Organ Donation Loopholes Undermine Warm Glow Giving: An Experiment Motivated By Priority Loopholes in Israel By Judd B. Kessler† and Alvin E. Roth‡ This Draft: February 28, 2013 ABSTRACT The authors thank the staff at the Wharton Behavioral Lab at the University of Pennsylvania. Business Economics and Public Policy Department, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104; ‡ Department of Economics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305; † 1 I. Introduction There are currently over 117,000 people on waiting lists for life-saving organ transplant in the United States. These individuals are waiting for an organ from a deceased donor, an individual whose organs are made available to those who need them upon the donor’s death. Deceased donors provide the majority of transplanted organs in United States, nearly 80% of the organs donated in 2012.1 Deceased donors can provide multiple vital organs and other tissues2 whereas living donors overwhelmingly donate one kidney. Even though one deceased donor can save the lives of up to eight people and improve the lives of many more, and registering as an organ donor is relatively easy (it usually just requires checking a box on a form at the state department of motor vehicles or filling out a form online) only 43% of Americans over the age of 18 are registered as organ donors (Donate Life America 2012). Due to federal legislation, there is no monetary incentive for organ donor registration (see Roth, 1997). The only benefits a donor receives come from altruism (Becker 1974) and the warm glow from registering (Andreoni 1988, 1989, 1990), for example the knowledge that the donor may save the lives of other people. These motivations alone have not been able to halt the steady increase in the number of people on organ donor waiting lists. Table 1 lists the number people on the waiting list for a kidney, which has been growing over the past decade.3 1 Based on OPTN data as of Feb. 25, 2013 ( 2 A deceased donor can provide kidneys, liver, heart, pancreas, lungs, and intestine, as well as corneas, skin, heart valves, cartilage, bone, tendons, and ligaments 3 It currently stands above 95,000, based on OPTN data as of Feb. 25, 2013 ( The long waiting list for kidneys results in part from the ability for kidney dialysis to keep patients with kidney failure alive for many years. No dialysis exists for other organs. Waiting lists for other organs are shorter in part because many patients on those lists die while waiting. 2 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Table 1: U.S. Kidney Donors, Transplants, and Waiting List Deceased New Wait Deceased Donor Living All Wait List Donors Transplants Donors List Patients Additions 5,638 8,539 6,241 50,301 23,630 5,753 8,668 6,473 53,530 24,680 6,325 6,647 57,168 27,278 6,700 9,913 6,573 61,562 29,141 7,178 10,660 6,436 66,352 32,357 7,240 10,591 6,043 71,862 32,417 7,188 10,553 5,968 76,089 32,579 7,248 10,442 6,387 79,397 33,655 7,241 10,622 6,277 83,919 34,406 7,433 11,043 5,770 86,547 33,568 The data for years 2002–2011 are provided by OPTN as of February 22, 2013. New Wait-list Additions counts patients (rather than registrants) to eliminate the problems of counting multiple times people who register in multiple centers. All Wait-list Patients also counts patients rather than registrants. All Wait-list Patients data are from the 2008, 2009, and 2011 OPTN/SRTR Annual Reports. Under the organ allocation system currently employed in the U.S. and most other nations, priority on organ donor waiting lists is given to those who have been waiting on the list the longest or those with the most immediate medical need.4 One strategy to generate an incentive for organ donor registration without monetary payment is to allocate organs differently — to provide priority on organ donor waiting lists to those who previously registered as donors. Under such a priority system, individuals who register as organ donors but end up needing an organ (rather than being in a position to provide one) are more likely to get an organ, or get one more quickly, than individuals who did not previously register as organ donors. This policy has been studied experimentally (Kessler and Roth 2012) and has been implemented in Singapore and, most recently, in Israel, where it appears to have increased the number of deceased donor organs and the organ donor registration rate (Lavee et al. 2013) although the research into its effectiveness is ongoing. One concern with providing priority on the organ donor waiting list for registered 4 The allocation rules vary by organ. For example, in the United States kidney allocation is primarily by waiting time while liver allocation is primarily by medical need. As noted above, while kidney dialysis allows individuals to survive for years without a kidney transplant, an individual whose liver fails will die very quickly if he or she does not receive a new liver for transplant. 3 donors, however, is the possibility of gaming or loopholes that would allow individuals to receive priority if they need an organ but avoid ever donating their organs. One way an organ allocation system could be gamed is if individuals could wait to register as donors until after they realize that they need an organ (receiving priority without a chance of having to donate). Careful implementation of allocation rules can eliminate this scope for gaming. In Israel, for example, an individual who was not registered by April 1, 2012 must be on the registry for three years before receiving priority on a waiting list. While the scope for this particular type of gaming has been mitigated in Israel, the possibility of a loophole in the organ allocation system remains a particular concern there. One of the reported motivations for the Israeli legislation was widespread concern over free riding by ultraorthodox religious groups. These groups generally do not recognize brain death (i.e. when the brain ceases to function) as a valid form of death and consequently oppose providing deceased donor organs.5 However, members of these religious groups are not opposed to taking the organs of others, even those recovered from brain dead donors. It has been argued that this group of explicit free riders — those who will accept organs but not provide them — is a major factor for the relatively low rates of organ donation in Israel (Lavee et al 2010, Lavee and Brock 2012). The Israeli legislation providing priority on organ donor waiting lists for registered donors has not eliminated the scope for this sort of free riding. Instead, implementation of the legislation generated a potential loophole in the priority allocation system. [AL, I REMEMBER THIS BEING CALLED FOR EXPLICITLY BY RELIGIOUS GROUPS, IS THAT RIGHT?] The Israeli donor card allows a potential donor to check a box on the registration form to request that a clergyman be consulted before organ donation occurs (see Figure 1 for the Israeli Donor Card). An individual who wants priority but does not want to be a donor could check that box with the implicit or explicit understanding that his clergyman would refuse donation if the supposed 5 Most organ donation follows brain death, since the deceased patient can be left on a respirator, allowing the organs to be kept alive until they are recovered. Cardiac death (when there is an irreversible loss of circulation) requires really fast action on the order of a few minutes for organ recovery to be possible. Data from the New England Organ Bank (NEOB) indicates that in New England, recovery rates are much higher among potential donors who died from brain death than cardiac death. Recovery rates were about 20 percentage points higher for registered donors and about 15 percentage points higher for non-registered donors in 2010, 2011, and 2012. (Personal communication, Sean Fitzpatrick, NEOB.) 4 “donor” were to die. Figure 1: Donor Card in Israel Translated into English the card (emphasis and color in original) reads: With the hope that I may be of help to another, I hereby order and donate after my death: () Any organ of my body that another my find of use to save his/her life. Or: () Kidney () Liver () Cornea () Heart () Skin () Lungs () Bones () Pancreas [] As long as a clergyman chosen by my family will approve the donation after my death. Even without an explicit checkbox there is still the potential for a loophole in the Israeli priority system. Signing the donor card in Israel is not a binding will, so next of kin of a deceased are still asked about donation and can block the organ donation by a family member who had signed the donor card (Lavee and Brock 2012). Similarly, in the United States it is possible for next of kin to refuse donation of an individual who has previously joined a state registry (Glazier 2006). If next of kin are given a chance to make a final donation decision or block the donation of a registered donor, then individuals could register as donors to receive priority but inform their next of kin to prevent their organs from being donated in the event of death, creating a loophole even if one is not explicitly available. What is the potential effect of such loopholes to the priority allocation rules? One potential downside is that the loophole might eliminate the incentive generated by a 5 priority system, since anyone who wanted priority could simply ask for it and take advantage of the loophole rather than incur the costs associated with donation. Whether the loophole completely eliminates the potential increase in donors due to the priority allocation rule would be a function of how the costs of being an organ donor compared to the costs of taking advantage of the loophole. Another potential downside, however, is that the existence of a loophole could “poison the pool” by making individuals who would have donated in the absence of the priority allocation rule (who we call warm glow donors) choose not to donate once they observe people using the loophole to take priority without donating. This concern is reinforced by the arguments in Lavee et al. (2010) that even before the priority rule some Israelis did not want to donate because they knew there were free riders that would take organs but not provide them. It is possible, however, that taking a loophole in a priority system generates more negative feelings than simply not donating since it explicitly undermines a system designed to help those who do not free ride. If a priority system loophole poisoned the pool, then introducing a priority system might lead to fewer donors as individuals who would have donated otherwise choose not to donate or to take advantage of the loophole. In this study, we use a laboratory game modeled on the decision to register as an organ donor to investigate how a priority allocation system impacts donation rates and how the existence of a loophole affects the outcome of that system. It will be years before we have field data on actual donations and actual use of the loophole in Israel, but here we are able to study the loophole, understand what consequences it can have, and anticipate its effects. 6 We find that a priority system generates a vast increase in the organ donation rate that increases the number of organs donated and overall efficiency. With our 6 Certainly some hypotheses about organ donation can only be investigated by asking for real organ donor registrations (see Kessler and Roth 2013). However, a number of important aspects about the organ donation decision and the organ allocation system cannot be easily manipulated in practice but can be manipulated and studied in the laboratory. We can use the laboratory to study the incentive issues involved in organ donation, abstracted away from the important but complex sentiments associated with actual organs. For example, in practice the costs of registering as an organ donor are difficult to identify in the field. Costs may include fears about differential medical care for registered organ donors, fear that organs will be removed at a time or in a manner that is inconsistent with religious beliefs, or simply discomfort from thinking about ones death. In the laboratory, we can impose monetary costs to model to some level of approximation the costs faced by donors and control them, e.g. giving some potential donors low costs and others high costs. 6 experimental parameters, the priority allocation rule substantially improves outcomes for low cost donors but harms high cost donors in the process. However, providing a loophole that allows non-donors to take advantage of priority without paying the cost of donation completely eliminates the benefit created by the introduction of a priority system. When a loophole is available, we find that almost all non-donors take advantage of the loophole — 96% of subjects in the loophole condition have priority. We also find evidence that providing a loophole can poison the pool, undermining warm glow giving by inducing individuals who would have given without priority to withhold donation when there is a loophole. This decrease in warm glow giving occurs primarily when individuals have information about how many people took advantage of the loophole and see that other subjects are taking advantage of the loophole. The results of this study enter a rich literature on the study of public goods and warm glow motivations for private provision of public goods and other pro-social behaviors. For example, a closely related literature focuses on the donation of blood and investigates whether incentives for donation can cause a “crowding out” that might lead to less donation overall. The work has generally found that incentives increase donations without leading to a decrease in blood quality (see Mellstrom and Johannesson 2008; Lacetera and Macis 2010a,b; Lacetera, Macis and Slonim 2012).7 We find that subjects’ decisions are substantially influenced by the choices of other subjects to donate or take the loophole, particularly when those choices are observed. This relates to a vast literature on social information and conditional cooperation in public goods games, with results that span both the laboratory and the field [INSERT CITATIONS HERE.] While this paper investigates priority systems and how they can be undermined through loopholes in implementation, there are number of strategies beyond providing priority on organ donor waiting lists that might be employed to increase the number of individuals who register as organ donors or make donations of organs while living. One approach that has been heavily advocated is to change the way individuals are asked to register, for example by switching from an opt-in protocol — in which individuals check a box to register and leave it blank not to register — to a mandated choice protocol where individuals must choose between joining the registry or not joining the registry (see 7 For evidence of crowding out in other contexts, see [INSERT CITATIONS HERE]. 7 Thaler and Sunstein 2008).8 Another approach is to facilitate kidney exchange, in which incompatible patient-donor pairs are matched. This process finds compatible patientdonor pairs where, for example, donor A gives a kidney to donor B’s patient while donor B gives a kidney to donor A’s patient (Roth, Sonmez and Unver 2004, 2005a,b, 2007; Roth et al. 2006; Saidman et al. 2006).9 Results from our paper demonstrate that along with these other strategies, allocation policy may be a powerful tool to increase the number of deceased donor organs that are made available for transplantation. In particular, providing priority on organ waiting lists for registered donors has the potential to increase the number of registrations, but how such allocation rules are implemented can make a significant difference on their effectiveness. Introducing loopholes that allow individuals to receive priority without the potential to ever be a donor can undermine the benefits of the priority system and could actually be worse than no priority allocation system at all. II. Experimental Design In the experiment, subjects played a game modeled on the decision to register as an organ donor. In the experiment, registering to be an organ donor always makes organ available when the health outcome allows it, and so we refer to the decision to register in the experiment as “donating”. In the instructions to subjects, the experiment was described in abstract terms rather than in terms of organs. Subjects started each round with one “A unit” (representing a brain)10 and two “B units” (representing two kidneys).11 8 This policy change has been implemented in Great Britain as well as a number of U.S. states, including Illinois and California (New York State just passed legislation to implement mandated choice in 2012). Recent research, however, suggests that changing the way individuals are asked to register can have a perverse effect on total donations, particularly from the next of kin of unregistered donors. In particular, individuals seem to treat the desire not to join the registry under mandated choice as more sacrosanct than failing to opt-in to the registry (Kessler and Roth 2013). 9 New institutions have been formed to organize these exchanges and to create chains of donation that start with a single undirected donor (see Roth et al 2006 and Ashlagi et al 2011). As a consequence there have been over 2000 transplants due to kidney exchange since 2004 according to data reported to the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (see 10 Under laws that require heart death for organs to be recovered, an “A unit” could represent a heart. 8 Each round of the game, the subject is endowed with $6, an A unit, and two B units. Each round, the subject must decide whether to pay a cost of donation which makes their B units available to others if their health outcome allows it (i.e. if they have A-unit failure). Subjects are randomly assigned a cost of donation — either $0.50 or $4.00, kept constant for the subject for the entire study — that is paid regardless of whether the subject has A-unit failure.12 In each round, the subject then observes his health outcome. Each subject either has B-unit failure (i.e. both B units fail and so the subject needs a B unit) or has A-unit failure in which case his B units are given to those with B-unit failure if he previously paid the cost of donation.13 Subjects play in a fixed group of 8 players and are told that in each round, 2 of the 8 will be randomly selected to have A-unit failure (and thus the probability of A-unit failure is 25%) and that the other 6 will have B-unit failure (and thus the probability of B-unit failure is 75%). In each round, 0, 2, or 4 B-units are made available — depending on whether neither, one, or both subjects who ended up with Aunit failure paid the cost to register as a donor. Consequently, either 0, 2, or 4 of the 6 players with B-unit failure each received one B-unit in a round. Subjects with B-unit failure who receive a B-unit from another player earn an additional $4 in the round. Subjects with A-unit failure and subjects with B-unit failure who did not receive a B unit from another player did not earn any additional money in that round (for these subjects round earnings were their initial $6 minus their cost of donation if it had been paid). Since there are always two subjects with A-unit failure and six subjects with B-unit failure, a subject who pays the cost of donation and has A-unit failure always provides B units to two individuals who would not otherwise receive a B 11 The design of the game bears similarities to the game in Kessler and Roth (2012) with some simplifications to the implementation and some different parameters. Consequently, our first result will be to replicate the results in Kessler and Roth (2012) to show this game generates the same pattern of behavior. 12 Note that we are modeling the cost of organ donation as a cost of registering to be a donor rather than of actually donating. Deceased donation occurs after death, when we generally assume that utility flows stop and an individual no longer incurs costs or benefits. We are implicitly assuming the costs of registering as an organ donor are psychological costs. 13 As noted above, subjects were always asked for their donation decision before they learned their health outcome. That is, they had to decide whether to pay the cost of donation before they know whether they have A-unit failure (in which case their B-units would be given to other subjects) or B-unit failure (in which case their B-units would be useless). 9 units and that those individuals will each earn $4 from the donation. Consequently, each subject can calculate that paying the cost of donation generates expected earnings of $2.00 for other subjects — there is a 25% chance the donor will give away 2 B units that each generate $4.00 of for another subject in the group. The experimental design varied the organ allocation rules and the amount of information provided to subjects. There were three different allocation conditions and two different information conditions, generating six different treatments in a 3x2 design. We will first describe the organ allocation conditions and then the information conditions. The organ allocation conditions differed in how B units were allocated to subjects with B-unit failure. In the control condition, any available B units were assigned randomly to the subjects with B-unit failure, with all subjects with B-unit failure being equally likely to receive a B unit. The control condition models the first-come first-served waiting list system in the United States with subjects arriving onto the waiting list in a random order and a limited number of organs available. Each round, the subject was reminded of his cost of donation and then asked to choose between two options: “Yes, I want to donate my B units” or “No, I do not want to donate my B units.” In the priority condition, subjects who had paid the cost of donation but ended up needing a B unit received priority for available B units. Subjects who paid the cost of donation and had B-unit failure were in a priority group, and any available B units were randomly assigned among subjects in the priority group, with each subject in that priority group being equally likely to receive a B unit. Only if all of the subjects in this priority group received a B unit were any B units distributed to the subjects with B-unit failure who did not pay the cost of donation. In this case, any remaining B units were randomly assigned to subjects with B-unit failure who did not pay the cost of donation, with each of these subjects being equally likely to receive one of the remaining B units. This is a very extreme form of priority in that no subject without priority ever receives a B unit unless all those subjects with priority who need a B unit have received one. Each round the subject was reminded of his cost of donation and then asked to choose between two options: “Yes, I want to donate my B units and receive priority for a B unit if I need one” or “No, I do not want to donate my B units.” 10 In the loophole condition, organs were assigned as in the priority condition, but subjects could join the priority group either by paying the cost of donating or by asking to receive priority without paying the cost of donation. Each round, subjects were reminded about their cost of donation and chose between three options, the two in the priority condition along with “No, I do not want to donate my B units, but I do want to receive priority for a B unit if I need one.” Throughout the paper, we refer to this latter option as receiving priority by taking advantage of a loophole (or just “taking the loophole”). In addition to varying the organ allocation conditions, the experiment also varied the information provided to subjects about the costs and decisions of other subjects in their group. In the low information conditions, subjects only knew their own cost of donation and (in each round) whether they had B-unit failure and, if so, whether they received a B unit. The low information conditions were meant to provide noisy feedback with regard to the number of registered donors and the number of people taking advantage of the loophole: participants could only infer this from their own experience of receiving B units when theirs failed. It is easy to imagine policy makers being opaque about these statistics, making it difficult for individuals to learn about the true numbers. In the high information conditions, subjects were also told the costs of the other subjects in their group and (in each round) the number of group members who paid the cost of donation and how many took advantage of the loophole when it was available. The high information conditions were meant to model a world in which policy makers provide more precise information about the number of people who register as donors and those who take advantage of the loophole when it is available. Figure 2 shows the six treatments in the 3x2 design. Subjects stayed in the same information condition (either low information or high information) for the entire study but played in two different organ allocation conditions. Subjects were not told how many rounds of the game they would play, but after their group had played 15 rounds in one of the condition, subjects were informed that the rules of the game had changed and changes were explained, and the group played 15 rounds in another organ allocation condition. Each session had 16 subjects who played in one of two fixed groups, and both groups in a session played in the same order of conditions so instructions could be read aloud. 11 Figure 2: The 3x2 Experimental Design Organ Allocation Condition Information Condition 3x2 Design Control Priority Loophole Low Control, Low Info Priority, Low Info Loophole, Low Info High Control, High Info Priority, High Info Loophole, High Info After all rounds had been played, subjects were informed of the round that had been randomly selected for payment and all subjects were paid their earnings from that round in cash along with a $10 show-up fee. III. Experimental Results This paper reports results from 608 subjects who participated in one of 38 sessions run at the Wharton Behavioral Lab during the fall of 2012. Subjects were college students who participated for one hour. Each of the subjects played 30 rounds of the game and made decisions anonymously. Average earnings were $16.62 per subject, including a $10 show up fee. The experiment was conducted using z-Tree 3.2.8 (Fischbacher 2007). As explained in the previous section, subjects played in either the low information or high information condition. In that information condition, each group of 8 subjects first played 15 rounds in one organ allocation condition (either Control, Priority, or Loophole) followed by 15 rounds in another organ allocation condition. Since subjects started in one of the three conditions and then switched to one of the other two, there are six possible organ allocation condition orders. Table 2 shows the number of sessions, groups, and subjects who participated in each order of the conditions under low information and under high information. Table 2: Number of Sessions, Groups, and Subjects in Each Treatment Order Organ Allocation Condition Order Control, Priority Control, Loophole Priority, Control Priority, Loophole Loophole, Control Loophole, Priority 12 4 sessions Low (8 groups, Information 64 Ss) 4 sessions High (8 groups, Information 64 Ss) 4 sessions (8 groups, 64 Ss) 3 sessions (6 groups, 48 Ss) 3 sessions (6 groups, 48 Ss) 4 sessions (8 groups, 64 Ss) 3 sessions (6 groups, 48 Ss) 2 sessions (4 groups, 32 Ss) 3 sessions (6 groups, 48 Ss) 2 sessions (4 groups, 32 Ss) 3 sessions (6 groups, 48 Ss) 3 sessions (6 groups, 48 Ss) The main result of interest is the number of subjects who pay the cost of donation and make their B units available to others in the event of A-unit failure. Figure 3 displays the results on the probability that subjects pay the cost of donation across all the treatments. The top panel, Panel A, displays the data from subjects playing in the low information conditions. The bottom panel, Panel B, displays the data from subjects playing in the high information conditions. Notice that in each panel, the data lines are broken after round 15. This gap is to indicate that different groups comprise the data in Round 1-15 and Round 16-30 for each organ allocation condition. The following subsections will analyze the data presented in Figure 3. 13 Figure 3: Probability of Donation by Condition and Round 0.9 Panel A: Low Information Condition Percent of Subjects Who Donate 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Round Control (Low Info) Priority (Low Info) Loophole (Low Info) 0.9 Panel B: High Information Condition Percent of Subjects Who Donate 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Round Control (High Info) Priority (High Info) Loophole (High Info) Lines broken to indicate that different groups make up date for Rounds 1-15 and for 16-30 14 IV.1. Priority The most striking result visible in Figure 3 is that subjects playing under the priority allocation rule are much more likely to pay the cost of donation than in the control condition without an incentive to donate.14 Combining data from the high and low information conditions, the donation rate across all subjects is 69.3% in the priority condition and 40.9% in the control condition.15 This 28.4 percentage point difference represents a 70% increase in the donation rate. Result 1: The priority allocation rule increases donation rates, the likelihood of receiving a B unit, and earnings There are two ways in which the priority allocation rule impacts the donation of subjects. First, there is an immediate response in terms of the number of individuals who donate even in the first round that priority is introduced (in either round 1 or round 16, 432 observations and 416 observations respectively, p<0.01 for both tests, data clustered at group level for round 16 test). In addition, groups playing under a priority allocation rule are less likely to see a decline in donation rate over the 15 rounds they play in the priority condition than in the other two conditions. This can be seen in Figure 3 and confirmed in regression analysis in Table 3. Across all specifications, Table 3 displays a significant coefficient on Rounds played in condition, a variable that takes a value of 0 to 14 and denotes the number of previous rounds subjects have played in that condition. That Rounds played in condition it is negative demonstrates the standard decrease in contribution routinely observed in public good games in the control conditions of our experiment. Additional results from Table 3 demonstrate the two effects of the priority allocation rule noted above. First, the coefficient on Priority is positive and significant, 14 Here we replicate the result from Kessler and Roth (2012). Even in this slightly different game, a priority allocation rule substantially increases the probability of donation. 15 There are no statistically significant differences in donation between the information conditions for any of the allocation conditions, so we pool high and low information conditions for some analysis. 15 indicating that subjects are much more likely to donate in their first round in the priority condition than in the control condition. Second, the coefficient on Priority* Rounds played in condition is positive and significant, indicating that contribution in the priority condition declines much more slowly than in the control condition. While in control condition the probability of donation decreases by 1.2% to 1.4% per period, in the priority condition the decrease is only 0.3% to 0.5% per period. Consequently, the difference between the donation rate in the priority condition and the donation rate in the control condition grows as subjects have more experience in the condition. Regressions (1) and (2) analyze data from the first 15 rounds, when subjects have only had experience with one condition, and generates the same pattern of results as Regressions (3) and (4) that analyze data from all 30 rounds. Regressions (2) and (4) control for Info — indicating that data came from the high information conditions — and include interactions with Info. None of these are significant, demonstrating that these results are similar for both the low information and high information conditions. 16 Table 3: Organ Registration By Condition and Round Donation (0 or 1) Linear Probability Model (OLS) Rounds played in condition Priority Priority* Rounds played in condition Loophole Loophole* Rounds played in condition Info Info*Priority Info*Priority* Rounds played in condition Info*Loophole Info*Loophole* Rounds played in condition Last 15 rounds Cost Constant Observations Clusters R-squared First 15 Rounds (1) (2) -0.014*** -0.014*** (0.002) (0.002) 0.215*** 0.199*** (0.035) (0.046) 0.010*** 0.009*** (0.003) (0.003) -0.055 -0.015 (0.036) (0.043) -0.001 -0.001 (0.003) (0.003) 0.020 (0.045) 0.028 (0.066) 0.003 (0.003) -0.088 (0.066) 0.001 (0.005) -0.121*** (0.007) 0.713*** (0.028) -0.121*** (0.007) 0.704*** (0.031) 9120 76 0.23 9120 76 0.24 All 30 Rounds (3) (4) -0.012*** -0.012*** (0.002) (0.002) 0.228*** 0.254*** (0.023) (0.029) 0.009*** 0.008*** (0.002) (0.002) -0.053** -0.035 (0.024) (0.032) 0.001 0.002 (0.002) (0.002) 0.020 (0.035) -0.052 (0.040) 0.001 (0.002) -0.044 (0.043) -0.002 (0.004) -0.071*** -0.072*** (0.015) (0.015) -0.129*** -0.129*** (0.006) (0.006) 0.702*** 0.692*** (0.023) (0.028) 18240 76 0.25 18240 76 0.25 Robust standard errors clustered by group are in parentheses: * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%, *** significant at 1%. Rounds played in condition takes values 0 to 14 for the number of previous rounds the subject has played in that condition. Priority and Loophole indicate organ allocation condition and test for differences from the control condition Info indicates the data is from the high information conditions and interactions with Info test for differences between the low information conditions and high information conditions. Cost indicates the subject has the high cost of donation. Last 15 rounds indicates that the data is from the second set of 15 rounds of the game. 17 Table 4 combines the immediate difference in contribution in the priority condition and the differential changes in donation rate over play in a condition to test for the average effect of priority over all rounds. Table 4 controls flexibly for round of the experiment by including round dummies. Table 4: Organ Registration By Condition Donation (0 or 1) Linear Probability Model (OLS) Priority Loophole Info Info*Priority Info*Loophole Cost First 15 Rounds (1) (2) 0.288*** 0.262*** (0.031) (0.041) -0.061* -0.024 (0.035) (0.047) 0.020 (0.045) 0.050 (0.061) -0.082 (0.067) -0.121*** -0.121*** (0.007) (0.007) All 30 Rounds (3) (4) 0.291*** 0.312*** (0.020) (0.024) -0.045** -0.017 (0.022) (0.028) 0.020 (0.035) -0.043 (0.040) -0.061 (0.043) -0.129*** -0.129*** (0.006) (0.006) Round Dummies Yes Yes Yes Yes Observations Clusters R-squared 9120 76 0.23 9120 76 0.24 18240 76 0.25 18240 76 0.25 Robust standard errors clustered by group are in parentheses: * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%, *** significant at 1%. Priority and Loophole indicate organ allocation condition and test for differences from the control condition. Info indicates the data is from the high information conditions and interactions with Info test for differences between the low information conditions and high information conditions. Cost indicates the subject has the high cost of donation. Round dummies include a dummy for each round of the game. Results from Table 4 confirm the magnitude of the priory allocation rule. The priority rule increases the probability of donation by approximately 29 percentage points over the control condition. Since two subjects from each group are randomly chosen to have A-unit failure, the increase in the donation rate from the priority rule has a direct effect on the number of B-units that are made available. Table 5 pools data from the high and low information conditions and shows — in addition to the donation rates — the 18 average number of B units that are made available, the percentage of subjects with B-unit failure who receive a B unit, and average earnings by treatment. The priority condtion generates 2.80 B units per period, which is a 70% increase over the 1.65 B units generated in the control condition (the differnece is statistically significant, p<0.01, data clustered at group level). The same pattern immerges for probability of receiving a B unit and earnings (p<0.01 for both tests, data clustered at group level). Donation Rate Number of B Units available Percent who get B Unit when needed Earnings Table 5: Outcomes by Treatment Control Priority Loophole 40.9% 69.3%*** 35.9%** 1.65 2.80*** 1.49 27.5% 46.6%*** 24.9% $6.50 $6.87*** $6.46 This table pools data from the high and low information conditions over all 30 rounds. Stars in Priority and Loophole conditions indicate a statistically significant difference from the Control condition, robust standard errors clustered at group level: * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%, *** significant at 1%. While the priority condition has a large positive effect on donation, the availability of B units, and earnings, the results in Table 5 mask two countervailing effects on subject outcomes. The introduction of priority affects the low cost donors (those who must pay $0.50 to donate) and the high cost donors (those who must pay $4.00 to donate) differently. Table 6 pools over information condition and shows the donation rate, the percentage of subjects with B-unit failure who receive a B unit, and average earnings by treatment and cost of donation. While the low cost subjects see a large increase in the probabilty of receiting a B unit and in earnings, the high cost subjects see a decrease in the percent who receive a B unit and in earnings. These positive effects for low cost donors and negative effects for high cost donors between the priority condition and the control condition are statically significant (p<0.01 for all tests, data clustered at group level). 19 Table 6: Outcomes by Cost and Treatment Cost = $0.50 Control Priority Loophole Cost = $4.00 Control Priority Loophole Donation Rate 50.1% 85.5%*** 43.8%** 13.1% 20.6%*** 12.0% Percent who get B Unit when needed 26.2% 55.5%*** 24.5% 31.3% 20.1%*** 25.9% Earnings $6.54 $7.24*** $6.51 $6.40 $5.78*** $6.32 This table pools data from the high and low information conditions. Stars in Priority and Loophole conditions indicate a statistically significant difference from the Control condition, robust standard errors clustered at group level: * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%, *** significant at 1%. It is straightforward to see why the priority allocation rule would have a differential effect on the low cost and high cost donors. The priority allocation rule rewards individuals who paid the cost of donation with a higher likelihood of receiving a B unit and the accompanying extra earnings. Since this incentive induces significantly more donors who are low cost (only 20.6% of high cost subjects donate in the priority as compared to 85.5% of low cost subjects) high cost donors are more often in the lower priority class and less likely to receive a B unit. The priority rule, while generating more donors and increasing overall efficiency generates inequality between low cost donors — for whom priority makes outcomes substantially better — and high cost donors — for whom priority makes outcomes substantially worse. While the net effect is positive, the inequality might still be a concern to policy makers. A policy maker who wants to mitigate this inequality might be tempted to provide a way for high cost donors to avoid the harsh outcome associated with the priority system, for example by providing a loophole for them — a way for high cost donors to receive priority without donating. In practice, however, the cost of donation is not observable, and so such a loophole would have to be available to everyone. In the next section we investigate the effect of introducing the loophole into the priority allocation system. Of course, a priority allocation system might have loopholes that were not explicitly designed by policy makers for any particular end. Loopholes may arise by accident due to the institutional details of the policy. Our loophole condition 20 does not distinguish between the reasons that the loophole exists but rather investigates how such a loophole affects donation when it is available. IV.2. Loophole What is the effect of adding a loophole to the priority allocation rule? We can see immediately from Figure 3 that having a loophole in the priority allocation system eliminates the increase in donation induced by priority. These results are statistically significant as shown in the results in Table 4. The Loophole coefficient has a negative sign for all specifications, indicating that not only are the donation rates in the loophole conditions less than in the priority conditions (tests of whether the coefficient on Priority is equal to the coefficient on Loophole are all rejected with p<0.01, data clustered at group level) they are also at least directionally less than the donation rates in the control condition. Consequently, the loophole has completely eliminated the beneficial effect of priority. Result 2: The loophole eliminates the increase in donation generated by the priority allocation rule Why is the loophole condition is leading to such a vast decrease in decrease in donation? Table 7 shows the choices subjects make in the loophole condition broken down by information and cost of donation. Subjects overwhelming take advantage of the loophole when it is available. Among the low cost subjects, for whom donation only costs $0.50, the majority of actions are take advantage of the loophole. Only 2.5% of actions of low cost subject are to not donate and not take the loophole. For high cost donors the vast majority of actions are to take the loophole without donating (75% under high information and 83% under low information). Averaging across high and low cost subjects and both high and low information conditions, only 4% of actions are subjects who choose neither to donate nor to take priority without donating. Put another way, averaging across rounds, 96% of subjects in the loophole condition have priority.16 16 While rates of not donating and not asking for priority are quite low, 74 of the 368 subjects (20%) who play in the loophole allocation condition take that action at least once. 21 Table 7: Choices In the Loophole Condition Low Information Condition Cost = $0.50 Cost = $4.00 High Information Condition Cost = $0.50 Cost = $4.00 Donate 46.03% 12.05% 41.00% 11.83% Do Not Donate 2.52% 4.74% 2.50% 13.17% Take Loophole 51.45% 83.21% 56.50% 75.00% Looking back at Table 5, we can see that introducing the loophole also eliminates the gains in the B units available and earnings associated with the priority rule. The percent of subjects with B-unit failure who get a B unit has fallen back to 24.9% and earnings are down to $6.46. Both of these are statistically smaller than the results from the priority condition (p<0.01, data clustered at group level) and statistically indistinguishable from their counterpart results the control condition. The introduction of the loophole also eliminates the inequality generated by the priority allocation rule. Looking at Table 6, we see that in the loophole condition the percent of subjects with Bunit failure who get a B unit and earnings are back to control condition levels for both the low cost ($0.50) and high cost ($4.00) donors.17 Another striking fact that can be seen in results from Tables 4, 5 and 6 is an additional effect of introducing the loophole to the priority allocation rule. Namely, donation rates are lower in the loophole condition than in the control condition. The coefficient on Loophole is negative in Table 4 and the donation rate in the loophole condition is sometimes significantly different from the donation rate in the control condition in Tables 5 and 6. The difference is statistically significant when pooling all the data in the experiment, for example in Regression (3) of Table 4 and in the first row of Table 5. Subjects in the loophole condition are significantly less likely to donate than subjects in the control condition. Breaking down the data by information condition, as in 17 The loophole condition results on percent who get a B unit and earnings are statistically different from the priority condition results for both the low and high costs donors (p<0.01 for all tests except the probability of getting a B unit among high cost donors where p<0.05, data clustered at group level). 22 Table 8, we see that this negative effect of the loophole is statistically significantly negative for the high information condition and only directionally significant for the low information condition. Priority Loophole Cost Round Dummies Observations Clusters R-squared Table 8: Organ Registration By Condition Donation (0 or 1) Linear Probability Model (OLS) First 15 Rounds All 30 Rounds Low High Low High Information Information Information Information (1) (2) (4) (5) 0.262*** 0.312*** 0.310*** 0.271*** (0.041) (0.045) (0.025) (0.031) -0.024 -0.106** -0.020 -0.077** (0.048) (0.048) (0.029) (0.033) -0.120*** -0.123*** -0.130*** -0.127*** (0.010) (0.010) (0.008) (0.009) Yes Yes Yes Yes 4800 40 0.21 4320 36 0.27 9600 40 0.26 8640 36 0.26 Robust standard errors clustered by group are in parentheses: * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%, *** significant at 1%. Priority and Loophole indicate organ allocation condition and test for differences from the control condition. Info indicates the data is from the high information conditions and interactions with Info test for differences between the low information conditions and high information conditions. Cost indicates the subject has the high cost of donation. Round dummies include a dummy for each round of the game. Result 3: In the high information condition, subjects are less likely to donate in the loophole condition than the control condition It is worth noting that do not get a significant interaction between the high and low information conditions when comparing the loophole condition to the control condition, as can be seen in Regressions (2) and (4) of Table 4, in which Info*Loophole is not statistically significantly less than 0.18 However, we do get an interaction between the 18 One reason that we do not get a significant interaction between high and low information and the priority and control conditions is that in the presence of low information, the loophole generates directionally less donation than the control condition. 23 high cost and low cost conditions when comparing the loophole to the priority condition in the first 15 rounds — before subjects have experienced any other treatments. As can been seen in Figure 5, which shows donation rates for priority and loophole by information condition in the first 15 rounds, the interaction is partly driven by the higher donation rates in priority under high information than under low information (76.9% in the high information condition and 69.9% in the low information condition, p<0.1 clustered at group level). In addition, the donation rate in the loophole condition is directionally lower under high information than under low information. When combined, this leads to a significantly negative interaction. Adding the loophole to the priority rule is significantly more damaging under high information than under low information. Under high information the donation rates drops from 76.9% under priority to 35.1% under loophole (41.8 percentage points) whereas under low information the donation rate drops from 69.9% under priority to 41.3% under loophole (28.6 percentage points). The interaction term reflects a 13.2 difference in difference in donation rates, p<0.05 clustered at group level). Figure 5: Priority and Loophole for First 15 Rounds Percent of Subjects Who Donate 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Priority (High Info) Priority (Low Info) 6 7 8 9 Round 10 11 12 13 14 15 Loophole (High Info) Loophole (Low Info) 24 The lower donation rates in the loophole condition than the control condition indicate that subjects who would have donated due to warm glow choose not to donate when there is a loophole in the priority allocation system. This result motivates the title of our paper, since the introduction of the loophole generates a deterioration of warm glow giving. Why is there a decrease in in warm glow giving in the loophole condition and why is it particularly strong in the high information condition? First, at the start play (i.e. rounds 1 and 16) donation rates are directionally lower in the loophole condition than in the control condition, as can be seen in Figure 3. In addition, there are dynamic effects that reinforce the immediate effects in the donation rates and are more pronounced in the high information condition. When provided with extra information in the high information treatments, subjects are better able to condition their behavior on the behavior of others. In particular, they respond by withholding donation when they observe others taking advantage of the loophole in the previous round. Result 4: In the high information loophole treatment, subjects respond to the number of people who take advantage of the loophole in the previous round Table 9 shows regression results investigating the probability of donation within the loophole conditions. All regressions have fixed effects to control for a subject’s general proclivity to donte. Regression specifications in Table 9 therefore investigate how outcomes from the previous round of our game influence a subject’s choice in the current round. The regressions all include a control for whether a subject received a B-unit in the previous round. In the low information conditions this is the only signal a subject gets about the choices of the others in his group. In the low information condition, the coefficient Others took loopholet-1, the number of other subjects who took the loophole in the previous round, is small and insignificant. This result is not suprising given that we have controlled for whether the subject got a B unit in the previous round, which is the only signal that a subject gets about the behavior of his group members in the low information conditions. 25 However, the interaction Info*Others took loopholet-1 is large, negative and significant, demonstrating that in the high information condition, subjects are much less likely to donate in the current round the more people in their group they observed taking the loophole in the previous round. This result holds when looking at the first 15 rounds in Regression (1) or all 30 regressions in Regression (4). Comparing the coefficent on Info*Others took loopholet-1 to the coefficient on B unitt-1 gives a sense of the magnitude of the effect. For each other group member who is observed to take the loophole in the high information condition, the probability an individual donates in the following round decreases by about 3%. Similarly when an individual receives a B unit in the previous round, the probability he donates increases by about 3%. Observing one fewer person take the loophole has an equivalent effect on donation of getting a B-unit in the previous round. The negative effect on the number of other group members who took the loophole persists when we focus on the six members of each group who have low cost of donation (i.e. $0.50), both in the first 15 rounds in Regression (2) and in all 30 rounds in Regression (5). This group of subjects is of particular interest since they are more likely to contribute than the subjects with a high cost of donation and so we are more likely to observe a response in their donation rates to the actions of others. In addition, by focusing on this group of subjects, we can test an additional hypothesis: in the high informaton codntion that these subjects respond disconitnuously to the number of other group memebrs who take advantage of the loophole. Namely, we expect these subjects to respond differently when they learn that more than 2 other subjects took advantage of the loophole. Why might we expect subjects to behave differently to the first two 2 subjects who take the loophole? Because there are exactly 2 high cost donors in each group. While subjects only see the numebr of subjects who took advantage of the loophole, they may repond more strongly to the third other person who takes advantage of the loophole since it guarantees that at least one low cost subject — i.e. someone just like them — is taking advantage of the loophole. Focusing on the first 15 rounds, in Regression (3), and looking at all 30 rounds in Regression (6), we see that there is a sharp change in the effect of the loophole when moving from 2 subjects taking the loophole to 3 subjects taking the 26 loophole. In Regression (3), an F-test confirms that the coefficeint on Info*(3 Others took loopholet-1) is statistically significantly smaller than Info*(2 Others took loopholet-1) with p<0.05. No other binary comparisons between adjacent coefficients are statistically significantly different in Regression (3).19 These results suggest that subjects respsond with less doantion when they observe other subjects taking advantage of the loophole in the high information condition, and the low cost subjects respond particularly strongly to the knowledge that other low cost subjects are taking advantage of the loophole. 19 In Regression (5) the magnitude on Info*(3 Others took loopholet-1) is over twice as large as Info*(2 Others took loopholet-1) although the difference is not statistically significant. 27 Others took loopholet-1 Info*Others took loopholet-1 Info*(1 Other took loopholet-1) Info*(2 Others took loopholet-1) Info*(3 Others took loopholet-1) Info*(4 Others took loopholet-1) Info*(5 Others took loopholet-1) Info*(6 Others took loopholet-1) Info*(7 Others took loopholet-1) B unitt-1 Info*B unitt-1 Table 9: Donation in the Loophole Condition Donation (0 or 1) Linear Probability Model (OLS) First 15 Rounds All 30 Rounds All Cost = $0.50 All Cost = $0.50 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.007 0.007 0.007 (0.010) (0.010) (0.010) (0.006) (0.008) (0.007) -0.037*** (0.011) 0.024 (0.022) 0.008 (0.038) -0.042** (0.015) 0.025 (0.032) 0.043 (0.044) -0.034*** (0.009) -0.002 (0.033) -0.037 (0.038) -0.159*** (0.051) -0.163*** (0.045) -0.189*** (0.057) -0.238*** (0.080) -0.386** (0.166) 0.025 (0.032) 0.044 (0.045) 0.032** (0.015) 0.004 (0.028) -0.039*** (0.011) 0.036* (0.020) 0.026 (0.031) -0.040 (0.052) -0.046 (0.030) -0.102** (0.050) -0.121*** (0.043) -0.120** (0.051) -0.233*** (0.067) -0.312*** (0.084) 0.036* (0.020) 0.024 (0.031) Rounds Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Dummies Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Observations 2464 1848 1848 5152 3864 3864 Subjects 176 132 132 368 276 276 Clusters 22 22 22 46 46 46 R-squared 0.21 0.02 0.02 0.27 0.01 0.01 Robust standard errors clustered by group are in parentheses: * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%, *** significant at 1%. Others took loopholet-1 is the number of other subjects who took the loophole in the previous round. Info indicates the data is from the high information conditions and interactions with Info test for differences between the low information conditions and high information conditions. B unitt-1 indicates that a subject received a B unit in the previous round. Round dummies include a dummy for each round of the game. All regressions exclude round 1 data and Regressions (4), (5), and (6) also exclude round 16 data for which there is no previous round behavior in that condition to observe. 28 IV. Discussion In our experiment, the introduction of the priority rule generates a significant increase in the number of donors, which was accompanied by more B units being made available and higher earnings overall. Adding a loophole to the priority system, as is allowed in the implementation of the Israeli system, completely undermined the beneficial effect of priority. In fact, when information about the takeup of the loophole option was provided, the existence of the loophole had an additional effect of “poisoning the pool,” undermining warm glow giving and leading to fewer donations under the loophole condition than in the control condition without a priority rule. That the priority rule is effective at increasing donation rates above the first-come first-served policy in the control condition may be somewhat unsurprising given that donation in the control condition relies completely on pro-social inclination. Subjects in the control condition do not have a monetary incentive to register as an organ donor since their donation does not impact their probability of receiving a B unit. Instead, those who donate may feel an altruistic or warm glow motivation to do so. Under the parameters of the experiment, registering as an organ donor generates $2.00 in expected earnings for other subjects (with a 25% probability a donor will have A-unit failure and give a B unit to two subjects who will earn an addition $4.00). Consequently, we might expect some subjects to be organ donors in the control condition, particularly those with costs of $0.50 for whom donation is socially efficient. Inspired by Andreoni (1990) we call these donors warm glow donors. The priority rule introduces an incentive for an individual to donate as it puts the donor in a priority class with a higher likelihood of receiving a B unit in the event of Bunit failure. Given the monetary payoffs in the game, there is an equilibrium in which all low cost subjects donate in the priority condition. Assuming all other low cost subjects donate, the expected benefit of having priority is $1.52, which is well above the $0.50 cost of donation.20 Of course, there is always an equilibrium in which no one donates, 20 The calculation of the value of priority and the existence of the equilibrium is outlined here. We assume that all other low-cost subjects donate, and that neither of the high-cost subjects donate, and determine whether the last low-cost donor wants to donate. With probability 0.25 the subject has A-unit failure and there is no benefit to having priority. Conditional on having B-unit failure, there are three possible outcomes that need to be considered: (1) both A-unit failures are 29 since priority has no value to a lone donor — he can never give a B unit to himself. While providing an incentive for individuals to donate may crowd out intrinsic motivation for donation from warm glow donors (as has been suggested in other contexts by [INSERT CITES see Titmuss 1970?, Gneezy and Rustichini 2000, Benabou and Tirole 2006, etc.], the incentive from the priority rule generates a significant motivation to donate that leads to more donation. In our study, the priority allocation rule harms high cost donors while substantially improving outcomes for the low cost donors. One might think such inequality is reasonable or even fair. Those with high costs of donation are much less likely to provide the public good by donating their B units and so they should be less likely to receive a benefit from the public good themselves (see Lavee and Brock 2012). Alternatively, one might think that if costs are exogenously imposed, policy makers should try to eliminate the inequity that comes from the differing costs of donation rather than exacerbating them. For example, the inequality induced by the priority rule might be particularly disconcerting if the high cost of donation comes as a result of religious beliefs about which we do not want to discriminate.21 A policy maker who wanted to mitigate this inequality might imagine giving high cost donors a way of receiving priority without paying their substantial costs of donation, for example a loophole that allows them to receive priority without donating. The check box on the Israeli organ donor card, which asks for the family of the deceased consult a clergyman before donation, may serve the purpose of providing a loophole for high cost donors for whom religious beliefs warrant a second option on whether death has high-cost players, which occurs with probability (2/7*1/6) = 2/42, and generates 0 value to priority; (2) one A-unit failure is a low-cost player, which occurs with probability (2*2/7*5/6) = 20/42, and generates a value of priority of $4*(2/5 – 0) = $1.60, since having priority puts the subject in the pool for 2 B units with the 4 other low cost donors; (3) both A-unit failures are lowcost donors, which occurs with probability (5/7*4/6) = 20/42, and generates value to priority of $4*(1 – 1/3) = $2.67 since having priority secures one of the four B units for sure rather than having a 1/3 chance of getting the B unit in the non-priority pool. The total expected benefit to priority is 0.75*(2/42*$0 + 20/42*$1.60 + 20/42*$2.67) = $1.52. Notice that the high-cost players never donate in equilibrium, since their cost of donation is $4.00, while the benefit of getting a B unit is $4.00 and so the expected benefit of having priority is always less than $4.00. 21 Whether religious beliefs are a choice or are exogenously imposed (and whether we should let our opinions on that matter influence how we think about the inequality induced by a priority rule) are well beyond the scope of this paper. 30 occurred. However, since there is no way to distinguish high and low cost donors, the loophole (or in this case the check box on the donor card) is available to everyone. Here we explicitly experiment with a loophole option in a priority allocation rule. We find that if it is available, those with both low costs and high costs of donation take advantage of the loophole — only 4% of actions in the loophole condition were subjects who did not donate and did not take the loophole. This ubiquitous use of the loophole among non-donors completely eliminated any potential efficiency gain from priority. In addition, when a loophole is available and individuals are provided with information about the use of the loophole, donation levels are below what they would have been in the absence of a priority system. The introduction of a loophole undermines the warm glow giving that would have taken place otherwise, particularly when subjects are informed about others donation decisions, leading to significantly worse outcomes overall. Results from the high information conditions suggest that the one reason for this decrease in warm glow giving is that low costs subjects respond by withholding donation when they see people take advantage of the loophole. This effect is particularly strong when subjects see more than two people take advantage of the loophole, suggesting that at least one low cost subject was doing so. This response to the number of group members who took the loophole is supportive of — but importantly different from — results about conditional cooperation showing that subjects are more likely to contribute to public goods when others contribute [INSERT CITES]. It is also supportive of but distinct from the argument in Lavee et al (2010) that organ donation rates in Israel were historically low because of the presence of free riders. By looking at use of a loophole in a priority organ allocation system, we can investigate a special case in which subjects not only observe subjects who fail to contribute but rather take a actions that specifically undermines a system that is designed to benefit contributors. Even though incentives in the loophole condition incentives are identical to the control condition so long as everyone who does not donate takes the loophole,22 we see 22 To see this note that if everyone in a group either pays the cost of donation or takes advantage of the loophole, then the loophole condition operates exactly like the control condition. The two outcomes would be identical since all subjects would have the same likelihood of receiving a B 31 that subjects respond differently to the priority system with the loophole than to the control condition. To take advantage of the loophole available in the Israeli system requires an individual to sign a donor card to receive priority with the specific intention of having that donation revoked if ever in a position to donate. There are additional issues and psychological costs that may arise by taking advantage of a loophole in this way, for example individuals may feel like they have made a promise (see [INSERT CITES, e.g. Lisa Shu and Max Bazerman]) or agreed to a contract (see Kessler and Leider 2012) that will generate costs of taking the loophole. By providing the loophole a simple third option along with donate and do not donate, we likely minimized these costs, although 20% of subjects who played in the loophole condition chose not to donate and not to take the loophole in at least one round.23 While this paper has focused on the decision to register as an organ donor, and how priority allocation rules and their loopholes affect donation, we believe our results speak more broadly to public goods and club goods. Since only one person can use an individual organ, a transplanted organ is a private good. However, the registry of organ donors can be thought of as a public good since a larger pool of potential donors benefits the pool of potential recipients. In other words, registering to be an organ donor resembles a public good ex ante that may provide private goods ex post.24 The priority rule we study here turns this ex ante public good into a type of club good, that provides contributors with preferential access to the ex post private goods. We see that the allowing for a loophole that provides access to the club good for non-contributors undermines the effect and turns warm glow donors away from contribution. This latter result arises when subjects can observe the contributions and loophole selections of unit whether they donate or not and thus the only incentive to donate is the warm glow a subject feels from providing B units to subjects who might need one, just as in the control condition. 23 Although among these 20%, this choice was selected on average only 3 times out of the 15 rounds. Only one subject out of 368 made this choice — not donating and not taking the loophole — in all 15 rounds of the loophole condition. 24 It is worth noting that the pool of potential organ donors is rival (or congestible) since the more people who take organs from the pool decease the likelihood that others receive an organ — or force others to wait longer. This feature is common to other non-excludable goods (i.e. public parks, roads, and bridges) that are commonly thought of as public goods. 32 others and suggests that if loopholes cannot be avoided, it may be counterproductive to broadcast cases of the use of such a loophole. V. References James Andreoni, Privately provided public goods in a large economy: The limits of altruism, Journal of Public Economics, Volume 35, Issue 1, February 1988, Pages 57-73, ISSN 0047-2727, 10.1016/00472727(88)90061-8. Giving with Impure Altruism: Applications to Charity and Ricardian Equivalence James Andreoni Journal of Political Economy Vol. 97, No. 6 (Dec., 1989), pp. 1447-1458 Andreoni, J., (1990). “Impure altruism and donations to public goods: A theory of warm-glow giving,” The Economic Journal, 100(401):464–477. Becker 1974 Benabou, R., and J. Tirole, (2006). “Incentives and prosocial behavior,” American Economic Review, 96(5):1652–1678. Ariely, D., A. Bracha and S. Meier, (2009). “Doing good or doing well? image motivation and monetary incentives in behaving prosocially, American Economic Review, 99(1):544–55. Donate Life America Glazier, Alexandria K. Donor rights and registries, Lahey Clinic, Winter, 2006 (found at Winter2006_Legal.asp) Gneezy and Rustichini 2000, Fischbacher 2007 Kessler and Leider 2012 Kessler and Roth 2012 Kessler and Roth 2013 Lavee 2012 see Roth, 1997 Thaler and Sunstein 2008 33 34