FFA Beef Calf Enterprise The Preferred Beef Group (PBG) is in partnership with the Booker FFA to help students gain hands on working knowledge of the beef industry. The PBG will in good faith give a baby calf to an FFA member ito be raised by the FFA member. Students are expected to feed and care for the animal. The expense of feeding and caring for the animal will be the student’s responsibility. The PBG neither takes nor assumes no reasonability for the animal or student after the calf has been taken to the delivery and pick up point.ii PBG is very adamant that for safety and liability reasons they do not want students coming onto PBG property to obtain animals. They do not wish to be contacted about selecting or picking up animals as well. All correspondence to Preferred Beef Group will go through the Booker FFA Advisor. The Advisor of the Booker FFA will work with students to procure the calf(s) when; 1. A calf is available and 2. The students name is next on “the list” iiito receive the animal. iv Students have two hours from the time the calf is placed in the pen to pick the calf up. x After the animal has been picked up by the student ownership will remain with the Booker FFA and the student. Upon completion of the project the student will assume full ownership of the project and henceforth will assume all profits or losses gained while caring for calf or calves. v It is also understood that the FFA member whom is responsible for the calf will need help to care for animal(s). This could mean friends or family members. For the first few months the animals will have to be fed a minimum of twice daily. There are very few excuses that will be accepted as to why the calf was not being properly cared for. vi If, in the Advisors opinion, you are not caring for the animal properly the animal will be removed from your care.vii You will be responsible for the project until the calf reaches a minimum of 350#. viii All students are required to keep the records of the animal on the www.theaet.com SAE record book. Failure to do so will forfeit your next turn in the rotation. By signing I agree to follow the guidelines and rules as outlined in this document. _________________________________________ ___________ _______________________________ ________ _____________________________ _________ Student Date Parent/Guardian Date Advisor Date It is the hope that you will make a profit from this project; however the true intent is to give a student hands on experience of the beef industry. To do this I must see the project through to the first set point (350#). I agree not to sell the calf or calves until they reach this set point and if circumstances require me to do so I will give another member in the beef calf program first option to buy my animal. I will only sell my animal for the expenses I have accrued while working with the project. A copy of these expenses will be printed from my record book for verification of said expenses. ix i When referring to an FFA member in this document it is understood to mean either Sr. or Jr. FFA member. At present time the delivery and pick up point is located on property owned by Miller Supply (722 E. Industrial Rd.) Miller Supply nor its owner (Anita Miller) takes nor assumes any responsibility for the students or calves while they are on Miller Supply Property. iii The list is a list made up of students whom have agreed to feed and care for a calf. When the last student on the list is contacted the Advisor will start contacted students at the top of the list when a calf becomes available. If a student can not be reached in a timely manner an attempt will be made to contact the next student listed. iv Due to the nature of working with live animals and environmental concerns accommodations will be made to do what is considered best for the animal. Also due to time factors and other event which may or may not be out of our control final decision on doling out calves will be at the sole discretion of the Advisor. However, adhering to the order of the students on the list will be followed most of the time. v It is understood that problems will arise. Any special circumstances will be worked out between the calf owner and the Advisor. The Advisor’s decision is final. If you do not agree with the advisors decision you can mediate it through the proper channels (Principal, Superintendant, Booker Board of Education). vi Examples of acceptable excuses might be a snow storm that has roadways closed down or to hazardous to drive on. An accident involving the student or immediate family member (other accommodations should be made as soon as possible to care for the animal when an emergency arises). Non acceptable excuses could be; I had sport practice and then band and then ….., or “I forgot”, or “I ran out of feed”. Make arrangements for your animal to be cared for when you get busy. vii If in the case an animal has to be removed from your care you will still be responsible for the feed and any other products you purchased while the animal was in your care. You may or may not be reimbursed for the expenses that were incurred while caring for the animal. viii You will be allowed to sell the calf with the Advisors approval after the calf reaches 350#. It is the hope that the FFA as a group will have enough calves ready to sell in a group that you will coop your calf or calves and they will be sold as a group in the hopes of bringing a higher profit. There may also be a possibility you will be able to coop your calves into a larger group and feed them for a longer period in the hopes of a higher profit. More information and another contract will be made available if this option becomes available. ix If I sell my animal and do not following the guidelines set with-in this document I will be responsible to pay the Booker FFA market price at either the known weight or an estimated weight gained from animals of like size and age. x The USDA animal welfare inspector will pick up an animal that is left for more than two hours and we will not get that calf. ii