / Comments Aluminum Tubing Metal, low density Description of Option Option Evaluation Criteria Alignment with Desired Business Objectives Technical Fit to Target Enterprise Architecture Costs Cost Benefit Impact Rationale for Rejection or for Recommending further Analysis Overall Viability Use of a non-biological material with properties similar to those of mandibular bone Fulfills most minimal needs Does not closely mimic mandibular bone Cheap, comes in convenient shape High VIABLE Gum Material Option 1 Notes / Comments Paraffin Wax Soft solid, often used for candles and lubricants Description of Option Option Evaluation Criteria Alignment with Desired Business Objectives Technical Fit to Target Enterprise Architecture Costs Cost Benefit Impact Rationale for Rejection or for Recommending further Analysis Overall Viability Use of a non-biological material with properties similar to those of human gum tissue Fulfills all minimal needs Properties could vary with environment humidity, temperature, etc., could introduce extended assembly time Cheap, readily available, easily manipulated High VIABLE Option 2 Polyurethane Description of Option Notes / Comments Synthetic resin, often used in paints Option Evaluation Criteria Alignment with Desired Business Objectives Technical Fit to Target Enterprise Architecture Costs Use of a non-biological material with properties similar to those of human gum tissue Fulfills all minimal needs Properties could vary with environment humidity, temperature, etc., could introduce extended assembly time Cost Benefit Impact Rationale for Rejection or for Recommending further Analysis Overall Viability Cheap, readily available, easily manipulated High VIABLE Phantom: Risk Assessment of Viable Options Cement 1. Properties vary with mixture, might not resemble those of human dentin Aluminum Tubing 1. Properties do not resemble those of human bone 2. Need a method for mounting to turn table Paraffin Wax 1. Properties could vary with environmental conditions, thus not resembling those of human gums 2. Geometry could be altered when contacted by probe 3. Questionable accuracy with respect to thickness Polyurethane 1. Properties could vary with environmental conditions, thus not resembling those of human gums 2. Geometry could be altered when contacted by probe 3. Questionable accuracy with respect to thickness Positioning System: Assessment of Options Device Used for Linear Motion Option 1 Notes / Comments Pre-Assembled Linear Rail Basic Motor Controlled Linear actuator. Description of Option Option Evaluation Criteria Alignment with Desired Business Objectives Technical Fit to Target Enterprise Architecture Costs Cost Benefit Impact Rationale for Rejection or for Recommending further Analysis Overall Viability Requires automated test moving 5-axis with a tolerance of 0.1mm Fulfils all basic needs Expensive, Cluttered assembly when multiple rails linked, less rigid Potentially more accurate, very little assembly required High Too expensive for current budget Not Viable Option 2 Notes / Comments Power Screw Assembly Power screw linear motion system Description of Option Option Evaluation Criteria Alignment with Desired Business Objectives Technical Fit to Target Enterprise Architecture Costs Cost Benefit Impact Rationale for Rejection or for Recommending further Analysis Overall Viability Requires automated test moving 5-axis with a tolerance of 0.1mm Fulfils all basic needs More machining required, more intensive assembly Cheaper, more flexibility with design High VIABLE Placement of Axes of Movement Option 1 Static Tooth, 5 Axis Probe Motion Description of Option Notes / Comments All tooth/probe relative motion controlled by probe, tooth static Option Evaluation Criteria Alignment with Desired Business Objectives Technical Fit to Target Enterprise Architecture Costs Cost Benefit Impact Rationale for Rejection or for Recommending further Analysis Overall Viability 5 axis relative motion control required per customer needs Fulfills all minimal needs Cumbersome mechanical design and construction, added suspended weight Simplified design of tooth holding structure High Design requires more complex control and fastening structures than a split motion design, additional suspended weight creates higher motor torque requirements. VIABLE, benefits not worth cost Option 2 2 Axis on Tooth, 3 axis on probe Description of Option Notes / Comments Longitudinal and yaw control on tooth, Lateral, Vertical, and Pitch on Probe Option Evaluation Criteria Alignment with Desired Business Objectives Technical Fit to Target Enterprise Architecture Costs Cost Benefit 5 axis relative motion control required per customer needs Fulfills all minimal needs More complicated design of tooth holding structure, turntable suspension and motor coupling mechanism become necessary Less cumbersome mechanical design and construction, reduced suspended weight in comparison to static tooth design High Impact Rationale for Rejection or for Recommending further Analysis Overall Viability VIABLE, benefits outweigh cost Positioning System: Risk Assessment of Viable Options Power Screw Positioning System 1. Stainless steel threads need to be removed to fit into bearings, with a relatively tight tolerance on the shaft diameter. May prove difficult to meet tolerances and machine. 2 Axes on Tooth – 3 Axes on Probe 1. For every rotational movement of the turn table, a linear correction must be made with the probe to maintain contact. May present challenges in controlling logic. 2. Turntable shaft needs to meet diameter tolerances of flange bearing. May present machining challenges Electrical: Assessment of Options Arduino Board Option 1 Notes / Comments Arduino UNO Low cost LabVIEW compatible microcontroller Description of Option Option Evaluation Criteria Alignment with Desired Business Objectives Technical Fit to Target Enterprise Architecture Costs Cost Benefit Impact Rationale for Rejection or for Recommending further Analysis Overall Viability Require a form of microcontroller to handle logic and motor control Fulfills all minimal needs Only 6 Analog inputs, less digital inputs than others About half the price of Arduino MEGA High VIABLE Option 2 Arduino MEGA Description of Option Notes / Comments LabVIEW compatible microcontroller Option Evaluation Criteria Alignment with Desired Business Objectives Technical Fit to Target Enterprise Architecture Costs Require a form of microcontroller to handle logic and motor control Fulfills all needs Double the price of Arduino UNO Cost Benefit Impact Rationale for Rejection or for Recommending further Analysis Overall Viability Have more than needed amount of analog and digital inputs, ease of configuration as a result High Recommend further cost analysis VIABLE Motor Option 1 Notes / Comments DC motor Basic direct drive DC motor Description of Option Option Evaluation Criteria Alignment with Desired Business Objectives Technical Fit to Target Enterprise Architecture Costs Cost Benefit Impact Rationale for Rejection or for Recommending further Analysis Overall Viability Requires automated test moving 5-axis System requires a tolerance that may not be achievable through use of basic motor Precision of movement Cheaper High Deemed not precise enough, better options exist NON-VIABLE Option 2 Servo Motor Description of Option Notes / Comments 90-180 degree servo motor Option Evaluation Criteria Alignment with Desired Business Objectives Technical Fit to Target Enterprise Architecture Costs Cost Benefit Impact Rationale for Rejection or for Recommending further Analysis Overall Viability Requires automated test moving 5-axis Meets project needs for 2 of 5-axis Limited to 90-180 degrees with feedback Accurate positioning with feedback High VIABLE Note: Viable Options are un-ranked at this stage Option 3 Stepper Motor Description of Option Notes / Comments Unipolar Stepper Motor Option Evaluation Criteria Alignment with Desired Business Objectives Technical Fit to Target Requires automated test moving 5-axis Meets project needs for 3 of 5-axis Enterprise Architecture Costs Cost Benefit Legal / Regulatory Fit Impact Potential Risks that impact the ability to Deliver Desired Business Outcomes Fit to Project Constraint 1 Fit to Project Constraint 2 etc Rationale for Rejection or for Recommending further Analysis Overall Viability No built in feedback Ability to move .225 degrees with accuracy using a microstepper driver High VIABLE Driver Option 1 Notes / Comments EasyDriver V4.4 Microstepping motor driver Description of Option Option Evaluation Criteria Alignment with Desired Business Objectives Technical Fit to Target Enterprise Architecture Costs Cost Benefit Impact Rationale for Rejection or for Recommending further Analysis Overall Viability Requires automated test moving 5-axis Meets requirements Current limited to .750A Cheap, modular, easily replaceable, performs 1/8, ¼, ½, or Full stepping High VIABLE Travel Limit Detection Option 1 Ping Sensor Description of Option Notes / Comments Ultrasonic Rangefinder Option Evaluation Criteria Alignment with Desired Business Objectives Technical Fit to Target Enterprise Architecture Costs Cost Benefit Impact Rationale for Rejection or for Recommending further Analysis Meets need to positional feedback of 5-axis of motion Could be utilized in combination with other methods for the accurate feedback Requires a solid service to reflect the signal from to get an accurate reading. Can cover a distance of 3cm – 2m Medium Further Analysis required. Need operational testing, cannot perform until fixture is built. Overall Viability VIABLE Option 2 Notes / Comments Light to Voltage Diode Basic light to voltage diode in casing Description of Option Option Evaluation Criteria Alignment with Desired Business Objectives Technical Fit to Target Enterprise Architecture Costs Cost Benefit Impact Rationale for Rejection or for Recommending further Analysis Overall Viability Meets need to positional feedback of 5-axis of motion Could be utilized in combination with other methods for the accurate feedback Requires separate casing and possibility of light contamination Cheap, light, fast Medium Further Analysis required. Need operational testing, cannot perform until fixture is built. VIABLE Option 3 Notes / Comments Linear Potentiometer Generic linear potentiometer to determine position Description of Option Option Evaluation Criteria Alignment with Desired Business Objectives Technical Fit to Target Enterprise Architecture Costs Cost Benefit Impact Rationale for Rejection or for Recommending further Analysis Overall Viability Meets need to positional feedback of 5-axis of motion Could be utilized in combination with other methods for the accurate feedback Expensive at times, will have to spring load and mount on front of cart Accurate positional feedback Medium Further Analysis required. Need operational testing, cannot perform until fixture is built. VIABLE Ultrasonic Probe Option 1 Immersion Probe Description of Option Notes / Comments High end 10MHz Ultrasonic Immersion Probe Option Evaluation Criteria Alignment with Desired Business Objectives Technical Fit to Target Enterprise Architecture Costs Cost Benefit Impact Rationale for Rejection or for Recommending further Analysis Requires 10MHz probe Unknown until further testing is performed, meets 10MHz probe parameter Expensive Smaller aperture High Further Analysis required. Need operational testing, cannot perform until fixture is built. Overall Viability VIABLE Option 2 Notes / Comments Contact Probe 10MHz Contact Probe Description of Option Option Evaluation Criteria Alignment with Desired Business Objectives Technical Fit to Target Enterprise Architecture Costs Cost Benefit Impact Rationale for Rejection or for Recommending further Analysis Overall Viability Requires 10MHz probe Unknown until further testing is performed, meets 10MHz probe parameter Contact probe not tuned to water like immersion probe Cheaper, 90 angle on the head High Further Analysis required. Need operational testing, cannot perform until fixture is built. VIABLE Electrical: Risk Assessment of Viable Options Arduino UNO 1. Possibly might need more analog and digital inputs 2. Possibility of crosstalk from pins coupled with limited number of pins could cause an issue 3. Board requires special programming to interface with labview, if it somehow gets wiped it will no longer respond Arduino MEGA 1. More expensive – budgetary constraints 2. Commands might not be as interchangeable in practice as in theory 3. Bigger footprint Servo Motor 3. If requiring more than 180 degrees of accurate movement these won’t work 4. Lower torque values 5. Not suitable if we need to move table less than 1 degree at a time Stepper Motor 4. Overloading will cause gear slippage 5. Requires a separate driver to control 6. Heavy, may cause design issue with load bearing fixture points EasyDriver V4.4 1. In testing blew up 2 2. Only able to supply current to .75 A 3. Current limiting pot on board is silkscreened backwards, can cause burning out of motor if interpreted backwards Ping Sensor 1. Possibly could interfere with probe 2. Requires a backstop to reflect signal off of 3. Expensive Light to Voltage diode 1. Prone to light saturation 2. Contamination of light during test can throw readings off 3. Mounting and containment units a challenge Linear Potentiometer 1. Expensive for long sizes 2. Would need to modify them to have a spring to enable us of a shorter one 3. Requires extra mounting to fixture outside of carriage to get appropriate length Electrical: Recommended Options for Further Analysis Probes require further testing to determine which will be the best fit Distance sensors require real world testing to determine which will be the best fit