Online Help for Structure of the Atom (Sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3) Chemistry: Matter and Change (Glencoe) 2008 (our textbook) Chapter 4: The Structure of the Atom ANIMATIONS Gold foil experiment Structure of the Atom SELF CHECK QUIZZES Section 1: Early Theories of Matter Section 2: The Atom and Subatomic Particles Georgia Public Broadcasting Video Lectures This public station has an entire high school level chemistry course online. This is not an honors-level course like ours but the videos are useful nonetheless. Each video is a 30 minute lecture on a very specific topic. If you want to try their note-taking system for the lecture, print out the “Note Taking Guide” on the page. Chemistry 301: The Development of the Atomic Theory Chemistry 302: The Structure of the Atom (302 is mostly about the subject matter in section 4.3 - How Atoms Differ) PapaPodcasts (High school science/math teacher Toronto, Ontario, Canada) The Atom, its Subatomic Particles and Chemical Notation Atomic Theory of Matter Dalton's Atomic Theory vs Modern Atomic Theory Hill and Petrucci (4th edition – note 3rd edition no longer available online) (select Ch. 7, Atomic Structure) On the “e-Media Activities” page, look at the following activities: Physical Properties of the Halogens Mixtures and Compounds Chlorine Gas Classification of Matter, Physical vs. Chemical Change Khan Academy Introduction to the Atom Brightstorm Atomic Structure Atomic Models Atomic Nucleus (last one on Rutherford but also about nuclear stability) Education Portal – Chem 101 Early Atomic Theory: Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford and Millikan Learning4Mastery Chemistry Videos Unit: Atomic Theory Intro to Chemistry: 2.1: History of the Atom (1/2) 8:20 Intro to Chemistry: 2.1: History of the Atom (2/2) 6:23 Online Help for Structure of the Atom (Section 4.3 – How Atoms Differ) Chemistry: Matter and Change (Glencoe) 2008 (our textbook) Chapter 4: The Structure of the Atom SELF CHECK QUIZ Section 4.3 How Atoms Differ Brightstorm Atomic Structure Atomic Mass Atomic Number - Isotopes Education Portal – Chemistry 101: General Chemistry Atomic Number and Mass Number Isotopes and Average Atomic Mass Georgia Public Broadcasting Video Lectures This public station has an entire high school level chemistry course online. This is not an honors-level course like ours but the videos are useful nonetheless. Each video is a 30 minute lecture on a very specific topic. If you want to try their note-taking system for the lecture, print out the “Note Taking Guide” on the page. Chemistry 302: The Structure of the Atom (302 is mostly about the subject matter in section 4.3) PapaPodcasts (High school science/math teacher Toronto, Ontario, Canada) The Atom, its Subatomic Particles and Chemical Notation Khan Academy (link there 09/26/2014) Introduction to the Atom (7 min) ChemTeam – A Tutorial for High School Chemistry (link good 09/26/2014, mhr)