Minutes of Meeting of the Blarney/Macroom Municipal District held in

Minutes of Meeting of the Blarney/Macroom Municipal District held in the Old
Convent Hall, Blarney, Co. Cork on Friday 31st October 2014 at 11.00 a.m.
Cllrs. Aindrias Moynihan (Cathaoirleach), Michael Creed, Ted Lucey,
Des O’Grady, Bob Ryan and Kevin Conway
Mr. Maurice Manning, S/Director of Services
Mr. Eoin Bennett, Assistant Engineer
Mr. Conor Shannon, Assistant Engineer
Ms. Susan Murphy, Municipal District Officer
Mr. Aidan Creagh, A/Senior Executive Engineer
Before the meeting, the Cathaoirleach suspended the Standing Orders to allow for the
change of date of the meeting from Friday 24th October to Friday 31st October. The
Cathaoirleach welcomed everyone to the Old Convent Hall and that it was agreed that 3-4
Municipal District Meetings would be held in the Blarney area. Cllr O’Grady stated that he
had proposed the idea first and that he was glad to see everyone in Blarney at the meeting.
On the proposal of Councillor Lucey and seconded by Councillor Conway, the minutes of
the proceedings of the Blarney/Macroom Municipal District meeting held on the 26th
September, 2014, having been circulated, were confirmed and signed by the
On the proposal of Councillor Conway and seconded by Councillor O’Grady, the minutes
of the meeting to consider the Draft Budgetary Plan for the Blarney/Macroom Municipal
District for 2015, having been circulated, were confirmed and signed by the
1. Land for Tidy Towns
Cllr Lucey asked for an update in relation to the land in Masseytown that may be used
by the Tidy Towns for storing of equipment etc. C. Shannon, AE, said that he was
checking the availability of same with the Property Section in Cork County Council and
would revert back at the next meeting re same. Cllr Lucey asked if the subject could be
made a priority.
Cllr Lucey enquired how the CCTV project was progressing. C. Shannon, AE advised that
the consultation period was now over and that the next stage would be to prepare to go
to tender.
3. Raising the footpath by the bridge
Cllr lucey enquired if an investigation had taken place into raising the footpath by the
bridge. C. Shannon, AE advised that the matter would be looked into when the budgets
for 2015 were available.
4. Resurfacing of Main Street in Macroom
C. Shannon, AE advised that hopefully the resurfacing work for the main street would
commence early in the New Year and he also advised that he was preparing the tender
for the Fairgreen project. Cllr Creed welcomed the work on the main street and enquired
if the work would be done during the day or night. C. Shannon, AE advised that he
would check same with the NRA. Cllr Moynihan enquired if the utility companies were
notified of the start date of the resurfacing. C. Shannon, AE advised that the Gas
company were no longer canvassing in the area but that he would ask the NRA to advise
the utilities of the start date of the resurfacing.
5. Speed Limits
Cllr O’Grady enquired about the recently issued Circular in relation to introducing special
speed limits in housing estates. S. Murphy, MDO advised that she received the Circular
on Thursday 30th October and was going to bring same up under AOB. Each Municipal
District should prioritise the estates within its district (5 estates per MD) as an initial
step. Cllr O’Grady advised that Members should draw up a list of estates for the next
meeting and to put Speed Limits on the Next Agenda so that matter can be discussed
6. Woodview Estate
Cllr O’Grady advised that there was a bad bend in this estate. E. Bennett, AE advised
that he would check the matter with A. Creagh, A/SEE and revert back at the next
7. Senandale, Cloghroe
Cllr O’Grady enquired about the footpath that people use in this estate to cross to
the shop. E. Bennett, AE advised that he would check this matter out as there should
be a budget available for same.
8. Patsy Bridge
Cllr O’Grady enquired about the update re Patsy Bridge. E. Bennett advised that a
number of bridges were to be completed by the end of November early December
and he would check the status of this project.
9. Kilmore Road
Cllr O’Grady enquired about the update re Kilmore Road as he had brought this area
up at the last meeting. E. Bennett, AE advised that he would check the matter out
with A. Creagh, A/SEE and would revert back at the next meeting re same.
10. Hedgecutting – Farran Hill/Farran Woods
Cllr O’Grady enquired about the above matter. E. Bennett, AE advised that a letter
was issued to the landowners in the area re same.
11. Laharn to Leedes Cross
Cllr Creed enquired if the resurfacing of the road from Laharn to Leedes Cross was
on the list for next year. C. Shannon, AE advised it was on the list but that the list
was being revised and was dependent on the budget that was being provided.
12. Ardeen Road
Cllr Creed enquired if the Ardeen Road was taken off and C. Shannon, AE confirmed
it was as Clondrodid was completed but Ardeen would be on the 2015 list.
13. Bridge near Hanover Hall
Cllr Creed advised that the bridge near Hanover Hall was in a shocking state. Conor
Shannon, AE advised that the bridge would be put on the list and if funding was
provided for same that something would be done in the area.
14. Bridge by Cloughduv and Bandon
Cllr Ryan enquired about an update on this bridge. E. Bennett, AE advised that the
Fisheries submitted a D. Order that morning and works should commence shortly.
Cllr O’Grady enquired if the Bridge would have to be closed after the work. E.
Bennett, AE advised that the bridge may have to remain closed for 1-2 days after the
work has been completed but he will check same with the contractor. Cllr Creed
advised that the deadline for this work was the 1st week in November and Cllr Ryan
advised that people were getting frustrated at this stage.
15. Meenahony Bridge
Cllr Ryan enquired about an update re Meenahony Bridge. E. Bennett, AE advised
that the Inland Fisheries had done a D. Order.
16. Kilmartin Bridge, Donoughmore
Cllr Ryan looked for an update on the Kilmartin Bridge. E. Bennett, AE said that he
would put this bridge on the list for December.
17. Double yellow lines bypass road in Blarney
Cllr Conway enquired if the double yellow lines could be placed on the bypass road.
E. Bennett, AE advised that he did not meet the owner of the green space yet but
that A. Creagh, A/SEE and John Donegan, SE were reviewing the lining in the area
and would revert back at the next meeting. Cllr Ryan advised that businesses may
not be happy if double yellow lines are placed in the area and that businesses should
be consulted on same.
18. Traffic Lights across from the Old Convent Hall
Cllr Conway enquired if the lights here could be fixed so that there is not a delay
between pressing the pedestrian button and the lights coming on. E. Bennett, AE
advised that this could be done and he was waiting to receive a price on same.
19. Subsidence in Elm Court Estate
Cllr Conway enquired about the update on the subsidence problem in Elm Court. E.
Bennett, AE advised that further subsidence took place 2 days ago and that a letter
seeking funding to aid the situation was being drawn up. Cllr O’Grady enquired if a
concrete barrier or paving could be put on top of the bank. Cllr Ryan said it was a
serious problem for all houses around the area and that the longer we leave it the
worse the problem will get. E. Bennett, AE advised that there was a gully at the
location leaking and this may have caused the recent problem. The gully will be
repaired and measures will be put in place to keep traffic at a minimum on the road.
20. New Secondary School in Blarney
Cllr Conway enquired about the footpath options that would be available in this area
as there could potentially be 700 students in this new school. E. Bennett, AE said
that the matter was investigated and a design would be done on same and that
funding was going to be sought for the project.
21. Naming of Road
Cllr Conway enquired about naming the road outside of the meeting Convent Road.
E. Bennett advised that he would organise a sign for same and that the sign would
be similar to the ones put up recently.
22. Kerry Road
Cllr Conway enquired about the footpath on Kerry Road. E. Bennett, AE advised that
they had looked for funding for same for 2015.
A discussion took place on the above meeting. Cllr Conway advised that he was not able
to make the meeting as he had prior commitments. M. Manning, S/DOS advised that a
representative from Management Team would attend maybe Declan Daly or Tom Stritch
or the County Engineer. Cllr Lucey advised that C. Shannon, AE and S. Murphy, MDO
should attend as they are in the Macroom office. S. Murphy, MDO advised that she
would organise a meeting for the group that was going to the deputation before the
group met with the Minister.
S. Murphy, MDO circulated a spreadsheet outlining the local clubs/associations that had
applied for an Amenity Grant to Macroom Town Council prior to the 31st May, 2014. On
the proposition of Cllr Lucey and seconded by Cllr O’Grady the attached Amenity Grant
Scheme for 2014 was adopted.
6. AOB
1. Pay Parking
Cllr Lucey asked if the 2 hour free parking could apply from the 6th December and
not the 8th December as the lights are to be switched on early in Macroom. Cllr
O’Grady asked if the relaxation of pay parking arrangements could be applied from
the 1st December. M. Manning, S/DOS advised that he would enquire if the 2 hour
free parking could apply from the 6th December as opposed to the 8th December as
the Christmas lights were being switched on then. Cllr Creed advised that there was
plenty of free parking in Macroom and the money may be down this year as there
are more options available to people. Cllr O’Grady advised the meeting that
businesses in the square were finding it very difficult as they had pay parking on
their doorsteps and that it was free outside the big shopping centres. Cllr Lucey said
that pay parking does provide the Council with money and he was proposing that the
free 2 hour parking would commence on the 6th December. A lengthy discussion took
place on pay parking and the meeting proposed that the 2 hour pay parking would
be applied from the 6th December to 24th December, this was proposed by Cllr Lucey
and seconded by Cllr Ryan and approval for same would be sought from the Chief
Executive. Cllr O’Grady wished that it would be recorded that he was not happy with
same and that he would prefer it to be from the 29th November/1st December.
2. Borris Cross
Cllr Conway advised that the traffic management was terrible and that he himself
was stuck in traffic for at least 25 minutes and that health and safety issues did not
seem to be adhered to. Cllr Conway also advised that businesses/residents in the
area should have been notified in advance. E. Bennett, AE noted same.
Cllr Conway
Cllr Conway went through the following local issues in the greater Blarney Area:
Road Markings and Signage –
Yellow boxes at Station Cross and Waterloo Road Junctions need to be renewed. E.
Bennett advised this was part of the road lining.
Signage at the Credit Union junction needs to be increased and perhaps rumble
strips need to be installed at both the Tower and Village sides of that junction. E.
Bennett to look into same.
Rumble strips need to be renewed and road markings need to be replaced at the
entrance to Monacnapa and at Glean na Ri on the Tower Road.
Junction of Kerry Road at Tower Cross needs to be looked at re-road markings and
Speed limit and other signage on the Killowen road needs attention. E. Bennett
advised he would look into the signage of same.
A Cork/Dublin/Waterford directional sign with an arrow needs to be erected at the
Blarney end of Rosses Lane/Tweedmount. E. Bennett advised that he will let the NRA
know re same.
Storm Drains
All storm drains in the Blarney/Tower area need to be checked and cleaned,
especially outside this building. E. Bennett will organise same.
Footpaths need attention in the following areas in Blarney, Ard Darra, The Groves,
Monacnapa and Lauriston. E. Bennett advised that he will prioritise the areas that
need the most attention.
Derelict Ground
What is the status of the overgrown wasteground beside the apartments in Glen
View Heights Monacnapa? Cllr Conway advised that the residents in the area are
prepared to assist as there appears to be rodents present. E. Bennett will look into
Bridge at Rock hill/Lyreadane junction in Grenagh requires urgent attention.
Health & Safety
Perimeter wall between Hill houses and Monacnapa needs to be knocked and re built
to allow access to Fire Brigade, Ambulance and other emergency services. E. Bennett
to investigate same.
What type of water scheme supplies Donoghmore Cross, is it mains or Group Water
Scheme. E. Bennett to check out same.
What is the status of the road to the left of Rathduff Bridge, has it been taken over
or will it be taken over by Cork County Council? E. Bennett to check into same and
revert back.
Dangerous bend at Clonteadmore Coachford needs urgent attention.
Public light across from St. Johns Terrace on Station Road, Blarney obliterated by
over growth from trees.
Housing Estates
Is it possible to get a list of estates in the Blarney/Tower area that have not been
taken in charge by Cork County Council to date? E. Bennett to make list available for
next meeting.
Would it be possible to develop an extra pitch on land beside O’Shea Park in
Riverview Estate and could the short term yearly lease on the carpark be extended to
a minimum of 5 years so that Blarney United Football Club could fence off and
maintain the carpark? E. Bennett to investigate same.
Curracippane Cemetery needs cleaning and maintenance. This is in the Cobh Area
now. What is the situation regarding access through the main gates of the two
cemeteries in Garrycloyne at weekends? E. Bennett advised that people can access
the graveyard at weekends but vehicles are not allowed in at the weekend.
Branches of trees are restricting vision of the road at All Saints Cemetery
2015 marks 250 years since the foundation of Blarney Village. Any assistance,
financial or otherwise to help celebrate this momentous event will be appreciated.
Mr. Conway also thanked Blarney Community Council for providing their facilities and
hosting this meeting.
Cllr Ryan
Knockawn Bridge
Cllr Ryan advised that one house was flooded 3 times as a result of this bridge being
blocked. The kitchen in the house has had to be replaced twice. E. Bennett, AE
advised that he would look into this situation
Power Supply to Christmas Lights in Tower
Cllr Ryan enquired if there was any update for the power supply for the Christmas
Lights in Tower. E. Bennett, AE advised he would check this with A. Creagh, A/SEE.
Road Markings by the Credit Union
Cllr Ryan enquired about the road markings by the Credit Union. E. Bennett, AE
advised that he would investigate same for the next meeting.
St. Senan’s Graveyard
Cllr Ryan advised that the height of the grass in the cemetery was very high and
could this be addressed. E. Bennett, AE advised that he would contact the man that
is concerned re same and ensure that the problem is rectified.
Road Markings at the end of the straight road
Cllr Ryan advised that the road markings at the end of the straight road are very
confusing. E. Bennett, AE advised that he would check same with the NRA as they
are responsible for same.
Leemount Cross to Cloghroe
There is a litter problem on the right hand side and people are concerned with same.
E. Bennett, AE advised that when illegal dumping does occur, the rubbish can be
taken away.
Text Alert Signs
Cllr Ryan enquired if Cork County Council put up “text alert signs” on community
signs. A text number would be on the sign and you would text this number if you
saw something suspicious etc. E. Bennett, AE advised that he would talk to his
Director of Services re same and revert back.
Work in Cloghroe
Cllr Ryan congratulated the people that did the work recently in Cloghroe as it was a
difficult place to work and the job that was carried out was great.
St. Philomena’s Crescent in Tower
There are mature trees outside houses here and elderly people are getting
concerned about same. E. Bennett, AE to investigate same.
Cllr O’Grady
Inniscarra Bridge
Cllr O’Grady advised that there are traffic disruptions going over this bridge as it is
hard to visually see on same and sometimes vans meet where they can’t pass each
other etc. Can traffic lights be put on the bridge? Cllr Creed advised that this matter
had arisen previously and that traffic lights could not be put in the area.
Leemount Cross
Cllr O’Grady advised that he spoke with A.Creagh in relation to buses dropping
students off by the monument and that it is very dangerous. E. Bennett, AE advised
he would look into this matter for the next meeting.
Coachford Village
Cllr O’Grady advised that there are two very bad bends in the Coachford Village up to
Peak Cross. Do the Council own the land around these bends? Cllr Moynihan advised
that the land is owned by housing and that work was to take place that would take
out part of the bend via Part 8. Cllr Creed advised that there is no funding for this
project and that John Lapthorne advised Members of same several years ago. A brief
discussion took place on this issue.
Sunberry Heights
There is a raised manhole cover here and a pothole. E. Bennett, AE to investigate
Ardmore Drive
The footpaths outside 23/24 Ardmore Drive need to be address. E. Bennett, AE to
investigate same.
Bridge – N6770
There is a sharp right hand turn to this bridge and the road also needs to be
resurfaced in this area. E. Bennett, AE to investigate same.
Rudden Homes
Cllr O’Grady would like a written report in relation to the planning contributions that
Rudden Homes paid for infrastructure in Grange Cross, Kilmurry for the next meeting
– what was the money spent on.
Cllr Creed
Kilbarry Bridge
Cllr. Creed enquired if work will be finished at the end of the week. C. Shannon, AE
advised that he was hoping that all final resurfacing would be done by
Monday/Tuesday next week and work would be completed very shortly. He would
check same with Liam Dromey as Liam is the Engineer over the project.
Kilbarry Road to Toames Bridge
The Road surface here is in a shocking state. C. Shannon, AE advised that this area
was on the list of projects to do.
Kilcullen Road, Rylane
Cllr Creed advised that there are a lot of potholes around this area.
Deshure, Terelton.
Cllr Creed had a query on this area and he was advised that Cait Lehane in the
Dunmanway office would be able to deal with same.
Cllr Lucey
Feature Lights on Bridge
Cllr Lucey enquired about the feature lights on the bridge in Macroom. C. Shannon,
AE to contact the NRA re same.
O’Riada’s Carpark
Cllr Lucey advised that the footpath has sunk in this area. C. Shannon, AE advised
that he was aware of same but there was no funding available at the moment for
same. He has tidied up the area to make it safe and he would hope to get some
money in 2015 for same. Cllr Lucey asked if the carpark could be addressed as there
is a lot of glass there on Sunday mornings after the nightclub the night before.
C. Shannon, AE advised that he would look into same.
SEE for Macroom
Cllr Lucey & Cllr Moynihan enquired when the new SEE would be coming to
Macroom. C. Shannon, AE advised that Mr. Dwyer was waiting for his replacement to
go to Skibbereen before he could be released.
Carpark – Fitzgerald’s place
Cllr Lucey enquired if a small amount of lining could be done in the carpark in
Fitzgerald’s Place. C. Shannon, AE advised that money is set aside for the complete
job to be done in early 2015.
Cllr Lucey enquired if the main street was to be closed to take out a crane. C.
Shannon, AE advised that this was correct and the work was provisionally booked in
for night-time.
2 Mile Bridge
Cllr Lucey enquired if the 2 mile bridge was due to be closed. C. Shannon, AE
advised it was going to be closed from the 7th, 8th and 9th of November as railing had
to be replaced.
Bus Depot in Macroom
Cllr Lucey advised that he spoke with Martin Walsh, Bus Eireann re Bus Depot in
Macroom. Bus Eireann would like to demolish part of the buildings in the bus depot
but it was not in a position to do so financially and planning would not allow same
Bus Shelters
Cllr Lucey enquired if the Council could do anything about Bus Shelters. Cllr Lucey
was advised that this was a matter for Bus Eireann.
Cllr Moynihan
Resurfacing – Enniskeane
Cllr Moynihan advised that the resurfacing in this area made a huge improvement
and he received very positive feedback re same. He queries the lining by pedestrian
cross. C. Shannon, AE to check same with Liam Dromey, CCC.
N22 Aldi Junction in Macroom
Cllr Moynihan advised that the lining of the junction was a big plus but wondered if
there was an intention to input a yellow box from when traffic would be coming from
the N22 and from the school? C. Shannon, AE advised that there was no yellow box
planned but when the Town was being resurfaced he could investigate same. A Full
single junction was not needed as the traffic volumes are too low.
Cllr Moynihan thanked the Blarney Community Council for making the building available
to the Members of Blarney/Macroom Municipal District for their October Monthly
Municipal District Meeting.