CWG Review 1: Spring 2015 Tier 1 Information: 1. Management Action N-5 Enhance the SEFCRI Florida reefs and ecosystems curriculum, including educating educators on available resources, and mandate that it be taught once in elementary school, once in middle school and once in high school (every school year) to provide science-based foundation for making future decisions to protect coral reefs. This revised RMA is a combination of the following original RMAs: N-5: Develop and implement a Florida reefs and coastal eco-systems curriculum for K through 12 that includes educating educators on resources available to provide science-based foundation for making future decisions to protect coral reefs and to also educate parents. S-49: Provide educational curriculum for Florida schools starting in elementary schools covering Florida marine, river and estuary environments to ensure future generations will continue to protect our Florida marine environment. 2. Intended Result (Output/Outcome) What is the end product/result of this management action? VE: Increased awareness and knowledge base of coral reefs, specifically in the SEFCRI region, to enhance health of Florida coral reefs through increased education. DA: To provide strong science-based foundation to students and parents for making future decisions MC: To encourage stewardship of reef resources A better-educated group of citizen activists. These students will be culturally informed, and will value and protect our natural environment. Students will in turn effect their friends/family positively. 3. Duration of Activity Is this a discrete action or a recurring activity? Explain. VE: recurring - will include process to develop curriculum (including recruiting groups to develop it) and process to implement it MC: recurring - activity-based program DA: recurring Discrete because it must be approved and integrated into the curriculum. SEFCRI Comment: Recurring: this needs to be worked on continually. 4. Justification What issue or problem will this management action address? Explain. VE: Lack of uniformity in education standards related to Florida coral reefs MC: Lack of a connection between the required educational standards and the unique local ecology of southeast Florida DA: Lack of a strong foundation in sciences (particularly marine science) for US students Lack of education, awareness, appreciation/reverence with respect to the marine environment for the general population. 5. Potential Pros What are the potential advantages associated with this management action? VE: Improved knowledge-base of students, parents, and teachers. A standardized, uniform curriculum for coral reef education across the state MC: Improved environmental stewardship and appreciation DA: More educated populous that is more educated and aware of environmental issues pertaining to importance of coral reefs There will be less need for recovery and repair due to damages. This type of program will nurture an informed citizenry, and encourage cultural shift towards ecosystem-based management. This could stimulate student interest in STEM programs. 6. Potential Cons What are the potential disadvantages associated with this management action? MC: Introducing another mandate and potential backlash among teachers and school districts in an increasingly data-driven environment (rigorous testing and dependence on standardized test scores), difficulty getting through approval process to be mandated VE: Time and cost to developing a new curriculum, some programs may be grant-based and continued funding may be uncertain, difficulty moving through bureaucracy to get this program mandated DA: Cost, time, money, and logistics of implementation Resistance, could be a barrier to entry. Usual resistance to change and improvement. Funding could be an issue as well. 7. Location County/Counties: Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Martin, Other? SEFCRI 4-county region Relevant Habitats: Coral reef, seagrass, watershed, etc.? VE: coral reefs, all other hardbottom, estuary, watershed (everything) - education program needs to address watershed in inland areas that affect these coastal and marine habitats DA: everything due to connectivity of habitats MC: all Specific Location: City, site name, coordinates, etc.? no specific location All applicable, across public and private school sectors. 8. Extent Area, number, etc. MC: All schools, at least once in each schooling level (elementary, middle, and high school) VE: State education board, at least all public school districts within the SEFCRI region DA: Addressed multiple times in k-12 everywhere 9. Is this action spatial in nature? no Do you believe this management action could be informed by the Our Florida Reefs Marine Planner Decision Support Tool? If yes, you will proceed to the next section on Marine Planner Information. Marine Planer Information: N/A Tier 2 Information: WHY? 1. Strategic Goals & Objectives to be Achieved Refer to the SEFCRI Coral Reef Management Goals and Objectives Reference Guide. Encourage improved coral reef conservation through increased public awareness, appreciation and community support. Increase understanding of the connection between coral reefs, watersheds, human activities, and human welfare. Improve environmental stewardship and encourage sustainable development and nonconsumptive resource use in southeast Florida. 2. Current Status Is this activity currently underway, or are there planned actions related to this recommendation in southeast Florida? If so, what are they, and what is their status. There are currently curriculum and activities available through SEFCRI and COSEE, perhaps more. However they are not widely known and not intrinsic parts of the k-12 science education curriculum in any grade level (no coral reef unit in any grade level). 3. Intended Benefits (Outcomes) What potential environmental benefits or positive impacts might this management action have? Addresses the problem of a public that is not aware of the importance and threats to our local reef ecosystem What potential social/economic benefits or positive impacts might this management action have? Develop a generation of educated stewards who desire to conserve our marine environment. Makes it easier to implement other management actions. What is the likely duration of these benefits - short term or long-lasting? Explain. Long lasting, continued and ongoing 4. Indirect Costs (Outcomes) What potential negative environmental impacts might this action have? none What potential negative social/economic impacts might this action have? none What is the likely duration of these negative impacts - short term or long-lasting? Explain. None 5. Risk What is the threat of adverse environmental, social, or economic effects arising from not implementing this action? 6. Relevant Supporting Data What existing science supports this recommendation? (Provide citations) 7. Information Gaps What uncertainties or information gaps still exist? Approval from local school boards is probably necessary or state legislature could mandate it. Who will write the curriculum, how long will it take? What grade levels? Already many mandates for students and teachers, could create backlash. WHEN? 8. Anticipated Timeframe for Implementation How long will this recommendation take to implement? 1-2 years 9. Linkage to Other Proposed Management Actions Is this activity linked to other proposed management recommendations? yes If so, which ones, and how are they linked? (e.g., is this activity a necessary step for other management actions to be completed?) N-18, addresses cultural difference education. They could be done together. Does this activity conflict with other existing or proposed management actions? WHO? 10. Lead Agency or Organization for Implementation What agency or organization currently has/would have authority? Refer to the Agencies and Actions Reference Guide. Local school board representatives (teachers)? Science curriculum supervisors in each district? FMSEA? 11. Other Agencies or Organizations Are there any other agencies or organizations that may also support implementation? Explain. Local school board representatives (teachers)? Science curriculum supervisors in each district? FMSEA? 12. Key Stakeholders Identify those stakeholders most greatly impacted by this management action, including those from whom you might expect a high level of support or opposition. Explain. Students, Parents, Teachers. Another mandate may create opposition among local school staff, teachers. Students should be generally supportive as will parents. HOW? 13. Feasibility Is there appropriate political will to support this? Explain. Choosing the best area as well as the best time of year Also marketing the event What are the potential technical challenges to implementing this action? Has it been done elsewhere? 14. Legislative Considerations Does the recommendation conflict with or actively support existing local, state, or federal laws or regulations? Explain. No, but may require legislative approval. 15. Permitting Requirements Will any permits be required to implement this action? Explain. 16. Estimated Direct Costs Approximately how much will this action likely cost? (Consider one-time direct costs, annual costs, and staff time, including enforcement.) $50-$100,000 Will costs associated with this activity be one-time or recurring? Should be one time to create curriculum and perhaps update occasionally. If recurring, approximately how long will staff time and annual costs be necessary to implement the management action? 17. Enforcement Does this require enforcement effort? Provide an explanation if available. 18. Potential Funding Sources Identify potential funding organizations/grant opportunities, etc. 19. Measurable Outcomes/Success Criteria/Milestones How will the success of this recommendation be measured? How will you know when the intended result is achieved? SEFCRI/TAC Targeted Questions: 1. TAC - Is the recommendation likely to achieve the intended result? Explain. Tier 1 – #2 (Intended Result - Output/Outcome) 2. TAC - Is the recommendation sufficient to address the identified issue or problem? Explain. Tier 1 – #4 (Justification) If there is a way to get onto some forum electronically, access a lot more people. This could be added to curriculum to address the issues., CPALMS Student resources and Tutorials. ADDRESSED 3. TAC - Is the recommendation technically achievable from a science or management perspective? Explain. Tier 2 – #8 (Anticipated Timeframe for Implementation) and Tier 2 - #13 (Feasibility) Yes. Create the curriculum, contact or upload to the above-mentioned websites. ADDRESSED 4. SEFCRI Team, PPT & Other Advisors - Has this been done (by SEFCRI, other agencies or organizations in the SEFCRI region)? Explain. Tier 2 – #2 (Current Status) Yes. SEFCRI offers teacher trainings to educate the teachers, as well as developed curriculum activities for K-12. 5. SEFCRI Team, PPT & Other Advisors - Is this recommendation a research or monitoring project? (Recommendations should be turn-dirt management actions, not the step you take before a management action). Explain. No. 6. SEFCRI Team, PPT & Other Advisors - If either of the following applies to this management action, provide feedback on which information submitted by the Community Working Groups may be more appropriate, or if entries should be merged. Explain. a. There are different viewpoints for an individual management action (i.e. two working group members provided separate information, as indicated by a ‘//’ marking between them). b. Information submitted for this and other draft management actions is sufficiently similar that they might be considered the same. N/A 7. SEFCRI Team, PPT & Other Advisors - Non-agency Question: Is the recommendation technically achievable from your stakeholder perspective? If not, do you have suggestions that would allow this to become technically achievable from your stakeholder perspective? Explain. Tier 1 - #5 (Potential Pros), Tier 1 - #6 (Potential Cons), Tier 2 - #3 (Intended Benefits), Tier 2 - #4 (Indirect Costs) and Tier 2 - #12 (Key Stakeholders) Advisors would be consulted to do this mandated program. 8. SEFCRI Team, PPT & Other Advisors - Agency Question: Is the recommendation technically achievable from a management perspective? If not, do you have suggestions that would allow this to become technically achievable from your agency's management perspective? Explain. Tier 2 – #10 (Lead Agency or Organization for Implementation) and Tier 2 - #11 (Other Agencies or Organizations) This exists in Broward County, just not coral-specific. However, it’s not mandatory in the system. This seems to be a two-fold management action. First, the schools: In her 2005 study, Armstrong discovered curriculum in Trinidad and Tobago schools was not interactive enough, and in addition to other methods, a field trip to local coral reefs was featured and helped facilitate success in communications of the materials. An element such as this would strengthen existing curriculum and lesson plan materials, and would be suitable for middle and high school students. It might be more logistically complicated to arrange a field component for elementary school aged students. The parents: While certainly possible that students would then share the information gleaned with parents, this audience may be better served with existing forms of education via the website, public service announcements. If we are trying to promote curriculum for the students, then it should be solely for that purpose, and any other residual learning is an added benefit, but I don’t think we should be trying to target the parents through the kids. FDEP/AZ Armstrong, H. 2005. Environmental education in Tobago’s primary schools: a case study of coral reef education. Revista de Biologia Tropical, Vol. 53. Comments from the Reviewers: -This RMA comes with a sense of urgency: we don’t know that we have ten years to do this, so what can be done now? -Explore options to make this mandatory-consultants exist that can assist with this. -To make this more feasible, can a SEFCRI member go to the school boards and present curriculum? -If there are resources available, how do we get these more widely known rather than instill a whole new curriculum? -Suggestion: meet with marine magnet schools (MAST, Broward County) to get guidance on how to approach this. -What is the entity that runs this? Appoint or approach a local group or make a committee to head this. NGO? Nature Conservancy? -Encourage and enhance current curriculum access and offerings (SEFCRI, COSEE) with the idea that these would become intrinsic eventually. Questions from the Reviewers: Questions/Information Needs Highlighted by the Reviewers 1. N/A 2. 3. Questions from the CWGs back to the Reviewers: Addressed by CWG: ☐ ☐ ☐ Not Addressed by CWG Because: ☐ This does not apply. ☐ Need help addressing it. ☐ This does not apply. ☐ Need help addressing it. ☐ This does not apply. ☐ Need help addressing it.